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under Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.7

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current July 1, 2018 (e-Laws currency date)
December 15, 2017 June 30, 2018

Health Protection and Promotion Act



Historical version for the period December 15, 2017 to June 30, 2018.

Note: THIS REGULATION IS NOT YET IN FORCE. It comes into force on July 1, 2018. (See: O. Reg. 502/17, s. 20)

No amendments.

This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.

Interpretation and Application

Interpretation and application

1. (1) In this Regulation,

“building” means any building, vehicle or other structure or premises used or intended to be used for accommodation for employees or for the storage, preparation or serving of food; (“bâtiment”)

“Building Code” means Ontario Regulation 332/12 (Building Code) made under the Building Code Act, 1992; (“code du bâtiment”)

“camp” means a camp in territory without municipal organization in which buildings are used to accommodate five or more employees who are employed in mining work, lumbering work or any other labour work; (“camp”)

Food Premises Regulation” means Ontario Regulation 493/17 (Food Premises) made under the Act; (“Règlement sur les dépôts d’aliments”)

“operator” with respect to a camp, means a person who owns or operates the camp, whether personally or by agents. (“exploitant”)

(2) A reference in this Regulation to the medical officer of health or a public health inspector means the medical officer of health or a public health inspector, as the case may be, of the board of health in the health unit in which the camp referred to is situated.

(3) No person shall operate or maintain a camp to which this Regulation applies except in accordance with this Regulation.


Notification: commencement

2. Every person who intends to commence operation of a camp shall notify the medical officer of health or a public health inspector of the name of the operator, the operator’s contact information and the location of the camp at least 14 days before commencing operation.

Notification: change

3. Where any change is made in respect of any of the matters referred to in section 2, the operator shall notify the medical officer of health or a public health inspector in writing, with details of the change, within 14 days after the change is made.

Notification: disease

4. Every operator shall immediately notify the medical officer of health or a public health inspector of an outbreak or suspected outbreak of any communicable disease in the camp.

Notification: camp closed

5. Every operator shall ensure that, when the camp is closed or abandoned,

(a) the medical officer of health or a public health inspector is promptly notified of the closing or abandonment; and

(b) the camp is left in a sanitary condition.

Camp Safety

Operator training

6. Every owner of a camp shall ensure that every operator is trained in the administration, management and operation of the camp and in all the camp’s safety procedures.

Communicable disease

7. Every operator shall ensure that every person living in or employed in the camp is free of any communicable disease.

Animals susceptible to rabies

8. Every operator shall ensure that no animal that is susceptible to rabies is brought into the camp unless,

(a) the animal has a rabies immunization certificate issued by a veterinarian indicating that the animal is current on its rabies immunizations; and

(b) the animal’s last rabies immunization was administered at least 30 days before it was brought into the camp.

Camp Construction and Maintenance

Ensuring health, safety and sanitary condition

9. Every operator shall ensure that the camp is,

(a) located and constructed in accordance with the Building Code;

(b) maintained in accordance with the design, construction and installation requirements of the Building Code;

(c) free from any condition that may endanger the health or safety of any person living in or employed in the camp; and

(d) maintained in a sanitary condition.

Water supply

10. (1) Every operator shall ensure that the water supply of the camp is,

(a) obtained from a source or sources approved by the medical officer of health or a public health inspector; and

(b) sufficient to meet the requirements of the camp.

(2) Every operator shall ensure that water provided for human consumption in the camp is potable.

(3) Where the medical officer of health or a public health inspector is of the opinion that the water supply of a camp requires treatment, the medical officer of health or a public health inspector may require the operator to treat the water in order to render it potable.

(4) An operator who is required by the medical officer of health or a public health inspector to treat water in order to render it potable shall,

(a) treat the water as required; and

(b) ensure that a record of the kind and method of treatment of the water supply is kept on the premises of the camp for at least one year from the making of the record.

Pest control

11. Every operator shall,

(a) ensure that the camp is maintained and operated to ensure the premises are protected against the entry of pests and kept free of conditions that lead to the harbouring or breeding of pests; and

(b) maintain records of all pest control measures that are undertaken in the camp and retain the records for at least one year after they are made.

Sanitary facilities

12. (1) Every operator shall ensure that sanitary facilities in the camp are maintained in accordance with the design, construction and installation requirements of the Building Code.

(2) Every operator shall ensure that every sanitary facility in the camp is kept sanitary, properly equipped and in good repair at all times.

(3) Every operator shall ensure that every sanitary facility in the camp is equipped with,

(a) a constant supply of hot and cold running water;

(b) a supply of toilet paper;

(c) a durable, easy-to-clean receptacle for used towels and other waste material;

(d) a supply of soap or detergent; and

(e) a method of hand drying that uses single-service towels or a hot air dryer.

(4) A camp where water-flush toilets could not be installed by the operator of the camp is exempt from the requirements of clauses (3) (a), (d) and (e) if,

(a) non-flush toilets or privies completely separate from the camp were constructed in accordance with a permit issued under the Building Code Act, 1992; and

(b) the facilities are lighted and provided with commercially-packaged single-use moist towelettes.

(5) No operator shall alter the floor space, number of toilets or washbasins in a sanitary facility without first receiving approval in writing from a public health inspector.


13. Every operator shall ensure that garbage and waste are collected and removed from the camp as often as is necessary to keep the camp in a sanitary condition.

Food premises

14. (1) Every operator shall ensure that, if food is offered at a camp, the requirements that apply to the storage, preparation and service of food at food service premises under the provisions of the Food Premises Regulation respecting operation and maintenance, cleaning and sanitizing and food handling are complied with, with the exception of requirements for inspections to be posted in accordance with the medical officer of health or a public health inspector’s request.

(2) Every operator shall ensure that there is at least one dining room and one kitchen in the camp.


15. Every operator shall ensure that each building in the camp has and is maintained with adequate ventilation to ensure the elimination of odours, fumes, vapours, smoke and excessive heat.


16. (1) Every operator shall ensure that each building in the camp that is intended to be used for sleeping is maintained in accordance with the design, construction and installation requirements of the Building Code.

(2) Every operator shall ensure that mattresses, blankets, pillows and pillow cases are kept in sanitary condition and in sufficient supply to meet the needs of all the persons in the camp.

Washing and laundry

17. (1) Every operator shall ensure that the areas for washing, bathing and laundering clothes in the camp are maintained in accordance with the design, construction and installation requirements of the Building Code.

(2) Every operator shall ensure that the facilities for laundering include a constant supply of hot and cold water.


18. Every operator shall ensure that the levels of illumination required under the Building Code are maintained during all hours when the camp is in operation.

19. Omitted (revokes other Regulations).

20. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation).