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Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994
Loi de 1994 sur la planification et l’aménagement du territoire de l’Ontario


formerly under The Parkway Belt Planning and Development Act, 1973 formerly under Parkway Belt Planning and Development Act

Regional Municipality of York, Town of Markham

Historical version for the period July 25, 2019 to June 30, 2023.

Last amendment: 249/19.

Legislative History: 758/73, 10/74, 21/74, 64/74, 67/74, 89/74, 143/74, 192/74, 344/74, 617/74, 758/74, 999/74, 83/75, 182/75, 183/75, 406/75, 534/75, 551/75, 693/75, 751/75. 820/75, 860/75, 999/75, 12/76, 118/76, 159/76, 207/76, 289/76, 430/76, 510/76, 606/76, 849/76, 74/77, 161/77, 279/77, 574/77, 779/77, 885/77, 109/78, 251/78, 314/78, 386/78, 401/78, 439/78 489/78, 531/78, 877/78, 4/79, 95/79, 263/79, 887/79, 83/80, 326/80, 623/80, 686/80, 1124/80, 282/81, 443/81, 582/81, 432/82, 437/82, 470/82, 513/82, 593/82, 317/83, 489/83, 491/83, 634/83, 718/83, 770/83, 11/84, 171/84, 689/84, 442/85, 498/85, 533/85, 586/85, 639/85, 30/86, 36/86, 218/86, 355/86, 361/86, 401/86, 465/86, 534/86, 601/86, 625/86, 137/87, 201/87, 535/87, 600/87, 282/88, 641/88, 501/90, 591/90, 700/91, 553/92, 81/93, 175/93, 307/93, 329/93, 295/95, 474/95, 202/99, 52/04, 353/06, 437/07, 3/08, 300/09, 510/09, 7/11, 456/11, 105/12 (am. by 96/15), 212/13, CTR 18 NO 13 - 1, CTR 18 NO 13 - 2, 1/14, 28/15, 428/16, 429/16, 249/19.

This Regulation is made in English only.















Permitted Uses



Building Line



Rebuilding and Repairs



Buildings to Front on Street



Home Occupation





Schedule 1



Schedule 3



Schedule 4



Schedule 5



Schedule 6



Schedule 7



Schedule 8



Schedule 9



Schedule 10



Schedule 11



Schedule 12



Schedule 13



Schedule 15



Schedule 16



Schedule 17



Schedule 18



Schedule 19



Schedule 20



Schedule 21



Schedule 22



Schedule 23



Schedule 24



Schedule 25



Schedule 26



Schedule 27



Schedule 28



Schedule 30



Schedule 31



Schedule 32



Schedule 33



Schedule 35



Schedule 36



Schedule 37



Schedule 38



Schedule 39



Schedule 40



Schedule 41



Schedule 43



Schedule 44



Schedule 47



Schedule 48



Schedule 49



Schedule 50



Schedule 51







Part I


1. In this Regulation,

“accessory”, when used to describe a use, building or structure, means a use, building or structure normally incidental or subordinate to the principal use, building or structure located on the same lot;

“agricultural use” includes a use of land, buildings or structures for the purpose of forestry, field crops, fruit farming, market gardening, dairying, animal husbandry, poultry or beekeeping;

“dwelling” means one or more habitable rooms designed for use by and occupied by not more than one household and in which separate kitchen and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of the household, with a private entrance from outside the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building;

“floor area” means the total area of all floors contained within the outside walls of a building, excluding in the case of a single dwelling, the floor area of a private garage, porch, verandah, unfinished attic, basement or cellar;

“frontage” means the width of a lot measured along a line twenty-five feet back from the street and parallel to the lot line abutting the street;

“front yard” means a yard extending across the full width of a lot on which a building is situate, and extending from the front lot line to the main wall of the building for which such front yard is required that is nearest to the front lot line;

“home occupation” means any occupation for gain or support conducted entirely within a single or semi-detached dwelling by one or more member of the household residing in the dwelling, provided that,

(a)  there is no external display or advertising other than a sign having a total display area not exceeding two square feet.

(b)  there is no external storage of goods or materials, and not more than 25 per cent of the total floor area is used for the home occupation use, and

(c)  there are no persons employed in the dwelling except,

(i)  the members of the household residing in the dwelling, or

(ii)  in the case of a dentist, physician or veterinarian, a staff of one person;

“household” means one or more persons living as a single housekeeping unit in one dwelling;

“lot” means a parcel of land, described in a deed or other document legally capable of conveying title to or interest in land, or shown as a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision;

“lot area” means the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot;

“rear yard” means a yard extending across the full width of a lot on which a building is situate, and extending from the rear lot line to the main wall of the building for which such rear yard is required that is nearest to the rear lot line;

“side yard” means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard and from the side lot line to the main wall of the building for which such side yard is required that is nearest to the side lot line;

“single dwelling” means a separate building containing only one dwelling;

“street” means a public highway that is a principal means of access to abutting lots, that is under the jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario or the Regional Municipality of York or the Town of Markham, or is a road within a registered plan of subdivision, or is a road the maintenance of which has been assumed by the town;

“yard” means a space open from the ground to the sky on a lot on which a building is situate which space is unoccupied except for such accessory buildings as are permitted in this regulation. O. Reg. 473/73, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, ss. 1, 2.


2. This Order applies to the following lands in the Town of Markham in the Regional Municipality of York and being composed of:

(i)  The north half of Lot 34 and the whole of Lot 35 in Concession I excepting the following parcels of land:

1.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in the Regional Municipality of York, being composed of that part of Lot 34 in Concession I of the said Town, more particularly described as follows:

Commencing at a point in the original easterly limit of Yonge Street, the said point being distant 909 feet, 3 inches measured northerly thereon from the southwesterly angle of the said Lot 34, being the northwesterly angle of the lands described in an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 28235;

Thence easterly along the northerly limit of the lands described in the said Instrument a distance of 17 feet to a point in the easterly limit of Yonge Street, as widened, by a Plan of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications registered in the said Land Registry Office as Number 51475, which is the place of beginning;

Thence continuing easterly along the northerly limit of the lands described in the said Instrument a 532.36 feet;

Thence southerly and parallel to the easterly limit of Yonge Street a distance of 140 feet;

Thence westerly and parallel to the northerly limit of the lands described in the said Instrument a distance of 532.36 feet to the easterly limit of Yonge Street, as widened;

Thence northerly along the easterly limit of Yonge Street, as widened, a distance of 140 feet to the place of beginning.

2.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of that part of Lot 34 in Concession I, of the said Town of Markham, more particularly described as follows;

Beginning at a place in the easterly limit of Yonge Street where it is intersected by a fence line which said fence line is at a distance of 669 feet, 3 inches measured northerly thereon from the southwesterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence easterly along the said fence line and parallel with the southerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 549 feet, 6 inches to a point;

Thence northerly parallel with the easterly limit of Yonge Street a distance of 100 feet to a point;

Thence westerly parallel with the beforementioned fence line a distance of 549 feet, 6 inches to a point in the eastern limit of Yonge Street;

Thence southerly along the said easterly limit of Yonge Street a distance of 100 feet to the place of beginning;

Excepting the lands expropriated by an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 30245.

3.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of those parts of Lots 39, 40, 41 and 103 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2386, more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the easterly limit of Ruggles Avenue shown on the said Plan, having a bearing of north 9° 43' west, governs all bearings herein;

Beginning in the westerly limit of the said Lot 103 at a point distant 64 feet north of an iron bar planted in the southwesterly angle of the said Lot 103;

Thence north 9° 43' west a distance of 64 feet along the westerly limit of the said Lots 103 and 39, being the east side of Ruggles Avenue, to a point distant 4 feet north of the southwesterly angle of the said Lot 39;

Thence north 73° 10' 40" east and parallel to the southerly limit of the said Lot 103 a distance of 300 feet, more or less, to a point in the easterly limit of Lot 41 distant 4 feet north of the southeasterly angle of the said Lot 41;

Thence south 9° 42' 10" east along the easterly limit of the said Lot 41 and continuing south in a straight line parallel to the westerly limit of the said Lot 103 to a point distant 60 feet south of the southeasterly angle of the said Lot 41;

Thence south 73° 10' 40" west and parallel to the southerly limit of the said Lot 103 a distance of 300 feet, more or less, to a point in the westerly limit of the said Lot 103, being the place of beginning.

4.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of Lot 94 on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number RP2386.

5.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of those parts of Lots 34 and 35 in Concession I more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the southwesterly angle of Lot 16 as shown on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2386;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 as shown on the said Plan to the northwesterly angle of the said Lot 19;

Thence northeasterly to a point in the northerly limit of Lot 20 as shown on the said Plan distant 35 feet measured easterly therealong from the northwesterly angle of the said Lot 20;

Thence easterly along the northerly limit of that Lot to the northeasterly angle of the said Lot 20;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of the said lots 20 and 19 to the southeasterly angle of the said Lot 19;

Thence north 73° 07' east 66.42 feet to a point in the easterly limit of Church Street;

Thence north 9° 45' east 75 feet to a point;

Thence northeasterly to a point on the southerly limit of Lot 30 as shown on the said Plan distant 65 feet therealong from the southeasterly angle of that Lot;

Thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point in the westerly limit of Lot 37 as shown on the said Plan distant 45 feet measured southerly therealong from the northwesterly angle of that Lot;

Thence easterly to a point in the easterly limit of the said Lot 37 distant 25 feet measured southerly therealong from the northeasterly angle of that Lot;

Thence easterly to a point in the westerly limit of Ruggles Avenue distant 10 feet measured southerly therealong from the southerly limit of the road allowance between Lots 35 and 36;

Thence easterly to the intersection of the easterly limit of Ruggles Avenue and the southerly limit of the said road allowance;

Thence easterly along that southerly limit to a point distant 98 feet measured easterly therealong from the easterly limit of Essex Avenue;

Thence easterly to a point in the easterly limit of Lot 60 as shown on the said Plan distant 15 feet measured southerly therealong from the northeasterly angle of that Lot;

Thence easterly to a point in the easterly limit of Lot 61 as shown on the said Plan distant 40 feet measured southerly therealong from the northeasterly angle of that Lot;

Thence easterly in a straight line to a point in the westerly limit of Sussex Avenue distant 205 feet measured southerly therealong from the southerly limit of the said road allowance;

Thence easterly to a point in the easterly limit of Sussex Avenue distant 220 feet measured southerly therealong from the southerly limit of the said road allowance;

Thence easterly to a point in the westerly limit of Lot 69 as shown on the said Plan distant 85 feet measured northerly from the southwesterly angle of that Lot;

Thence easterly to a point in the easterly limit of that Lot distant 25 feet measured northerly therealong from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot 69;

Thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point in the westerly limit of Lot 79 as shown on the said Plan distant 80 feet measured southerly therealong from the northwesterly angle of that Lot;

Thence southeasterly to a point in the southerly limit of Lot 80 as shown on the said Plan distant 165 feet measured easterly therealong from the southwesterly angle of that Lot;

Thence easterly along the southerly limit of that Lot to the easterly limit of the said Lot 35;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of Lots 35 and 34 to the southerly limit of the north half of the said Lot 34;

Thence westerly along the southerly limit of the north half of that Lot to the westerly limit of that Lot;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of Lots 34 and 35 to the southerly limit of the said Plan;

Thence easterly along that southerly limit to the westerly limit of Church Street to the place of beginning.

6.  That parcel of land situated in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York being composed of part of Lot 35 in Concession 1, East of Yonge Street, described as follows:

That part of Lot 22 on Registered Plan 2386 more particularly described as Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-28842 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03028-0822 (LT); and

Lot 21 on Registered Plan 2386 save and except Part 1 on Expropriation Plan R-654560 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03028-0002 (LT); and

Those parts of Lots 6 and 21 on Registered Plan 2386 more particularly described as Part 2 on Reference Plan 65R-28842 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03028-0001 (LT); and

That part of Lot 7 on Registered Plan 2386 more particularly described as Part 3 on Reference Plan 65R-28842 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03028-0819 (LT); and

Those parts of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 on Registered Plan 2386 more particularly described as Part 4 on Reference Plan 65R-28842 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03028-0820 (LT); and

Part of Benson Avenue established by Registered Plan 2386 more particularly described as Parts 3, 4 and 5 on Reference Plan 65R-16388 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03028-0798 (LT); and

Those parts of Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15 on Registered Plan 2386 more particularly described as Parts 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 on Reference Plan 65R-16388 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03028-0007 (LT).

7.  That parcel of land situated in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York being composed of part of Lot 35 in Concession 1, East of Yonge Street, described as follows:

That part of Lot 63 and part of Lot 64 on Plan 2386 Markham more particularly described as Part 3 on Reference Plan 65R-17163 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03028-0078 (LT);

That part of Lot 65 on Plan 2386 Markham more particularly described as Part 7 on Reference Plan 65R-17163 and identified as part of Property Identifier Number 03028-0815 (LT);

That part of Lot 65 on Plan 2386 Markham more particularly described as Part 8 on Reference Plan 65R-17163 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03028-0079 (LT);

That part of Lot 66 on Plan 2386 Markham more particularly described as Part 15 on Reference Plan 65R-17163 and identified as part of Property Identifier Number 03028-0080 (LT).

8.  That parcel of land situated in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York being composed of part of Lot 35 in Concession 1, East of Yonge Street, described as Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-32615 and Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 65R-32618 identified as part of Property Identifier Number 03028-0094 (LT) deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65).

(i.1)  Revoked: O. Reg. 693/75, s. 1 (1).

(ii)  The east quarter of Lot 5, the east half of Lot 6 and lots 7 to 10, both inclusive, in Concession II, excepting the following parcels of land:

1.  All that parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of part of Lot 7 in Concession II of the said Town more particularly described as follows:

Premising that all bearings herein are astronomic and are derived from the bearing north 10° 45' 20" west for the easterly limit of Bayview Avenue as widened and shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of the Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 5704.

Beginning at a survey monument in the line of a fence marking the northerly limit of Lot 7 in Concession II, which survey monument may be located in the following manner:

Commencing at the northwest comer of the said Lot;

Thence north 71° 25' 40" east along the northerly limit of the said Lot 31.21 feet to a survey monument at the intersection of the said northerly limit with the last-mentioned easterly limit of Bayview Avenue, being the place of beginning.

Thence north 71° 29' 40" east along the said northerly limit 333.98 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 71° 34' 30" east continuing along the said northerly limit 436.60 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 71° 55' 30" east again continuing along the said northerly limit 426.16 feet to a survey monument;

Thence north 71° 10' 20" east along the line of an old fence marking the said northerly limit 58.25 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 74° 38' 50" east along the said northerly limit 457.04 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 74° 42' 40" east along the said northerly limit 326.49 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 73° 05' 00" east again continuing along the said northerly limit 464.98 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 72° 43' 10" east again continuing along the said northerly limit 364.21 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 72° 42' 10" east again continuing along the said northerly limit 7.95 feet to a survey monument therein;

Thence south 28° 44' 10" east 82.15 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 4° 50' 00" east 21.62 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 22° 35' 20" east 68.61 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 39° 10' 20" east 179.23 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 51° 50' 20" east 299.31 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 64° 49' 00" east 66.64 feet to a survey monument in the line of a fence marking the easterly limit of the west half of the said Lot;

Thence south 9° 46' 40" east along the said easterly limit 149.98 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence south 10° 33' 20" east again continuing along that easterly limit 578.12 feet to a survey monument at its intersection with the line of a fence marking the southerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence south 73° 45' 40" west along the southerly limit of the said Lot 505.67 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence south 73° 44' 40" west continuing along the said southerly limit 460.95 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence south 73° 06' 40" west continuing along that southerly limit 427.61 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence south 72° 59' 20" west along the said southerly limit also being the northerly limits of Plans recorded in the Land Titles Office for the Land Titles Division of Toronto and York (No. 66) as numbers R-1456 and R-2826, 809.77 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence south 73° 01' 50" west continuing along the said southerly limit, also being the northerly limit of Part 5 according to Plan R-1456, 543.12 feet to a survey monument at its intersection with the northeasterly limit of the lands of the Canadian National Railways Company, the said survey monument also marking the northwest corner of the said Part 5;

Thence northwesterly along the said northeasterly limit being along a curve to the left having a radius of 2,914.93 feet, an arc distance of 308.37 feet, chord equivalent being 308.22 feet, measured north 60° 26' 50" west to a survey monument in the said northeasterly limit;

Thence continuing northwesterly along that northeasterly limit, being along a curve to the left having a radius of 2,914.93 feet, an arc distance of 321.13 feet, chord equivalent being 320.97 feet, measured north 66° 38' 00" west to a survey monument at the intersection of the said northeasterly limit with the easterly limit of Bayview Avenue as widened by a Plan deposited as Number 5704;

Thence north 10° 05' 50" west along the said easterly limit 631.45 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 10° 45' 20" west continuing along the easterly limit 271.26 feet to the point of beginning;

Excepting therefrom that portion of the above-described parcel of land described as follows:

Beginning at a survey monument in the interior of the said Lot, distant 326.02 feet measured north 79° 08' 00" east from the northwest comer of the above-described parcel of land;

Thence north 79° 19' 40" east 9.00 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 10° 40' 20" east 9.00 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 79° 19' 40" west 9.00 feet to a survey monument;

Thence north 10° 40' 20" west 9.00 feet to the place of beginning.

2.  That part of Lot 6 in Concession II in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, more particularly described as follows:

Premising that all bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to 79' 30" west longitude;

Commencing at a standard iron bar at the northeasterly comer of the said Lot;

Thence south 73° 24' 10" west along the northerly limit of that Lot, a distance of 702.90 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 73° 13' 10" west along the said northerly limit 654.75 feet to an iron tube;

Thence south 72° 54' 10" west along the said northerly limit 287.25 feet to an iron tube;

Thence south 72° 12' 40" west along that northerly limit 100.86 feet to an iron bar;

Thence south 71° 55' 20" west along the said northerly limit 428.15 feet to the place of beginning;

Thence south 71° 55' 20" west along that northerly limit 55.40 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 73° 26' 20" west along the said northerly limit 504.15 feet to an iron tube;

Thence south 73° 50' 50" west along the said northerly limit 532.34 feet to a standard iron bar in the line between the east and west halves of the said Lot;

Thence southerly along the said line 1,250 feet, more or less, to the southerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence north 73° 20' 30" east along the said southerly limit 1,260 feet to an iron tube;

Thence north 11° 51' 50" west 622.02 feet to an iron tube;

Thence north 73° 15' 50" east 331.28 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 48° 53' 10" west 94.85 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 71° 41' 50"' west 103.77 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 41° 11' 50" west 73.71 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 65° 53' 40" west 148.74 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 25° 07' 30" west 211.19 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 64° 52' west 172.37 feet to the place of beginning.

3.  That part of the east half of Lot 7 in Concession II in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, more particularly described as follows:

Premising that all bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to 79' 30" west longitude;

Commencing at a standard iron bar at the northeasterly corner of Lot 6 in Concession II;

Thence south 73° 24' 10" west along the northerly limit of the said Lot, a distance of 702.90 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 73° 13' 10" west along the said northerly limit 654.75 feet to an iron tube;

Thence south 72° 54' 10" west along the said northerly limit 287.25 feet to an iron tube;

Thence south 72° 12' 40" west along the said northerly limit 100.86 feet to an iron bar;

Thence south 71° 55' 20" west along the said northerly limit 428.15 feet to the place of beginning.

Thence south 71° 55' 20" west along the southerly limit of Lot 7 in Concession II, a distance of 55.40 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 73° 26' 20" west along the said southerly limit 504.15 feet to an iron tube;

Thence south 73° 50' 50" west along the said southerly limit 532.34 feet to a standard iron bar in the line between the east and west halves of the said Lot;

Thence north 10° 41' 30" west along the said line 577.95 feet to an iron bar;

Thence north 09° 53' 50" west along the said line 124.64 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 84° 09' 10" east 192.71 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 61° 23' 10" east 251.18 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 80° 26' 10" east 187.68 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 84° 13' 40" east 138.84 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 84° 45' 10" east 110.61 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 60° 06' 50" east 337.67 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 44° 18' east 53.81 feet to the place of beginning.

4.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of those parts of Lots 8 and 9 in Concession II of the said Town, more particularly described as follows:

Premising that all bearings herein are astronomic and are derived from the bearing north 10° 45' 20" west from the easterly limit of Bayview Avenue as widened and shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 5704;

Commencing at a survey monument in the line of a fence marking the southerly limit of the said Lot 8, which said survey monument may be located in the following manner:

Commencing at the southwest corner of the said Lot;

Thence north 71° 25' 40" east along the southerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 31.21 feet to a survey monument at its intersection with the easterly limit of Bayview Avenue;

Thence north 71° 29' 40" east along the said southerly limit a distance of 333.98 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 71' 34' 30" east continuing along the said southerly limit a distance of 436.60 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 71° 55' 30" east continuing along the said southerly limit a distance of 426.16 feet to a survey monument therein being the place of beginning;

Thence north 10° 44' 30" west 1,359.28 feet to a survey monument in the southerly limit of Part 1 according to a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 64R-1897;

Thence north 33° 04' 50" east being along the said southerly limit of Part 1 and continuing along the southerly limit of Part 2 according to the said Plan a distance of 298.64 feet to a survey monument therein;

Thence south 20° 47' east 5.86 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 52° 45' 30" east 91.85 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 53° 15' 50" east 97.49 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 14° 40' 20" east 93.90 feet to a survey monument planted in the line of a post and wire fence marking the existing limit between lots 8 and 9 in Concession II;

Thence north 72° 53' 40" east along the said limit between the said lots a distance of 419.70 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence north 71° 57' 40" east along the last-mentioned limit 76.85 feet to a survey monument therein;

Thence south 53° 38' 40" east 48.53 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 50° 40' 30" east 201.16 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 73° 39' 50" east 202.79 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 28° 58' 00" east 212.74 feet to a survey monument;

Thence north 47° 37' 20" east 445.11 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 4° 28' 30" west 108.14 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 41° 37' 40" east 172.06 feet to a survey monument;

Thence south 46° 54' 40" east 168.52 feet to a survey monument in the line of a fence marking the southerly limit of the said Lot 8;

Thence south 72° 42' 10" west along the said southerly limit a distance of 7.95 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence south 72° 43' 10" west continuing along the said southerly limit a distance of 364.21 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence south 73° 05' 00" west continuing along the said southerly limit a distance of 464.98 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence south 74° 42' 40" west continuing along the said southerly limit a distance of 326.49 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence south 74° 38' 50" west continuing along the said southerly limit a distance of 457.04 feet to a survey monument marking a bend therein;

Thence south 71° 10' 20" west continuing along the said southerly limit a distance of 58.25 feet to the place of beginning.

5.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of those parts of lots 4 and 5 in Concession II of the said Town, more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the easterly limit of the said Lot 5 has a bearing of north 11° 36' west in accordance with an Instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 72905 and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at a place in the interior of the said Lot 5 which may be located as follows:

Commencing at the northeast corner of the said Lot 5;

Thence south 73° 30' west along the northerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 1,689.94 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 63° 44' 32" east 113 feet, more or less, to a point in the line between the east half of the east half and the west half of the east half of the said Lot, being the place of beginning;

Thence south 11° 36' east along the last-mentioned line 1,252 feet, more or less, to the northerly limit of the lands of the Canadian National Railways Company as described in an Instrument deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 49825;

Thence north 72° 29' east along the said northerly limit 1,191 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 17° 30' 55" west and continuing along the said northerly limit 80 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 72° 29' 05" east and continuing along the said northerly limit 33.41 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 26° 25' 40" west 174.05 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 24° 07' 10" west 229.99 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 72° 42' 40" west 94.53 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 78° 07' 30" west 268.87 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 81° 08' 20" west 219.41 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 28° 37' 20" west 275.41 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 55° 39' 40" west 205,11 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 74° 18' 30" west 321.39 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 63° 44' 32" west 48 feet to the place of beginning.

6.  Those parts of Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Concession II more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the centre line of the road allowance between Concessions II and III of the Town of Markham and the easterly prolongation of the southerly limit of Lot 5 in that Concession II;

Thence westerly to and along that southerly limit to the westerly limit of the easterly one-quarter of that Lot 5;

Thence northerly along that westerly limit to the northerly limit of that Lot 5;

Thence westerly along that northerly limit to the southerly prolongation of the line between the easterly and westerly halves of Lot 6 in that Concession II;

Thence northerly along that line to the southerly limit of Lot 7 in that Concession II;

Thence westerly along that southerly limit and its prolongation to the westerly limit of the said road allowance between Concessions I and II;

Thence northerly along that westerly limit to its intersection with the westerly prolongation of the line between the north and south halves of Lot 9 in that Concession II;

Thence easterly along that prolongation to the southwesterly angle of the said north half of that Lot 9;

Thence north 10° 28' west along the westerly limit of that Lot 9 a distance of 545.14 feet to a point;

Thence north 2° 39' 40" east 413.43 feet to a point;

Thence south 37° 44' 30" east 390 feet to a point;

Thence south 82° 51' 40" east 1,180.90 feet to a point;

Thence south 14° 55' 10" east 76.92 feet to a point;

Thence south 26° 39' 20" west 65.45 feet to a point;

Thence south 29° 42' 20" east 94.15 feet to a point;

Thence south 21° 28' 30" west 63.11 feet to a point;

Thence south 15° 49' 20" east 119.23 feet to a point;

Thence south 20° 47' east 103.41 feet to a point;

Thence south 52° 45' 30" east 91.85 feet to a point;

Thence south 53° 15' 50" east 97.49 feet to a point;

Thence south 14° 40' 20" east 93.90 feet to the southerly limit of that Lot 9;

Thence north 72° 53' 40" east 419.70 feet along that southerly limit to a point;

Thence north 71° 57' 40" east along that southerly limit 76.85 feet to a point;

Thence south 53° 38' 40" east 48.53 feet to a point;

Thence south 50° 40' 30" east 201.16 feet to a point;

Thence south 73° 39' 50" east 202.79 feet to a point;

Thence south 28° 58' east 212.74 feet to a point;

Thence north 47° 37' 20" east 445.11 feet to a point;

Thence south 4° 28' 30" west 108.14 feet to a point;

Thence south 41° 37' 40" east 172.06 feet to a point;

Thence south 46° 54' 40" east 168.52 feet to the southerly limit of Lot 8 in that Concession II;

Thence north 72° 42' 10" east along that southerly limit 355.36 feet to a point;

Thence north 12° 13' 50" west 54.93 feet to a point;

Thence north 72° 27' 30" east 1,538.23 feet to a point;

Thence north 71° 33' 40" east 750 feet to a point;

Thence easterly in a straight line to a point in the easterly limit of Lot 7 in that Concession II distant 920 feet measured northerly therealong from the southeasterly angle of that Lot;

Thence east to the centre line of the said road allowance;

Thence southerly along that centre line to the place of beginning.

7.  Those parts of Lots 9 and 10 in Concession II designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 65R-9431.

8.  That part of Lot 9 in Concession II, Town of Markham, designated as Part 2 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 65R-10728.

9.  That part of Lots 9 and 10 in Concession II in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York and shown on a map numbered 184 identified by the Registrar of Regulations Office on November 15, 1995 and filed with the Plans Administration Branch, Central and Southwest of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing at Toronto.

10.  That part of Lot 10 in Concession II in the Town of Markham in the Regional Municipality of York being Block 45 on Registered Plan 65M-3226 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03029-1416 (LT), Block 46 on Registered Plan 65M-3226 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03029-1414 (LT) and part of Block 49 on Registered Plan 65M-3226 being Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-31601 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03029-1406 (LT) and part of Block 49 on Registered Plan 65M-3226 being Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-32906 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03029-1431 (LT).

(ii.1)  That parcel of land beginning at the northwesterly angle of Lot 10 in Concession II;

Thence westerly along the prolongation of the northerly limit of that Lot to the centre line of the road allowance between concessions I and II;

Thence northerly along that centre line to the northerly limit of that part of the proposed King’s Highway known as No. 407;

Thence easterly along that northerly limit to the southerly limit of Lot 11 in Concession II;

Thence easterly along that southerly limit and its prolongation to the centre line of the road allowance between concessions II and III;

Thence southerly along that centre line to the easterly prolongation of the northerly limit of Lot 10 in Concession II;

Thence westerly to and along that northerly limit to the place of beginning.

  (iii)  Lots 5 to 10, both inclusive, in Concession III excepting the following:

1.  The easterly 478 feet of Lot 10 in Concession III,

2.  Those parts of Lots 5, 6 and 7 in Concession III more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the easterly prolongation of the southerly limit of Lot 5 and the centre line of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV of the Town of Markham;

Thence northerly along that centre line to the easterly prolongation of the southerly limit of Fourteenth Avenue;

Thence westerly to and along that southerly limit to the line between the east and west halves of that Lot 5;

Thence northerly on a course measured at right angles from the southerly limit of Fourteenth Avenue to the southerly limit of Lot 7 in Concession III;

Thence northwesterly to a point distant 470 feet measured northerly at right angles from a point on that southerly limit distant 385 feet measured westerly from the southeasterly angle of the westerly half of that Lot 7;

Thence westerly to a point distant 45 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in the line between the north and south halves of that Lot 7 distant 355 feet measured easterly therealong from the westerly limit of that Lot;

Thence northwesterly to a point in the westerly limit of that Lot distant 140 feet measured northerly therealong from the northerly limit of the southerly half of that Lot;

Thence due west 33 feet to the centre line of the road allowance between Concessions II and III;

Thence southerly along that centre line to the westerly prolongation of the southerly limit of that Lot 5;

Thence easterly to and along the southerly limit of that Lot and its easterly prolongation to the place of beginning.

3.  Those parts of lots 9 and 10 in Concession III more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the easterly limit of Lot 9 distant 582 feet measured northerly therealong from the southeasterly angle of that Lot;

Thence southerly to a point in the southerly limit of that Lot distant 150 feet measured westerly from that southeasterly angle;

Thence westerly to a point distant 50 feet measured on a course of north 17° 45' west from a point on the southerly limit of that Lot distant 1,055.16 feet measured westerly therealong from the southeasterly angle of that Lot:

Thence westerly to a point distant 145 feet measured northerly at right angles from a point on the southerly limit of that Lot distant 1,990 feet measured westerly therealong from the southeasterly angle of that Lot;

Thence westerly to a point distant 450 feet measured northerly at right angles from a point on the southerly limit of that Lot distant 2,540 feet measured westerly therealong from the southeasterly angle of that Lot;

Thence northwesterly to a point distant 440 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point on the northerly limit of that Lot 9 distant 360 feet measured easterly therealong from the northwesterly angle of the easterly half of that Lot:

Thence northwesterly to a point on the northerly limit of that Lot 9 distant 310 feet measured easterly therealong from that northwesterly angle;

Thence northerly to a point distant 600 feet measured easterly at right angles from a point on the westerly limit of the easterly half of Lot 10 in that Concession III distant 330 feet measured southerly therealong from the northwesterly angle of that easterly half of that Lot;

Thence northerly to a point on the southerly limit of Lot 11 in that Concession III distant 850 feet measured easterly therealong from the southwesterly angle of the easterly half of that Lot;

Thence easterly along that southerly limit of Lot 11 and its prolongation to the centre line of the road between Concessions III and IV;

Thence southerly along that centre line to the intersection with the easterly prolongation of the line between the north and south halves of that Lot 9;

Thence southerly in a straight line 160 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.

4.  Those parts of Lots 5, 6 and 7 in Concession III more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the westerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV and the southerly limit of Fourteenth Avenue;

Thence northerly along the said westerly limit to intersect the easterly prolongation of the southerly limit of Part 6 as shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 64R-7765;

Thence westerly to and along that southerly limit to the southwesterly angle of that Part 6;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of that Part 6 to the southerly limit of a Plan registered in the said Land Registry Office as Number 11165;

Thence westerly along the southerly limit of that Plan to the southeasterly angle of Part 5 as shown on that Plan;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of Part 1 as shown on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 64R-7765 to the northeasterly angle of Part 1 as shown on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 64R-4851;

Thence south 13° 22' 30" east along the easterly limit of the said Part 1 on Plan 64R-4851 a distance of 398.767 metres to the northerly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6;

Thence south 17° 33' 30" east 20.12 metres to the southerly limit of the said road allowance;

Thence north 72° 26' 30" east along the said southerly limit 88.4 metres to the northeasterly angle of Part 1 as shown on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 64R-8351;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of the said Part on Plan 64R-8351 and its southerly prolongation to the southerly limit of Fourteenth Avenue;

Thence easterly along that southerly limit to the place of beginning.

5.  That part of Lot 9 in Concession III described as follows:

Premising the bearing of the westerly part of the northerly limit of the said Lot 9 is assumed to be north 72° 14' 40" east and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of Leslie Street, as widened and as defined by Part 1 on a plan recorded in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Expropriation Plan 294431, and the northerly limit of said Lot 9 distant 10.04 metres measured easterly and therealong from the northwest angle of said Lot 9;

Thence along the said northerly limit of said Lot 9 north 72° 14' 40" east 757.32 metres to a point therein;

Thence south 3° 40' 50" east 211.63 metres;

Thence south 28° 24' 30" west 101.14 metres;

Thence south 48° 20' 40" west 113.72 metres;

Thence south 76° 34' 50" west 183.53 metres;

Thence south 59° 28' 10" west 149.68 metres;

Thence south 70° 38' 30" west 183.07 metres;

Thence south 78° 09' 10" west 61.58 metres to a point in the easterly limit of Leslie Street, as shown on said Expropriation Plan 294431, distant 62 metres measured northerly therealong from its intersection with the southerly limit of said Lot 9;

Thence along the said easterly limit of Leslie Street, as shown on said Expropriation Plan 294431, north 9° 40' 40" west 48.26 metres to a bend therein;

Thence continuing along the said easterly limit of Leslie Street, as shown on said Expropriation Plan 294431, north 10° 28' west 155.21 metres to a bend therein;

Thence again continuing along the said easterly limit of Leslie Street, as shown on said Expropriation Plan 294431, north 7° 36' 20" west 61.04 metres to a bend therein;

Thence again continuing along the said easterly limit of Leslie Street, as shown on said Expropriation Plan 294431, north 10° 28' west 30.48 metres to a bend therein;

Thence again continuing along the said easterly limit of Leslie Street, as shown on said Expropriation Plan 294431, north 13° 54' west 47.45 metres to the point of commencement.

6.  That part of Lot 10 in Concession III described as follows:

Bearings herein are astronomic and are derived from the easterly limit of Part 2, as shown on a plan recorded in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Expropriation Plan No. 294431, having a bearing of north 10° 30' 30" west;

Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of Leslie Street, as widened and defined by Part 2 on said Expropriation Plan 294431, and the southerly limit of said Lot 10 distant 10.04 metres measured easterly therealong from the southwest angle of said Lot 10;

Thence along the said southerly limit of Lot 10 north 72° 12' east 757.32 metres to a point therein;

Thence north 3° 43' 30" west 61.73 metres;

Thence north 21° 16' west 262.82 metres;

Thence north 83° 20' 30" west 84.41 metres to a point in the southerly limit of the King’s Highway No. 7, as defined by Part 13 on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Plan 64R-1636;

Thence along the southerly limit of the King’s Highway No. 7, as defined by Part 13 on said Plan 64R-1636, south 77° 03' 10" west 183.46 metres to a bend therein;

Thence continuing along the said southerly limit of the King’s Highway No. 7, as defined by Part 13 on said Plan 64R-1636, south 72° 16' 20" west 188.67 metres to a bend therein;

Thence again continuing along the said southerly limit of the King’s Highway No. 7, as defined by Part 13 of said Plan 64R-1636, south 71° 04' 40" west 146.74 metres to a bend therein;

Thence again continuing along the said southerly limit of the King’s Highway No. 7, as defined by Part 13 on said Plan 64R-1636, south 69° 24' 10" west 91.56 metres to a bend therein;

Thence again continuing along the said southerly limit of the King’s Highway No. 7, as defined by Part 1 on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Plan 65R-3803, south 37° 22' west 28.06 metres to a bend therein;

Thence along the said easterly limit of Leslie Street, as defined by Part 1 on said Plan 65R-3803, south 6° 2 1' 30" east 54.42 metres to a point therein;

Thence continuing along the said easterly limit of Leslie Street, as defined by Part 2 on said Expropriation Plan 294431, south 10° 30' 30" east 269.57 metres to a bend therein;

Thence continuing along the said easterly limit of Leslie Street, as defined by Part 2 on said Expropriation Plan 294431, south 13° 56' 30" east 28.88 metres to the point of commencement.

7.  That part of Lot 7 in Concession III in the Town of Markham designated as Parts 2, 3 and 15 on Reference Plan 66R-2841 except Part 1 on Expropriation Plan D741 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65) and identified as Property Identifier Number 03031-0114 (LT). 

  (iv)  Lots 5 to 10, both inclusive, in Concession IV excepting the following parcels of land:

1.  The westerly 2,000 feet of Lot 10 in Concession IV.

2.  That tract of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of that part of Lot 5 in Concession IV, more particularly described as Part 2 on a Plan filed in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number R-2555.

3.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of part of Lot 5 in Concession IV, which parcel is more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the westerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions IV and V has a bearing of north 10° 54' 20" west and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at the southeasterly limit of the said Lot;

Thence northerly following the westerly limit of that road allowance on a bearing of north 10° 54' 20" west, a distance of 269.95 feet;

Thence westerly in a straight line on a bearing of north 72° 6' 55" east, a distance of 1,004.05 feet;

Thence southerly in a straight line on a bearing of north 14° 45' 25" west, a distance of 22.68 feet;

Thence westerly in a straight line on a bearing of north 72° 8' 25" east, a distance of 1,611.14 feet;

Thence southwesterly on a curve having a radius of 2,919.93 feet, an arc distance of 561.85 feet, chord equivalent of 560.98 feet, on a chord bearing of north 52° 52' 25" east;

Thence southerly in a straight line on a bearing of north 13° 39' 5" west, a distance of 54.64 feet;

Thence easterly in a straight line on a bearing of north 72° 14' 15" east, a distance of 3,117.31 feet to the place of beginning.

4.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of that part of Lot 10 in Concession IV of the said Town, more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a place in the northerly limit of the said Lot 10, distant 2,000 feet, 2 inches measured easterly therealong from the northwesterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence south 8° 55' east 1,316 feet to a point in the existing southerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence north 73° 59' east along the existing southerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 82 feet, 4 inches to a point in the southerly limit of the said Lot, which point is also the southwesterly angle of the lands described in an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 56649;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of the lands described in the said Instrument a distance of 1,316 feet to a point in the northerly limit of the said Lot which point is distant 2,082 feet, 8 inches measured easterly therealong from the northwesterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence westerly along the northerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 82 feet, 4 inches to the place of beginning;

Excepting that part of the hereinbefore described lands expropriated by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as shown on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 4078.

5.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of that part of the west half of Lot 10 in Concession IV of the said Township, more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a place in the northerly limit of the said Lot 10 distant 2,165 feet, 2 inches measured easterly therealong from the northwesterly angle of the said Lot, being also the northeasterly angle of the lands described in an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 26271;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of the lands described in the said Instrument a distance of 1,316 feet, more or less, to a point in the southerly limit of the said Lot, being the southeasterly angle of the lands described in the said Instrument;

Thence westerly along the southerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 82 feet, 6 inches to a point;

Thence northerly in a straight line a distance of 1,316 feet, more or less, to a point in the northerly limit of the said Lot distant 82 feet, 6 inches measured westerly therealong from the place of beginning;

Thence easterly along the northerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 82 feet, 6 inches to the place of beginning;

Excepting that part of the hereinbefore described lands expropriated by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as shown on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 4078.

6.  That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 6 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the southerly limit of the said Lot 6 has a bearing of north 74° 20' 20" east and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at the southeasterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence south 74° 20' 20" west along the southerly limit of the said Lot 1,273 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly limit of the 100-foot wide right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways;

Thence north 32° 50' 50" east along the said limit 1,093.12 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 2,814.93 feet;

Thence northeasterly along the said curve an arc distance of 632.11 feet, the chord having a length of 630.78 feet and a bearing of north 30° 16' 50" feet;

Thence south 8° 37' east 68.72 feet to a point;

Thence south 13° 45' 35" east 803.23 feet, more or less, to the easterly limit of the said Lot;

Thence south 8° 37' east along the said easterly limit 139.20 feet to a point;

Thence south 8° 47' east continuing along the said easterly limit 78.04 feet to the place of beginning.

7.  Those parts of Lots 5 and 6 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the southeasterly angle of Lot 5 in Concession IV of the Town of Markham:

Thence westerly along that southerly limit and its prolongation to the centre line of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV;

Thence northerly along that centre line to the westerly prolongation of the southerly limit of Miller Avenue;

Thence easterly to and along that southerly limit to the easterly limit of Rodick Road;

Thence northerly along that easterly limit to the southerly limit of Fourteenth Avenue;

Thence easterly along that southerly limit to the southeasterly limit of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways;

Thence northeasterly along that southeasterly limit of that right-of-way to the centre line of the road allowance between Concessions IV and V;

Thence southerly along that centre line to the easterly prolongation of the southerly limit of Lot 5 in Concession IV;

Thence westerly along that easterly prolongation to the place of beginning.

8.  Those parts of Lots 9 and 10 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the northeasterly angle of Lot 9 in Concession IV of the Town of Markham;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of that Lot 55 feet to a point;

Thence southwesterly to a point distant 165 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in the northerly limit of that Lot 9 distant 160 feet measured westerly therealong from that northeasterly Lot angle;

Thence southwesterly to a point distant 310 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in that northerly Lot limit distant 460 feet measured westerly therealong from that northeasterly Lot angle;

Thence westerly to a point distant 285 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in that northerly Lot limit distant 805 feet measured westerly therealong from that northeasterly Lot angle;

Thence southerly to a point distant 820 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in that northerly Lot limit distant 1,030 feet measured westerly therealong from that northeasterly Lot angle;

Thence westerly to a point distant 795 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in that northerly Lot limit distant 1,200 feet measured westerly therealong from that northeasterly Lot angle;

Thence westerly to a point distant 760 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in that northerly Lot limit distant 1,995 feet measured westerly from that northeasterly Lot angle;

Thence northwesterly to a point distant 565 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in that northerly Lot limit distant 2,155 feet measured westerly therealong from that northeasterly Lot angle;

Thence northerly to a point distant 430 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in that northerly Lot limit distant 2,115 feet measured westerly therealong from that northeasterly Lot angle;

Thence northwesterly to a point in the northerly limit of that Lot 9 distant 2,250 feet measured westerly therealong from the northeasterly angle of that Lot;

Thence westerly along that northerly limit to a point distant 660 feet measured easterly at right angles from the westerly limit of the easterly half of Lot 10 in Concession IV;

Thence northerly and parallel with the westerly limit of the easterly half of that Lot 10 to the northerly limit of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11;

Thence easterly along that northerly limit to the centre line of the road allowance between Concessions IV and V;

Thence southerly along that centre line to the easterly prolongation of the southerly limit of that Lot 10;

Thence westerly along that easterly prolongation to the place of beginning.

9.  Those parts of Lots 9 and 10 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the southeasterly angle of the westerly half of Lot 9 in Concession IV of the Town of Markham;

Thence northerly along the line between the east and west halves of Lots 9 and 10 in that Concession IV and the northerly prolongation thereof to the northerly limit of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11:

Thence westerly along that northerly limit to the centre line of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV;

Thence southerly along that centre line to the intersection with a line parallel with the southerly limit of that Lot 9 distant 450 feet measured northerly along the westerly limit of that Lot from the southwesterly angle of that Lot;

Thence easterly along that parallel line to the easterly limit of that road allowance as widened 27 feet by the lands described in an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 40325;

Thence southeasterly to a point distant 325 feet measured northerly at right angles from a point distant 105 feet measured easterly therealong from the southwesterly angle of that Lot 9;

Thence easterly to a point distant 310 feet measured northerly at right angles from a point in that southerly Lot limit distant 215 feet measured easterly therealong from the southwesterly angle of that Lot;

Thence easterly to a point distant 265 feet measured northerly at right angles from a point in that southerly limit distant 340 feet measured easterly therealong from that southwesterly angle;

Thence easterly to a point distant 180 feet measured northerly at right angles from a point in that southerly limit distant 480 feet measured easterly therealong from that southwesterly angle;

Thence southeasterly to a point in the southerly limit of that Lot 9 distant 650 feet measured easterly therealong from the southwesterly angle of that Lot;

Thence easterly along that southerly limit to the place of beginning.

10.  That part of Lot 5 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the northwesterly angle of the said Lot 5;

Thence easterly along the northerly limit of the said Lot 5 to the easterly limit of Rodick Road;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of Rodick Road to the southerly limit of Fourteenth Avenue;

Thence westerly along the southerly limit of Fourteenth Avenue to the easterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of the said Lot 5 to the place of beginning.

11.  That part of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Concession IV in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York and shown on a map numbered 185 identified by the Registrar of Regulations Office on November 15, 1995 and filed with the Plans Administration Branch, Central and Southwest of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing at Toronto.

12.  That part of Lot 9 in Concession IV, in the Town of Markham, in The Regional Municipality of York, more specifically described as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 65R-24288, except Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-29656, identified as Property Identifier Number 03032-0323(LT).

13.  That part of Lot 8 in Concession IV in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, more particularly described as Part 6 on Reference Plan 65R-25826 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03032-0358 (LT), and Part 7 on Reference Plan 65R-25826 and identified as Property Identifier Number 03032-0359 (LT).

(iv.1)  That parcel of land beginning at the northwesterly angle of Lot 4 in Concession IV;

Thence westerly along the prolongation of the northerly limit of that Lot to the centre line of the road allowance between concessions III and IV;

Thence southerly along that centre line to the westerly prolongation of the southerly limit of the lands of the Canadian National Railways;

Thence easterly to and along that southerly limit to the northerly limit of Lot 4 in Concession IV;

Thence westerly along that northerly limit to the place of beginning.

(v)  the west half of Lot 6 and Lots 7 to 10, both inclusive, in Concession V excepting those parcels of land described as follows:

1.  That part of Lot 10, Concession V, in the Town of Markham, described as follows:

Premising that the easterly limit of the said Lot 10, being also the westerly limit of Kennedy Road, has a course of north 10° 30' west and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at an iron bar planted to mark a point in the northern limit of the said Lot, being also the southerly limit of King's Highway No. 7, the said point being distant 115 feet measured westerly thereon from the northeasterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence south 10° 30' east parallel to the easterly limit of the said Lot, a distance of 73 feet, 6 inches, more or less, to a point of intersection with the production westerly of the row of trees, standing in November, 1966 upon the northerly limit of the easterly part of the lands herein described;

Thence north 77° 11' east along the last-mentioned production westerly to and along the centre line of the row of trees aforesaid, in all a distance of 114 feet, 1 inch, to an iron bar planted to mark the point of intersection thereof with the easterly limit of the said Lot, the last-mentioned intersection being distant 83 feet, 11 inches measured southerly along the said easterly limit from the northeasterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence south 10° 30' east along the easterly limit of the said Lot a distance of 47 feet to an iron bar planted to mark the point of intersection thereof with the northerly limit of Lot 34 according to a plan filed in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2926;

Thence south 72° 02' west, 162 feet, 9 inches along the northerly limit of Lot 34 according to a plan filed in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2926;

Thence north 10° 52' west along the last-mentioned easterly limit and continuing on the same course, in all a distance of 130 feet, 6 inches, to an iron bar planted to mark the point of intersection thereof with the northerly limit of the said Lot 10;

Thence north 72° east along the last-mentioned northerly limit, a distance of 48 feet, 9 1/4 inches, more or less, to the point of beginning.

2.  Lands shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Registered Plan Number 2926.

3.  That part of Lot 10, Concession V of the said Town of Markham, described as follows:

Premising that the bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the meridian through the northeast angle of Lot 10, Concession II, Town of Markham:

Beginning at an iron bar found marking the southwest angle of the said Lot 10;

Thence north 10° 42' 30" west, along the westerly limit of the said Lot, a distance of 72.54 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence north 72° 07' 40" east, a distance of 370 feet to a point;

Thence north 10° 42' 30" west, a distance of 600.78 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence south 72° 05' west, a distance of 331.38 feet to an iron bar planted in the easterly limit of Part 4, in accordance with a reference plan filed in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number RS-1320;

Thence north 6° 44' west along the easterly limit of Part 4, of the said reference plan, a distance of 441.13 feet to a point;

Thence north 13° 25' east, continuing along the easterly limit of the said Part 4, a distance of 98.49 feet to a point;

Thence north 49° 07' 30" east, continuing along the southeasterly limit of the said Part 4, a distance of 94.59 feet to an iron bar;

Thence north 66° 25' east, continuing along the southeasterly limit of the said Part 4, a distance of 150.75 feet to a point;

Thence north 72° 07' 30" east, along the southerly limit of Part 1, in accordance with a reference plan filed in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number RS-953, a distance of 2,993.58 feet to an iron bar;

Thence on a general bearing of south 10° 29' 00" east, along the existing limit between the east and west halves of the said Lot 10, as defined on the ground by a post and wire fence, a distance of 1,067.96 feet to an iron bar;

Thence north 78° 46' 40" west, a distance of 270.96 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence south 87° 20' 10" west, a distance of 249.48 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence south 75° 43' 00" west, a distance of 194.86 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence north 88° 29' 50" west, a distance of 631.25 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence south 79° 38' 40" west, a distance of 279.94 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence south 45° 15' 45" west, a distance of 225.64 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence south 72° 20' 10" west, a distance of 113.82 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence south 45° 13' 50" west, a distance of 1,160.40 feet to an iron bar planted in the existing southerly limit of the said Lot 10;

Thence south 71° 18' 40" west, along the existing southerly limit of the said Lot 10, a distance of 457.44 feet to the point of beginning.

4.  That part of Lot 6 in Concession V more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the southeasterly angle of the westerly half of Lot 6 in Concession V of the Town of Markham;

Thence northerly along the easterly limit of that westerly half to the southerly limit of the spur of the Canadian National Railways;

Thence westerly along that southerly limit to and along the southerly limit of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways to the centre line of the road allowance between Concessions IV and V;

Thence southerly along that centre line to the westerly prolongation of the southerly limit of Fourteenth Avenue;

Thence easterly to and along that southerly limit to the southerly prolongation of the easterly limit of the westerly half of that Lot 6;

Thence northerly along that southerly prolongation to the place of beginning.

5.  That part of Lot 10 in Concession V more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the southerly limit of Lot 11 in Concession V and the easterly limit of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways;

Thence southerly along that easterly limit to a point distant 485 feet measured southerly therealong from the northerly limit of Lot 10 in that Concession V;

Thence westerly parallel with the northerly limit of that Lot to the centre line of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways;

Thence northwesterly to a point distant 310 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in the northerly limit of Lot 10 in that Concession V distant 270 feet measured westerly therealong from the centre line of the tracks of the Canadian National Railways;

Thence westerly to a point distant 285 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in the northerly limit of that Lot distant 610 feet measured westerly therealong from the centre line of the said tracks;

Thence southwesterly to a point distant 305 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in the northerly limit of that Lot distant 1,550 feet measured easterly therealong from the northwesterly angle of the easterly half of that Lot;

Thence southwesterly to a point distant 460 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in the northerly limit of that Lot distant 1,340 feet measured easterly therealong from that northwesterly angle;

Thence northwesterly to a point distant 405 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in the northerly limit of that Lot distant 1,020 feet measured easterly therealong from that northwesterly angle;

Thence southwesterly to a point distant 500 feet measured southerly at right angles from a point in the northerly limit of that Lot distant 860 feet measured easterly therealong from that northwesterly angle;

Thence southwesterly to a point in the easterly limit of the lands described in an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 40459 distant 980 feet measured southerly therealong from that northerly Lot limit;

Thence southerly along that easterly limit 60 feet to a point;

Thence westerly parallel with the northerly limit of that Lot 110 feet to a point;

Thence southerly to a point measured north 60° west 30 feet from the southeasterly angle of the lands described in an Instrument registered in the said Land Registry Office as Number 50109;

Thence westerly to a point on the line between the east and west halves of Lot 10 measured south 10° 29' east 1,067.96 feet therealong from the southerly limit of Part 1 as shown on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number RS-953;

Thence northerly along that line to the northerly limit of that Lot;

Thence north 10° 29' west 66 feet to the southerly limit of Lot 11 in that Concession V;

Thence easterly along that southerly limit to the place of beginning.

6.  That part of Lot 10 in Concession V more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the northeasterly angle of Lot 62 as shown on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2926;

Thence westerly along the northerly limit of that Lot 62 a distance of 162.73 feet to the easterly limit of Lot 61 as shown on that Plan Number 2926;

Thence northerly along that easterly limit 265.83 feet to an angle in that Lot 61;

Thence easterly along a limit of that Lot 61 a distance of 163.07 feet to the easterly limit of that Lot 10 in Concession V;

Thence southerly along that easterly limit 266.66 feet to the place of beginning.

7.  That part of Lot 10 in Concession V more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the westerly limit of Lot 10 in Concession V in the Town of Markham measured north 10° 42' 30" west 72.54 feet from the southwesterly angle of that Lot;

Thence north 72° 07' 40" east 370 feet to a point;

Thence north 10° 42' 30" west 600.78 feet to a point;

Thence south 72° 05' west 370 feet to the westerly limit of that Lot 10;

Thence southerly along that westerly limit to the place of beginning.

8.  That part of Lots 8 and 10 and all of Lot 9 in Concession V in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York and shown on a map numbered 186 identified by the Registrar of Regulations Office on November 15, 1995 and filed with the Plans Administration Branch, Central and Southwest of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing at Toronto.

  (vi)  Lots 7 to 9, both inclusive, in Concession VI, save and except the following parcel of land:

That part of Lots 8 and 9 in Concession VI in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York and shown on a map numbered 187 identified by the Registrar of Regulations Office on November 15, 1995 and filed with the Plans Administration Branch, Central and Southwest of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing at Toronto.

(vii)  The east half of Lot 6 and Lots 7 and 8 in Concession VII excepting that part of Lot 6 more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the southwesterly angle of the east half of Lot 6 in Concession VII;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of the east half of the said Lot to the southerly limit of the Canadian National Railways right-of-way;

Thence easterly along the southerly limit of the Canadian National Railways right-of-way and following its curve to the south to the easterly limit of the said Lot;

Thence southerly along the said easterly limit to the southeasterly corner of the said Lot;

Thence westerly along the southerly limit of the said Lot to the place of beginning.

(vii.1) All of Lot 9 in Concession VII except that part of Lot 9 more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the northeasterly angle of the said Lot 9;

Thence westerly along the northerly limit of the said Lot 9 to the westerly limit of Princess Street;

Thence southeasterly following the westerly limit of Princess Street 651.45 feet to a point;

Thence south 71° 46' west 132 feet to a point;

Thence south 26° 08' 30" west 38.05 feet to a point;

Thence south 54° 14' east 30 feet to a point;

Thence south 22° 27' 10" west 43.64 feet to a point;

Thence south 28° 34' 40" east 29.32 feet to a point;

Thence south 3° 48' 10" west 66.81 feet to a point;

Thence north 71° 46' east 226.03 feet to the westerly limit of Princess Street;

Thence south 38° 31' east along that westerly limit 537.69 feet to the southerly limit of the said Lot 9;

Thence easterly along that southerly limit and its prolongation to the easterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions VII and VIII;

Thence northerly along that easterly limit to the easterly prolongation of the northerly limit of the said Lot 9;

Thence westerly along that prolongation to the place of beginning.

(viii)  That parcel of land beginning at the southwesterly angle of Lot 10 in Concession VII;

Thence easterly along the southerly limit of that Lot a distance of 358.45 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly angle of Lot 86 of Registered Plan Number 7326;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of that Lot 50.0 feet to the southeasterly angle of Lot 87 of that Plan;

Thence westerly along the southerly limit of lots 87, 88 and 89 of that Plan 308.56 feet to the southwesterly angle of that Lot 89:

Thence westerly along the prolongation of the southerly limit of that Lot a distance of 83 feet, more or less, to the centre line of the road allowance between concessions VI and VII;

Thence southerly along that centre line 90 feet, more or less, to the westerly prolongation of the southerly limit of Lot 10 in Concession VII;

Thence easterly along that westerly prolongation to the place of beginning.

  (ix)  Blocks A and B of Registered Plan Number 7326 in Lot 10 in Concession VII more particularly described as follows;

Beginning at a place in the southerly limit of that Lot distant 797.7 feet measured easterly therealong from its southwesterly angle;

Thence north 18° 18' west along the westerly limit of that Block A to the southeasterly angle of that Block B;

Thence south 71° 42' west along the southerly limit of that Block B 101.01 feet to its westerly limit;

Thence northerly along that westerly limit being along a curve having a radius of 50 feet, a distance of 20.14 feet to its northerly limit;

Thence north 71° 42' west along that northerly limit 101.01 feet to the westerly limit of that Block A;

Thence north 18° 18' west along that westerly limit 128.00 feet to its northwesterly angle;

Thence north 72° 16' east along the northerly limit of that Block A 399.47 feet to its northeasterly angle;

Thence south 10° 27' west along the easterly limit of that Block B 275.12 feet to its southerly limit;

Thence westerly along that southerly limit being along the southerly limit of Lot 10 in Concession VII 391.92 feet to the place of beginning.

(x)  Lots 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 52, 53, 54, 64, 65, 66 and 67, Block B and parts of Comely Court and Wilcliff Court all on Registered Plan Number 5880, being part of Lot 10 in Concession VII more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the southwesterly angle of Lot 40 of Registered Plan Number 5880 being distant 121.0 feet measured easterly along the southerly limit of Lot 10 in Concession VII from the easterly limit of Banfield Avenue;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of that Lot a distance of 110.83 feet to the southerly limit of Wilcliff Court;

Thence northerly crossing that Court to the southwesterly angle of Lot 47 of that Plan;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of that Lot 221.29 feet to its northerly angle;

Thence northwesterly along the southwesterly limit of Block B of that Plan 122.89 feet to the easterly limit of Banfield Road;

Thence northerly along that easterly limit 20.56 feet to the southerly limit of Drakefield Road;

Thence easterly along that southerly limit 332.44 feet to the northeasterly angle of Lot 54 of that Plan;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of that Lot 171.87 feet to its southerly angle:

Thence southeasterly along the southwesterly limit of Lot 55 of that Plan 66.89 feet to the northwesterly limit of Lot 65 of that Plan;

Thence northeasterly along that northwesterly limit 123.22 feet to the northerly limit of Lot 64 of that Plan;

Thence easterly along that northerly limit 180.00 feet to its easterly limit;

Thence southerly along that easterly limit 130.41 feet to the northerly limit of Comely Court;

Thence southerly crossing Comely Court to the northeasterly angle of Lot 67 of that Plan;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of that Lot 180.00 feet to the southerly limit of Lot 10 in Concession VII;

Thence westerly following along that southerly limit a distance of 511.28 feet to the place of beginning.

That parcel of land beginning at the intersection of the southerly limit of Lot 10 in Concession VII and the easterly limit of the right-of-way as shown on Registered Plan Number 3252, known as Milne Lane;

Thence north 10° 30' 10" west along that easterly limit 365.35 feet to a point;

Thence north 10° 31' 30" west along that easterly limit 31.98 feet to a point;

Thence north 62° 41' 30" east 110.00 feet to a point;

Thence north 10° 31' 30" west 100.00 feet to a point;

Thence north 62° 41' 30" east 41.53 feet to a point;

Thence south 58° 56' 10" east 222.28 feet to the centre line of the Rouge River;

Thence easterly along that centre line 250 feet to the westerly limit of the lands described in Registered Instrument Number 4452 lying south of that River;

Thence south 26° 31' 20" east along that westerly limit 214.74 feet to a point;

Thence south 21° 31' 20" west 32.49 feet to a point;

Thence south 3° 02' 10" east 59.57 feet to a point;

Thence south 4° 35' 20" east 38.36 feet to the southerly limit of Lot 10 in Concession VII;

Thence westerly along that southerly limit 570.04 feet to the place of beginning.

(xii)  All original road allowances between or fronting the lands described in paragraphs i to xi.

O. Reg. 473/73, s. 2; O. Reg. 192/74, s. 1; O. Reg. 999/74, s. 1; O. Reg. 83/75, s. 1; O. Reg. 406/75, s. 1; O. Reg. 534/75, s. 1; O. Reg. 693/75; O. Reg. 751/75, s. 1; O. Reg. 999/75, s. 1; O. Reg. 606/76, s. 1; O. Reg. 251/78, s. 1; O. Reg. 314/78, s. 1; O. Reg. 531/78, s. 1; O. Reg. 877/78, s. 1; O. Reg. 593/82, s. 1; O. Reg. 317/83, s. 1; O. Reg. 137/87, s. 1; O. Reg. 641/88, s. 1; O. Reg. 474/95, s. 1; O. Reg. 437/07, s. 1; O. Reg. 3/08, s. 1; O. Reg. 300/09, s. 1; O. Reg. 456/11, s. 1; O. Reg. 212/13, s. 1; O. Reg. 28/15, s. 1; O. Reg. 429/16, s. 1.

3. No land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected or used except in accordance with the terms of this Regulation, but nothing in this Regulation prevents the use of any land, building or structure for a purpose prohibited by this Regulation if such land, building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on the day this Regulation comes into force, or prevents the erection or use of any building or structure the plans for which have, prior to the day this Regulation comes into force, been approved by the municipal building inspector. O. Reg. 473/73, s. 3.

Permitted Uses

4. Every use of land and every erection or use of buildings or structures to which this Regulation applies within the Town of Markham is prohibited, except agricultural uses, and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including one single dwelling used in connection with each agricultural operation. O. Reg. 473/73, s. 4; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

5. Requirements for agricultural uses and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including one single dwelling used in connection with the agricultural operation, are established as follows:


No more than one dwelling shall be erected on any lot


Minimum lot area

50 acres

Minimum lot frontage

900 feet

Minimum front, side and rear yards

50 feet

Minimum ground floor area for dwellings

one storey — 1000 square feet and one and one- half storeys or more — 750 square feet

O. Reg. 473/73, s. 5; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

6. A single dwelling and buildings or structures accessory thereto existing on the date this Regulation comes into force may be extended or enlarged provided that such single dwelling and buildings or structures accessory thereto as extended or enlarged comply with the following requirements:


Minimum front yard

25 feet

Minimum side yard

10 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side

Minimum rear yard

25 feet

O. Reg. 473/73, s. 6; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

7. Buildings or structures accessory to single dwellings may be erected or built provided that such buildings or structures comply with the following requirements:

1.  No accessory building or structure shall be closer to the front lot line than the single dwelling on such lot.

2.  No accessory building or structure shall be closer than six feet to the single dwelling.

3.  No accessory building or structure shall be less than four feet from any lot line.

4.  No accessory building or structure shall exceed a height of twelve feet.

5.  The total area covered by any accessory building or structure shall not exceed 10 per cent of the area of the lot upon which it is constructed.

6.  No accessory building or structure shall be used for human habitation. O. Reg. 473/73. s. 7; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

Building Line

8. No building or any part thereof shall be erected or extended nearer to the centre line of any street than in accordance with the following:


Provincial highways

100 feet

Regional roads

78 feet

Town roads and other roads or streets

60 feet

O. Reg. 473/73, s. 8.

9. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Regulation,

(a)  the Town of Markham or any local board thereof, as defined in The Municipal Affairs Act;

(b)  any ministry, department or agency of the Government of Canada or Ontario;

(c)  any telephone or telegraph company;

(d)  a distributor, transmitter or generator of electricity licensed under Part V of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998;

(e)  a gas company holding a franchise from the Town of Markham;

(f)  The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority;

(g)  The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto; and

(h)  The Regional Municipality of York,

may use land or erect any building or structure for the purpose of providing a service to the public. O. Reg. 473/73, s. 9; O. Reg. 64/74, s. 1; O. Reg. 263/79, s. 1; O. Reg. 52/04, s. 1.

Rebuilding and Repairs

10. Nothing in this Regulation prevents,

(a)  the repair or reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged or destroyed subsequent to the date this Regulation comes into force, if the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased or its original use altered; and

(b)  the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building or structure or part of any such building or structure. O. Reg. 473/73. s. 10.

Buildings to Front on Street

11. No person shall erect any building or structure unless the lot upon which such building or structure is to be erected fronts upon a street. O. Reg. 473/73. s. 11.

Home Occupation

12. Nothing in this Regulation prevents the carrying on of a home occupation in a single or semi-detached dwelling. O. Reg. 473/73. s. 12; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

13. Spent: O. Reg. 473/73, s. 13.

14. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Order, the lands described in Schedule 1 may be used for a single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the requirements of section 7 and the following requirements are met:

Requirements for Main Building


Minimum front yard

25 feet

Minimum rear yard

25 feet

Minimum side yard

4 feet where the dwelling consists of one storey


6 feet where the dwelling consists of two storeys

Maximum lot coverage

33 1/3 per cent

O. Reg. 758/73, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

15. (1) In this section,

“floor area ratio” means the gross floor area of all buildings on a lot expressed as a percentage of the lot area;

“restaurant” means an establishment in which meals are prepared for sale and are served at tables located inside or immediately outside the building in which they are prepared and may include, as an accessory use, a take-out service. O. Reg. 639/85, s. 1.

(2) Revoked: O. Reg. 534/86, s. 1.

(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, there may be erected on the lands described in subsection (5) a building or buildings to be used for any of the following purposes, if the requirements set out in subsection (4) are met:

1.  Animal hospital or veterinary establishment.

2.  Art or antique store.

3.  Art or craft studio.

4.  Bakery.

5.  Bank or financial institution.

6.  Barber shop, beauty parlour, laundromat, shoe repair or similar personal service shop.

7.  Beer store.

8.  Bowling operation.

9.  Catalogue sales store.

10.  Furniture store.

11.  Health centre.

12.  Hotel or motel.

13.  Liquor or wine store.

14.  Meeting facilities for a trade union, club, fraternal organization, lodge or similar organization.

15.  Pet store.

16.  Photocopying operation.

17.  Photography studio.

18.  Place of worship.

19.  Professional or business office.

20.  Restaurant with or without licence to sell alcoholic beverages.

21.  Store selling home improvement products.

22.  Store for appliance sales or repair.

23.  Store for the rental of goods and equipment. O. Reg. 639/85, s. 1.

(4) Requirements for buildings permitted under subsection (3) are established as follows:


Minimum distance of building from the property line on Kennedy Road

12 metres

Minimum distance of building from the property line on Unionville By-pass

12 metres

Minimum distance of building from the northerly property line

12 metres

Minimum distance of building from the southerly property line

6 metres

Maximum building height

9.5 metres

Maximum floor area ratio

30 per cent


Parking spaces, each having a width of not less than 2.75 metres and an area exclusive of aisle or driveway of not less than 16.2 square metres, shall be provided and maintained with adequate access thereto in accordance with the following standards:




— one parking space for each 20 square metres of gross floor area.


Health centres

— five parking spaces for each squash or handball court



— six parking spaces for each tennis court



— one parking space for each 30 square metres of gross floor area devoted to exercise rooms, gymnasia and similar uses.


Hotels, motels

— one parking space per suite and one additional parking space for each 9 square metres of gross floor area devoted to restaurants, lounges and taverns, meeting rooms, banquet rooms and similar uses.


Professional and business offices

— one parking space for each 30 square metres of gross floor area or part thereof.


Restaurants and lounges

— one parking space for each 9 square metres of gross floor area including areas outside the building or structure designed for the consumption of food or beverage.


All other uses permitted

— one parking space for each 30 square metres of gross floor area.

Off-street loading space

Gross floor area of 1,860 square metres or less

— one loading space

Gross floor area greater than 1,860 square metres

— two loading spaces

A loading space shall be a minimum of 3.6 metres in width, 12 metres in length and 4.2 metres in height clearance and shall be adjacent to an access doorway leading directly into the building served.

O. Reg. 639/85, s. 1.

(5) This section applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 9 in Concession VI described as parts 17 and 21 on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs (No. 64) as Number 64R-7974. O. Reg. 534/86, s. 2.


16. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Order, the lands described in Schedule 3 may be used for storage of camping trailers for a period of one year from the date this Regulation comes into force if the requirements of section 7 and the following additional requirement are met:


Maximum lot coverage

50 per cent

O. Reg. 67/74, s. 2.

17. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Order, the lands described in Schedule 4 may be used for the mixing and preparing of topsoil. O. Reg. 67/74, s. 2.

18. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Order, the lands described in Schedule 5 may be used to erect thereon a vestibule, bearing dimensions 8 feet by 8 feet, at the front entrance of the office building located on the said lands. O. Reg. 143/74, s. 1.

19. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Order, the lands described in Schedule 6 may be used to erect thereon a single detached garage, bearing dimensions 24 feet by 28 feet, having a set back of 250 feet from the centre line of King's Highway No. 48. O. Reg. 143/74, s. 1.

20. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Order, the lands described in Schedules 7 and 8 may be used for the erection thereon of a single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, provided the requirements of section 7 and the following requirements are met:

Requirements for Main Building


Minimum front yard

25 feet

Minimum rear yard

25 feet

Minimum side yard

10 feet

Maximum lot coverage

33 1/3 per cent

O. Reg. 617/74, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

21. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Order, the building containing 10,000 square feet of total floor area situated on the lands described in Schedule 9 may be used for the following purposes:

1.  The front 5,000 square feet of the building may be used for a welding shop.

2.  The rear 5,000 square feet of the building may be used for the following,

(i)  any wholesaling, manufacturing, processing, packaging, bottling, printing, repairing, or warehousing which,

a.  does not involve the storage or use of highly flammable or explosive materials,

b.  is not obnoxious by reason of the emission of odours, dust, smoke, glare, noise, gas fumes, cinders, vibration, refuse matter or water carried waste, and

c.  does not require municipal water supply or municipal sanitary sewers,

(ii)  showrooms, and retail sales offices accessory to uses permitted under subparagraph i, and

(iii)  open storage in the rear yard only of goods and materials used in connection with permitted uses but subject to the following yard requirements:


Minimum side yard

20 feet

Minimum rear yard

25 feet

Maximum lot coverage

30 per cent

O. Reg. 758/74, s. 1.

22. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, a two-storey office extension, not exceeding 3,000 square feet in total floor area, to a steel fabrication plant may be erected and used on the land described in Schedule 10, provided the following requirements are met:

Requirements for Building


Minimum front yard on Woodbine Avenue

100 feet

Minimum south side yard on Burncrest Road

175 feet

Landscaping and Parking Requirements

The front yard shall only be used for landscaping, driveways or parking areas for visitors and employees and shall not be closer than 10 feet to the street line.

Parking areas for employees and visitors shall be provided and constructed of asphalt, concrete or other dustless materials.

The front wall and exterior walls on a side yard within 60 feet of the front lot line shall be constructed of brick, stone, glass, porcelain enamel, metal, architectural concrete, copper, anodized or baked acrylic or vinyl coated aluminum or steel when used as framing members or the external skin of insulated laminated panels not less than 1.5 inches in total thickness, stainless steel, ceramics or bronze.

No exterior wall shall be faced with wood or fibre siding, asphalt, impregnated paper or fibre with or without exterior coating or corrugated metal.

O. Reg. 182/75, s. 1.

23. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the existing 20 foot by 25 foot garage as described in Schedule 11 may be converted to and used for a construction company office at its present site. O. Reg. 182/75, s. 1.

24. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, a 10,000 gallon underground diesel fuel tank with a 2-foot by 4-foot pump island situate on the surface of the land and centred above the said fuel tank may be installed and used on the land described in Schedule 12, provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

100 feet

Maximum front yard

300 feet

Minimum west side yard

50 feet

Minimum distance from existing building

30 feet

O. Reg. 183/75, s. 1.

25. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the existing garage now located on the land described in Schedule 13 may be extended or enlarged by the addition of an office, not exceeding 1,000 square feet in total floor area, provided that, after the extension or enlargement, the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

500 feet

Minimum west side yard

50 feet

Minimum east side yard

50 feet

Maximum height of building

20 feet

O. Reg. 551/75, s. 1.

26. (1) In this section, “canopy” means a roof-like structure that is attached to a building at the top of a doorway and hangs suspended over the adjoining entranceway for the purpose of providing shelter. O. Reg. 600/87, s. 1.

(2) The place of worship and buildings and structures accessory thereto existing on the land described in subsection (3), on the date this section comes into force, may be extended if the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

10 metres

Minimum side yards:


on the northerly boundary

7.5 metres

on the southerly boundary

15 metres

Minimum distance between any lot line and the furthest extremity of any canopy from the building to which it is attached

9 metres


A minimum of one parking space for each 17.5 square metres of gross floor area of all buildings and structures or for each six seats in the place of worship (whichever is greater)

O. Reg. 600/87, s. 1.

(3) This section applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being those parts of Lot 9 in Concession VI designated as Parts 3 and 4 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs (No. 64) as Number 64R-4834. O. Reg. 600/87, s. 1.

27. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 15 may be used for the erection and use thereon of an addition to the existing garage used for salvage, wrecking, repairing and storage of motor vehicles, provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum floor area of addition

3,000 square feet

Minimum lot frontage on private right of way

200 feet

Minimum distance from centre line of private right of way to nearest wall of any building

83 feet

Minimum side yard

15 feet

Minimum rear yard

25 feet

The whole of any front yard except those portions occupied by driveways or parking areas shall be used for landscaping only.

The exterior wall of the building fronting on the right of way shall be faced with new materials other than unfinished concrete blocks or poured concrete.

The area to be used for the open storage of motor vehicles shall not exceed four acres and shall be enclosed by a solid fence of new opaque material constructed in a uniform manner not less than six feet in height and motor vehicles shall not be stored on the land except within the fenced area.

O. Reg. 860/75, s. 1.

28. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 16 may be used for the erection and use thereon of an extension to the existing steel fabrication plant not exceeding 69,600 square feet in area provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum distance of any part of any building from the centre line of Burncrest Avenue

83 feet

Minimum rear yard

40 feet

Minimum side yard

20 feet

Parking spaces shall be provided for each building on the same lot as the building according to the following standards:

For the first 30,000 square feet of gross floor area, one parking space for each 450 square feet or part thereof;

For the second 30.000 square feet of gross floor area, one parking space for each 1,000 square feet or part thereof;

For gross floor area of premises in excess of 60.000 square feet, one parking space for each 2,000 square feet or part thereof;

The parking area shall be paved and suitably drained;

Each parking space in the parking area shall be clearly demarcated and shall have a width of not less than nine feet and an area, exclusive of aisles or driveways, of not less than 200 square feet;

The lights used for illumination of the parking lot or parking station shall be so arranged as, not to direct light onto adjacent lots and streets;

No gasoline pump or other service station equipment shall be located or maintained on any parking lot;

Approaches and driveways to any parking area shall be defined by a curb of concrete or rolled asphalt and the limits of the parking area shall be defined by a fence, curb or other suitable obstruction designed to provide a neat appearance;

Access driveways to any parking area shall not be greater than thirty feet in width and the edges of such driveways shall join the edges of the street pavement with curves with a radius of not less than twenty feet;

The minimum width of all driveways shall be ten feet for one-way traffic and twenty feet for two-way traffic and the maximum width of all driveways, except entrance and exit ramps, shall be twenty-five feet;

Two loading spaces shall be provided and each loading space shall be at least twelve feet in width and forty feet in length with a minimum height of fourteen feet;

No loading space or platform or loading door shall be located in any yard or wall of any building or structure which joins or faces Woodbine Avenue;

A parking area for the use of commercial and industrial traffic shall be provided in a yard other than the yard abutting Woodbine Avenue.

The exterior walls of the building shall be constructed of or faced with brick, stone, glass, decorative concrete or similar new materials, or curtain wall construction composed of transoms and mullions with infill of insulated composite panels covered with prefinished metal, glass or plastic.

The following materials shall not be used:

ordinary concrete block

ordinary concrete brick

ordinary metal cladding

corrugated metal sheets or similar materials, or

asbestos cladding

A minimum yard of twenty feet in depth immediately abutting Burncrest Road shall be used only for landscaped open space except that driveways shall be permitted to cross such landscaped open space.

O. Reg. 159/76, s. 1.

29. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 17 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a factory for warehousing, the manufacturing of goods and the assembly of manufactured goods provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum total floor area of factory

43,000 square feet

Maximum lot coverage of factory

25 per cent

Maximum height of factory

30 feet

Minimum distance of any part of any building from centre line of Woodbine Avenue

130 feet

Minimum side yards

20 feet

Minimum rear yard

40 feet

Parking spaces shall be provided for each building on the same lot as the building according to the following standards:

For the first 30,000 square feet of gross floor area, one parking space for each 450 square feet or part thereof;

For the second 30,000 square feet of gross floor area, one parking space for each 1,000 square feet or part thereof;

For gross floor area of premises in excess of 60,000 square feet, one parking space for each 2,000 square feet or part thereof;

The parking area shall be paved and suitably drained;

Each parking space in the parking area shall be clearly demarcated and shall have a width of not less than nine feet and an area, exclusive of aisles or driveways, of not less than 200 square feet;

No gasoline pump or other service station equipment shall be located or maintained on any parking lot;

Access driveways to any parking area shall not be greater than thirty feet in width and the edges of such driveway shall join the edges of the street pavement with curves with a radius of not less than twenty feet;

The minimum width of all driveways shall be ten feet for one-way traffic and twenty feet for two-way traffic and the maximum width of all driveways, except entrance and exit ramps, shall be twenty-five feet;

Two loading spaces shall be provided and each loading space shall be at least twelve feet in width and forty feet in length with a minimum height of fourteen feet;

No loading space or platform or loading door shall be located in any yard or wall of any building or structure which joins or faces Woodbine Avenue;

A parking area for the use of commercial and industrial traffic shall be provided in a yard other than the yard abutting Woodbine Avenue;

Not more than one parking space for each ten lineal feet of the main building wall facing Woodbine Avenue will be located in the yard abutting Woodbine Avenue.

The exterior walls of the building shall be constructed of or faced with brick, stone, glass, decorative concrete or similar new materials, or curtain wall construction composed of transoms and mullions with infill of insulated composite panels covered with prefinished metal, glass or plastic.

The following materials shall not be used:

ordinary concrete block

ordinary concrete brick

ordinary metal cladding

corrugated metal sheets or similar materials, or

asbestos cladding

O. Reg. 386/78, s. 1.

30. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 18 may be used for the erection and use thereon of an extension of the steel fabrication plant now on the said land provided the total floor area does not exceed 7,600 square feet and the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

40 feet

Minimum north side yard

15 feet

Minimum south side yard

30 feet

Minimum rear yard

25 feet

Maximum height of plant

20 feet

Maximum lot coverage

25 per cent

O. Reg. 999/75, s. 2.

31. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 19 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a building to house pollution control equipment for a ready- mixed concrete plant provided the following requirements are met:


Total floor area of

2,000 square feet

Minimum front yard abutting Woodbine Avenue

250 feet

Minimum rear yard

50 feet

Minimum north side yard

6 feet

Minimum south side yard

20 feet

Maximum height of building

20 feet

O. Reg. 12/76, s. 1.

32. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 20 may be used for the erection and use thereon of an addition to the existing construction company office building provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum total floor area of addition, including basement

2,400 square feet

Minimum front yard

75 feet

Minimum east side yard

20 feet

The front yard shall only be used for landscaping and driveways or parking areas for visitors and employees.

Parking areas for employees and visitors shall be provided. Parking areas for employees and visitors shall be constructed of asphalt, concrete or other dustless materials and shall not be closer to the street line than 10 feet.

The front and exterior walls on a side yard within 60 feet of the front lot line shall be constructed of brick, stone, glass, porcelain, enamel, metal, architectural concrete, copper, anodized or baked acrylic or vinyl coated aluminum or steel when used as framing members.

The external skin of insulated laminated panels shall not be less than 1.5 inches in total thickness and shall be made of stainless steel, ceramics or bronze.

No exterior wall shall be faced with wood or fibre siding, asphalt, impregnated paper or fibre with or without exterior coating or corrugated metal.

O. Reg. 118/76, s. 1.

33. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 21 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a factory for the storage and maintenance of construction equipment and for light manufacturing provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum total floor area

34,000 square feet

Maximum lot coverage

25 per cent

Minimum distance of any part of any building from centre line of Fourteenth Avenue

83 feet

Minimum rear yard

40 feet

Minimum side yards

20 feet

Maximum height

30 feet

Parking spaces shall be provided for each building on the same lot as the building in accordance with the following standards:

For the first 30,000 square feet of floor area, one parking space for each 450 square feet or part thereof and one parking space for each 1,000 square feet or part thereof by which the total floor area exceeds 30,000 square feet.

The parking area shall have visible boundaries and shall be suitably drained.

The parking area shall be paved and each parking space in the parking area shall be clearly demarcated and shall have a width of not less than nine feet and an area, exclusive of aisles or driveways, of not less than 200 square feet.

The lights used for illumination of the parking lot or parking station shall be so arranged as not to direct light onto adjacent lots and streets.

No gasoline pump or other service station equipment shall be located or maintained on any parking lot.

Approaches and driveways to any parking area shall be defined by a curb of concrete or rolled asphalt or edges maintained neatly, and the limits of the parking area shall be defined by a fence, curb or other suitable obstruction designed to provide a neat appearance.

Access driveways to any lot shall not be greater than 30 feet in width and the edges of such driveways shall join the edges of the street pavement with curves of a minimum radius of 20 feet.

The minimum width of a driveway or aisle in or leading to any parking or loading area shall be 10 feet for one-way traffic and 20 feet for two-way traffic. No driveway or aisle shall be greater than 25 feet in width except for entrance and exit ramps.

Two loading spaces shall be provided and each loading space shall be at least 12 feet in width and 40 feet in length with a minimum height of 14 feet.

No loading space or platform or loading door shall be located in any yard or wall of any building or structure that adjoins or faces Fourteenth Avenue.

A parking area for the use of commercial and industrial traffic shall be provided in a yard other than the yard abutting Fourteenth Avenue.

The exterior walls of the building shall be constructed of or faced with brick, stone, glass, decorative concrete or similar new materials, or a “curtain wall” system composed of transoms and mullions with “infill” of insulated composite panels covered with prefinished metal, glass, plastic or similar materials.

The following materials shall not be used:

ordinary concrete block

ordinary concrete brick

ordinary metal cladding

corrugated metal sheets or similar materials, or

asbestos cladding

Adjoining Fourteenth Avenue a minimum yard of 20 feet in depth immediately abutting the street line shall be used only for landscaped open space, but driveways shall be permitted to cross such landscaped open space.

There shall be no illumination of an area outside any building unless such illumination is directed away from adjoining properties and any adjacent street.

The storage of goods, new or used, material or machinery shall not be permitted other than in a wholly enclosed building except industrial refuse in enclosed containers which may be located on the site provided it is effectively screened by landscaping or a decorative wall.

O. Reg. 207/76, s. 1.

34. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 22 may be used for the erection and use thereon of an extension not exceeding 15,500 square feet in area to an existing building and used for the sale and servicing of trucks provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum distance from any part of any building to the centre line of Woodbine Avenue

130 feet

Minimum rear yard

40 feet

Minimum side yards

20 feet

Maximum height

30 feet

Parking spaces shall be provided for each building on the same lot as the building in accordance with the following standards:

For the first 30,000 square feet of total floor area, one parking space for each 450 square feet or part thereof.

For the second 30,000 square feet of total floor area, one parking space for each 1,000 square feet or part thereof.

For total floor area of premises in excess of 60,000 square feet, one parking space for each 2,000 square feet or part thereof.

The parking area shall have visible boundaries and shall be suitably drained.

The parking area shall be paved and each parking space in the parking area shall be clearly demarcated and shall have a width of not less than nine feet and an area, exclusive of aisles or driveways, of not less than 200 square feet.

The lights used for illumination of the parking lot or parking station shall be so arranged as not to direct light onto adjacent lots and streets.

No gasoline pump or other service station equipment shall be located or maintained on any parking lot.

Approaches and driveways to any parking area shall be defined by a curb of concrete or rolled asphalt or edges maintained neatly, and the limits of the parking area shall be defined by a fence, curb or other suitable obstruction designed to provide a neat appearance.

Access driveways to any lot shall not be greater than 30 feet in width and the edges of such driveways shall join the edges of the street pavement with curves of a minimum radius of 20 feet.

The minimum width of a driveway or aisle in or leading to any parking or loading area shall be 10 feet for one-way traffic and 20 feet for two-way traffic. No driveway or aisle shall be greater than 25 feet in width except for entrance and exit ramps.

Two loading spaces shall be provided and each loading space shall be at least 12 feet in width and 40 feet in length with a minimum of 14 feet.

No loading space or platform or loading door shall be located in any yard or wall of any building or structure which adjoins or faces Woodbine Avenue. In addition to automobile parking areas, a parking area for the use of commercial and industrial traffic shall be provided in a yard other than the yard abutting Woodbine Avenue.

The exterior walls of the building shall be constructed of or faced with brick, stone, glass, decorative concrete or similar new materials or a “curtain wall” system composed of transoms and mullions with “infill” of insulated composite panels covered with prefinished metal, glass, plastic or similar materials.

The following materials shall not be used:

ordinary concrete block

ordinary concrete brick

ordinary metal cladding

corrugated metal sheets or similar materials, or

asbestos cladding

Adjoining Woodbine Avenue, a minimum yard of 20 feet in depth immediately abutting the street line shall be used only for landscaped open space, but driveways shall be permitted to cross such landscaped open space.

There shall be no illumination of an area outside any building unless such illumination is directed away from adjoining properties and any adjacent street.

The storage of goods, new or used, material or machinery shall not be permitted other than in a wholly enclosed building except industrial refuse in enclosed containers which may be located on the site provided it is effectively screened by landscaping or a decorative wall.

O. Reg. 207/76, s. 1.

35. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 23 may be used for the erection and use thereon of an extension not exceeding 17,000 square feet in area to the existing woodworking factory provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum lot coverage

25 per cent

Minimum distance of any part of any building from the centre line of Fourteenth Avenue

83 feet

Minimum rear yard

40 feet

Minimum side yards

20 feet

Maximum height

30 feet

Parking spaces shall be provided for each building on the same lot as the building in accordance with the following standards:

For the first 30,000 square feet of total floor area, one parking space for each 450 square feet or part thereof.

For the second 30,000 square feet of total floor area, one parking space for each 1,000 square feet or part thereof.

For total floor area of premises in excess of 60,000 square feet, one parking space for each 2,000 square feet or part thereof.

The parking area shall have visible boundaries and shall be suitably drained.

The parking area shall be paved and each parking space in the parking area shall be clearly demarcated and shall have a width of not less than nine feet and an area, exclusive of aisles or driveways, of not less than 200 square feet.

The lights used for illumination of the parking lot or parking station shall be so arranged as not to direct light onto adjacent lots and streets.

No gasoline pump or other service station equipment shall be located or maintained on any parking lot.

Approaches and driveways to any parking area shall be defined by a curb of concrete or rolled asphalt or edges maintained neatly, and the limits of the parking area shall be defined by a fence, curb or other suitable obstruction designed to provide a neat appearance.

Access driveways to any lot shall not be greater than 30 feet in width and the edges of such driveways shall join the edges of the street pavement with curves of a minimum radius of 20 feet.

The minimum width of a driveway or aisle in or leading to any parking or loading area shall be 10 feet for one-way traffic, and 20 feet for two-way traffic. No driveway or aisle shall be greater than 25 feet in width except for entrance and exit ramps.

Two loading spaces shall be provided and each loading space shall be at least 12 feet in width and 40 feet in length with a minimum height of 14 feet.

No loading space or platform or loading door shall be located in any yard or wall of any building or structure which adjoins or faces Fourteenth Avenue. In addition to automobile parking areas, a parking area for the use of commercial and industrial traffic shall be provided in a yard other than the yard abutting Fourteenth Avenue.

The exterior walls of the building shall be constructed of or faced with brick, stone, glass, decorative concrete or similar new materials, or a “curtain wall” system composed of transoms and mullions with “infill” of insulated composite panels covered with prefinished metal, glass, plastic or similar materials.

The following materials shall not be used:

ordinary concrete block

ordinary concrete brick

ordinary metal cladding

corrugated metal sheets or similar materials, or

asbestos cladding

Adjoining Fourteenth Avenue a minimum yard of 20 feet in depth immediately abutting the street line shall be used only for landscaped open space, but driveways shall be permitted to cross such landscaped open space.

There shall be no illumination of an area outside any building unless such illumination is directed away from adjoining properties and any adjacent street.

The storage of goods, material or machinery shall not be permitted other than in a wholly enclosed building except industrial refuse in enclosed containers which may be located on the site provided they are effectively screened by landscaping or a decorative wall.

O. Reg. 207/76, s. 1.

36. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 24 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a woodworking factory provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum total floor area of factory

15,000 square feet

Maximum lot coverage

25 per cent

Minimum distance of any part of any building from the centre line of Fourteenth Avenue

83 feet

Minimum rear yard

40 feet

Minimum side yards

20 feet

Maximum height

30 feet

Parking spaces shall be provided for each building on the same lot as the building in accordance with the following standards:

One parking space shall be provided for each 450 square feet or part thereof of total floor area.

The parking area shall have visible boundaries and shall be suitably drained.

The parking area shall be paved and each parking space in the parking area shall be clearly demarcated and shall have a width of not less than nine feet and an area, exclusive of aisles or driveways, of not less than 200 square feet.

The lights used for illumination of the parking lot or parking station shall be so arranged as not to direct light onto adjacent lots and streets.

No gasoline pump or other service station equipment shall be located or maintained on any parking lot.

Approaches and driveways to any parking area shall be defined by a curb of concrete or rolled asphalt or edges maintained neatly, and the limits of the parking area shall be defined by a fence, curb or other suitable obstruction designed to provide a neat appearance.

Access driveways to any lot shall not be greater than 30 feet in width and the edges of such driveways shall join the edges of the street pavement with curves of a minimum radius of 20 feet.

The width of a driveway or aisle in or leading to any parking or loading area shall be a minimum of 10 feet for one-way traffic, and a minimum of 20 feet for two-way traffic. No driveway or aisle shall be greater than 25 feet in width except for entrance and exit ramps.

At least one loading space shall be provided which shall be at least 12 feet in width and 40 feet in length with a minimum height of 14 feet.

No loading space or platform or loading door shall be located in any yard or wall of any building or structure which adjoins or faces Fourteenth Avenue. In addition to automobile parking areas, a parking area for the use of commercial and industrial traffic shall be provided in a yard other than the yard abutting Fourteenth Avenue.

The exterior walls of the building shall be constructed of or faced with brick, stone, glass, decorative concrete or similar new materials, or a “curtain wall” system composed of transoms and mullions with “infill” of insulated composite panels covered with prefinished metal, glass, plastic or similar materials.

The following materials shall not be used:

ordinary concrete block

ordinary concrete brick

ordinary metal cladding

corrugated metal sheets or similar materials, or

asbestos cladding

Adjoining Fourteenth Avenue a minimum yard of 20 feet in depth immediately abutting the street line shall be used only for landscaped open space, but driveways shall be permitted to cross such landscaped open space.

There shall be no illumination of an area outside any building unless such illumination is directed away from adjoining properties and any adjacent street.

The storage of goods, new or used, material or machinery shall not be permitted other than in a wholly enclosed building except industrial refuse in enclosed containers which may be located on the site provided they are effectively screened by landscaping or a decorative wall.

O. Reg. 207/76, s. 1.

37. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 25 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a factory for the storing and repairing of machinery and for light manufacturing provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum total floor area of factory

15,000 square feet

Maximum lot coverage

25 per cent

Minimum distance of any part of any building from the centre line of Burncrest Road

83 feet

Minimum rear yard

40 feet

Minimum side yards

20 feet

Maximum height

30 feet

Parking spaces shall be provided for each building on the same lot as the building in accordance with the following standards:

For the first 30,000 square feet of total floor area, one parking space for each 450 square feet or part thereof.

For the second 30,000 square feet of total floor area, one parking space for each 1,000 square feet or part thereof.

For total floor area of premises in excess of 60,000 square feet, one parking space for each 2,000 square feet or part thereof.

The parking area shall have visible boundaries and shall be suitably drained.

The parking area shall be paved and each parking space in the parking area shall be clearly demarcated and shall have a width of not less than nine feet and an area, exclusive of aisles or driveways, of not less than 200 square feet.

The lights used for illumination of the parking lot or parking station shall be so arranged as not to direct light onto adjacent lots and streets.

No gasoline pump or other service station equipment shall be located or maintained on any parking lot.

Approaches and driveways to any parking area shall be defined by a curb of concrete or rolled asphalt or edges maintained neatly, and the limits of the parking area shall be defined by a fence, curb or other suitable obstruction designed to provide a neat appearance.

Access driveways to any lot shall not be greater than 30 feet in width and the edges of such driveways shall join the edges of the street pavement with curves of a minimum radius of 20 feet.

The minimum width of a driveway or aisle in or leading to any parking or loading area shall be 10 feet for one-way traffic and 20 feet for two-way traffic. No driveways or aisles shall be greater than 25 feet in width except for entrance and exit ramps.

There shall be at least one loading space with a minimum width of 12 feet, minimum length of 40 feet and a minimum height of 14 feet but if the total floor area exceeds 20,000 square feet, two such loading spaces shall be provided.

No loading space or platform or loading door shall be located in any yard or wall of any building or structure which adjoins or faces Burncrest Road. In addition to automobile parking areas, a parking area for the use of commercial and industrial traffic shall be provided but shall not be located in any yard abutting Burncrest Road.

The exterior walls of the building shall be constructed of or faced with brick, stone, glass, decorative concrete or similar new materials, or a “curtain wall” system composed of transoms and mullions with “infill” of insulated composite panels covered with prefinished metal, glass, plastic or similar materials.

The following material shall not be used:

ordinary concrete block

ordinary concrete brick

ordinary metal cladding

corrugated metal sheets or similar materials, or

asbestos cladding

Adjoining Burncrest Road a minimum yard of 20 feet in depth immediately abutting the street line shall be used only for landscaped open space, but driveways shall be permitted to cross such landscaped open space.

There shall be no illumination of an area outside any building unless such illumination is directed away from adjoining properties and any adjacent street.

The storage of goods, material or machinery shall not be permitted other than in a wholly enclosed building except industrial refuse in the enclosed containers may be located on the site provided they are effectively screened by landscaping or a decorative wall.

O. Reg. 207/76, s. 1.

38. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 26 may be used for the erection and use thereon of an office and factory for the repair and maintenance of construction equipment provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum ground floor area

15,000 square feet

Maximum lot coverage

25 per cent

Minimum distance of any part of any building from the centre line of Woodbine Avenue

130 feet

Minimum rear yard

40 feet

Minimum side yards

20 feet

Maximum height of building

30 feet

One parking space shall be provided on the land described in Schedule 26 for each 450 square feet of floor area of the buildings on the said land.

The parking area shall have visible boundaries and shall be suitably drained.

The parking area shall be paved and each parking space in the parking area shall be clearly demarcated and shall have a width of not less than nine feet and an area, exclusive of aisles or driveways, of not less than 200 square feet.

The lights used for illumination of the parking lot or parking station shall be so arranged as not to direct light onto adjacent lots and streets.

No gasoline pump or other service station equipment shall be located or maintained on any parking lot.

Approaches and driveways to any parking area shall be defined by a curb of concrete or rolled asphalt or edges maintained neatly, and the limits of the parking area shall be defined by a fence, curb or other suitable obstruction designed to provide a neat appearance.

Access driveways to any lot shall not be greater than 30 feet in width and the edges of such driveways shall join the edges of the street pavement with curves of a minimum radius of 20 feet.

The minimum width of a driveway or aisle in or leading to any parking or loading area shall be 10 feet for one-way traffic and 20 feet for two-way traffic, and the maximum width of all driveways, except entrance and exit ramps, shall be 25 feet.

One loading space shall be provided if the floor area of the building is 20,000 square feet or less and two loading spaces shall be provided if the floor area of the building is more than 20,000 square feet.

Each loading space shall be at least 12 feet in width and 40 feet in length with a minimum 14 foot height clearance.

No loading space or platform or loading door shall be located in any yard or wall of any building or structure which adjoins or faces Woodbine Avenue.

In addition to automobile parking areas, a parking area for the use of commercial and industrial traffic shall be provided but shall not be located in any yard abutting Woodbine Avenue.

The exterior walls of the building shall be constructed of or faced with brick, stone, glass, decorative concrete or similar new materials or a curtain-wall system composed of transoms and mullions with infill of insulated composite panels covered with prefinished metal, glass or plastic.

The following materials shall not be used:

ordinary concrete block

ordinary concrete brick

ordinary metal cladding

corrugated metal sheets or similar materials, or

asbestos cladding

A minimum yard of 20 feet in depth immediately abutting Woodbine Avenue shall be used only for landscaped open space except that driveways shall be permitted to cross such landscaped open space. Such landscaped open space shall include substantial planting of decorative shrubs and trees and shall be shown on a plan prepared by a landscape architect.

There shall be no illumination of an area outside any building unless such illumination is directed away from adjoining properties and any adjacent streets.

The storage of goods or materials shall not be permitted other than in a wholly enclosed building except industrial refuse in enclosed containers which may be located on the site provided it is effectively screened by landscaping or a decorative wall. Construction equipment may be stored or displayed in the rear yard only.

O. Reg. 289/76, s. 1.

39. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 27 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a factory for light manufacturing and warehousing provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum total floor area of factory

53,000 square feet

Maximum lot coverage

25 per cent

Minimum distance of any part of any building from centre line of Fourteenth Avenue

83 feet

Minimum distance of any part of any building from centre line of Woodbine Avenue

130 feet

Minimum rear yard

40 feet

Minimum side yards

20 feet on each side

Maximum height

30 feet

Parking spaces shall be provided on the said land for each building in accordance with the following standards:

For the first 30,000 square feet of floor area, one parking space for each 450 square feet or part thereof, and one parking space for each 1,000 square feet or part thereof by which the floor area exceeds 30,000 square feet.

The parking area shall have visible boundaries and shall be suitably drained.

The parking area shall be paved and each parking space in the parking area shall be clearly demarcated and shall have a width of not less than nine feet and an area, exclusive of aisle or driveway, of not less than 200 square feet.

The lights used for illumination of the parking lot or parking station shall be so arranged as not to direct light onto adjacent lots and streets.

No gasoline pump or other service station equipment shall be located or maintained on any parking lot.

Approaches and driveways to any parking area shall be defined by a curb of concrete or rolled asphalt or edges maintained neatly, and the limits of the parking area shall be defined by a fence, curb or other suitable obstruction designed to provide a neat appearance.

Access driveways to any lot shall not be greater than 30 feet in width and the edges of such driveways shall join the edges of the street pavement with curves of a minimum radius of 20 feet;

The minimum width of a driveway or aisle in or leading to any parking or loading area shall be 10 feet for one-way traffic and 20 feet for two-way traffic. No driveway or aisle shall be greater than 25 feet in width except for entrance and exit ramps.

Two loading spaces shall be provided and each loading space shall be at least 12 feet in width and 40 feet in length with a minimum height of 14 feet.

No loading space or platform or loading door shall be located in any yard or wall of any building or structure which adjoins or faces Fourteenth Avenue or Woodbine Avenue.

A parking area for the use of commercial and industrial traffic shall be provided but shall not be located in any yard adjoining Fourteenth Avenue or Woodbine Avenue.

All buildings and structures must comply with the following restrictions:

The exterior walls of the building shall be constructed of or faced with brick, stone, glass, decorative concrete or similar new materials or a curtain-wall system composed of transoms and mullions with infill of insulated composite panels covered with prefinished metal, glass, plastic or similar materials.

The following materials shall not be used:

ordinary concrete block

ordinary concrete brick

ordinary metal cladding

corrugated metal sheets or similar materials, or

asbestos cladding

Adjoining Fourteenth Avenue and Woodbine Avenue a minimum yard of 20 feet in depth immediately abutting the street line shall be used only for landscaped open space except that driveways shall be permitted to cross such landscaped open space.

There shall be no illumination of an area outside any building unless such illumination is directed away from adjoining properties and any adjacent street.

The storage of goods, material or machinery shall not be permitted other than in a wholly enclosed building except industrial refuse in enclosed containers which may be located on the site provided it is effectively screened by landscaping or decorative walls.

O. Reg. 510/76, s. 1.

40. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 28 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a servicing bay for an existing service station provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum floor area

1,000 square feet

Minimum distance of any building from centre line of Woodbine Avenue

130 feet

Minimum south side yard

20 feet

Minimum rear yard

40 feet

Maximum height

20 feet

O. Reg. 279/77, s. 1.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order,

(a)  the propane storage tank existing on the land described in Schedule 28 on October 25, 1983; and

(b)  one additional propane storage tank, may be located and used on the land. O. Reg. 718/83, s. 1.

41. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, in addition to an automobile service station, two pump islands with a covering canopy and a building used as a warehouse, all existing on the 28th day of May, 1985, a building may be erected on the land described in subsection (2) and used as a warehouse, an animal hospital, a veterinary establishment, a furniture, carpet and appliance sales and repair establishment, professional or business offices, an establishment for the rental of equipment and a laundromat, provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum floor area of the building

1,000 square metres

Minimum distance between the building and Kennedy Road

12 metres

Minimum distance between the building and the rear lot line

12 metres

Minimum distance between the building and the side lot lines

6 metres

Maximum height of the building

7 metres

O. Reg. 498/85, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of part of Lot 9 in Concession V of the said Town described as follows:

Premising that all bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the bearing north 10° 48' 50" west, being the bearing of the easterly limit of the said Lot 9;

Beginning at an iron bar planted in the easterly limit of the said Lot distant 528.77 feet measured northerly thereon from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence south 71° 43' 10" west 137.99 feet to a point;

Thence north 10° 48' 50" west 134.42 feet to a point;

Thence north 71° 41' 10" east 138 feet to an iron bar planted in the easterly limit of the said Lot;

Thence south 10° 48' 50" east along the easterly limit of the said Lot 134.50 feet to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 498/85, s. 1.

42. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the existing single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto may be used on the land described in Schedule 30. O. Reg. 161/77, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

43. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the existing single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto may be used on the land described in Schedule 31. O. Reg. 161/77, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

44. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 32 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

25 feet

Minimum side yards

10 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side

Minimum rear yard

25 feet

Maximum height

35 feet

Minimum floor area

one storey — 1,500 square feet


one and one-half storeys — 1,650 square feet


two storeys — 1,800 square feet

O. Reg. 574/77, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

45. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 33 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a shed for the storage of trucks and nursery stock provided,

(a)  the existing shed is demolished or removed from the said land; and

(b)  the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

100 feet

Minimum side yards

800 feet

Minimum rear yard

75 feet

Maximum height

24 feet

Maximum ground floor area

7,000 square feet

Maximum lot coverage

2.5 per cent

O. Reg. 779/77, s. 1.

46. Revoked: O. Reg. 314/78, s. 2.

47. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the two existing buildings located on the land described in Schedule 35 may be used for the sale of antiques. O. Reg. 109/78, s. 1.

48. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, a garage for the storage of agricultural implements may be erected and used on the land described in Schedule 36 provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

350 feet

Minimum side yards

25 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side

Minimum rear yard

300 feet

Maximum height

35 feet

Maximum ground floor area

600 square feet

O. Reg. 280/78, s. 1.

49. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 37 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a canopy, not exceeding 30 feet by 65 feet, to cover the pump islands and the adjacent area of the existing full-service gas station located on the said land provided that the maximum height of the canopy does not exceed 20 feet. O. Reg. 401/78, s. 1.

50. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 38 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a mausoleum provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum ground floor area

21,000 square feet

Minimum distance from north lot line

30 feet

Minimum distance from east lot line

300 feet

Minimum distance from all other lot lines

50 feet

Maximum height

20 feet

O. Reg. 439/78, s. 1.

51. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the lands described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Schedule 39 may each be used for the erection and use thereon of a single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto. O. Reg. 489/78, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

52. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 40 may be used for the use thereon of a manufacturing and industrial undertaking and for the erection and use thereon of buildings and structures accessory to the undertaking, including offices, railway sidings, parking areas, driveways and walkways, provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum lot coverage of all buildings and structures

25 per cent

Minimum front yard

400 feet

Minimum side yards

40 feet

Maximum height of any building or structure used for manufacturing or industrial uses

one storey

Maximum height of any building or structure used for offices or other accessory uses

two storeys

No outside storage is permitted except for new goods and materials intended for use in the manufacturing and industrial undertaking.


O. Reg. 4/79, s. 1; O. Reg. 634/83, s. 1.

53. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, an extension to the building existing on November 18, 1983 on the land described in Schedule 41 may be erected and used for the manufacture of precast concrete products, provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum distance between the extension and the centre line of Rodick Road

82 feet

Minimum side yards of the extension

40 feet

Minimum rear yard of the extension

40 feet

Maximum height of the extension

50 feet

Maximum lot coverage of the building including the extension

25 per cent

O. Reg. 770/83, s. 1.

54. (1) The land described in subsection (2) may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto if the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

40 feet

Minimum side yards

15 feet

Minimum rear yard

15 feet

O. Reg. 401/86, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Township of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly the Township of Markham, in the County of York, being that part of Lot 12 according to registered Plan No. 2196 for the said Town of Markham, designated as Part 1 on a Plan of Survey of Records Number 64R-8504 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region, formerly Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64). O. Reg. 401/86, s. 1.

55. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 43 may be used for,

(a)  the erection and use thereon of a single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto;

(b)  the wholesaling of loam and soil; and

(c)  the location and use thereon of a loam pile and a soil shredder as uses accessory to the use  permitted by clause b,

provided the following requirements are met:

1. Single Dwelling


Maximum ground floor area

457.32 square metres

Maximum height

9.15 metres

Minimum distance from Kennedy Road

60.98 metres

Minimum distance from all other lot lines

7.62 metres

2.  Loam Pile


Maximum ground coverage

1,524.39 square metres

Maximum height

3.66 metres

Minimum distance from Kennedy Road

152.44 metres

Minimum distance from all other lot lines

7.62 metres

3.  Soil Shredder


Maximum ground coverage

487.8 square metres

Maximum height

4.57 metres

Minimum distance from Kennedy Road

152.44 metres

Minimum distance from all other lot lines

7.62 metres

O. Reg. 326/80, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

56. (1) In this section, “trailer” means any vehicle so constructed that it is suitable for being attached to a motor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled by the motor vehicle, and capable of being used for the living, sleeping or eating accommodation of persons, notwithstanding that such vehicle is jacked-up or that its running gear is removed. O. Reg. 623/80, s. 1.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 44 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a building for the storage, handling and sale of trailers and all-terrain vehicles provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum ground floor area of building

600 square metres

Maximum height of building

7.6 metres

Minimum front yard

30.5 metres

Minimum side yards

1.2 metres

Minimum rear yard

30.5 metres

O. Reg. 432/82, s. 1.

57. (1) In this section,

“floor area ratio” means the gross floor area of a building or structure expressed as a percentage of the lot area;

“health centre” means a building, or part thereof, used for a gymnasium, exercise room, steam room, sauna, squash, racquetball courts, swimming pool, massage room or other physical fitness purposes;

“private club” means a building, or part thereof, used as a meeting place for members of a lodge, fraternity house, sorority house, labour or union hall, health centre or similar organization;

“public uses” means buildings or structures used by the Town of Markham, a department or agency of the federal, provincial or regional government, Ontario Hydro, Markham Hydro, a telephone or telegraph company or a gas company. O. Reg. 30/86, s. 1.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, buildings and structures may be erected and used on the land described in subsection (4) for the following uses if the requirements set out in subsection (3) are met:

1.  Data processing or computer centre including sales facilities, warehousing of goods and materials, manufacture and assembly of goods, repair and servicing of goods other than internal combustion engines or motor vehicles, research laboratories, printing establishments, and similar industrial uses.

2.  Health centre.

3.  Private club.

4.  Public uses. O. Reg. 30/86, s. 1.

(3) The requirements for the uses permitted under subsection (2) are:


Maximum floor area ratio

40 per cent

Minimum gross floor area of each building or structure

185.8 square metres

Minimum distance of any building or structure from easterly lot line

6 metres

Minimum distance of any building or structure from southerly lot line

12 metres

Minimum distance of any building or structure from westerly lot line

12 metres

Maximum height of any building or structure

13.7 metres

Parking for industrial uses

For the first 3,000 square metres of each premises, one parking space for each forty square metres or portion thereof of floor area.


For the second 3,000 square metres of each premises one parking space for each 100 square metres or portion thereof of floor area.


For the floor area of each premises in excess of 6,000 square metres, one parking space for each 200 square metres or portion thereof of floor area.

Parking for a private club

One parking space for each thirty square metres of floor area.

Parking for a health centre

Five parking spaces for each squash or handball court.


Six parking spaces for each tennis court.


One parking space for each thirty square metres of floor area devoted to exercise rooms and gymnasia.

Loading requirements if the floor area of a building or structure is between 464.5 square metres and 2322.5 square metres

1 space

Loading requirements if the floor area of a building or structure is greater than 2322.5 square metres.

2 spaces

Only new materials and products shall be stored in an open area.

No open storage area shall be located within three metres of the easterly and northerly lot lines or closer to a street than any wall of the building or structure permitted by this Order that is closest to the street.

O. Reg. 30/86, s. 1.

(4) Subsection (2) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being  that part of Lot 6 in Concession IV designated as Part 2 on a Plan of Reference filed in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number R-4571. O. Reg. 30/86, s. 1.

58. (1) In this section,

“floor area ratio” means the gross floor area of a building or structure expressed as a percentage of the lot area;

“public uses” means buildings or structures used by the Town of Markham, a department or agency of the federal, provincial or regional government, Ontario Hydro, Markham Hydro, a telephone or telegraph company or a gas company. O. Reg. 30/86, s. 2.

(2) Not withstanding any other provision of this Order, buildings and structures may be erected and used on the land described in subsection (4) for the following uses if the requirements set out in subsection (3) are met:

1.  Data processing or computer centre including sales facilities, warehousing of goods and materials, manufacture and assembly of goods, repair and servicing of goods other than internal combustion engines or motor vehicles, research laboratories, printing establishments, and similar industrial uses.

2.  Public uses.

3.  Restaurant. O. Reg. 30/86, s. 2.

(3) The requirements for the uses permitted under subsection (2) are:


Maximum floor area ratio

40 per cent

Minimum distance of any building or structure from northerly lot line

7.6 metres

Minimum distance of any building or structure from easterly and westerly lot lines

6 metres

Minimum distance of any building or structure from southerly lot line

12 metres

Maximum height of any building or structure

13.7 metres

Minimum number of parking spaces


Loading requirements where the floor area of a building or structure is between 464.5 square metres and 2322.5 square metres

1 space

Loading requirements where the floor area of a building or structure is greater than 2322.5 square metres

2 spaces

Only new materials and products shall be stored in an open storage area.

No open storage area shall be located within three metres of the easterly and northerly lot lines or closer to a street than any wall of the building or structure permitted by this Order that is closest to the street.

O. Reg. 30/86, s. 2.

(4) Subsection (2) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being part of Lot 6 in Concession IV designated as Part 6 on a Plan of Reference filed in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number R-2554. O. Reg. 30/86, s. 2.


59. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 47 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a building containing a riding arena and stable for horses provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum floor area of building

7,500 square metres

Maximum height of building

10 metres

O. Reg. 282/81, s. 1.

60. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, a single dwelling may be located and used on the land described in Schedule 48 and a building accessory to riding academy and horse boarding uses may be erected and used on the said land for the purpose of providing living accommodation. O. Reg. 443/81, s. 1.

(2) The following requirements apply to the accessory building permitted by subsection (1):


Maximum floor area

350 square metres

Maximum number of dwelling units


O. Reg. 443/81, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

61. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 49 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

7 metres

Minimum side yards

3 metres

Minimum rear yard

7 metres

Maximum ground floor area of dwelling

155 square metres

O. Reg. 437/82, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

62. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the existing building situate on the land described in Schedule 50 may be used for business and professional offices. O. Reg. 513/82, s. 1.

63. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 51 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a building to be used as a place of worship, provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum lot coverage

10 per cent

Maximum height of the building

10.7 metres

Minimum distance between the building and the centre line of McCowan Road

30 metres

Minimum side yard on the north side

3 metres

Minimum side yard on the south side

5 metres

Minimum rear yard

7.5 metres

No building or structure shall be erected within one metre of the south lot line.


No building or structure shall be erected within six metres of the lot line abutting McCowan Road.


One parking space shall be provided on the land described in Schedule 51 for every eight seats provided in the building. Where seating is provided by open benches, every 0.5 metres of bench length shall be deemed to be one seat. Where no fixed seating is provided in the building, at least one parking space shall be provided for every 7.4 square metres of floor area, exclusive of stage area.


O. Reg. 317/83, s. 2; O. Reg. 491/83, s. 1.

64. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the building existing on the 10th day of October, 1985 on the lands described in subsection (3) may continue to be used as an automobile sales and service establishment and may be enlarged provided that the maximum ground floor area of the enlargement shall not exceed 75 square metres. O. Reg. 36/86, s. 1.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the lands described in subsection (4) may be used for the parking of automobiles as an accessory use to the automobile sales and service establishment existing on the lands described in subsection (3). O. Reg. 36/86, s. 1.

(3) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 12 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 64) as Number 2196, described as Part 2 on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 64R-3301. O. Reg. 36/86, s. 1.

(4) Subsection (2) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 12 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 64) as Number 2196, more particularly described as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 64R-3301. O. Reg. 36/86, s. 1.

65. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the continued use of the single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto existing on December 5, 1983 on the land described in subsection (3) is permitted or, if the existing single dwelling is removed, the erection and use on the land of a new single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto are permitted provided the requirements set out in subsection (2) are met. O. Reg. 11/84, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

(2) The following requirements apply to the erection of a new single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto on the land described in subsection (3):


Minimum distance between any building or structure and the front lot line

9 metres

Minimum distance between any building or structure and the side lot lines

3 metres

Minimum distance between any building or structure and the rear lot line

12 metres

Minimum area of the ground floor measured within the outside walls of the single dwelling, excluding garage, porch and veranda areas

one storey — 93 square metres

one and one-half storeys or more — 70 square metres

O. Reg. 11/84, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

(3) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 2 as shown on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 2196 and designated as Part 2 on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 65R-6546. O. Reg. 11/84, s. 1.

66. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, one single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto may be erected and used on each of the parcels of land described in clauses (2) (a), (b) and (c), provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum distance between any building or structure and the front lot line

9 metres

Minimum distance between any building or structure and the side lot lines

3 metres

Minimum distance between any building or structure and the rear lot line

12 metres

O. Reg. 171/84, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to those parcels of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being those portions of Lot 2 as shown on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 2196 and designated as,

(a)  Parts 1, 3 and 4;

(b)  Parts 5 and 6; and

(c)  Part 7,

on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 65R-6546.

O. Reg. 171/84, s. 1.

67. (1) In this section,

“light industrial uses” means,

(a)  the manufacture, assembly, warehousing, repair and servicing of goods and materials,

(b)  data processing and computer centres, including computer and data processing education, administration, market research and sales and servicing facilities,

(c)  research laboratories, and

(d)  printing establishments;

“lot coverage” means the percentage of the lot covered by the ground floor area of all buildings situated on the lot;

“ground floor area” means the area of the lowest storey of a building or structure, except a basement or cellar, measured between the exterior walls of the floor level of that storey;

“front lot line” means the lot line that divides the lot from Burncrest Road;

“rear lot line” means the lot line opposite the front lot line;

“side lot line” means a lot line other than a front or rear lot line. O. Reg. 689/84, s. 1.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in subsection (3) may be used for light industrial uses and buildings for light industrial uses may be erected and used thereon, provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot frontage on Burncrest Road

60 metres

Minimum lot area .

1.6 hectares

Maximum lot coverage

40 per cent

Minimum floor area of any building

1,400 square metres

Minimum distance between any building and the front lot line

12 metres

Minimum distance between any building and the rear lot line

12 metres

Minimum distance between any building and the side lot lines

6 metres

Maximum height of any building

14 metres

Minimum number of vehicular parking spaces for any building with a floor area of 3,000 square metres or less

1 space for every 40 square metres, or fraction thereof, of floor area

Minimum number of vehicular parking spaces for any building with a floor area greater than 3,000 square metres but not greater than 6,000 square metres

75 spaces plus 1 space for every 100 square metres, or fraction thereof, of floor area exceeding 3,000 square metres

Minimum number of vehicular parking spaces for any building with a floor area greater than 6,000 square metres

105 spaces plus 1 space for every 200 square metres, or fraction thereof, of floor area exceeding 6,000 square metres

Minimum number of loading spaces for any building with a floor area of 1,860 square metres or less

1 space

Minimum number of loading spaces for any building with a floor area greater than 1,860 square metres

2 spaces

O. Reg. 689/84, s. 1.

No goods or materials may be stored outside any building.

(3) This section applies to that parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being those parts of lots 7 and 8 in Concession in designated as Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 on a Plan of Survey of Record deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 66R-6242;

Save and except that part of the said Lot 7 designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on a Plan of Survey of Record deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 66R-10644.

O. Reg. 689/84, s. 1.

68. (1) In this section,

“dry industry” means any undertaking of an industrial nature that is capable of being operated without municipal sanitary sewers and includes the manufacturing, warehousing, processing and storing of goods and materials;

“industrial premises” means each part or the whole of a building that is separately occupied or used for carrying on a dry industry. O. Reg. 442/85, s. 1.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in subsection (4) may be used for carrying on a dry industry and for the erection and use thereon of buildings and structures accessory to such use, provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot frontage

30 metres

Minimum lot area

1 hectare

Maximum lot coverage

40 per cent

Minimum floor area of any building

1,400 square metres

Minimum rear yard

12 metres

Minimum side yards

6 metres

Maximum height of any building or structure

14 metres

Minimum distance between any building and centre line of any street

12 metres

Minimum distance between any building and the westerly lot line

14 metres

Minimum distance between any building and the northern lot line

14 metres

For each industrial premises occupying a floor area of 3,000 square metres or less in a building, one parking space shall be provided for every 40 square metres or portion thereof of floor area.

For the second 3,000 square metres of floor area, one parking space shall be provided for every 100 square metres or portion thereof.

For that part of the floor area in excess of 6,000 square metres, one parking space shall be provided for every 200 square metres or portion thereof.

For each industrial premises occupying a floor area of 1,860 square metres or less in a building, one loading space shall be provided.

For each industrial premises occupying a floor area of more than 1,860 square metres in a building, two loading spaces shall be required.

O. Reg. 442/85, s. 1.

(3) The landscaping buffer and temporary outside storage of goods or materials intended for use in the dry industry is permitted on the lands described in subsection (4) if the following requirements are met:

1.  There is a minimum setback of,

i.  12 metres from the west lot line,

ii.  12 metres from the south lot line, and

iii.  4 metres from the north lot line.

2.  There is no minimum setback from the east lot line.

3.  The area between the north lot line and the storage area within the 4 metre setback from the north lot line shall be used exclusively for landscaping.

4.  The goods and materials in the storage area shall be located so that they are not visible from a street along any line that is perpendicular to such street.

5.  The maximum lot area exclusive of parking spaces is 73 per cent.

6.  The maximum height of all buildings and structures shall not exceed the height of the lowest building. O. Reg. 428/16, s. 1.

(4) This section applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being part of Lot 8 in Concession IV, designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-32626 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65) and identified as Property Identification Number 03032-0399 (LT). O. Reg. 1/14, s. 1.

69. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in subsection (2) may be used for the storage and sale of nursery stock and supplies including soil, sand, firewood and plants, provided that all such uses shall be carried on only within and behind the building existing on the said lands on the 8th day of October, 1985. O. Reg. 533/85, s. 1

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being part of Township Lot No. 8, in the 6th Concession of the said Town, described as follows:

Commencing at a point in the westerly limit of the road allowance in front of Concession 7, distant 501 feet 4 1/2 inches measured southerly thereon from the northeast angle of said Lot 8;

Thence westerly parallel to the north limit of said lot 1,716 feet 9 inches to an old fence in the rear of the premises;

Thence southerly along the old fence line 156 feet 11 1/2 inches to the southerly limit of the lands conveyed herein;

Thence easterly in a straight line 1,716 feet, more or less, to a point in the westerly limit of said road allowance, distant 668 feet 6 inches measured southerly thereon from the northeast angle of the said Lot 8;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of said road allowance 167 feet 1 1/2 inches to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 533/85, s. 1 (1).

70.  (1) The building existing on the land described in subsection (2) on the day this section comes into force may be extended provided that the extension does not exceed 380 square metres. O. Reg. 465/86, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being those parts of Lots 6 and 7 in Concession IV described as Part 2 on a Plan deposited as Number 64R-7746. O. Reg. 465/86, s. 1.

71. (1) The single dwelling existing on the land described in subsection (2) on the 1st day of April, 1988 may continue to be used and buildings and structures accessory thereto may be constructed and used if the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot frontage

30 metres

Minimum lot area

0.4 hectares

Minimum front yard

9 metres

Minimum side yards

3 metres

O. Reg. 282/88, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York being that part of Lot 9 on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 2196 described as Part 1 on Plan Number 65R-11669 deposited in the said Land Registry Office. O. Reg. 282/88, s. 1.

71.1 (1) A single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto may be erected and used on the land described in subsection (2) if the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot frontage

30 metres

Minimum lot area

0.4 hectares

Minimum front yard

9 metres

Minimum side yards 

3 metres

O. Reg. 282/88, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York being that part of Lot 9 on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 2196 described as Part 2 on Plan Number 65R-11669 deposited in the said Land Registry Office. O. Reg. 282/88, s. 1.

72. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, a place of worship and buildings and structures accessory thereto may be erected and used on the land described in subsection (2) if the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot frontage on Unionville Gateway

80 metres

Minimum lot area

1.5 hectares

Minimum distance of place of worship from:


i. lot line abutting Unionville Gateway

15 metres

ii. lot line abutting Unionville By-pass

18 metres

iii. any other lot line

7.5 metres

Minimum distance of any building or structure from:


i. lot lines abutting Unionville Gateway and Unionville By-pass

9 metres

ii. any other lot line

3 metres

Maximum building height

10.7 metres

Maximum lot coverage

25 per cent


One parking space for each 17.5 square metres of gross floor area, or one parking space per six seat capacity (whichever is greater)

O. Reg. 218/86, s. 1.

(2) This Order applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 9 in Concession VI more particularly described as follows:

1.  Parts 1 and 2 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York North (No. 65) as Number 65R-8983.

2.  That part of Lot 1 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York North (No. 65) as Number 2196 designated as Part 23 on a Plan deposited in that Land Registry Office as Number 64R-7974.

3.  That part of Lot 1 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York North (No. 65) as Number 2196 designated as Part 3 on a Plan of Expropriation registered in that Land Registry Office as Number 266784. O. Reg. 218/86, s. 1.

73. (1) The building existing on the day this Regulation comes into force on the land described in subsection (2) may be used for business and professional offices and buildings, structures and uses accessory thereto may be erected and used if the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

12 metres

Minimum rear yard

9 metres

Minimum side yards

1.5 metres

Minimum lot area

0.1 hectares

Minimum lot frontage

21 metres


One parking space for every 30 square metres of gross floor area of any building or portion thereof

O. Reg. 361/86, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, (formerly the Township of Markham in the County of York), being that part of the northwest corner of Lot 9 in Concession VI of the said Town, described as follows:

Commencing at a point in the westerly limit of the said Lot 9, which point is distant 282 feet, 5 inches northerly therealong from the existing limit between the north and south halves of the said Lot;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of the said Lot 9 a distance of 70 feet to a point;

Thence easterly and parallel to the limit between the north and south halves of the said Lot 9 a distance of 174 feet, 9 inches, more or less, to a point in a post and wire fence;

Thence southerly parallel to the westerly limit of the said Lot 9 and along the said post and wire fence a distance of 70 feet to a point;

Thence westerly a distance of 176 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 361/86, s. 1.

74. (1) In this section, “floor area ratio” means the gross floor area of all buildings on the lands expressed as a percentage of the total area of the lands. O. Reg. 534/86, s. 3.

(2) The lands described in subsection (3) may be used for the purpose of selling and servicing automobiles and a building or buildings may be erected thereon for such purpose if the following requirements are met:


Maximum number of buildings


Minimum distance of any building from the lot line abutting Kennedy Road

12 metres

Minimum distance of any building from the lot line abutting Unionville By-Pass

12 metres

Minimum distance of any building from the lot line abutting Unionville Gateway

12 metres

Minimum distance of any building from the southerly lot line

6 metres

Minimum distance of any building from the easterly lot line

6 metres

Maximum height of building

9.5 metres

Maximum floor area ratio

30 per cent



Minimum number of parking spaces

1 space for each 30 square metres of gross floor area

Minimum width of each parking space

2.75 metres

Minimum area of each parking space exclusive of aisle or driveway

16.2 square metres

Off-street loading space:


Gross floor area of 1,860 square metres or less

one loading space

Gross floor area greater than 1,860 square metres

two loading spaces

Minimum width of each loading space

3.6 metres

Minimum length of each loading space

12 metres

Minimum height clearance

4.2 metres

O. Reg. 534/86, s. 3.

(3) This section applies to the lands described as follows:

All that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, and being part of Lot 1 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs (No. 64) as Number 2196 and being composed of the following parcels of land:

1.  Beginning at a point in the east limit of Kennedy Road, said point being also in the westerly limit of the said Lot 1, 544 feet, 8 1/2 inches northerly from the southwest angle of the said Lot 1;

Thence northerly along the westerly limit of Lot 1, 420 feet, 4 1/2 inches, more or less, to the northwest angle of Lot 1;

Thence easterly along the northerly limit of Lot 1, 209 feet, 6 inches to a point;

Thence southerly parallel to the westerly limit of Lot 1, 420 feet, 6 inches to a point;

Thence westerly parallel to the northerly limit of Lot 1, 209 feet, 6 inches to the place of beginning;

Excepting therefrom that portion of Lot 1 designated as Part 12 on an Expropriation Plan registered as Number 8527 in the said Land Registry Office.

2.  Beginning at a point 544 feet, 8 inches measured northerly from the southerly limit of Lot 1 on a line parallel to and distant 209 feet, 6 inches east of the westerly limit of the said Lot, measured on the southerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence easterly parallel to the southerly limit of the said Lot, 222 feet, 2 inches;

Thence northerly parallel to the westerly limit of the said Lot, 420 feet, 10 inches, more or less, to the northerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence westerly along the said limit 222 feet, 2 inches to a point distant 209 feet, 6 inches measured easterly along the said northerly limit from the westerly limit thereof;

Thence southerly along the first-mentioned parallel line 420 feet, 7 1/2 inches, more or less, to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 534/86, s. 3.

75. (1) A single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto may be erected and used on the land described in subsection (2) if the dwelling existing on the land on the day this section comes into force is demolished and if the new dwelling meets the following requirements:


Minimum lot frontage

30 metres

Minimum lot area

0.4 hectares

Minimum front yard

9 metres

Minimum side yards

3 metres

O. Reg. 601/86, s. 1; O. Reg. 700/91, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham, in The Regional Municipality of York, being part of Lot 10, Registered Plan No. 2196 of the said Town of Markham, described as follows:

Commencing at a point in the south limit of Helen Avenue at the northwest angle of Lot 10;

Thence southerly along the westerly limit of Lot 10 a distance of 966.50 feet, more or less, to the southwest angle of Lot 10;

Thence east along the south limit of Lot 10 a distance of 113.50 feet to an iron bar;

Thence north along a line having a bearing of north 9° 02' 30" west a distance of 966.76 feet to a point in the north limit of Lot 10 being the south limit of Helen Avenue;

Thence westerly along the north limit of Lot 10 a distance of 113.47 feet to the place of beginning, which parcel contains 2.50 acres more or less.

O. Reg. 601/86, s. 1.

76. (1) A track for testing a suspended light rail transit system may be installed on the land described in subsection (2), together with buildings and structures accessory thereto, if a minimum of thirty parking spaces are provided on the land. O. Reg. 625/86, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham, in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 7 in Concession VII designated as parts 1, 2 and 3 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs (No. 64) as Plan 64R-7807 and Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 64R-5888. O. Reg. 625/86, s. 1.

77. (1) The land described in subsection (2) may be used for a miniature golf course and a golf-driving range together with buildings and uses accessory thereto if the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot frontage

190 metres

Minimum lot area

16 hectares

Minimum front yard

23 metres

Minimum side yards

15 metres

Minimum rear yard

15 metres

Maximum building height

14 metres

Maximum floor area of all buildings and structures

300 square metres


A minimum of eighty parking spaces, each having a width of not less than 2.75 metres and an area, exclusive of aisle or driveway, of not less than 16.2 square metres.

O. Reg. 201/87, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to the land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly the Township of Markham in the County of York and being that part of Lot 8 in Concession IV for the said Township designated as Parts 1 through 9 according to a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs (No. 64) as Number 64R-7865.

Except that portion of Lot 8 in Concession IV, designated as Parts 3, 4 and 5 according to a Reference Plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 65R-4228.

Subject to an easement over Part 5 of Plan 64R-7865, as expropriated by Plan 10967 registered as Instrument No. 106216.

O. Reg. 201/87, s. 1.

78. (1) The land described in subsection (2) may be used for a golf course, a golf driving range, a miniature golf course and buildings, structures and uses accessory thereto if the following requirements are met:


Minimum frontage

400 metres

Minimum lot area

40 hectares

Minimum front yard

12 metres

Minimum side yards

12 metres

Minimum rear yard

12 metres

Maximum building height

6 metres

Maximum floor area of all buildings and structures

300 square metres


A minimum of fifty parking spaces, each having a width of not less than 2.75 metres and an area of not less than 16.2 square metres

O. Reg. 535/87, s. 2.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of lots 6 and 7 in Concession IV of the former Township of Markham designated as parts 8 and 9 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs (No. 64) as Number 64R-7308. O. Reg. 535/87, s. 2.

79. (1) In this section,

“parking space” excludes driveways, aisles, and other similar maneuvering areas;

“restaurant” includes an establishment that offers take-out service as an accessory use, or which serves meals to a table located in an area outside the building where the food is prepared. O. Reg. 501/90, s. 1.

(2) Despite section 4 of this Order, one or more of the following uses are permitted on the parcel of land described in subsection (7) if the use is in accordance with this section:

1.  Animal hospitals or veterinary establishments.

2.  Art or antique sales.

3.  Art or craft studios.

4.  Banks or financial institutions.

5.  Book stores, camera stores, clothing warehouses, sporting goods stores, home entertainment stores, jewellery stores, flower shops, toy stores and stationery stores, including the sales of office equipment, if the uses occupy not less than 500 square metres of gross floor area per store.

6.  Beer stores.

7.  Car washes.

8.  Catalogue sales stores.

9.  Private or commercial clubs.

10.  Emporiums having a gross floor area of not less than 790 square metres if the primary component is the sale of pharmaceutical, health and beauty aid products.

11.  Food centres, the primary component of which is the sale of fish, butchered and gourmet meats, fruits, vegetables and bakery products not normally found in a grocery store or supermarket.

12.  Furniture, carpet, or appliance sales and service.

13.  One gas bar, which may include an associated convenience store.

14.  Goods and equipment rental.

15.  Health centres.

16.  Ice cream parlours.

17.  Indoor recreation establishments such as bowling lanes, roller rinks and ice rinks.

18.  Lawn and garden equipment sales.

19.  Liquor and wine stores.

20.  Opticians.

21.  Personal service shops.

22.  Pet stores.

23.  Photocopying services.

24.  Photography studios.

25.  Professional and business offices.

26.  One restaurant having a gross floor area not exceeding 400 square metres.

27.  Stores for the sale of automotive parts and accessories which may include facilities for their installation but not for automotive repairs. O. Reg. 501/90, s. 1.

(3) The uses described in subsection (2) are permitted if the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot area

0.4 hectares

Minimum lot frontage

46 metres

Minimum front yard

12 metres

Minimum side yards

6 metres

Minimum rear yard

6 metres

Maximum height of any building or structure

12 metres

Parking spaces, each having a width of not less than 2.75 metres and an area of not less than 16.2 square metres, shall have adequate access to permit entrance or exit of motor vehicles to and from a street, and shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the following standards:

  1.  For banks or financial institutions:

One parking space for each 20 square metres of gross floor area.

  2.  For private or commercial clubs or for indoor recreation establishments such as bowling lanes, roller rinks and ice rinks:

One parking space for each eight seats on the site, and if the seating is provided by open benches, every 50 centimetres of bench shall be considered as one seat, but if there are no fixed seats, at least one parking space for each 7.5 square metres of gross floor area, excluding stage area.

  3.  For health centres:

Five parking spaces for each squash or handball court, six parking spaces for each tennis court, and one parking space for each 30 square metres of gross floor area devoted to exercise rooms, gymnasia and other similar uses.

  4.  For ice cream parlours:

One parking space for each 7 square metres of gross floor area.

  5.  For professional and business offices:

One parking space for each 30 square metres of gross floor area.

  6.  For restaurants:

One parking space for each 9 square metres of gross floor area, including area designed for the consumption of food or beverage outside the building or structure.

  7.  For all other permitted uses:

One parking space for each 30 square metres of gross floor area.

O. Reg. 501/90, s. 1.

(4) The parking requirements set out in subsection (3) do not apply to car washes. O. Reg. 501/90, s. 1.

(5) No part of any building or structure may be constructed within 30 metres of the centre line of Kennedy Road. O. Reg. 501/90, s. 1.

(6) A strip of land having a minimum depth of 9 metres immediately abutting a street or a highway may be used only for landscaping purposes, but driveways are permitted to cross that strip. O. Reg. 501/90, s. 1.

(7) This section applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York. being that part of Lot 9 in Concession VI described as follows:

Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 65R-8983 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York North (No. 65).

That part of Lot 1 on Plan Number 2196 registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York North (No. 65) designated as Part 23 on Reference Plan 64R-7974 deposited in that Land Registry Office.

That part of Lot 1 on Plan Number 2196 registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York North (No. 65) designated as Part 3 on Plan of Expropriation Number 266784 registered in that Land Registry Office.  O. Reg. 501/90, s. 1.

O. Reg. 501/90, s. 1.


80. Despite section 1, in this Part,

“dwelling” means one or more habitable rooms designed for use by, and occupied by, not more than one household and in which separate kitchen and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of the household, with a private entrance from outside the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building;

“household” means one or more persons living as a single housekeeping unit in one dwelling;

“single dwelling” means a separate building containing only one dwelling. O. Reg. 591/90, s. 1.

81. (1) Despite section 4, one single dwelling together with buildings and structures accessory to it may be erected and used on the land described in subsection (2) if the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot frontage

45 metres

Minimum front yard

9 metres

Minimum side yards

3 metres

Minimum rear yard

13.7 metres

Maximum height

10.7 metres

O. Reg. 591/90, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York being composed of the easterly half of Lot 9, Plan 2196. O. Reg. 591/90, s. 1.

82. (1) A two-storey single dwelling together with buildings and structures accessory to it may be erected and used on the lands described in subsection (3) if the following requirements are met:


Minimum Lot Area

18,000 square feet

Minimum Lot Frontage

100 feet

Minimum Yard Setbacks


Front Yard

25 feet

Side Yard

10 feet

Back Yard

25 feet

Maximum Height

30 feet (two storeys)

Maximum Lot Coverage

20 per cent

O. Reg. 553/92, s. 1.

(2) The existing single dwelling on the land described in subsection (3) shall be demolished or removed. O. Reg. 553/92, s. 1.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York being Part of Lot 9, Concession VI, designated as Parcel 2 on a plan of survey by David O’Horwood, O.L.S. dated September 29, 1964 attached to a deed registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 55372. O. Reg. 553/92, s. 1.

83. (1) Despite section 4, one single dwelling per lot, together with accessory buildings and structures, may be erected or located and used on the land described in subsection (2) if the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot frontage

34 metres

Minimum lot area

0.4 hectares

Minimum yard setbacks


front yard

7.5 metres

side yard

3 metres

rear yard

7.5 metres

Maximum gross floor area (including accessory buildings and structures)

460 square metres

Maximum height

10.7 metres

O. Reg. 307/93, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 8 on Registered Plan 2196 designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 65R-15687 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65). O. Reg. 307/93, s. 1.

84. (1) Despite section 4, a three-storey office building may be erected, located and used for business, professional and medical offices with accessory uses on the ground floor, including a pharmacy, cafeteria, optometrist, walk-in clinic, post-office or health care centre, on the land described in subsection (3) if the following requirements are met:


Maximum gross floor area

2,127 square metres

Minimum lot frontage

53 metres

Minimum lot area

8,400 square metres

Minimum setbacks



6 metres

Southerly side

6 metres

Northerly side

20 metres


46 metres

Maximum building height:

The building height shall not exceed the lesser of three storeys or 15 metres excluding mechanical penthouses.

O. Reg. 175/93, s. 1.

(2) No parking shall be permitted and no buildings or structures, except structures required for flood control or conservation purposes, shall be erected or located within 10 metres of the east property line of the land described in subsection (3). O. Reg. 175/93, s. 1.

(3) Subsections ( 1 ) and (2) apply to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of part of Lot 9 in Concession VI more particularly described as Part 6 on Plan 65R-59 15, designated as Parcel 9-9, Section MA-6 in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65). O. Reg. 175/93, s. 1.

85. (1) Despite sections 4 and 67, a commercial golf facility composed of an air-supported dome accommodating an indoor year-round driving range, a club house and an ancillary outdoor driving range may be erected, located and used on the land described in subsection (2) if the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot frontage

60 metres

Minimum lot area

5.44 hectares

Minimum distance of any building or structure from all lot lines

12 metres

Maximum gross floor area

6,000 square metres

Maximum height

18 metres

Minimum parking spaces

1.2 parking spaces for each golf driving tee

O. Reg. 249/19, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being those parts of lots 7 and 8 in Concession 3 designated as Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 on a Plan of Survey of Record deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 66R-6242, except that part of lot 7 designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on a Plan of Survey of Record deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 66R-10644. O. Reg. 249/19, s. 1.

(3) Despite sections 4 and 67, a landing area for the ancillary outdoor driving range may be located and used on the land described in subsection (4). O. Reg. 249/19, s. 1.

(4) Subsection (3) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being part of lot 7 in Concession 3 designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on a Plan of Survey of Record deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 66R-10644 and the westerly half of Part 4 on Expropriation Plan No. 11165 registered as Instrument No. MA109460. ). O. Reg. 249/19, s. 1.

Note: On July 1, 2023, section 85 of the Regulation is revoked. (See: O. Reg. 249/19, s. 2)

86. (1) Despite section 4, one single dwelling per lot, together with accessory buildings and structures, may be erected, located and used on the lands described in subsection (2) if the following requirements are met:


Minimum lot frontage

38 metres

Minimum lot area

0.4 hectares

Minimum yard setbacks


front yard

7.5 metres

side yard

3 metres

rear yard

7.5 metres

Maximum height

10.7 metres

O. Reg. 295/95, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being Part of Lot 10, Plan 2196 described in Instrument No. 0656878 registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65). O. Reg. 295/95, s. 1.

87. Revoked: O. Reg. 105/12, s. 2.

88. (1) Despite section 4, an outdoor golf driving range, practice putting and chipping areas, a club house, a miniature golf course and 212 parking spaces, together with accessory buildings and structures, may be erected, located and used on the lands described in subsection (2) if the following requirements are met:


Minimum Lot Frontage

196 metres

Front Yard Setback

400 metres

Minimum Side Yard Setback

100 metres

Minimum Rear Yard Setback

375 metres

Minimum Opposite Side Yard

25 metres

Maximum Building Height

8 metres

Maximum Gross Floor Area

302 square metres

Maximum Parking Spaces


O. Reg. 7/11, s. 1.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being part of Lots 7 and 8 in Concession 3, designated as Parts 1 to 11 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 65R-21889, and identified as part of Property Identifier Number 03030-0035 (LT) and Property Identifier Number 03030-0039 (LT). O. Reg. 7/11, s. 1.

Schedule 1

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Markham, in the Regional Municipality of York, formerly the Township of Markham, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of the east half of Lot 10, in Concession V of the said Town, more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the road allowance between Concessions 5 and 6 in the Town of Markham has a bearing of north 10° 31' 20" west and relating all bearings used herein thereto;

Beginning at a point on the westerly limit of the said road where an iron bar has been planted, the said point being distant 645.11 feet, more or less, measured southerly along the easterly limit of the road from the northeast angle of the said road;

Thence south 72° 10' 40", 162.98 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence south 10° 27' 40" west, 83.39 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence north 72° 10' 40" east, 163.07 feet to an iron bar planted on the easterly limit of the said lot;

Thence north 10° 31' 20" west, 83.38 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.

O. Reg. 758/73, s. 2.

Schedule 2 Revoked: O. Reg. 639/85, s. 2.

Schedule 3

All that certain parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham, in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham, in the County of York, and being composed of the north 100 feet of equal perpendicular distance throughout from front to rear of Lot 89 according to plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2386.

O. Reg. 67/74, s. 3.

Schedule 4

All those certain parcels of land situate in the Town of Markham, in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham, in the County of York, and being composed of those parts of Lot 9 in Concession V of the said Town, more particularly described as follows:

1.  Premising that the bearing of the east limit of the hereinafter described land is north 9° west and relating all bearings used herein thereto;

Commencing at a point in the south limit of the said Lot 9, which may be located as follows:

Commencing at the northeast angle of the said Lot 9;

Thence south 8° 45' east along the said east limit a distance of 104.44 feet;

Thence continuing along the said east limit south 9° east a distance of 552.28 feet to a point in line with the remains of a fence running westerly;

Thence south 73° 35' west along the said fence a distance of 650.78 feet to the point of beginning;

Thence from the point of beginning north 9° west a distance of 135 feet;

Thence south 73° 35' west a distance of 931.12 feet, more or less, to a point in the east limit of the Canadian National Railway lands;

Thence south 7° 16' 30" west along the said east limit a distance of 147.35 feet;

Thence north 73° 31' 20" east a distance of 972.96 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.

2.  Premising that the bearing of the east limit of the hereinafter described lands is north 9° west and relating all bearings used herein thereto;

Commencing at a point in the east limit of the said Lot 9, which may be located as follows:

Commencing at the northeast angle of the said Lot 9;

Thence south 8° 45' east along the said east limit a distance of 104.44 feet;

Thence continuing along the said east limit south 9° east a distance of 417.28 feet to the point of beginning;

Thence from the point of beginning south 9° east along the said east limit to a point in line with the remains of a fence running westerly, a distance of 135 feet;

Thence south 73° 35' west along the said fence, a distance of 650.78 feet;

Thence north 9° west a distance of 135 feet;

Thence north 73° 35' east to a distance of 650.78 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.

O. Reg. 67/74, s. 3.

Schedule 5

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham, in The Regional Municipality of York, containing an area of 1.297 acres, more or less, and composed of that part of Lot 5 in Concession IV of the said Town, described as follows:

Premising that all bearings herein are referred to the western limit of the said Lot 5 and assumed to have a bearing of north 10° 53' 40" west;

Beginning at a standard iron bar distant 27.19 feet measured on a course of north 72° 14' 50" east from a point in the easterly limit of Woodbine Avenue distant 563.37 feet measured on a course south 10° 53' 40" east along the easterly limit of Woodbine Avenue from the northwestern angle of the said Lot 5;

Thence south 10° 53' 40" east, 166.20 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 72° 08' 40" east, 343.21 feet to an iron bar;

Thence north 10° 53' 40" west, 165.52 feet to an iron bar;

Thence south 72° 14' 50" west, 343.13 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.

O. Reg. 143/74, s. 2.

Schedule 6

That parcel of land situate in the Township of Markham, in the County of York, composed of part of Lot 8 in Concession VII of the said Township of Markham, described as follows:

Beginning at an iron bar planted in the northerly limit of the said Lot 8 where it is intersected by the westerly limit of King's Highway No. 48 as widened;

Thence southerly along the westerly limit of King's Highway No. 48 as widened, a distance of 150.71 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence south 72° 9' west, a distance of 400 feet to an iron bar planted;

Thence north 9° 43' 40" west, a distance of 150 feet to an iron bar planted in the line of a post and wire fence marking the existing northerly limit of the said Lot 8;

Thence north 72° 9' east along the line of the said fence forming the existing northerly limit of the said Lot 8 a distance of 193.26 feet to an iron bar planted in the line of the said fence;

Thence continuing north 71° 57' 30" east along the line of the said fence forming the existing northerly limit of the said Lot 8, a distance of 206.74 feet to the point of beginning.

O. Reg. 143/74, s. 2.

Schedule 7

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, and being composed of that part of Lot 5 shown on Plan registered as Number 2196 in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64), described as follows:

Premising that the south limit of the said Lot 5 has a bearing of north 73° 56' east and relating all bearings used herein thereto;

Beginning at a point in the south limit of the said Lot, distant 126.79 feet measured easterly therealong from the southwest corner thereof;

Thence easterly along the south limit of the said Lot, 100 feet, more or less, to the east limit of the west half of the said Lot;

Thence north 8° 58' 20" west along the said east limit 968.81 feet, more or less, to the point in the north limit of the said Lot, distant 226.46 feet measured easterly therealong from the northwest corner thereof;

Thence westerly along the said north limit 100 feet;

Thence south 8° 58' 20" east 968.92 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.

O. Reg. 344/74, s. 2.

Schedule 8

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, and being composed of part of Lot 6 according to a Plan registered as Number 2196 for the Town of Markham, more particularly designated as Part 1 according to Reference Plan 64R-3232 filed in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64).

O. Reg. 617/74, s. 2.

Schedule 9

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, more particularly described as follows:

1.  Lots 42 and 43 as shown on a plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2386;

2.  Those parts of Lots 101, 102 and 103 as shown on the said Plan Number 2386, more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the northeast angle of Lot 103 as shown on the said plan being also the southwesterly limit of a right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways;

Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly limits of Lots 103, 102 and 101, a distance of 395 feet, 8 3/4 inches, more or less, to the most southeasterly angle of the said Lot 101;

Thence westerly along the southerly limit of the said Lot 101, a distance of 502 feet, 11 1/2 inches, more or less, to a point distant 300 feet easterly from the easterly limit of Ruggles Avenue as shown on the said plan;

Thence northerly and parallel to the easterly limit of Ruggles Avenue as shown on the said plan, a distance of 372 feet to the southwest angle of Lot 42;

Thence easterly along the southerly limits of Lots 42 and 43, being also the northerly limit of Lot 103, a distance of 315 feet, 1 1/2 inches, more or less, to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 758/74, s. 2.

Schedule 10

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of that part of Lot 7 in Concession III, more particularly described as Part 2 on a Reference Plan filed in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number R-2841.

O. Reg. 182/75, s. 2.

Schedule 11

All that parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of part of Lot 5 in Concession III of the said former Township, more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the westerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV of the said former Township adjoining the said Lot 5 has a course of north 90° west and relating all bearings herein thereto.

Beginning at a place in the southerly limit of the said Lot 5 as represented in October, 1947 by the line of a post and wire fence at a distance of 1,882 feet, 4 ½ inches measured westerly thereon from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot, the said point being 199 feet, 11 inches westerly from an iron tube planted in the said southerly limit at a distance of 1,682 feet, ½ inch westerly from the said southeasterly angle;

Thence north 8° 31' west, 1,096 feet, 6 inches to a point in a line drawn parallel to the southerly limit of a certain trespass road crossing the said Lot at the date last mentioned and distant 22 feet, 2 inches southerly therefrom measured on a course south 90° east;

Thence south 71° 35' west parallel to the southerly limit of the said trespass road 202 feet, 10 inches to an iron tube;

Thence south 8° 31' west parallel to the said southerly limit 202 feet, 10 inches to an iron tube;

Thence north 74° 23' east along the southerly limit of the said Lot 201 feet, 3 inches to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 182/75, s. 2.

Schedule 12

That tract of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of that part of Lot 5 in Concession III, more particularly described as Lot 1 on a Plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 3820.

O. Reg. 183/75, s. 2.

Schedule 13

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of that part of Lot 5 in Concession III, more particularly described as Lots 1 and 2 on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 3820.

O. Reg. 551/75, s. 2.

Schedule 14 Revoked: O. Reg. 535/87, s. 3.

Schedule 15

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being part of Lot 9 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the bearing of the easterly limit of the road allowance between concessions III and IV is north 9° west and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at a point in the southerly limit of the said Lot 9 distant 2,184.89 feet easterly therealong from the southwesterly corner of that Lot;

Thence continuing along that southerly limit on a course north 73° 45' 20" east a distance of 509.30 feet to an iron bar;

Thence continuing along that southerly limit on a course north 73° 26' 30" east a distance of 633.08 feet to an iron pipe;

Thence on a course north 9° 11' 30" west a distance of 731.27 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence on a course south 72° 57' 10" west a distance of 1,670.68 feet;

Thence on a course south 45° 59' east a distance of 37.70 feet to an iron bar;

Thence on a course south 25° 58' east a distance of 247.56 feet;

Thence on a course south 66° 54' 44" east a distance of 285.65 feet;

Thence on a course south 48° 35' 20" east a distance of 293.35 feet to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 860/75, s. 2.

Schedule 16

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 7 in Concession III more particularly described as Parts 2, 3 and 15 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number R-2841.

O. Reg. 999/75, s. 3.

Schedule 17

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being Lots 2 and 3 as shown on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 3674.

O. Reg. 999/75, s. 3.

Schedule 18

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being Lot 1 as shown on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 3674.

O. Reg. 999/75, s. 3.

Schedule 19

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 5 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the westerly limit of the said Lot 5 has a bearing of north 10° 53' 40" west and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at a place in the westerly limit of the said Lot distant 729.57 feet southerly from the northwesterly angle thereof;

Thence south 10° 53' 40" east along the said westerly limit 300 feet;

Thence north 72° 08' 40" east 731.39 feet;

Thence north 10° 53' 40" west 300 feet;

Thence south 72° 08' 40" west 731.39 feet to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 12/76, s. 2.

Schedule 20

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 5 in Concession III of the said former Township more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the westerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV of the said former Township and adjoining the said Lot 5 has a course of north 90° west and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at a place in the southerly limit of the said Lot 5 as represented in October, 1947 by the line of a post and wire fence at a distance of 1,882 feet, 4 1/2 inches measured westerly thereon from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence north 8° 31' west 1,096 feet, 6 inches;

Thence south 71° 35' west 202 feet, 10 inches to an iron tube;

Thence south 8° 31' west 1,085 feet, 9 inches to an iron tube;

Thence north 74° 23' east along the southerly limit of the said Lot 201 feet. 3 inches to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 118/76, s. 2.

Schedule 21

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of part of Lot 5 in Concession III more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the westerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV has a course of north 9° west and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at a point in the southerly limit of the said Lot 5 a distance of 203 feet, 1 inch measured easterly thereon from a 1 inch iron bar planted at a distance of 2,488 feet measured on a course south 74° 23' west from an iron tube planted at the southeasterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence north 31° west 1,085 feet, 8 inches;

Thence north 71° 14' east 202 feet, 9 inches;

Thence south 8° 31' east 1,095 feet, 8 inches, more or less, to the said southerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence westerly along the said southerly limit 201 feet, 3 1/2 inches to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 207/76, s. 2.

Schedule 22

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 9 in Concession III more particularly described as Part 2 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Toronto and York (No. 66) as Number R3116.

O. Reg. 207/76, s. 2.

Schedule 23

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of part of Lot 5 in Concession III more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the westerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV of the said Township adjoining the said Lot 5 has a course of north 9° west and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at an iron tube planted in the southerly limit of the said Lot 1,682 feet, 5 1/2 inches measured westerly thereon from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence north 8° 31' west 1,105 feet, 9 inches;

Thence south 71° 14' west 88 feet, 8 inches;

Thence south 71° 35' west 112 feet, 7 inches;

Thence south 80° 31' east 1,095 feet, 6 inches, more or less, to the southerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence north 74° 23' east along the last mentioned limit 199 feet, 11 inches to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 207/76, s. 2.

Schedule 24

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 5 in Concession III designated as Lot 3 on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 3820.

O. Reg. 207/76, s. 2.

Schedule 25

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being that part of Lots 7 and 8 in Concession III designated as Part 1 on a plan of survey deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Toronto and York (No. 66) as Number 66R-5131 together with that part of the said Lot 8 described as follows:

Beginning at the northeasterly corner of the said Part 1;

Thence north 9° 43' west 177.52 feet;

Thence south 65° 27' 30" west 364.46 feet;

Thence south 17° 48' 20" east 114.08 feet to the northwesterly corner of the said Part 1;

Thence easterly along the northerly limit of the said Part 1 to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 207/76, s. 2.

Schedule 26

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York being composed of that part of Lot 5 in Concession III more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the westerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV has a course of north 9° west and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at a point in the westerly limit of the said road allowance distant 128 feet, 7 1/2 inches measured northerly along the said limit from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot 5;

Thence south 74° 23' west 677 feet, 3 1/2 inches;

Thence north 9° west 128 feet, 7 1/2 inches;

Thence north 74° 23' east 677 feet, 3 1/2 inches to the said westerly limit of the said road allowance;

Thence south 9° east along the last-mentioned limit 128 feet, 7 1/2 inches to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 289/76, s. 2.

Schedule 27

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of parts of Lot 5 in Concession III more particularly described as follows:

1.  Premising that the westerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV of the said Town has a course of north 9° west and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Beginning at a place in the westerly limit of the said road allowance at a distance of 893 feet, 8 inches measured northerly thereon from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot 5;

Thence south 81° west 672 feet, 9 3/4 inches to a point;

Thence south 9° east 298 feet to a point;

Thence north 74° 23' east 677 feet, 3 1/2 inches, more or less, to the said westerly limit of the said road allowance;

Thence north 9° west along the said limit 219 feet, 11 1/2 inches to the place of beginning;

2.  Beginning at a place in the easterly limit of the said Lot 5 distant 673 feet, 8 1/2 inches measured northerly therealong from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence south 74° 23' west 677 feet, 3 1/2 inches to a point;

Thence south 9° east 30 feet, 7 inches to the northwesterly angle of Lot 1 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 3674;

Thence north 74° 23' east along the northerly limit of the said Lot 1 and its production easterly 677 feet, 3 1/2 inches to the easterly limit of the said Lot 5;

Thence northerly along the easterly limit of the said Lot 5 a distance of 30 feet, 7 inches to the place of beginning.

3.  That parcel of land composed of Lot A according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 4312 for the Town of Markham.

Excepting that part of the said Lot 5 designated as Part 6 according to a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number RS-939 and that part of the said Lot 5 more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a place in the westerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV at a distance of 893 feet, 8 inches measured northerly thereon from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot 5;

Thence south 81° west 672 feet, 9 3/4 inches;

Thence south 9° east 30 feet, 7 inches;

Thence north 81° east 672 feet, 9 3/4 inches;

Thence north 9° west along the last-mentioned limit 30 feet, 7 inches to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 510/76, s. 2.

Schedule 28

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 8 in Concession III more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the northerly limit of the said Lot 8 lies on a course of north 71° 57' 50" east and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Commencing at the northeasterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence south 71° 57' 50" west 17.16 feet along the northerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence south 10° 08' 40" east 131.69 feet along the westerly limit of Don Mills Road as widened by a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number S-58-234-1;

Thence continuing along the said westerly limit on a course of south 10° 40' east 229.57 feet to the place of beginning of the herein described parcel;

Thence south 72° 04' west 272.85 feet to a point;

Thence south 17° 56' east 272.77 feet to a point;

Thence north 72° 04' east 238 feet to the said westerly limit of Don Mills Road;

Thence north 10° 40' west along the said limit 275 feet to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 849/76, s. 2.

Schedule 29 Revoked: O. Reg. 498/85, s. 2.

Schedule 30

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 12 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2196 more particularly described as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 64R-5708.

O. Reg. 161/77, s. 2.

Schedule 31

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 12 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2196 more particularly designated as Parts 2 and 3 on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 64R-5708.

O. Reg. 161/77, s. 2.

Schedule 32

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 8 in Concession VI more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the easterly limit of the said Lot 8 has a bearing of north 10° 20' west, as shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 64R-4834 and that the said bearing governs all bearings herein;

Beginning at the northeasterly angle of the said Lot where an iron bar has been found;

Thence south 10° 20' east along the said easterly limit of the said Lot 334.24 feet to the southerly limit of the said Plan;

Thence south 72° 21' 20" west along the southerly limit of the said Plan 1,717.02 feet to the southwesterly angle of the said Plan, where an iron bar has been planted;

Thence north 10° 32' 30" west along the westerly limit of the said Plan 334.71 feet to an iron bar found in the northerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence north 72° 05' 10" east along the northerly limit of the said Lot 343.73 feet to an iron bar;

Thence north 72° 27' east along the northerly limit of the said Lot 1,374.44 feet to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 574/77, s. 2.

Schedule 33

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 10 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the southerly limit of that part of the King’s Highway known as No. 7, as widened by a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 4078, has a bearing of north 72° 29' east and relating all bearings herein thereto;

Commencing at a point in the northerly limit of the said Lot distant 2,000.14 feet measured easterly therealong from the northwesterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence south 10° 26' east 17.13 feet;

Thence north 72° 29' east 166.95 feet;

Thence south 10° 26' east 15.11 feet to the place of beginning of the herein described parcel;

Thence south 10° 18' 30" east 1,281.49 feet to an iron bar;

Thence north 71° 56' 10" east 334.92 feet to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 10° 18' 30" west 1,278.27 feet to a monument;

Thence south 72° 29' west 334.51 feet to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 779/77, s. 2.

Schedule 34 Revoked: O. Reg. 314/78, s. 3.

Schedule 35

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 9 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at an iron pipe located in the westerly limit of the said Lot distant 300 feet measured northerly therealong from the southwesterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence north 73° 46' east 27 feet;

Thence continuing north 73° 46' east 546.50 feet to a solid iron bar;

Thence north 9° west 150 feet to an iron pipe planted;

Thence south 73° 46' west 546.67 feet;

Thence south 9° east and parallel to the westerly limit of the said Lot 150 feet to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 109/78, s. 2.

Schedule 36

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 10 in Concession IV designated as Part 1 according to a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 64R-5063.

O. Reg. 280/78, s. 2.

Schedule 37

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 9 in Concession II designated as Part 2 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 64R-3116.

O. Reg. 401/78, s. 2.

Schedule 38

Those parcels of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of those parts of Lots 34 and 35 in Concession I, east of Yonge Street, more particularly described as follows:

1.  Beginning at an iron post planted on the easterly boundary of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way at the intersection of the southerly boundary of Lot 98 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2386;

Thence easterly following the southerly limit of the said Plan 2386 a distance of 3,611 feet, 10 inches to an iron post planted on the westerly boundary of Bayview Avenue, being the road allowance between Concessions I and II, east of Yonge Street;

Thence southerly following the said westerly boundary of Bayview Avenue 1,087 feet, 3 inches to a wooden peg planted at the intersection of a fence;

Thence westerly in a straight line and following the said fence line a distance of 3,081 feet, 5 inches to a wooden peg planted on the easterly boundary of the Canadian National Railway distant 1,156 feet, 3 inches in a southeasterly direction to the place of beginning.

2.  Beginning at a wooden peg planted on the westerly boundary of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way at the intersection of the southerly limit of Lot 99 according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2386;

Thence westerly following the southerly limit of the said Plan 2386 a distance of 2,063 feet, 8 inches to an iron post planted at the intersection of the westerly boundary of Church Street as shown on the said Plan;

Thence southerly along an existing fence line 68 feet, 11 1/2 inches to a wooden peg;

Thence westerly along an existing fence line 334 feet, 11 inches to a wooden peg planted on the easterly boundary of Yonge Street;

Thence southerly following the easterly boundary of Yonge Street a distance of 781 feet, 10 inches to the northwesterly angle of the lands described in registered Deed No. 16642;

Thence easterly along the fence line forming the northerly limit of the said conveyed lands 549 feet, 6 inches to the northeasterly angle thereof;

Thence southerly along the fence line forming the easterly limit of the said conveyed lands 240 feet to the southeasterly angle thereof;

Thence easterly in a straight line and following the said fence line a distance of 2,396 feet to a wooden peg planted in the westerly boundary of Canadian National Railway distant 1,152 feet, 3 inches in a southwesterly direction to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 439/78, s. 2.

Schedule 39

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 7, on the south side of Helen Avenue, according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2196 and designated on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 64R-6769 as follows:

1.  Part 1

2.  Part 2

O. Reg. 489/78, s. 2.

Schedule 40

Those parcels of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of the following:

1.  That part of Lot 8 in Concession V more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the northeasterly angle of the said Lot 8;

Thence westerly along the line of the old post and wire fence forming the existing northerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 1,826.44 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the easterly limit of the lands of the Canadian National Railway;

Thence southerly along the said easterly limit of the lands of the Canadian National Railway a distance of 269.38 feet;

Thence easterly parallel to the line of the said old post and wire fence forming the existing northerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 1,902.61 feet, more or less, to its intersection with the easterly limit of the said Lot;

Thence northerly along the easterly limit of the said Lot a distance of 248.73 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.

Excepting therefrom the most easterly 27 feet in perpendicular width of the said lands which lands were conveyed to the Corporation of the County of York for road widening purposes.

2.  That part of Lot 9 in Concession V more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the southeasterly angle of Lot 9;

Thence northerly along the easterly limit of the said Lot 441.27 feet, more or less, to an iron stake planted at the intersection of the said easterly limit of the said Lot with the line of a post and wire fence running westerly ;

Thence westerly along the line of the said post and wire fence running westerly 1 ,009 feet to an iron bar planted at the intersection of the line of the said post and wire fence running westerly with the line of an old post and wire fence running northerly;

Thence northerly along the line of the said post and wire fence running northerly 221 feet, more or less, to an iron stake planted at the intersection of the line of the said post and wire fence running northerly with the line of the post and wire fence forming the existing limit between the north and south halves of the said Lot;

Thence westerly along the line of the said post and wire fence forming the existing limit between the north and south halves of the said Lot 615.23 feet, more or less, to an iron bar planted at the intersection of the line of the said post and wire fence forming the existing limit between the north and south halves of the said Lot with the easterly limit of the lands of the Canadian National Railway;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of the lands of the Canadian National Railway 717.09 feet, more or less, to an iron bar planted at the intersection of the said easterly limit of the Canadian National Railway with the line of a post and wire fence forming the existing southerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence easterly along the line of the said post and wire fence forming the existing southerly limit of the said Lot 1,826.44 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 95/79, s. 1.

Schedule 41

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being composed of those parts of Lots 6 and 7 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the line between the said Lots 6 and 7 and the westerly limit of the lands of Ontario Hydro;

Thence north 10° 52' 30" west along the westerly limit of the said lands 44.150 metres;

Thence south 79° 03' 30" west 172.212 metres to the easterly limit of Rodick Road;

Thence south 10° 52' 30" east along the said easterly limit 24.286 metres to a point;

Thence southerly along the easterly limit of Rodick Road having a radius of 169.469 metres a distance of 127.547 metres to a point therein;

Thence south 32° 14' 50" west along that easterly limit 145.603 metres to a point;

Thence south 89° 45' 30" east 28.755 metres to a point;

Thence north 72° 14' 50" east 291.127 metres to the westerly limit of the lands of Ontario Hydro;

Thence north 10° 46' 10" west along that westerly limit 173.001 metres to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 887/79, s. 2.

Schedule 42 Revoked: O. Reg. 401/86, s. 2.

Schedule 43

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in the Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of that part of Lot 9 in Concession V more particularly described as follows:

Premising that the bearing of the southerly 232.14 feet of the easterly limit of the herein described lands is north 9° west and relating all bearings used herein thereto;

Beginning at a point which may be located as follows:

Commencing at the northeasterly angle of the said Lot 9;

Thence south 8° 45' east along the said easterly limit a distance of 104.44 feet;

Thence south 9° east and continuing along the said easterly limit 232.14 feet to the place of beginning;

Thence from the place of beginning on a course south 75° 23' 10" west a distance of 786.23 feet;

Thence on a course south 14° 04' 20" east a distance of 208.34 feet, more or less, to a point in a line drawn on a bearing south 73° 35' west from a point in the easterly limit of the said Lot a distance of 185.14 feet measured southerly thereon from the said place of beginning;

Thence on a course north 73° 35' east a distance of 770.24 feet, more or less, to a point in the easterly limit of the said Lot distant 185.14 feet measured southerly therealong from the place of beginning;

Thence on a course north 9° west along the said limit a distance of 185.14 feet to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 326/80, s. 2.

Schedule 44

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being Lot 74 on a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Toronto Boroughs and York South (No. 64) as Number 2386.

O. Reg. 623/80, s. 2.

ScheduleS 45, 46 Revoked: O. Reg. 30/86, s. 3.

Schedule 47

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being those parts of Lots 9 and 10 in Concession II more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the southerly limit of the said Lot 10 distant 588 metres measured westerly therealong from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot 10;

Thence northerly at right angles from the said southerly limit 35 metres to a point;

Thence westerly and parallel with the said southerly limit 145 metres to a point;

Thence southerly at right angles from the line between the said Lots 9 and 10 a distance of 135 metres to a point;

Thence easterly and parallel with the northerly limit of the said Lot 9 a distance of 145 metres to a point;

Thence northerly 100 metres to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 282/81, s. 2.

Schedule 48

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 10 in Concession II more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the northerly limit of the said Lot 10 a distance of 402 metres measured westerly from the northeasterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence southerly and parallel with the easterly limit of the said Lot a distance of 350 metres to a point;

Thence westerly and parallel with the said northerly limit 350 metres to a point;

Thence northerly and parallel with the said easterly limit 350 metres to the northerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence easterly along the northerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 350 metres to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 443/81, s. 2.

Schedule 49

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 8 in Concession VI designated as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No. 65) as Number 65R-4157.

O. Reg. 437/82, s. 2.

Schedule 50

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 9 in Concession VI more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the northerly limit of the said Lot 9 distant 5.22 metres measured north 72° 13' east from the northwesterly angle of the said Lot;

Thence north 72° 13' 10" east along the said northerly limit 72.82 metres to a point;

Thence south 10° 47' 30" east 71.71 metres to a point;

Thence south 72° 15' 30" west 24.38 metres to a point;

Thence north 10° 49' 20" west 20.05 metres to a point;

Thence south 72° 00' 50" west 48.42 metres to the easterly limit of Kennedy Road;

Thence north 10° 48' 50" west along that easterly limit 51.84 metres to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 513/82, s. 2.

Schedule 51

That parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham in The Regional Municipality of York, being that part of Lot 9 in Concession VII more particularly described as follows:

Premising the bearings shown herein are astronomic and referred to the bearing of north 10° 12' 50" west of the easterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions VI and VII as shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York (No. 64) as Number 64R-6031;

Beginning at the southwesterly angle of the said Lot 9;

Thence north 10° 12' 50" west along the said easterly limit of the road allowance 40.310 metres to a point;

Thence north 71° 57' east 215.658 metres to a point;

Thence south 17° 28' 40" east 40.267 metres to the southerly limit of the said Lot;

Thence south 72° 02' 10" west along that southerly limit 220.751 metres to the place of beginning.

O. Reg. 317/83, s. 3.

Schedule 52 Revoked: O. Reg. 36/86, s. 2.