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Ontario Water Resources Act
Loi sur les ressources en eau de l’Ontario


Amended to O. Reg. 271/03


Historical version for the period June 30, 2003 to May 13, 2004.

This Regulation is made in English only.












Classification of Facilities



Licensing of Operators



Operating Standards


Schedule 1

Facility classification point systems


Schedule 2

Qualifications for operators’ licences



1. In this Regulation,

“facility” means a wastewater collection facility, a wastewater treatment facility, a water distribution facility or a water treatment facility;

“large municipal non-residential system” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 170/03 (Drinking-Water Systems);

“large municipal residential system” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 170/03;

“large non-municipal non-residential system” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 170/03;

“non-municipal year-round residential system” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 170/03;

“operator” means a person who adjusts, inspects or evaluates a process that controls the effectiveness or efficiency of a facility, and includes a person who adjusts or directs the flow, pressure or quality of the water within a water distribution facility or the wastewater within a wastewater collection facility;

“operator-in-charge” means an operator who,

(a) has responsibility for the overall operation of a facility,

(b) sets operational parameters for a facility or for a process that controls the effectiveness or efficiency of a facility, or

(c) directs or supervises operators in a facility;

“professional engineer” means a professional engineer as defined in the Professional Engineers Act;

“small municipal residential system” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 170/03;

“wastewater collection facility” means the part of a sewage works that collects or transmits sewage but does not include the part of the sewage works that treats or disposes of sewage;

“wastewater treatment facility” means the part of a sewage works that treats or disposes of sewage but does not include the part of the sewage works that collects or transmits sewage;

“water distribution facility” means the part of a water works that supplies or distributes water but does not include the part of the water works that collects, produces or treats water;

“water treatment facility” means the part of a water works that collects, produces or treats water but does not include the part of the water works that supplies or distributes water. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 1; O. Reg. 539/98, s. 1; O. Reg. 271/03, s. 1.


2. (1) This Regulation applies to,

(a) water works to which subsection 52 (1) of the Act applies;

(a.1) water works that are part of,

(i) a large municipal residential system,

(ii) a small municipal residential system,

(iii) a large municipal non-residential system,

(iv) a non-municipal year-round residential system, or

(v) a large non-municipal non-residential system;

(b) sewage works to which section 53 of the Act applies that are owned or operated by the Crown or a municipality, if the sewage received by the sewage works is treated; and

(c) sewage works to which section 53 of the Act applies that are not owned or operated by the Crown or a municipality, if any sewage received by the sewage works is,

(i) toilet, sink or culinary liquid waste, or

(ii) other sewage of a kind normally discharged from a residential subdivision, other than storm water, ground water, surface drainage or land drainage. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 2 (1); O. Reg. 539/98, s. 2 (1); O. Reg. 177/03, s. 1; O. Reg. 271/03, s. 2.

(2) Despite subsection (1), this Regulation does not apply to a water treatment facility that meets the following criteria:

1. The facility’s average daily design flow or average daily flow in the peak month of the year, whichever is greater, is less than 200 cubic metres.

2. There is a period of at least one month in every year when the facility does not operate.

3. The facility does not treat water except for the purpose of disinfection.

4. In the opinion of the Director, the quality of the facility’s raw water source is excellent.

5. The operator with responsibility for the overall operation of the facility has successfully completed a course approved by the Director relating to the operation of facilities that meet the criteria in paragraphs 1 to 4. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 2 (2); O. Reg. 539/98, s. 2 (2).

(3) Despite subsection (1), this Regulation does not apply to a water distribution facility that meets the following criteria:

1. The facility’s average daily design flow or average daily flow in the peak month of the year, whichever is greater, is less than 200 cubic metres.

2. There is a period of at least one month in every year when the facility does not operate.

3. All water supplied or distributed by the facility is received from a water treatment facility that meets the criteria in subsection (2) and, in the opinion of the Director, the quality of the water received from the water treatment facility is excellent.

4. The operator with responsibility for the overall operation of the facility has successfully completed a course approved by the Director relating to the operation of facilities that meet the criteria in paragraphs 1 to 3. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 2 (3); O. Reg. 539/98, s. 2 (3).

(4) Despite subsection (1), this Regulation does not apply to sewage works described in clause 53 (6) (a) of the Act if,

(a) the sewage works have a design capacity in excess of 10,000 litres per day;

(b) more than one sewage works is located on a lot or parcel of land and they have, in total, a design capacity in excess of 10,000 litres per day; or

(c) the sewage works are not located wholly within the boundaries of the lot or parcel of land on which is located the residence or other building or facility served by the works. O. Reg. 154/98, s. 1.

Classification of Facilities

3. (1) For the purposes of this Regulation, water works and sewage works are divided into the following types of facilities:

1. Wastewater collection facilities.

2. Wastewater treatment facilities.

3. Water distribution facilities.

4. Water treatment facilities. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 3 (1).

(2) Each type of facility is classified into Class I, Class II, Class III and Class IV facilities in accordance with the following rules:

1. Facilities listed in the Ministry of Environment and Energy publication available from the Director dated April 30, 1993 and entitled “Water and Wastewater Facility Classifications as of April 30, 1993” are classified in accordance with that publication.

2. Facilities not listed in the publication referred to in paragraph 1 are classified in accordance with Schedule 1.

3. Despite paragraph 1, a facility listed in the publication referred to in paragraph 1 shall be classified in accordance with Schedule 1 if the facility is reclassified under paragraph 3 or 4 of subsection 4 (2). O. Reg. 435/93, s. 3 (2).

4. (1) The owner of a facility shall file an application with the Director for classification of the facility. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 4 (1).

(2) The application shall be filed in accordance with the following rules:

1. If the facility started operation before this Regulation came into force or starts operation before February 1, 1994, the application shall be filed not later than February 1, 1994.

2. If the facility starts operation on or after February 1, 1994, the application shall be filed before the facility starts operation.

3. If a facility that has been classified under this section is to be altered, extended or replaced so that it will not meet the criteria in Schedule 1 for the same classification, the owner of the facility shall apply for a reclassification of the facility when approval of the alteration, extension or replacement is applied for under section 52 or 53 of the Act.

4. The Director may require a facility that has been classified under this section to apply for reclassification if section 3 or Schedule 1 is amended. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 4 (2).

(2.1) Despite paragraphs 1 and 2 of subsection (2), if the facility is a large municipal non-residential system, a non-municipal year-round residential system or a large non-municipal non-residential system and the owner of the facility is not required to comply with sections 2-2 to 2-6 of Schedule 2 to Ontario Regulation 170/03 (Drinking-Water Systems) until after June 1, 2003, the application under subsection (1) shall be filed at least 30 days before the equipment required to ensure compliance with that Schedule commences operation. O. Reg. 271/03, s. 3.

(3) The Director shall classify the facility in accordance with section 3 and shall issue a certificate of classification to the owner. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 4 (3).

(4) The owner shall ensure that the certificate is conspicuously displayed at the facility or at premises from which the operations of the facility are managed. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 4 (4).

(5) A facility that was classified before July 1, 1993 under the Water and Wastewater Utility Operator Certification Program administered by the Ministry and the Municipal Engineers Association shall be deemed to have been classified under this section. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 4 (5).

(6) No application is required under paragraph 1 of subsection (2) in respect of a facility to which subsection (5) applies. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 4 (6).

Licensing of Operators

5. (1) For each type of facility, there shall be four classes of operators’ licences, designated as Class I, Class II, Class III and ClassIV. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 5 (1).

(2) There shall also be a class of operators’ licences for operators-in-training. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 5 (2).

6. (1) A person may apply to the Director for the issuance to the applicant of an operator’s licence. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 6 (1).

(2) A fee of $75 is payable at the time the application is made. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 6 (2).

(3) No fee is payable for an operator-in-training’s licence unless the applicant has held a licence issued under this Regulation in the preceding five years. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 3 (1).

(4) The Director shall issue the licence if the applicant meets the qualifications set out in Schedule 2 for that class of licence and the required fee has been paid. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 6 (4).

(5) The Director may refuse to issue a licence if the applicant is the holder of a licence that the Director is authorized under subsection 11 (1) to cancel or suspend. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 6 (5).

(6) The fee is refundable if the application is refused or the application is withdrawn. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 6 (6).

(7) A licence expires three years after it is issued but may be reissued in accordance with this section. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 6 (7).

(8) Despite subsection (7), if a person holds an operator-in-training’s licence on the day Ontario Regulation 539/98 is filed with the Registrar of Regulations, the licence expires on the earlier of the following dates:

1. The fourth anniversary of the day Ontario Regulation 539/98 is filed with the Registrar of Regulations.

2. A date that is not earlier than the third anniversary of the day Ontario Regulation 539/98 is filed with the Registrar of Regulations and that is specified in a written notice sent by the Director to the person who holds the licence. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 3 (2).

(9) An operator-in-training’s licence that expired before the day Ontario Regulation 539/98 is filed with the Registrar of Regulations shall be deemed not to have expired and shall expire on the earlier of the following dates:

1. The fourth anniversary of the day Ontario Regulation 539/98 is filed with the Registrar of Regulations.

2. A date that is not earlier than the third anniversary of the day Ontario Regulation 539/98 is filed with the Registrar of Regulations and that is specified in a written notice sent by the Director to the person who holds the licence. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 3 (2).

6.1 (1) A person may apply to the Director for the issuance to the applicant of a conditional operator’s licence. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 4.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a conditional operator-in-training’s licence. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 4.

(3) A fee of $75 is payable at the time the application is made. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 4.

(4) The Director may issue the conditional licence if,

(a) the owner of one or more facilities satisfies the Director that the owner cannot readily obtain the services of an operator who holds a licence under section 6 of the class applied for under this section;

(b) the owner referred to in clause (a) gives the applicant and the Director an undertaking in writing to co-operate in facilitating compliance by the applicant with any conditions imposed under subsection (7); and

(c) the required fee has been paid. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 4.

(5) A conditional licence expires three years after it is issued or on such earlier date as may be specified in the licence but may be reissued in accordance with this section. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 4.

(6) A conditional licence is valid only in respect of the facilities referred to in clause (4) (a). O. Reg. 539/98, s. 4.

(7) A conditional licence is subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Director in the licence. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 4.

(8) The fee is refundable if the application is refused or the application is withdrawn. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 4.

7. (1) A person who was certified as an operator before July 1, 1993 under the Water and Wastewater Utility Operator Certification Program administered by the Ministry and the Municipal Engineers Association shall be deemed to have been licensed under section 6. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 7 (1).

(2) Subject to section 8, a person to whom subsection (1) applies shall be deemed to have the class of licence equivalent to the class of certification held by the person under the Water and Wastewater Utility Operator Certification Program on June 30, 1993. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 7 (2).

(3) The licence of a person to whom subsection (1) applies expires three years after the person was last certified under the Water and Wastewater Utility Operator Certification Program but may be reissued in accordance with section 6. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 7 (3).

8. (1) A person who was employed as an operator on June 30, 1993 in a facility that was classified under the Water and Wastewater Utility Operator Certification Program administered by the Ministry and the Municipal Engineers Association may, not later than February 1, 1994, apply to the Director for the issuance to the applicant of an operator’s licence for that type of facility equivalent to the class of the facility. (For example, a person who was employed as an operator on June 30, 1993 in a facility that was classified as a Class IV water distribution facility under the Water and Wastewater Utility Operator Certification Program may apply for a Class IV water distribution facility operator’s licence). O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (1).

(2) The Director shall issue the licence if the person meets the experience qualifications established by Schedule 2 for that class of licence and the required fee has been paid. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (2).

(3) Subsection (1) applies whether or not the person was certified as an operator under the Water and Wastewater Utility Operator Certification Program. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (3).

(4) A licence issued under subsection (2) expires three years after it is issued. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (4).

(5) If, before a Class II, Class III or Class IV licence expires under subsection (4) or (6), the person who holds the licence obtains a mark that the Director considers satisfactory in an examination approved by the Director relating to the functions performed by that class of operator, the Director shall reissue the licence on payment of the required fee. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (5).

(6) A licence issued under subsection (5) expires three years after it is issued but may be reissued in accordance with subsection (5). O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (6).

(7) If, before a Class II, Class III or Class IV licence expires under subsection (4) or (6), the person who holds the licence fails to obtain a mark that the Director considers satisfactory in an examination approved by the Director relating to the functions performed by that class of operator, the Director shall issue to the person a licence one class lower than the licence that was issued to the person under subsection (2), on payment of the required fee. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (7).

(8) A Class I licence issued under subsection (2) shall be reissued by the Director on payment of the required fee. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (8).

(9) A licence issued under subsection (7) or (8) or under this subsection expires three years after it is issued but shall be reissued by the Director on payment of the required fee. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (9).

(10) The Director may refuse to issue a licence under this section to a person who holds a licence that the Director is authorized under subsection 11 (1) to cancel or suspend. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (10).

(11) The fee required for the issuance of a licence under this section is $75, but the fee is refundable if the licence is refused or the application for the licence is withdrawn. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 8 (11).

9. The owner of a facility shall ensure that a copy of the licence of every licensed operator who is employed in the facility is conspicuously displayed at the operator’s workplace or at premises from which the operations of the facility are managed. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 9.

10. (1) A person who holds a Class I, Class II, Class III or Class IV wastewater treatment facility operator’s licence shall be deemed to hold a Class I wastewater collection facility operator’s licence. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 10 (1).

(2) A person who holds a Class I, Class II, Class III or Class IV water treatment facility operator’s licence shall be deemed to hold a Class I water distribution facility operator’s licence. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 10 (2).

11. (1) The Director may cancel or suspend a person’s licence if one or more of the following circumstances exist:

1. The licence was obtained by fraud, deceit or the submission of an application containing inaccurate information.

2. The person has not worked as an operator during the five previous years.

3. The person has been discharged from employment in a facility for gross negligence or for incompetence in the performance of the duties of his or her position, unless the person has not yet exhausted any rights of appeal available under a collective agreement.

4. The person has contravened section 19 or 20 and the contravention,

i. resulted in the discharge of a pollutant into the natural environment,

ii. had an adverse effect on the health or safety of an individual, or

iii. had an adverse effect on a process in the facility. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 11 (1).

(2) When a person’s licence is cancelled or suspended under subsection (1), the Director may issue a licence of another class to the person if the person meets the qualifications set out in Schedule 2 for that class of licence. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 11 (2).

12. (1) On payment of a fee of $50, the Director shall issue a replacement licence to an operator if,

(a) the operator’s licence has been lost or destroyed; or

(b) the operator’s name has changed and the original licence has been returned to the Director. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 12 (1).

(2) The Director may refuse to issue a replacement licence if the applicant is the holder of a licence that the Director is authorized under subsection 11 (1) to cancel or suspend. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 12 (2).

Operating Standards

13. (1) The owner of a facility shall ensure that responsibility for the overall operation of the facility is placed with an operator who holds a licence that is applicable to that type of facility and that is of the same class as or higher than the class of the facility. (For example, responsibility for the overall operation of a Class III water treatment facility must be placed with an operator who holds a Class III or Class IV water treatment facility operator’s licence). O. Reg. 435/93, s. 13 (1).

(2) If the operator required by subsection (1) is absent or unable to act, responsibility for the overall operation of the facility may be placed with an operator who holds a licence that is applicable to that type of facility and that is not more than one class lower than the class of the facility. (For example, if the operator required by subsection (1) is absent or unable to act, responsibility for the overall operation of a Class IV wastewater collection facility may be placed with an operator who holds a Class III or Class IV wastewater collection facility operator’s licence). O. Reg. 435/93, s. 13 (2).

(2.1) Subsection (2) does not permit responsibility for the overall operation of a facility to be placed with an operator who holds an operator-in-training’s licence. O. Reg. 539/98, s. 5 (1).

(3) Subsection (2) shall not be relied on by the owner of a facility for more than 150 days in any twelve-month period. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 13 (3); O. Reg. 539/98, s. 5 (2).

(4) The owner of a facility shall notify the Director without delay if the owner relies on subsection (2) for sixty days in any twelve-month period. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 13 (4).

(5) The Director may direct that subsection (3) not apply to a facility for a time period specified by the Director if the Director is satisfied that the owner of the facility cannot reasonably comply with subsection (1) and the direction will not result in a significant risk to human health or the natural environment. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 13 (5).

(6) Despite subsections (1) and (2), responsibility for the overall operation of a facility may be placed with a professional engineer who does not have the licence required by subsection (1) or (2) if the engineer has been employed in the facility for less than six months. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 13 (6).

(7) This section does not apply until July 1, 1994. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 13 (7).

14. (1) In addition to the requirements of section 13, the owner of a facility shall ensure that every operator employed in the facility holds a licence applicable to that type of facility or a licence as an operator-in-training. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 14 (1).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of an operator who is a professional engineer if the operator has been employed in the facility for less than six months. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 14 (2).

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply until February 1, 1994. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 14 (3).

15. In the event of a strike or lock-out involving operators employed in a facility, the Director may direct that sections 13 and 14 not apply to the facility for the duration of the strike or lock-out if the Director is satisfied that the facility will be operated without a significant risk to human health or the natural environment. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 15.

16. (1) The owner of a facility shall ensure that operators and maintenance personnel in the facility have ready access to comprehensive operations and maintenance manuals that contain plans, drawings and process descriptions sufficient for the safe and efficient operation of the facility. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 16 (1).

(2) The owner shall ensure that the manuals are reviewed and updated at least once every two years. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 16 (2).

17. (1) The owner of a facility shall ensure that every operator employed in the facility is given at least forty hours of training every year. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 17 (1).

(2) The training may include, for example, training in new or revised operating procedures, reviews of existing operating procedures, safety training and studies of information and technical skills related to environmental subjects. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 17 (2).

(3) The owner shall ensure that records are maintained of the training given under this section, including the names and positions of operators who attend training sessions, the dates of training sessions, the duration of each training session and the subjects considered at each training session. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 17 (3).

(4) The owner shall submit copies or summaries of the records to the Director when requested to do so by the Director. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 17 (4).

18. The owner of a facility shall ensure that records are maintained of the amount of time each operator works as an operator-in-charge. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 18.

19. An operator-in-charge shall,

(a) take all steps reasonably necessary to operate the processes within his or her responsibility in a safe and efficient manner in accordance with the relevant operations manuals;

(b) ensure that the processes within his or her responsibility are measured, monitored, sampled and tested in a manner that permits them to be adjusted when necessary;

(c) ensure that records are maintained of all adjustments made to the processes within his or her responsibility; and

(d) ensure that all equipment used in the processes within his or her responsibility is properly monitored, inspected and evaluated and that records of equipment operating status are prepared and available at the end of every operating shift. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 19.

20. (1) The owner of a facility shall ensure that logs or other record-keeping mechanisms are provided to record information concerning the operation of the facility. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 20 (1).

(2) Entries in the logs or other record-keeping mechanisms shall be made chronologically. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 20 (2).

(3) No person shall make an entry in a log or other record-keeping mechanism unless the person is an operator-in-charge or is authorized to make an entry by the owner or an operator-in-charge. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 20 (3).

(4) A person who makes an entry in a log or other record-keeping mechanism shall do so in a manner that permits the person to be unambiguously identified as the maker of the entry. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 20 (4).

(5) An operator-in-charge or a person authorized by an operator-in-charge shall record the following information in the logs or other record-keeping mechanisms in respect of each operating shift:

1. The date, the time period and the number or designation of the shift.

2. The names of all operators on duty during the shift.

3. Any departures from normal operating procedures that occurred during the shift and the time they occurred.

4. Any special instructions that were given during the shift to depart from normal operating procedures and the person who gave the instructions.

5. Any unusual or abnormal conditions that were observed in the facility during the shift, any action that was taken and any conclusions drawn from the observations.

6. Any equipment that was taken out of service or ceased to operate during the shift and any action taken to maintain or repair equipment during the shift. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 20 (5).

(6) The owner shall ensure that logs and other record-keeping mechanisms are accessible in the facility for at least two years after the last entry. O. Reg. 435/93, s. 20 (6).

21. If a facility is a large municipal non-residential system, a non-municipal year-round residential system or a large non-municipal non-residential system and the owner of the facility is not required to comply with sections 2-2 to 2-6 of Schedule 2 to Ontario Regulation 170/03 (Drinking-Water Systems) until after June 1, 2003, sections 13 to 20 do not apply to the facility until the equipment required to ensure compliance with that Schedule commences operation. O. Reg. 271/03, s. 4.


1. A wastewater collection facility to which this Schedule applies is classified in accordance with Table 1, based on the number of points applicable to the facility under the point system described in Table 2.

2. A wastewater treatment facility to which this Schedule applies is classified in accordance with Table 1, based on the number of points applicable to the facility under the point system described in Table 3.

3. A water distribution facility to which this Schedule applies is classified in accordance with Table 1, based on the number of points applicable to the facility under the point system described in Table 4.

4. A water treatment facility to which this Schedule applies is classified in accordance with Table 1, based on the number of points applicable to the facility under the point system described in Table 5.

5. (1) For the purpose of sections 2 and 4, the number of points applicable to a package facility under the point system described in Table 3 or 5 may be reduced by the Director if he or she is satisfied that the operational needs of the package facility are less than the operational needs of other facilities that, having regard only to the characteristics referred to in the applicable Table, have the same characteristics as the package facility.

(2) In subsection (1),

“package facility” means a wastewater treatment facility or water treatment facility where the treatment processes of the facility are contained in a plant that meets all of the following criteria:

1. The plant has been manufactured as a complete unit.

2. The plant has been preassembled and delivered in not more than four modules to the site where it is used.

3. The plant has a design flow of 1,300 cubic metres per day or less.



Number of Points

Class I

30 or less

Class II

31 to 55

Class III

56 to 75

Class IV

76 or more

O. Reg. 435/93, Sched. 1, Table 1.



Facility Characteristics

Number of Points


Population Served


– 0 to 5,000 people



– 5,001 to 50,000 people



– 50,001 to 100,000 people



– More than 100,000 people



Type of Service


– Facility includes combined sanitary and storm sewers, with length of combined sewers equal to 10% or less of total



– Facility includes combined sanitary and storm sewers, with length of combined sewage equal to more than 10% of total



– Facility collects industrial sewage, with volume of industrial sewage equal to 20% or less of total



– Facility collects industrial sewage, with volume of industrial sewage equal to more than 20% of total



Pumping Stations


– Facility has pumping station



– Pumping station is generator supported



– Pumping station has overflow chamber



– Pumping station has grit chamber



– Pumping station has alarm



– Pumping station has odour control



– Pumping station staffed 24 hours per day



Force Mains


– Facility has force mains



– Total length of force mains exceeds 1 kilometre



– Force mains have active cathodic protection



Age of Facility Materials


– More than 10% of facility materials pre-date 1950



– More than 50% of facility materials pre-date 1970



By-pass Chamber


– Facility has by-pass chamber



– By-pass chamber has alarm



– By-pass chamber has disinfection



Special Features


– Facility has flow equalization or fill and draw chambers



– Facility has inverted syphons



– Facility has access deeper than 10 metres


O. Reg. 435/93, Sched. 1, Table 2.



Facility Characteristics

Number of Points


Population Served

1 point for every 10,000 people, to a maximum of 10 points


Flow (average daily design flow or average daily flow in peak month, whichever is greater)

1 point for every 4,500 cubic metres, to a maximum of 10 points


Raw Waste Flow and Toxicity


– Variations in flow are less than 100% of average values and raw waste is not subject to toxic waste discharges



– Variations in flow are 100% to 200% of average values and raw waste is not subject to toxic waste discharges



– Variations in flow are more than 200% of average values and raw waste is not subject to toxic waste discharges



– Raw waste is subject to toxic waste discharges



Effluent Discharge

A maximum of 6 points


– Receiving water sensitivity to effluent discharge:


– Secondary treatment is adequate



– More than secondary treatment is required, but a very high degree of treatment is not required



– Very high degree of treatment is required



– Facility uses evaporation to dispose of all effluent



– Facility uses land spraying to dispose of all effluent





– Facility uses screening or comminution



– Facility has grit removal



– Facility uses plant pumping of main flow



– Facility uses chemical precipitation or pH adjustment



Primary Treatment


– Facility uses primary clarifiers



– Facility uses combined sedimentation and digestion



– Facility uses chemical addition, other than for disinfection



Secondary Treatment


– Facility uses trickling filter with secondary clarifiers



– Facility uses activated sludge with secondary clarifiers



– Facility uses stabilization pond without aeration



– Facility uses aerated lagoon



Advanced Waste Treatment


– Facility uses polishing pond



– Facility uses advanced chemical or physical treatment without secondary treatment



– Facility uses advanced chemical or physical treatment with secondary treatment



– Facility uses advanced biological treatment



– Facility uses ion exchange



– Facility uses reverse osmosis or electrodialysis



– Facility uses chemical recovery or carbon regeneration



Solids Handling


– Facility uses thickening



– Facility uses anaerobic digestion



– Facility uses aerobic digestion



– Facility uses evaporative sludge drying



– Facility uses mechanical dewatering



– Facility uses incineration or wet oxidation





– Facility uses chlorination or a comparable process



– Facility has on-site generation of disinfectant



Laboratory Control by Facility Personnel


      (a) Bacteriological and Biological

The greatest of the following amounts that applies to the facility:


– Lab work is done outside the facility



– Facility personnel do membrane filter procedures



– Facility personnel use fermentation tubes or other dilution methods or do fecal coliform determinations



– Facility personnel do biological identification



– Facility personnel do virus studies or similar work



      (b) Chemical and Physical

The greatest of the following amounts that applies to the facility:


– Lab work is done outside the facility



– Facility personnel use push-button or visual methods, to do simple determinations such as pH or settleable solids



– Facility personnel do DO, COD, BOD, volatile content or solids determinations, gas analysis, tirations, or similar tests



– Facility personnel do determinations for specific constituents, nutrients, total oils or phenols, or similar determination



– Facility personnel perform procedures using very sophisticated instrumentation, such as atomic absorption or gas chromatography


O. Reg. 435/93, Sched. 1, Table 3.



Facility Characteristics

Number of Points



1 point for every 4,500 cubic metres of average daily design flow, 1 point for every 4,500 cubic metres of average daily flow in peak month, or 1 point for every 100 kilometres of watermain, whichever is greatest, to a maximum of 10 points


Water Treatment by Facility


– Facility treats water



– Treatment provided by facility


– Chlorination or a comparable process



– pH adjustment



– Stability or corrosion control by chemical addition



Operating Systems


– Pressures in system are less than 150 p.s.i.



– Pressures in system are 150 p.s.i. or more



– Pressure zones


– Facility has single pressure zone



– Facility has multiple pressure zones with no pressure control



– Facility has multiple pressure zones with pressure control



– Pumps


– Facility has single speed, manually operated pumps



– Facility has single speed, automatically operated pumps



– Facility has variable speed pumps



– Facility has more than one variable speed pump to one pressure zone



– Facility has surge tanks



– Storage


– Facility has above ground water storage



– Facility has in ground water storage



– Specialized valves


– Facility has pressure reducing valves



– Facility has pressure relief valves



– Facility has pneumatic control valves



– Facility has motorized valves



– Facility has elevation valves



System Specifications


– Piping


– Size

1 point for every 10% of facility’s piping that is less than 600 millimetres in diameter, to a maximum of 5 points, plus 1 point for every 10% of facility’s piping that is 600 millimetres or more in diameter


– Watermain Materials


– Cement and iron, ductile iron, polyvinyl chloride, asbestos cement or polyethylene



– Concrete pressure pipe



– Steel



– Other



– Non-Residential Meters on System


– Flow meters with register only



– Flow and pressure meters with register and chart



– Flow and pressure meters in a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system



– Instrumentation


– Facility has manual controls



– Facility has semi-automatic controls



– Facility has fully automatic controls



– Facility has supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system with 24-hour staffing



Laboratory Control by Facility Personnel


      (a) Bacteriological and Biological

The greatest of the following amounts that applies to the facility:


– Lab work is done outside the facility



– Facility personnel do membrane filter procedures



– Facility personnel use fermentation tubes or other dilution methods or do fecal coliform determinations



– Facility personnel do biological identification



– Facility personnel do virus studies or similar work



      (b) Chemical and Physical

The greatest of the following amounts that applies to the facility:


– Lab work is done outside the facility



– Facility personnel use push-button or colorimetric methods to do simple determinations such as pH or chlorine residual



– Facility personnel do alkalinity or hardness determinations, titrations, jar tests, or similar tests



– Facility personnel do determinations for inorganics or similar determinations



– Facility personnel perform procedures using very sophisticated instrumentation, such as atomic absorption or gas chromatography


O. Reg. 435/93, Sched. 1, Table 4.



Facility Characteristics

Number of Points


Population Served

1 point for every 10,000 people, to a maximum of 10 points


Flow (average daily design flow or average daily flow in peak month, whichever is greater)

1 point for every 4,500 cubic metres, to a maximum of 10 points


Water Supply Source


– Groundwater



– Surface water



Raw Water Quality


– Low variation in raw water quality and raw water quality is not subject to serious industrial waste pollution



– Moderate variation in raw water quality and raw water quality is not subject to serious industrial waste pollution



– High variation in raw water quality and raw water quality is not subject to serious industrial waste pollution



– Raw water quality is subject to serious industrial waste pollution





– Facility uses aeration, other than packed tower aeration



– Facility uses packed tower aeration



– Facility uses pH adjustment



– Facility uses stability or corrosion control



– Facility uses taste and odour control



– Facility uses colour control



– Facility uses iron or manganese removal



– Facility uses ion exchange softening



– Facility uses chemical precipitation softening



– Facility uses coagulant addition



– Facility uses flocculation



– Facility uses sedimentation



– Facility uses upflow clarification



– Facility uses filtration



– Facility uses fluoridation



– Facility uses disinfection



– Facility uses chlorine dioxide, chloramines or ozonation for disinfection



– Facility uses other special processes



– Facility has internal treatment of plant sludge



Sludge/Backwash Water Disposal


– No disposal to raw water sources



– Any disposal to raw water source



– Any disposal to facility raw water



Laboratory Control by Facility Personnel


      (a) Bacteriological and Biological

The greatest of the following amounts that applies to the facility:


– Lab work is done outside the facility



– Facility personnel do membrane filter procedures



– Facility personnel use fermentation tubes or other dilution methods or do fecal coliform determinations



– Facility personnel do biological identification



– Facility personnel do virus studies or similar work



      (b) Chemical and Physical

The greatest of the following amounts that applies to the facility:


– Lab work is done outside the facility



– Facility personnel use push-button or colorimetric methods to do simple determinations such as pH or chlorine residual



– Facility personnel do alkalinity or hardness determinations, titrations, jar tests, or similar tests



– Facility personnel do determinations for inorganics or similar determinations



– Facility personnel perform procedures using very sophisticated instrumentation, such as atomic absorption or gas chromatography


O. Reg. 435/93, Sched. 1, Table 5; O. Reg. 539/98, s. 6.



1. The qualifications for an operator-in-training’s licence are:

1. The person must have successfully completed Grade 12 in Ontario or have educational qualifications that the Director considers equivalent.

2. The person must have obtained a mark that the Director considers satisfactory in an examination approved by the Director relating to the functions performed by operators-in-training.

Class I Operators

2. The qualifications for a Class I operator’s licence for a type of facility are:

1. The person must have successfully completed Grade 12 in Ontario or have educational qualifications that the Director considers equivalent.

2. The person must have at least one year of experience as an operator in that type of facility.

3. The person must have obtained a mark that the Director considers satisfactory in an examination approved by the Director relating to the functions performed by operators with Class I licences for that type of facility.

Class II Operators

3. The qualifications for a Class II operator’s licence for a type of facility are:

1. The person must have a Class I or Class II operator’s licence for that type of facility.

2. The person must have successfully completed Grade 12 in Ontario or have educational qualifications that the Director considers equivalent.

3. The person must have at least three years of experience as an operator in that type of facility.

4. The person must have obtained a mark that the Director considers satisfactory in an examination approved by the Director relating to the functions performed by operators with Class II licences for that type of facility.

Class III Operators

4. (1) The qualifications for a Class III operator’s licence for a type of facility are:

1. The person must have a Class II or Class III operator’s licence for that type of facility.

2. The person must,

i. have successfully completed Grade 12 in Ontario or have educational qualifications that the Director considers equivalent, and

ii. have successfully completed at least two years of additional education or training that, in the opinion of the Director, is relevant to the functions performed by operators of facilities.

3. The person must have at least four years of experience as an operator in that type of facility, including at least two years as an operator-in-charge in a Class II, Class III or Class IV facility.

4. The person must have obtained a mark that the Director considers satisfactory in an examination approved by the Director relating to the functions performed by operators with Class III licences for that type of facility.

(2) For the purpose of meeting the education and training qualification in subparagraph ii of paragraph 2 of subsection (1), an applicant for a licence may substitute up to one year of experience as an operator-in-charge in a Class II, Class III or Class IV facility for the equivalent length of education, but experience as an operator-in-charge used for this purpose shall not be used to meet the experience qualification in paragraph 3 of subsection (1).

Class IV Operators

5. (1) The qualifications for a Class IV operator’s licence for a type of facility are:

1. The person must have a Class III or Class IV operator’s licence for that type of facility.

2. The person must,

i. have successfully completed Grade 12 in Ontario or have educational qualifications that the Director considers equivalent, and

ii. have successfully completed at least four years of additional education or training that, in the opinion of the Director, is relevant to the functions performed by operators of facilities.

3. The person must have at least four years of experience as an operator in that type of facility, including at least two years as an operator-in-charge in a Class III or Class IV facility.

4. The person must have obtained a mark that the Director considers satisfactory in an examination approved by the Director relating to the functions performed by operators with Class IV licences for that type of facility.

(2) For the purpose of meeting the education and training qualification in subparagraph ii of paragraph 2 of subsection (1), an applicant for a licence may substitute up to two years of experience as an operator-in-charge in a Class III or Class IV facility for the equivalent length of education, but experience as an operator-in-charge used for this purpose shall not be used to meet the experience qualification in paragraph 3 of subsection (1).

Special Rules — Professional Engineers

6. The experience qualifications established by this Schedule for a class of licence and type of facility do not apply to a professional engineer if the engineer obtains a mark that the Director considers above average in an examination approved by the Director relating to the functions performed by operators with that class of licence for that type of facility.

Special Rules — Education and Training

7. The following rules apply for the purpose of determining whether a person meets the education and training qualifications established by this Schedule:

1. If an applicant for a licence has not successfully completed Grade 12 in Ontario, the applicant may use his or her experience as an operator to meet that educational qualification, on the basis that each year of experience as an operator is equivalent to two years of elementary education or one year of secondary education, but years of experience as an operator used for this purpose shall not be used to meet the experience qualifications established by this Schedule.

2. The length of education or training obtained through specialized training sessions shall be determined on the basis that 450 hours of participation in specialized training sessions is equivalent to one year of education or training.

Special Rules — Experience

8. (1) The following rules apply for the purpose of determining whether a person meets the experience qualifications established by this Schedule for a Class II, Class III or Class IV licence:

1. An applicant for a licence may substitute education or training that meets the requirements of the education and training qualifications established by this Schedule, other than elementary or secondary education, for up to half of the experience as an operator required by this Schedule, but education or training used for this purpose shall not be used to meet the education and training qualifications established by this Schedule.

2. The Director may permit an applicant for a licence to substitute for the experience required by this Schedule experience as an operator in a different type of facility or experience in a facility other than as an operator, if the Director is of the opinion that the experience is relevant to the class of licence being applied for.

(2) Experience as an operator-in-training shall not be considered for the purpose of determining whether a person meets the qualification of at least two years of experience as an operator-in-charge established by this Schedule for a Class III or Class IV licence.


9. Where this Schedule provides that obtaining a mark that the Director considers satisfactory in an examination approved by the Director is a qualification for a class of licence, the Director may approve different examinations for different categories of applicants for that class of licence.

O. Reg. 435/93, Sched. 2; O. Reg. 539/98, ss. 7, 8.