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Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994
Loi de 1994 sur la planification et l’aménagement du territoire de l’Ontario


formerly under The Parkway Belt Planning and Development Act, 1973 formerly under The Parkway Belt Planning and Development Act formerly under Parkway Belt Planning and Development Act

County of Halton (now The Regional Municipality of Halton), City of Burlington

Historical version for the period December 31, 2017 to April 24, 2018.

Note: This Regulation was consolidated under subsection 99 (3) of the Legislation Act, 2006 on November 24, 2010.

Last amendment: 113/16.

Legislative History: 602/73, 176/74, 509/74, 765/74, 825/74, 998/74, 27/75, 286/75, 328/75, 414/75, 586/75, 893/75, 29/76, 65/76, 244/76, 263/76, 546/76, 582/76, 661/76, 717/76, 800/76, 889/76, 231/77, 232/77, 233/77, 422/77, 423/77, 424/77, 573/77, 621/77, 657/77, 774/77, 775/77, 817/77, 277/78, 354/78, 355/78, 356/78, 529/78, 530/78, 543/78, 546/78, 556/78, 640/78, 642/78, 658/78, 819/78, 870/78, 939/78, 181/79, 236/79, 263/79, 282/79, 332/79, 345/79, 428/79, 606/79, 627/79, 656/79, 730/79, 794/79, 799/79, 869/79, 907/79, 20/80, 162/80, 298/80, 547/80, 620/80, 672/80, 758/80, 840/80, 908/80, 1017/80, 1023/80, 1060/80, 1132/80, 55/81, 87/81, 145/81, 147/81, 275/81, 420/81, 468/81, 544/81, 604/81, 605/81, 724/81, 725/81, 826/81, 25/82, 32/82, 482/82, 566/82, 757/82, 818/82, 201/83, 202/83, 318/83, 346/83, 578/83, 767/83, 106/84, 159/84, 304/84, 341/84, 457/84, 504/84, 539/84, 561/84, 53/85, 173/85, 199/85, 428/85, 28/86, 96/86, 99/86, 327/86, 328/86, 562/86, 682/86, 255/87, 344/87, 461/87, 611/87, 132/88, 218/88, 220/88, 328/88, 376/88, 392/88, 480/88, 660/88, 720/88, 38/89, 59/89, 147/89, 189/89, 385/89, 510/89, 19/90, 121/90, 133/90, 268/90, 348/90, 504/90, 505/90, 525/90, 564/90, 616/90, 231/91, 577/91, 135/93, 37/95, 58/95, 490/95, 492/95, 527/95, 547/95, 135/97, 254/97, 283/97, 406/97, 120/98, 390/99, 517/00, 600/00, 63/01, 178/01, 318/01, 241/02, 311/03, 389/03, 353/04, 667/05, 155/07, 219/07, 2/08, 162/08, 230/09, 396/09, 433/10, 526/10, 36/11, 345/11, 59/12, 391/12, 211/13, 319/13, 141/14, 173/14, 1/15, 68/15, 97/15, 113/16.

This Regulation is made in English only.















Permitted Uses



Building Line



Rebuilding and Repairs



Building to Front on Street



Home Occupation







1. In this Regulation,

“accessory”, when used to describe a use, building or structure, means a use, building or structure normally incidental or subordinate to the principal use, building or structure located on the same lot;

“agricultural use” includes a use of land, buildings or structures for the purpose of forestry, field crops, fruit farming, market gardening, dairying, animal husbandry, poultry or beekeeping;

“dwelling” means one or more habitable rooms designed for use by and occupied by not more than one household and in which separate kitchen and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of the household, with a private entrance from outside the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building;

“floor area” means the total area of all floors contained within the outside walls of a building excluding, in the case of a single dwelling, the floor area of a private garage, porch, veranda, unfinished attic, basement or cellar;

“frontage” means the width of a lot measuring along a line twenty-five feet back from the street and parallel to the lot line abutting the street;

“front yard” means a yard extending across the full width of a lot on which a building is situate, and extending from the front lot line to the main wall of the building for which such front yard is required that is nearest to the front lot line;

“home occupation” means any occupation for gain or support conducted entirely within a single or semi-detached dwelling by one or more member of the household residing in the dwelling, provided that,

(a) there is no external display or advertising other than a sign having a total display area not exceeding two square feet,

(b) there is no external storage of goods or materials, and not more than 25 per cent of the total floor area is used for the home occupation use, and

(c) there are no persons employed in the dwelling except,

(i) the members of the household residing in the dwelling, or

(ii) in the case of a dentist, physician or veterinarian, a staff of one person;

“lot” means a parcel of land, described in a deed or other document legally capable of conveying title to or interest in land, or shown as a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision;

“rear yard” means a yard extending across the full width of a lot on which a building is situate, and extending from the rear lot line to the main wall of the building for which such rear yard is required that is nearest to the rear lot line;

“side yard” means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard and from the side lot line to the main wall of the building for which such side yard is required that is nearest to the side lot line;

“single dwelling” means a separate building containing only one dwelling;

“split level dwelling” means one dwelling unit with three or more storeys, each having a different elevation, providing that the difference in elevation of each succeeding floor is not greater than 2.2 metres and not less than 90 centimetres;

“storey” means the portion of a building other than a cellar, basement or attic included between any floor level and the floor, ceiling or roof next above it;

“street” means a public highway that is the principal means of access to abutting lots that is under the jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario or a municipality including a regional municipality, or is a road within a registered plan of subdivision or is a road the maintenance of which has been assumed by the municipality;

“yard” means a space open from the ground to the sky on a lot on which a building is situate which space is unoccupied except for such accessory buildings as are permitted in this Regulation.  O. Reg. 482/73, s. 1; O. Reg. 605/81, s. 1; O. Reg. 724/81, s. 1; O. Reg. 28/86, s. 1; O. Reg. 113/16, s. 1.


2. (1) For the purposes of this Regulation,

“Map No. 223” means that map showing lands formerly in the Geographic Townships of East Flamborough and Nelson, now in the City of Burlington in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of Parts 1 to 39 inclusive on a plan known as “Map No. 223, Minister’s Zoning Order, Ontario Planning and Development Act, Amendment to Ontario Regulation 482/73, City of Burlington” filed on December 10, 2015, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Peterborough. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 2.

(2) A copy of Map No. 223 is available at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, 777 Bay Street, Toronto. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 2.

2.1 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 6.


3.  No land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected or used except in accordance with the terms of this Regulation, but nothing in this Regulation prevents the use of any land, building or structure for a purpose prohibited by this Regulation if such land, building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on the day this Regulation comes into force, or prevents the erection or use of any building or structure the plans for which have, prior to the day this Regulation comes into force, been approved by the municipal building inspector.  O. Reg. 482/73, s. 3.

Permitted Uses

4. Every use of land and every erection or use of buildings or structures on the lands to which this Regulation applies is prohibited except agricultural uses and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including one single dwelling used in connection with each agricultural operation.  O. Reg. 724/81, s. 3; O. Reg. 113/16, s. 3.

5.  Requirements for agricultural uses and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including one single dwelling used in connection with the agricultural operation are established as follows:


No more than one dwelling shall be erected on any lot


Minimum lot area

50 acres

Minimum lot frontage

900 feet

Minimum front, side and rear yards

50 feet

Minimum ground floor area for dwellings

one storey—1,000 square feet and one and one-half storeys or more—750 square feet

O. Reg. 482/73, s. 5; O. Reg. 113/16, s. 3.

6. A single dwelling and buildings or structures accessory thereto existing on the date this Regulation comes into force may be extended or enlarged provided that such single dwelling and buildings or structures accessory thereto as extended or enlarged comply with the following requirements:


Minimum front yard

25 feet

Minimum side yard

10 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side

Minimum rear yard

25 feet

O. Reg. 482/73, s. 6; O. Reg. 113/16, s. 3.

7. Building or structures accessory to single dwellings may be erected or built provided that such buildings or structures comply with the following requirements:

1. No accessory building or structure shall be closer to the front lot line than the single dwelling on such lot.

2. No accessory building or structure shall be closer than six feet to the single dwelling.

3. No accessory building or structure shall be less than four feet from any lot line.

4. No accessory building or structure shall exceed a height of twelve feet.

5. The total area covered by any accessory building or structure shall not exceed 10 per cent of the area of the lot upon which it is constructed.

6. No accessory building or structure shall be used for human habitation.  O. Reg. 482/73, s. 7; O. Reg. 113/16, s. 3.

Building Line

8. No building or any part thereof shall be erected or extended nearer to the centre line of any street than in accordance with the following:


Provincial highways

100 feet

Regional roads

78 feet

City roads and other roads or streets

60 feet

O. Reg. 482/73, s. 8; O. Reg. 724/81, s. 4.

9. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Regulation,

(a) the City of Burlington or any local board thereof, as defined in The Municipal Affairs Act;

(b) any ministry, department or agency of the Government of Canada or Ontario;

(c) any telephone or telegraph company;

(d) The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario;

(e) a gas company holding a franchise from the City of Burlington;

(f) The Halton Region Conservation Authority; and

(g) The Regional Municipality of Halton,

may use land or erect any building or structure for the purpose of providing a service to the public.  O. Reg. 482/73, s. 9; O. Reg. 263/79, s. 8; O. Reg. 724/81, s. 5.

Rebuilding and Repairs

10. Nothing in this Regulation prevents,

(a) the repair or reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged or destroyed subsequent to the date this Regulation comes into force, if the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased or its original use altered; or

(b) the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building or structure or part of any such building or structure.  O. Reg. 482/73, s. 10.

Building to Front on Street

11. No person shall erect any building or structure unless the lot upon which such building or structure is to erected fronts upon a street.  O. Reg. 482/73, s. 11.

Home Occupation

12.  Nothing in this Regulation prevents the carrying on of a home occupation in a single dwelling or semi-detached dwelling.  O. Reg. 482/73, s. 12; O. Reg. 113/16, s. 3.

13. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation).  O. Reg. 482/73, s. 13.

14. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Part 8 on Map No. 223 may be used for the erection and use of a single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum distance between the dwelling and the centre line of No. 1 Side Road

30 feet

Minimum distance between the dwelling and the southwesterly limit of Lot 2

15 feet

Maximum height of the dwelling

30 feet

Minimum distance between the dwelling and the centre line of the Canadian National Railways measured at right angles to the Canadian National Railways

300 feet

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

15. Despite section 4,

(a) the westerly building located on the parcel of land shown as Part 9 on Map No. 223 may be extended, converted into and used as a single dwelling; and

(b) buildings and structures accessory to the single dwelling may be erected on that land provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum distance between the dwelling and the centre line of No. 1 Side Road

60 feet

Minimum rear yard

25 feet

Minimum side yards

10 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side

Maximum height of the dwelling and accessory buildings and structures

28 feet

Maximum ground floor area of the dwelling

3,500 square feet

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

16. Despite section 4, the extraction of mineral aggregates shall be permitted on the parcel of land shown as Part 10 on Map No. 223 provided that the grading does not occur below 156 metres above sea level. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

17. Despite section 7, the parcel of land shown as Part 11 on Map No. 223 may be used for the erection and use of a two-car garage accessory to the single dwelling existing on August 21, 1984 provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum distance between the rear lot line and the garage

3 metres

Minimum distance between the westerly lot line and the garage

3 metres

Minimum distance between the garage and the top of the bank of Twelve Mile Creek

12 metres

Maximum height of the garage

5 metres

Maximum floor area of the garage

46 square metres

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

18. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Parts 12 and 13 on Map No. 223 may be used for a golf course, and for the erection and use of buildings and structures accessory thereto, including a clubhouse, storage buildings, a pedestrian tunnel and parking facilities. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

19. (1) Despite section 5, for the parcel of land shown as Part 14 on Map No. 223, the requirements for agricultural uses, and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including one single dwelling used in connection with the agricultural operation are as follows:


Minimum lot area

11 hectares

Minimum lot frontage

29 metres

Minimum front yard

15.2 metres

Minimum side yards

6 metres on each side

Minimum rear yard

15.2 metres

Minimum ground floor area for the dwelling if one storey

92.9 square metres

Minimum ground floor area for the dwelling if one and a half storeys or more

69.7 square metres

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

(2) No more than one dwelling shall be erected on any lot on the land described in subsection (1). O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

20. Despite section 5, the parcel of land shown as Part 15 on Map No. 223 may be used for the erection and use of a two-storey barn not exceeding 2,400 square feet in total floor area provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

200 feet

Minimum side yards

20 feet on each side

Minimum rear yard

30 feet

Maximum height of the barn

40 feet

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

21. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Part 16 on Map No. 223 may be used for a cemetery and for the erection and use of buildings and structures accessory thereto. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

22. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Parts 17 and 18 on Map No. 223 may be used for,

(a) the continued use of a single dwelling existing thereon on June 26, 1984;

(b) a landscape contracting business including the growing and sale at wholesale of nursery stock; and

(c) the erection and use of a building for office and maintenance uses accessory to the landscape contracting business and the location and use behind the building of a parking and storage area, accessory to the landscape contracting business, for equipment and trucks, provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum height of the building

2 storeys

Minimum distance between the building and the centre line of Guelph Line

125 metres

Minimum distance between the building and the north, east and south lot lines

20 metres

Minimum distance between the parking and storage area and the centre line of Guelph Line

150 metres

Minimum distance between the parking and storage area and the centre line of Dundas Street

215 metres

Minimum distance between the parking and storage area and the north and east lot lines

30 metres

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

23. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Part 19 on Map No. 223 may be used for the erection and use of one single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the requirements set out in section 7 are met. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

24. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Part 20 on Map No. 223 may be used for the erection and use of an automobile service station for the retail sale of gasoline and diesel fuel, and a servicing booth including washrooms and storage area and fuel pump islands accessory thereto, provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum floor area of the automobile service station

116 square metres

Maximum floor area of servicing booth

14 square metres

Minimum distance between any building and Dundas Street

22 metres

Minimum distance between any building and the rear lot line

26 metres

Minimum distance between any building and the side lot lines

29 metres on each side

Maximum height of any building

1 storey

Maximum number of fuel pump islands


Maximum number of fuel pumps


Minimum distance between any fuel pump island and Dundas Street

4.5 metres

Minimum width of site access from Dundas Street

9 metres

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

25. Despite section 7, the parcel of land shown as Part 21 on Map No. 223 may be used for the erection and use of a garage provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum front yard

90 feet

Minimum rear yard

4 feet

Minimum side yards

4 feet on each side

Maximum height of the garage

15 feet

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

26. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Part 22 on Map No. 223 may be used for the continued use thereon of a trailer for use as a church provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum floor area of the trailer

70 square metres

Maximum height of the trailer

4.5 metres

Minimum front yard

24 metres

Minimum distance between the trailer and the northeasterly lot line

1.2 metres

Maximum distance between the trailer and the northeasterly lot line

6 metres

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

27. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Part 23 on Map No. 223 may be used for surface parking provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum distance between the surface parking and the northwesterly limit of Part 1 of Reference Plan 20R-3810

10 feet

Minimum distance between the surface parking and the southwesterly limit of Part 1 of Reference Plan 20R-3810

20 feet

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

28. Despite section 4, a school may be located and used on the parcel of land shown as Part 24 on Map No. 223 provided the following requirements are met:

1. The use is permitted only within buildings existing on December 19, 2005.

2. A minimum of 10 parking spaces is provided for the use of the school, one of which is designated under Regulation 581 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Accessible Parking for Persons with Disabilities) made under the Highway Traffic Act as a space for the use of persons with disabilities.

3. Accessory buildings and structures are not permitted. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

29. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Part 25 on Map No. 223 may be used for the erection and use of a single dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum distance between any building or structure and the centre line of Old York Road

78 feet

Minimum distance between any building or structure and the top of the bank of the Grindstone Creek tributary

50 feet

Minimum distance between any building or structure and the northwesterly boundary

1,100 feet

Minimum distance between any building or structure and the southeasterly boundary

25 feet

Maximum height of any building or structures

30 feet

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

30. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Part 26 on Map No. 223 may be used for the storage and repair of service station equipment provided the building requirements contained in By-law 4000 of The Corporation of the City of Burlington are met. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

31. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Part 27 on Map No. 223 may be used for the erection and use of one single dwelling, together with an attached garage provided the following requirements are met:


Minimum distance between the dwelling and Snake Road

15 metres

Minimum rear yard

9.1 metres

Minimum side yard

3 metres

Maximum height of any building

2 storeys

Maximum floor area

300 square metres

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

32. Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Parts 28, 29, 30 and 32 on Map No. 223 may be used for the erection and use of an extension to the restaurant existing on November 17, 1982 provided at least 51 parking spaces shall be provided for the restaurant and provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum floor area of the restaurant including the extension

850 square metres

Maximum height of the extension

5 metres

Minimum distance between the extension and the centre line of Plains Road

22.8 metres

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

33. Despite section 6, a single dwelling existing on May 25, 2001 on the parcel of land shown as Parts 30 and 31 on Map No. 223 may be extended or enlarged provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum height of dwelling including the extension

2.5 storeys

Front yard of dwelling including the extension

2.2 metres

East side yard of dwelling including extension

0.9 metres

West side yard of dwelling including extension

1.2 metres

Rear yard of dwelling including extension

9 metres

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

34. Despite section 6, the building existing on August 27, 1985 on the parcel of land shown as Part 33 on Map No. 223 may continue to be used for two dwellings and may be extended provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum floor area of the extension

71 square metres

Maximum height of the extension

1 storey or 5 metres, whichever is greater

Minimum distance between the extension and the top of the bank of the Grindstone Creek Valley

12.5 metres

Minimum distance between the extension and the east lot line

3.66 metres

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

35. Despite section 6, the porch existing on March 27, 1990 on the parcel of land shown as Part 34 on Map No. 223 may be replaced with another porch provided the minimum size of the front yard is six metres. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

36. Despite section 4, the vacant residential structure existing on December 1, 1988 on the parcel of land shown as Parts 35, 36 and 37 on Map No. 223 may be converted into public washroom facilities and may be used in conjunction with the botanical garden facilities situated on the land. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

37. (1) Despite section 4, the building existing on December 1, 1988 on the parcel of land shown as Part 38 on Map No. 223 that is used as a pavilion restaurant may be extended and the extension may be used for restaurant purposes, including washroom facilities provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum area of the extension

25 square metres

Maximum height of the extension

5 metres

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

(2) The building described in subsection (1) may be extended by adding two decks and the decks may be used for restaurant purposes provided the maximum total floor area of the decks is 300 square metres. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

(3) Despite section 4, the building existing on January 1, 1990 on the parcel of land shown as Part 38 on Map No. 223 may continue to be used for the purposes of storage provided the maximum floor area of the building is 100 square metres. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

38. (1) Despite section 4, the parcel of land shown as Part 39 on Map No. 223 may be used for the erection and use of a garage accessory to the ceramics manufacturing business existing on April 5, 1983, and part of the existing buildings on the land may be used as a caretaker unit, provided the following requirements are met:


Maximum area of caretaker unit

93 square metres

Maximum floor area of garage

42 square metres

Maximum height of garage

1 storey

O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

(2) For the purposes of this section,

“caretaker unit” means one or more habitable rooms, including kitchen and sanitary facilities, occupied by a person acting as a caretaker in connection with an industrial use. O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

39.-45. Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 6.

46.-55. Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

56. Revoked: O. Reg. 319/13, s. 2.

57.-83. Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

84. Revoked: O. Reg. 241/02, s. 1.

85.-102. Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

103. Revoked: O. Reg. 304/84, s. 2.

104.-146. Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

147. Revoked: O. Reg. 345/11, s. 2.

148., 149. Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

150. Revoked: O. Reg. 391/12, s. 2.

151.-162. Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 4.

Schedules 1-15 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 16 Revoked: O. Reg. 774/77, s. 3.

Schedules 17, 18 Revoked: O. Reg. 162/08, s. 3.

Schedules 19-23 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 24 Revoked: O. Reg. 355/78, s. 3.

Schedules 25-37 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 38 Revoked: O. Reg. 376/88, s. 2.

Schedule 39 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 40 Revoked: O. Reg. 99/86, s. 2.

Schedules 41-43 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 44 Revoked: O. Reg. 319/13, s. 3.

Schedule 45 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 46 Revoked: O. Reg. 199/85, s. 2.

Schedules 47-59 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 60 Revoked: O. Reg. 561/84, s. 2.

Schedules 61-68 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 69 Revoked: O. Reg. 504/84, s. 2.

Schedules 70, 71 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 72 Revoked: O. Reg. 241/02, s. 3.

Schedules 73-80 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 81 Revoked: O. Reg. 189/89, s. 2.

Schedules 82-89 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 90 Revoked: O. Reg. 304/84, s. 3.

Schedules 91-97 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.

Schedule 98 Revoked: O. Reg. 173/85, s. 2.

SCHEDULE 99 Revoked: O. Reg. 113/16, s. 5.