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Legislative tables

Learn more about legislative tables and the type of information they contain.


Legislative tables provide historical and other information about Ontario’s:

  • public statutes
  • regulations
  • private statutes

These tables are prepared for convenience only and should not be relied on as authoritative. They are generally updated within 2 business days.

Public statutes and ministers responsible

A list of Ontario’s consolidated and unconsolidated public statutes. Indicates whether the statute is on e-Laws, whether any laws amended the statute or any change notices were given affecting it, the Minister(s) responsible for the statute, and whether the statute has been repealed.


Sometimes, provisions of a statute cannot come into force unless a proclamation is issued by the Lieutenant Governor. This table specifies the date on which each such provision came into force, or will come into force, under the Lieutenant Governor’s proclamation or indicates that a proclamation has not yet been issued.

Consolidated statutes correction notices

Notices given by the Chief Legislative Counsel about the correction of publication or consolidation errors in consolidated statutes on e-Laws.

Consolidated statutes change notices

Notices given by the Chief Legislative Counsel about the exercise of change powers under section 42 of the Legislation Act, 2006 respecting consolidated statutes.

Public statute provisions repealed under section 10.1 of the Legislation Act, 2006

A list of public statute provisions repealed under section 10.1 of the Legislation Act, 2006. Items in this table were repealed because they remained unproclaimed 10 or more years after being enacted.


A list of Ontario’s consolidated and unconsolidated regulations. Indicates the statute under which the regulation was made, whether the regulation is on e-Laws, whether any laws amended the regulation or any change notices were given affecting it, and whether it has been revoked or identified as spent.

Source regulations correction notices-publication dates

Publication dates of the notices given by the Registrar of Regulations about the correction of publication errors in source regulations on e-Laws and in The Ontario Gazette.

Consolidated regulations correction notices

Notices given by the Chief Legislative Counsel about the correction of publication or consolidation errors in consolidated regulations on e-Laws.

Consolidated regulations change notices

Notices given by the Chief Legislative Counsel about the exercise of change powers under section 42 of the Legislation Act, 2006 respecting consolidated regulations.

Private Statutes

A list of the private statutes of the Legislature of Ontario passed since 1867 that may still have effect.

Private statute provisions repealed under section 10.1 of the Legislation Act, 2006

A list of private statute provisions repealed under section 10.1 of the Legislation Act, 2006. Items in this table were repealed because they remained unproclaimed 10 or more years after being enacted.

Detailed legislative history tables

Detailed legislative history tables are no longer maintained. However, you can still download archived versions, and certain consolidated statutes and regulations on e-Laws now feature legislative history information.

Learn more about legislative history information on e-Laws

Download public statute tables (.zip 12MB)

Download regulations tables (.zip 30MB)

Legislative amendment history is included in the table of public statutes and ministers responsible and the table of regulations.

Legend (Glossary of technical terms used in all tables)

c. chapter
CTR Change Table for Regulations
CTS Change Table for Statutes
O. Reg. Ontario Regulation
para. paragraph(s)
Reg. Regulation
R.R.O. Revised Regulations of Ontario
R.R.O. 1990 Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990
R.S.O. Revised Statutes of Ontario
R.S.O. 1990 Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1990
s. section(s), subsection(s), clause(s)
Sched. Schedule
Sess. Session
S.O. Statutes of Ontario


Updated: May 6, 2023