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Land Registration Reform Act



Historical version for the period March 7, 2018 to October 4, 2020.

Last amendment: 86/18.

Legislative History: 52/01, 76/08, 200/09, 185/11, CTR 12 OC 11 - 5, CTR 23 JL 12 - 3, CTR 23 JL 12 - 4, 4/16, 86/18.

This is the English version of a bilingual Regulation.

1. In this Regulation,

“document” includes a plan of subdivision submitted for registration under the Land Titles Act and a reference plan submitted for deposit under that Act, but does not include,

(a) any other plan registered, submitted, made or deposited under the Land Titles Act,

(b) a declaration or description within the meaning of the Condominium Act, 1998 or an amendment to such a declaration or description, or

(c) a notice of termination described in section 122 or 123 of the Condominium Act, 1998, a deed for a sale described in section 124 of that Act, a plan of expropriation for an expropriation described in section 126 of that Act or an order for termination described in section 128 of that Act; (“document”)

“electronic registration” means registration under the Land Titles Act in an electronic format. (“enregistrement électronique”)

“examiner of surveys” means the examiner of surveys appointed under subsection 14 (1) of the Land Titles Act; (“inspecteur des arpentages”) O. Reg. 19/99, s. 1; O. Reg. 52/01, s. 1; O. Reg. 86/18, s. 1.

2. (1) No person shall submit a document for electronic registration until having obtained an authorization from the Director of Land Registration. O. Reg. 4/16, s. 1.

(2) No person shall search records of a land registry office maintained in an electronic format until having obtained a search account number or other authorization from the land registrar or a person authorized by the Director.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 2 (2).

3. Subject to section 4 of Ontario Regulation 16/99 (Automated System) made under the Act, a person submitting an electronic document for electronic registration shall deliver it to the electronic land registration database by direct electronic transmission.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 3; O. Reg. 86/18, s. 2.

4. A document submitted for electronic registration, other than a power of attorney or a revocation of a power of attorney, shall contain,

(a) the date that the preparation of the document was completed;

(a.1) a statement by each party completing the document that the party has the authority to complete the document;

(b) the date that the land registrar received the document for registration;

(c) a legal description of the land affected by the document that complies with section 142 of the Land Titles Act;

(d) the names of the parties to the document;

(e) an address for service, including the postal code, for the person claiming or obtaining an interest under the document or for the person’s solicitor;

(f) the name, address, telephone number and fax transmission number of the person who prepared the document;

(g) the name, address, telephone number and fax transmission number of the person who submitted the document;

(h) a municipal address, if any, for the land affected by the document;

(i) if the document is made by an attorney acting under a power of attorney given by a donor that is not a corporation,

(i) a statement by the attorney that, to the best of the attorney’s knowledge and belief,

(A) the donor was at least 18 years old and had the legal capacity to give the power when giving it, and

(B) the power is in full force and effect,

(ii) a statement by the solicitor submitting the document confirming that the solicitor has reviewed the power with the attorney who has confirmed that,

(A) the attorney is the lawful party named in the power,

(B) the attorney is acting within the scope of the authority granted by the power,

(C) to the best of the attorney’s knowledge, information and belief, the power was lawfully given and has not been revoked, and

(D) if the attorney is a corporation, the person signing the document at the time the document was made was in the stated position at the corporation and had the authority to bind the attorney, and

(iii) the registration number and date of the power;

(i.1) if the document is made by an attorney acting under a power of attorney given by a donor that is a corporation,

(i) a statement by the attorney that,

(A) to the best of the attorney’s knowledge and belief, the power is in full force and effect,

(B) the attorney is acting within the scope of the authority granted under the power, and

(C) the attorney has the authority to bind the donor, and

(ii) the registration number and date of the power;

(j) if the document is made by a corporation, a statement by the person acting for the corporation that the person is authorized to bind the corporation;

(k) the type, registration number and date of registration of every other document that no longer affects or will cease to affect the land affected by the document after the registration of the document;

(l) the information set out in sections 5 to 39; and

(m) all other information that the Director considers necessary to,

(i) establish the interest claimed by the parties to the document,

(ii) ensure that the parties to the document have complied with the Act, the Land Titles Act and any other Act dealing with the title to or interests in land affected by the document, and

(iii) enable the proper maintenance of the records of the land registry office for the land affected by the document.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 4; O. Reg. 76/08, s. 1; O. Reg. 200/09, s. 1.

5. (1) In addition to the matters set out in section 4, a transfer submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) a statement of the consideration for which it was made;

(b) a statement of the interest or estate transferred;

(c) a statement that the transferor transfers the land that it affects;

(d) unless the transferor is a corporation, a statement by the transferor that the transferor is at least 18 years old;

(e) unless the transferor is a corporation, a statement of spousal status under the Family Law Act by the transferor;

(f) unless the transferee is a corporation, the date of birth of the transferee;

(f.1) subject to subsection (3), the statements that are described in one of the paragraphs of subsection (2); and

(g) a statement of residence and value of the consideration under the Land Transfer Tax Act.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 5; O. Reg. 76/08, s. 2 (1).

(2) The statements mentioned in clause (1) (f.1) are the following:

1. A statement by each of the solicitor for the transferor and the solicitor for the transferee that the solicitor for the transferor and the solicitor for the transferee are not one and the same.

2. A statement by the solicitor for the transferor that the solicitor for the transferor and the solicitor for the transferee are one and the same and the transfer is being made in accordance with the solicitor’s professional standards.

3. A statement by the solicitor for the transferor that the transferor and the transferee are one and the same and the transfer is being made to effect a change in legal tenure.

4. A statement by the solicitor for the transferor that the transferor and the transferee are one and the same and the transfer is being made to effect a severance of land.

5. A statement by the solicitor for the transferor that the transfer is from an estate trustee, executor or administrator to a person who is beneficially entitled to a share in the estate.  O. Reg. 76/08, s. 2 (2).

(3) No statement is required under clause (1) (f.1) if,

(a) the land that the transfer affects is being acquired or disposed of by the Crown in right of Ontario, the Crown in right of Canada, a Crown corporation, an agency, board or commission of the Crown or a municipal corporation; or

(b) the transfer is being made to effect the transfer of an easement.  O. Reg. 76/08, s. 2 (2).

6. In addition to the matters set out in section 4, a charge submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) a statement of the principal amount or other obligation secured by the charge;

(b), (c) Revoked:  O. Reg. 4/16, s. 2.

(d) a statement of the interest or estate charged;

(e) the filing number of standard charge terms included in the charge, if any;

(f) a statement that the chargor charges the land that it affects;

(g) unless the chargor is a corporation, a statement by the chargor that the chargor is at least 18 years old;

(h) unless the chargor is a corporation, a statement of spousal status under the Family Law Act by the chargor; and

(i) a statement that the chargor acknowledges receipt of a copy of the charge.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 6.

7. In addition to the matters set out in section 4, a discharge of charge or other interest submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) the registration number and date of registration of the charge or other interest to be discharged; and

(b) a statement that the discharge discharges the charge or other interest, as the case may be.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 7.

8. In addition to the matters set out in section 4, a document submitted for electronic registration, other than a transfer, charge, discharge, power of attorney or revocation of a power of attorney, shall contain,

(a) a statement of the type of the document;

(b) a statement of the consideration, if any, for which it was made;

(c) statements setting out the effect of the document;

(d) the registration number and date of registration of the other documents, if any, to which the document relates;

(e) a statement that the document will cease to affect the land that the document affects when a related document or documents are discharged, if that is the case;

(f) the expiry date, if any, of the interest in land affected by the document; and

(g) a statement of residence and value of the consideration under the Land Transfer Tax Act, if required under that Act.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 8; O. Reg. 76/08, s. 3.

9. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application for a caution against first registration is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain a statement that the applicant is entitled to object to any disposition of the land without the applicant’s consent.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 9.

10. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if a withdrawal of a caution against first registration is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain a statement authorizing the land registrar to withdraw the caution as to the land described.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 10.

11. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, a certificate of withdrawal of land from the Land Titles Act submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) a description of the land withdrawn from registration under the Land Titles Act; and

(b) the particulars of the encumbrances affecting the land on the date of the registration of the certificate.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 11.

12. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, an application to register a trustee in bankruptcy submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) the order appointing the trustee under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada); or

(b) the assignment or the date and court file number of the assignment. O. Reg. 19/99, s. 12; O. Reg. 4/16, s. 3.

13. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, a survivorship application submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) the name of the deceased joint tenant;

(b) proof of death of the deceased satisfactory to the land registrar; and

(c) a statement by the applicant that the land affected by the application is not subject to any spousal right under the Family Law Act with respect to the deceased.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 13.

14. (1) In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, a transmission application by an estate trustee, executor or administrator that is submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) the name and date of death of the owner;

(b) a statement that the applicant as estate trustee, executor or administrator, as the case may be, is entitled by law to be registered as owner;

(c) a statement that the land affected by the application is not subject to debts of the deceased, if that is the case; and

(d) one of the items set out in subsection (2) or, if the transmission application is the first dealing with the land affected by the application since the title to the land was converted from the Registry Act to the Land Titles Act by the Minister responsible for the administration of that Act and if the applicant is not an administrator and elects not to provide one of the items set out in subsection (2), a statement described in subsection (3). O. Reg. 4/16, s. 4.

(2) The items mentioned in clause (1) (d) are the following:

1. The certificate of appointment, or order confirming the appointment, of the applicant as estate trustee, executor or administrator, as the case may be.

2. The date and court file number of the certificate or order.

3. If the applicant is not an administrator, proof satisfactory to the Director that the value of the estate is less than $50,000. O. Reg. 4/16, s. 4.

(3) The statement mentioned in clause (1) (d) is a statement that,

(a) states that no application for a certificate of appointment of estate trustee with a will has been made;

(b) states that the transmission application is the first dealing with the land affected by the application since the title to the land was converted from the Registry Act to the Land Titles Act by the Minister responsible for the administration of that Act;

(c) sets out the value of the estate; and

(d) confirms information about the will that is relevant to the transmission application and that the Director requires. O. Reg. 4/16, s. 4.

15. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, a transmission application by a devisee or heir at law submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) the name and proof of death of the owner satisfactory to the Director;

(b) a statement that the land affected by the application is not subject to any spousal right under the Family Law Act with respect to the deceased;

(c) a statement that the land affected by the application is not subject to debts of the deceased, if that is the case; and

(d) a statement that the land affected by the application has vested in the applicant.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 15; O. Reg. 4/16, s. 5.

16. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 5 except for clause 5 (e), a transfer by an estate trustee, executor or administrator that is submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) a statement that the transferor is entitled to transfer the land affected by the document under the terms of the will, if any, the Estates Administration Act and the Succession Law Reform Act;

(b) a statement by the transferor that the land affected by the application is not subject to any spousal right under the Family Law Act with respect to the deceased;

(c) a statement that the transferor has obtained the consent of all required parties or that no consents are required; and

(d) a statement that the land affected by the transfer is not subject to debts of the deceased, if that is the case.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 16.

17. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 5, a transfer by a devisee or heir at law submitted for electronic registration shall contain a statement that the transferee is not aware of any specific debts of the deceased, if that is the case.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 17.

18. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 5, a transfer by a trustee in bankruptcy submitted for electronic registration shall contain a statement that the trustee is authorized under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) to transfer the land affected by the transfer.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 18.

19. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application to register a chargee as owner under a foreclosure order is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain,

(a) the order;

(b) a statement that the order is still in full force and effect;

(c) a statement that the chargee is entitled to be registered as owner under the order;

(d) the date of birth of the chargee;

(e) a statement identifying the instruments to be deleted from the parcel register as set out in the order by instrument number and date of registration;

(f) a statement identifying execution creditors foreclosed in the order by name and writ number; and

(g) a statement of spousal status under the Family Law Act with respect to every person who is foreclosed in the order and whose spouse is not specifically foreclosed in the order.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 19; O. Reg. 4/16, s. 6.

20. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 5, a transfer under power of sale submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) the registration number and date of registration of the charge;

(b) a statement that the sale is authorized under the charge and the Mortgages Act;

(c) a statement that the charge was in default at the time notice of sale was given and continues to be in default and that money has been advanced under the charge;

(d) a statement that the sale proceedings and transfer comply with the charge, the Mortgages Act and if applicable the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada), the Condominium Act, 1998, the Construction Lien Act and the Farm Debt Mediation Act (Canada);

(e) a statement identifying the instruments by instrument number and date of registration and the writs of execution by name and writ number that rank subsequent to the charge and that are to be deleted from the parcel register as a result of the registration of the transfer; and

(f) a statement of spousal status under the Family Law Act with respect to every person whose spouse was not served with a notice under the Mortgages Act and whose interest is to be deleted on the registration of the transfer. O. Reg. 19/99, s. 20; O. Reg. 52/01, s. 2; O. Reg. 4/16, s. 7.

21. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, a transfer of charge submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) the registration number and date of registration of the charge;

(b) a statement that the document transfers the charge; and

(c) a statement of the consideration given for the transfer.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 21.

22. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, a postponement of interest submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) the registration number and date of registration of the instrument that contains the interest being postponed and the registration number and date of registration of the instrument that contains the interest to which it is postponed; and

(b) a statement that the document postpones the interest.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 22.

23. (1) In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, a notice under section 71 of the Land Titles Act submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) a statement confirming that the interest is or affects a valid and existing estate, right, interest or equity in the land described in the notice; and

(b) a statement that,

(i) the notice will be effective for an indeterminate time,

(ii) the land registrar is authorized to delete the notice after a specified date or period of time has passed or after specified documents have been deleted, or

(iii) the land registrar is authorized to delete the notice on the consent of specified parties.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 23; O. Reg. 4/16, s. 8 (1).

(2) In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, a caution under section 71 of the Land Titles Act submitted for electronic registration shall contain the information relevant to that section that the Director requires. O. Reg. 4/16, s. 8 (2).

24. (1) In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if a caution with respect to an agreement of purchase and sale, a caution with respect to an assignment or renewal of an agreement of purchase and sale, a notice of option or a notice of assignment or renewal of an option is submitted for electronic registration, it shall include a complete copy of the agreement or the document creating the option, as the case may be, or shall contain,

(a) the date of the agreement or the document creating the option, as the case may be;

(b) the date that the sale is or was to be completed or the date that the option expires or expired, as the case may be;

(c) a statement of the provisions, if any, that the agreement or the document creating the option, as the case may be, includes for renewal or extension; and

(d) a statement that the applicant,

(i) within 14 days of receiving a request, will produce the agreement, the document creating the option, the assignment or the renewal, as the case may be, for inspection by any person, and

(ii) consents to the cancellation of the notice on presentation of proof satisfactory to the land registrar that the applicant, on request, did not produce the agreement, the document creating the option, the assignment or the renewal, as the case may be.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 24 (1).

(2) In addition to subsection (1), if the agreement or the option has been assigned or renewed, the notice mentioned in that subsection shall contain a statement of the registration number of the notice of the agreement or option, as the case may be, that has been assigned or renewed, as the case may be.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 24 (2).

25. (1) In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if a notice of lease or interest in a lease is submitted for electronic registration, it shall include a complete copy of the lease or interest, as the case may be, or shall contain,

(a) particulars of the type of interest, the term and the expiry date of the lease or interest, as the case may be;

(b) a statement of the provisions, if any, the lease or interest, as the case may be, includes for a right or option to purchase or for renewal or extension; and

(c) a statement that the applicant,

(i) within 14 days of receiving a request, will produce the lease or the document creating the interest, as the case may be, for inspection by any person, and

(ii) consents to the cancellation of the notice on presentation of proof satisfactory to the land registrar that the applicant, on request, did not produce the lease or the document creating the lease, as the case may be.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 25 (1).

(2) In addition to subsection (1), if a notice of determination of lease is submitted for electronic registration, the notice mentioned in that subsection shall contain,

(a) the registration number and date of registration of the notice of lease; and

(b) a statement that the lease has been determined.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 25 (2).

26. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if a notice of compliance with a subdivision agreement is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain,

(a) the registration number and date of registration of the subdivision agreement; and

(b) a statement that there has been compliance with the agreement or specified terms of the agreement, as the case may be.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 26.

27. Revoked:  O. Reg. 76/08, s. 4.

28. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application to register an order or by-law is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain,

(a) in the case of an order, a statement by the applicant that the order affects land or an interest in land;

(b) the name of the court, authority or municipality that made the order or by-law, as the case may be;

(c) the order or by-law, as the case may be; and

(d) a statement that the order or by-law, as the case may be, is still in full force and effect.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 28; O. Reg. 4/16, s. 9.

28.1 In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, an application to deposit a reference plan that is submitted in an electronic format shall contain,

(a) the plan;

(b) a statement that the plan is required to be deposited under the Land Titles Act on the identified properties;

(c) a statement by an Ontario land surveyor certifying,

(i) that the plan is correct and in accordance with the applicable Acts and regulations,

(ii) the date of completion of the plan,

(iii) that the structures shown on the plan are in existence, if applicable,

(iv) that the dimensions shown on the plan have been verified by actual measurements, if applicable,

(v) in the case of a compiled or partially compiled plan, that it is an accurate compilation based on specified data, and

(vi) in the case of a plan that was approved by the examiner of surveys, the provision of Ontario Regulation 43/96 (Surveys, Plans and Descriptions of Land) made under the Registry Act under which it was approved; and

(d) the approval number of the plan, if any. O. Reg. 86/18, s. 3.

28.2 In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application to register a plan of subdivision is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain,

(a) the plan;

(b) a statement by the applicant,

(i) that the lots, blocks and streets, as the case may be, have been laid out in accordance with the applicant’s instructions,

(ii) that the streets, street widenings and lanes, as the case may be, are dedicated as public highways and to whom they are dedicated,

(iii) setting out the total number of lots and blocks, as applicable, and

(iv) setting out the total number of new lots and blocks;

(c) a statement by an Ontario land surveyor certifying,

(i) that the plan is correct and in accordance with the applicable Acts and regulations,

(ii) the date of completion of the plan,

(iii) that the structures shown on the plan are in existence, if applicable,

(iv) that the dimensions shown on the plan have been verified by actual measurements, if applicable, and

(v) in the case of a plan that was approved by the examiner of surveys, the provision of Ontario Regulation 43/96 (Surveys, Plans and Descriptions of Land) made under the Registry Act under which it was approved;

(d) the approval number of the plan, if any; and

(e) the approval under the Planning Act. O. Reg. 86/18, s. 3.

29. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, a Plan Document that is required under clause 25 (1) (a) or subsection 82 (3) of Ontario Regulation 43/96 (Surveys, Plans and Descriptions of Land) made under the Registry Act and that is submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) the name of the surveyor who prepared the plan and its date;

(b) the consents that are required to register the plan; and 

(c) a statement that no chargee’s consent is required if that is the case.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 29; O. Reg. 4/16, s. 10; O. Reg. 86/18, s. 4.

30. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application to amend the register based on a court order is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain,

(a) the order;

(b) a statement setting out the amendment requested and authorized by the order; and

(c) a statement that the order is in full force and effect.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 30; O. Reg. 4/16, s. 11.

31. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application to change a name in the register is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain,

(a) the name to be entered in the register; and

(b) a statement of the authority for the change of name, including the registration number of the document, if any, that sets out the authority.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 31.

32. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, a notice of change of address for service submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) except for a change of address for service of an owner of land, the registration number of the document that contains the address to be changed; and

(b) full particulars of the new address for service, including the postal code.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 32.

33. (1) In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application to delete a claim for a construction lien is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain,

(a) the registration number of the claim for lien;

(b) if a certificate of action has been registered, the registration number of the certificate of action and a statement that,

(i) no other claims for a lien have been registered,

(ii) no other registered claims for a lien are sheltered under the certificate, or

(iii) the certificate is being deleted in accordance with the Construction Lien Act;

(c) evidence satisfactory to the Director that the claim for lien does not affect the land described in the application; and

(d) if the evidence mentioned in clause (c) includes a court order described in clause (2) (c), a statement that the order is in full force and effect.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 33 (1); O. Reg. 185/11, s. 1; O. Reg. 4/16, s. 12 (1).

(2) The evidence mentioned in clause (1) (c) shall be in the form of,

(a) a statement by the lien claimant that the lien claimant has released the claim for lien;

(b) a statement that the lien has expired because no certificate of action has been registered within the required period under the Construction Lien Act; or

(c) the court order that discharges, vacates or releases the claim for lien. O. Reg. 19/99, s. 33 (2); O. Reg. 4/16, s. 12 (2).

34. (1) In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application to delete a writ of execution is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain,

(a) particulars of the writ to be deleted including the number, amount and names of the parties to the writ set out in full; and

(b) evidence that the writ does not affect the land described in the application.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 34 (1).

(2) The evidence mentioned in clause (1) (b) shall be in the form of,

(a) a complete, unconditional and unqualified release from the execution creditor;

(b) a statement by the solicitor for the applicant that the execution debtor has obtained a complete, unconditional and unqualified release from the execution creditor;

(c) a statement by the solicitor for the applicant that the registered owner of the land immediately before the land registrar recorded the writ against the land is not the execution debtor;

(d) a statement by the applicant that the registered owner of the land immediately before the land registrar recorded the writ against the land is not the execution debtor, if the writ of execution is for an amount of less than $50,000; or

(e) a statement by the applicant that the writ of execution,

(i) has expired and has not been renewed,

(ii) has been discharged or withdrawn, or

(iii) describes land other than the land affected by the application.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 34 (2).

35. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application to consolidate parcels is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain,

(a) the property identifier mentioned in subsection 141 (2) of the Land Titles Act, if any, of the parcels to be consolidated; and

(b) the proposed description for the parcels to be consolidated.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 35.

36. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application to register or renew a caution is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain,

(a) a description of the interest that entitles the applicant to register or renew the caution, as the case may be; and

(b) the registration number and date of registration of the caution, in the case of a renewal.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 36.

37. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if a cautioner submits a withdrawal of a caution for electronic registration, it shall contain a statement by the cautioner or the solicitor for the cautioner authorizing the land registrar to withdraw the caution.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 37.

38. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an owner submits a removal of a caution for electronic registration, it shall contain a statement by the owner or solicitor for the owner setting out the grounds for removing the caution.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 38.

39. In addition to the matters set out in sections 4 and 8, if an application for an inhibiting order is submitted for electronic registration, it shall contain a statement that the inhibition will expire on a specified date, after specified documents have been registered or after a specified event has occurred.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 39.

39.1 (1) A power of attorney submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) a statement of the type of the document;

(b) statements setting out the effect of the document;

(c) the date that the preparation of the document was completed;

(c.1) a statement by the party completing the document that the party has the authority to complete the document;

(d) the date that the land registrar received the document for registration;

(e) the names of the parties to the document;

(e.1) a statement by the party who applies to have the document registered electronically specifying whether the party is the donor or the donee of the power;

(f) an address for service, including the postal code, for the person claiming or obtaining an interest under the document or for the person’s solicitor;

(g) the name, address, telephone number and fax transmission number of the person who prepared the document;

(h) the name, address, telephone number and fax transmission number of the person who submitted the document;

(i) if the document is made by a corporation, a statement by the person acting for the corporation that the person is authorized to bind the corporation;

(j) all other information that the Director considers necessary to establish the interest claimed by the parties to the document;

(k) a statement whether the power is for a limited purpose or a general purpose; and

(l) an image, in electronic format, of the original executed and witnessed power or of a notarial or certified copy of the original.  O. Reg. 76/08, s. 5; O. Reg. 200/09, s. 2.

(2) A revocation of a power of attorney submitted for electronic registration shall contain,

(a) the matters set out in clauses (1) (a) to (k);

(b) the registration number and date of registration of the other documents, if any, to which the document relates; and

(c) one of the following:

(i) an image, in electronic format, of the original executed and witnessed revocation, other original evidence of the revocation or a notarial or certified copy of the original,

(ii) both of the following:

(A) an image, in electronic format, of the original order revoking the power or a notarial or certified copy of the original order,

(B) a statement by the solicitor for the registrant that the order revoking the power is in full force and effect,

(iii) a statement by the solicitor for the registrant that the power is no longer in force, as a result of the death of the donor.  O. Reg. 76/08, s. 5.

40. (1) No person other than a person who is entitled to practise law in Ontario as a solicitor shall make the statements mentioned in subclause 4 (i) (ii), subsection 5 (2), sections 14, 15, 16, 19 and 20, subsection 25 (2), clauses 28 (d) and 29 (c), section 30, subclauses 33 (1) (b) (ii) and (iii), clauses 34 (2) (b) and (c), sub-subclause 39.1 (2) (c) (ii) (B) and subclause 39.1 (2) (c) (iii).  O. Reg. 76/08, s. 6; O. Reg. 185/11, s. 2; O. Reg. 4/16, s. 13.

(2) A person who makes a statement mentioned in subsection (1) that is a statement of fact shall make it on the advice of the party to the document containing the statement who has knowledge of the fact.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 40 (2).

(3) For the purpose of subsections 57 (1) and (12) of the Land Titles Act, a person who is entitled to practise law in Ontario as a solicitor and who makes a statement in a document mentioned in this Regulation that is registered under that Act shall be deemed not to be the person on whose application the registration was made.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 40 (3).

(4) A document prepared by a person on behalf of a party shall be deemed to have been made by the party. O. Reg. 86/18, s. 5.

40.1 (1) No person, other than an Ontario land surveyor, shall make the statements mentioned in clause 28.1 (c) or 28.2 (c).  O. Reg. 86/18, s. 6.

(2) For the purposes of subsections 57 (1) and (12) of the Land Titles Act, a surveyor who makes a statement in a document mentioned in clause 28.2 (c) of this Regulation that is registered under the Land Titles Act shall be deemed not to be the person on whose application the registration was made. O. Reg. 86/18, s. 6.

41. The Director may require that a land registrar assign a series of registration numbers to documents registered in an electronic format under the Land Titles Act that is separate from the series of registration numbers assigned to documents registered under that Act that are not in an electronic format.  O. Reg. 19/99, s. 41.