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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: February 17, 1992
Legislation: Sections 30b(1) & 31 Regulations 896 – Registry Act

Bulletin content:

The Registry Act provides that instruments that are not on paper of good quality are not acceptable for registration under The Land Titles Act or under The Registry Act.

Documents produced from a facsimile (fax) machine on regular fax paper are not acceptable for registration even if there is an original signature. Experience indicates that the print on most types of fax paper fades quickly to the point where the document becomes unreadable. Documents on this type of paper are also more difficult to microfilm.

However, if the facsimile is produced on regular bond paper, and the required signatures are original, the document may be acceptable for registration. The standard rules concerning legibility and ability to microfilm still apply.

This bulletin replaces Bulletin No. 88005.

Original signed by:

Despina H. Georgas , Director of Land Registration
Katherine M. Murray, Director of Titles