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# result(s)

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filed August 20, 2004 under Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.31

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ontario regulation 246/04

made under the

ontario new Home warranties plan act

Made: June 8, 2004
Filed: August 20, 2004
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: September 4, 2004

Amending Reg. 892 of R.R.O. 1990

(Administration of the Plan)

1. (1) Subsections 6 (3) and (4) of Regulation 892 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 are revoked and the following substituted:

(3) In the case of a home of a type referred to in clause (a) or (b) of the definition of “home” in section 1 of the Act, the maximum amount payable to an owner out of the guarantee fund in respect of a claim made under subsection 14 (3) or 14 (4) of the Act is,

(a) $100,000 if the claim relates to a purchase agreement, or a construction contract, entered into before September 1, 2004; or

(b) $150,000 if the claim relates to a purchase agreement, or a construction contract, entered into on or after September 1, 2004.

(4) In the case of a condominium dwelling unit, the maximum amount payable to an owner out of the guarantee fund in respect of a claim made under subsection 14 (3) or 14 (4) of the Act is,

(a) $100,000 if the claim relates to a purchase agreement, or a construction contract, entered into before September 1, 2004; or

(b) $150,000 if the claim relates to a purchase agreement, or a construction contract, entered into on or after September 1, 2004.

(2) Subsection 6 (8) of the Regulation is amended by adding “Subject to subsection (8.1)” at the beginning.

(3) Section 6 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsections:

(8.1) As part of the maximum amount payable out of the guarantee fund to a condominium corporation under subsection (8), the maximum amount payable in respect of a claim relating to the common elements of a condominium project registered on or after September 1, 2004, for damage caused by environmentally harmful substances or hazards, deleterious substances, mould or any other fungal or bacterial contamination, is the lesser of,

(a) $100,000; or

(b) an amount equal to $2,000 multiplied by the number of condominium dwelling units in the condominium project.

. . . . .

(11) As part of the maximum amount payable to an owner out of the guarantee fund under subsection (3) or (4), the maximum amount payable in respect of homes sold under purchase agreements, or constructed under construction contracts, entered into on or after September 1, 2004, for damage caused by environmentally harmful substances or hazards, deleterious substances, mould or any other fungal or bacterial contamination, is $15,000 per home.

2. This Regulation comes into force on September 1, 2004.

Passed by the Directors on April 8, 2004 and June 8, 2004.
Adopté par les administrateurs les 8 avril 2004 et 8 juin 2004.

Ontario New Home Warranty Program:

Le président,

Bob Wade


Le secrétaire,

Alex MacFarlane


Confirmed by the members in accordance with the Corporations Act on June 8, 2004 and August 10, 2004.
Ratifié par les membres conformément à la Loi sur les personnes morales les 8 juin 2004 et 10 août 2004.

Le secrétaire,

Alex MacFarlane


