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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: July 7, 1999
Legislation: Land Titles Act, Registry Act, Land Transfer Tax Act

Bulletin content:

Section 2 of the Land Transfer Tax Act was amended to provide that in some circumstances the transferor rather than the transferee can make the Affidavit of Residence and Value of Consideration.

The circumstances under which the transferor can make the affidavit are:

  1. If the transferor is tendering or submitting the conveyance for registration;
  2. If no tax is payable under the Land Transfer Act in respect of the conveyance; and
  3. If the transferor satisfies the Minister that the transferor has sufficient information to enable the transferor to make the affidavit

In all other situations the transferee must make the affidavit.

This bulletin is for information purposes and has been agreed to by the Ministry of Finance.

Original signed by:

Ian Veitch, Director of Land Registration
Katherine M. Murray, Director of Titles