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# result(s)

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made under the


Made: May 9, 2007
Filed: May 23, 2007
Published on e-Laws: May 24, 2007
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: June 9, 2007






Categorization of expenses






Chief financial officer




Registry of referendum campaign organizers




Duties of chief financial officer


Prohibition, use of certain contributions


Group contributions


How contributions of money to be made and deposited


Return of surplus funds


Referendum advertising report


Auditor’s report


Information to be included in referendum and pre-referendum advertisements


Blackout period


Rates to be charged for referendum advertising


Amendments to this Regulation




1. In this Regulation,

“expenses” means,

(a) amounts paid,

(b) liabilities incurred,

(c) the commercial value of property and services that are donated or provided, other than volunteer labour,

(d) amounts that represent the difference between an amount paid or a liability incurred for property and services, other than volunteer labour, and the commercial value of the property and services, when they are provided at less than their commercial value; (“dépenses”)

“financial institution” means,

(a) a bank or authorized foreign bank within the meaning of section 2 of the Bank Act (Canada),

(b) a corporation registered under the Loan and Trust Corporations Act,

(c) a credit union within the meaning of the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994, or

(d) a retail association as defined under the Cooperative Credit Associations Act (Canada); (“institution financière”)

“pre-referendum advertising” means advertising in any broadcast, print, electronic or other medium that,

(a) has the purpose of promoting a particular result in the referendum, and

(b) appears before the referendum period,

and “pre-referendum advertisement” has a corresponding meaning; (“publicité préréférendaire”, “annonce préréférendaire”)

“referendum advertising” means advertising in any broadcast, print, electronic or other medium that,

(a) has the purpose of promoting a particular result in the referendum, and

(b) appears during the referendum period,

and “referendum advertisement” has a corresponding meaning; (“publicité référendaire”, “annonce référendaire”)

“referendum advertising expense” means an expense incurred in relation to,

(a) the production of a referendum advertisement, or

(b) the acquisition of the means of transmission of a referendum advertisement to the public; (“dépenses liées à la publicité référendaire”)

“referendum period” means the period beginning on September 10, 2007 and ending on October 10, 2007. (“période référendaire”)

Categorization of expenses

2. For the purposes of sections 4 to 15, the following rules apply in determining whether an amount of expenses is incurred for referendum advertising:

1. An amount that is paid by a referendum campaign organizer for referendum advertising is included whether it is paid before, during or after the referendum period.

2. If a combined amount is paid for both referendum advertising and other advertising, the amount shall be apportioned according to when the advertising appears.


3. (1) No person or entity shall organize a campaign to promote a particular result in the referendum or advertise for that purpose unless the person or entity is registered with the Chief Election Officer under section 4.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of,

(a) pre-referendum advertising; or

(b) referendum advertising if the related referendum advertising expense does not exceed $500.


4. (1) A referendum campaign organizer shall apply for registration under this section immediately after having incurred expenses of a total amount of $500 for referendum advertising.

(2) An application for registration shall be sent to the Chief Election Officer in the prescribed form and shall include,

(a) the referendum campaign organizer’s full name and the name or abbreviation to be shown in any referendum documents;

(b) if the referendum campaign organizer is an individual, his or her address, telephone number and signature;

(c) if the referendum campaign organizer is a corporation or other entity,

(i) its address and telephone number, and

(ii) the name, address, telephone number and signature of the person with signing authority;

(d) the address and telephone number of the place or places in Ontario where records of the referendum campaign organizer are maintained and of the place in Ontario where communications may be addressed;

(e) the name, address and telephone number of the referendum campaign organizer’s chief financial officer;

(f) the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the principal officers of the referendum campaign organizer;

(g) the name and address of every financial institution to be used by the referendum campaign organizer as the depositories for contributions made to that referendum campaign organizer;

(h) the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the referendum campaign organizer’s signing officers responsible for each depository referred to in clause (g).

(3) Before filing its application under subsection (2), the referendum campaign organizer shall appoint a chief financial officer.

(4) If the chief financial officer ceases for any reason to hold office as such, the referendum campaign organizer shall, without delay, appoint a new chief financial officer and shall immediately give notice in writing to the Chief Election Officer of the name, address and telephone number of the new chief financial officer.

(5) If the referendum campaign organizer is an entity with a governing body, the application shall include a copy of the resolution passed by the governing body authorizing the referendum campaign organizer to incur referendum advertising expenses.

(6) A referendum campaign organizer may not be registered under this section if it is a registered party or constituency association as defined in the Election Finances Act.

(7) The Chief Election Officer shall, without delay after receiving an application,

(a) determine whether the requirements of this section are met;

(b) notify the person who signed the application whether the referendum campaign organizer is registered; and

(c) in the case of a refusal to register, give reasons for the refusal.

(8) The Chief Election Officer is not required to act under subsection (7) until September 10, 2007.

(9) A referendum campaign organizer may not be registered under this section if, in the opinion of the Chief Election Officer, the resemblance between its name or the abbreviation of its name and a name, abbreviation or nickname referred to in subsection (10) is so close that confusion is likely.

(10) Subsection (9) applies in respect of the name, abbreviation of the name or nickname,

(a) of a referendum campaign organizer that is registered under this Regulation; or

(b) of a candidate, political party or political organization that is active anywhere in Canada.

Chief financial officer

5. (1) A referendum campaign organizer that is required to register under section 4 shall appoint a chief financial officer, who may be a person who is authorized to sign an application for registration made under that section.

(2) The chief financial officer is responsible for ensuring that,

(a) proper records are kept of all amounts received and all expenditures;

(b) contributions are placed in the appropriate depository;

(c) proper receipts are completed and dealt with in accordance with this Regulation;

(d) the referendum advertising report mentioned in section 14 and the auditor’s report mentioned in section 15, if required, are filed with the Chief Election Officer in accordance with this Regulation; and

(e) contributions consisting of goods or services are valued and recorded in accordance with this Regulation.

(3) The following persons are not eligible to be a chief financial officer of a referendum campaign organizer:

1. A candidate as defined in the Election Finances Act.

2. The chief financial officer or auditor of a registered candidate, party, constituency association or leadership contestant as defined in the Election Finances Act.

3. A returning officer, deputy returning officer or election clerk.


6. (1) A referendum campaign organizer that incurs expenses in an aggregate amount of $5,000 or more for referendum advertising shall appoint an auditor without delay.

(2) Only a person licensed under the Public Accounting Act, 2004 or a firm whose partners resident in Ontario are licensed under that Act is eligible to be an auditor for a referendum campaign organizer.

(3) The following persons are not eligible to be an auditor for a referendum campaign organizer:

1. The referendum campaign organizer’s chief financial officer.

2. A person who signed the application made under subsection 4 (2).

3. A returning officer, deputy returning officer or election clerk.

4. A candidate as defined in the Election Finances Act.

5. The chief financial officer or auditor of a registered candidate, party, constituency association or leadership contestant as defined in the Election Finances Act.

(4) Every referendum campaign organizer, when an auditor is appointed, shall immediately give notice in writing to the Chief Election Officer of the auditor’s name, address and telephone number.

(5) If the referendum campaign organizer’s auditor ceases for any reason to hold office as such, the referendum campaign organizer shall, without delay, appoint a new auditor and shall immediately give notice in writing to the Chief Election Officer of the new auditor’s name, address and telephone number.

Registry of referendum campaign organizers

7. The Chief Election Officer shall maintain, for the period that he or she considers appropriate, a registry of referendum campaign organizers in which is recorded, in relation to each referendum campaign organizer, the information referred to in subsections 4 (2) and 6 (4) and (5).


8. The Chief Election Officer shall publish on a website on the Internet the names and addresses of registered referendum campaign organizers, as they are registered.

Duties of chief financial officer

9. (1) Every contribution that is made to a registered referendum campaign organizer shall be accepted by its chief financial officer if,

(a) it is made during the period that begins on July 10, 2007 and ends on January 10, 2008; and

(b) it is made for the purpose of referendum advertising.

(2) Every referendum advertising expense that is incurred by or on behalf of a registered referendum campaign organizer shall be authorized by its chief financial officer.

(3) The chief financial officer may delegate a function described in subsection (1) or (2) to another person, but the delegation does not limit the chief financial officer’s responsibility.

Prohibition, use of certain contributions

10. (1) No referendum campaign organizer shall use a contribution for the purpose of referendum advertising unless it is made by,

(a) an individual ordinarily resident in Ontario;

(b) a corporation that,

(i) carries on business in Ontario, and

(ii) is not a registered charity within the meaning of subsection 248 (1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada); or

(c) a trade union as defined in the Election Finances Act.

(2) No referendum campaign organizer shall use for the purpose of referendum advertising a contribution that is made during the period described in clause 9 (1) (a) if the referendum campaign organizer does not know the name and address of the contributor or is otherwise unable to determine within which class of contributor referred to in subsection 14 (6) they fall.

Group contributions

11. (1) Any contribution to a referendum campaign organizer for the purpose of referendum advertising made through an unincorporated association or organization, except a trade union, shall be recorded by the unincorporated association or organization as to the individual sources and amounts making up the contribution.

(2) A copy of the record made under subsection (1) shall be provided to the chief financial officer of the referendum campaign organizer.

(3) The amounts making up a contribution under subsection (1) that are attributable to an individual, corporation or trade union are the contributions of that individual, corporation or trade union for the purposes of this Regulation.

How contributions of money to be made and deposited

12. (1) Contributions of money to referendum campaign organizers registered under this Regulation in amounts in excess of $25 for the purpose of referendum advertising shall be made only by,

(a) a cheque having the name of the contributor legibly printed thereon and drawn on an account in the contributor’s name;

(b) a money order signed by the contributor; or

(c) in the case of money contributed by an individual, the use of a credit card having the name of the individual contributor imprinted or embossed thereon.

(2) All money contributed for the purpose of referendum advertising and accepted by or on behalf of a referendum campaign organizer registered under this Regulation shall be paid into the appropriate depository on record with the Chief Election Officer.

Return of surplus funds

13. (1) If the amount of money contributed to a referendum campaign organizer for the purpose of referendum advertising during the period described in clause 9 (1) (a) exceeds the referendum campaign organizer’s referendum advertising expenses, the surplus amount shall be paid out in accordance with the following rules:

1. Each contributor whose name and address are known to the referendum campaign organizer shall receive a share of the surplus amount that is proportional to the share that the amount contributed by that contributor represents in relation to the total amount contributed to the referendum campaign organizer for the purpose of referendum advertising during the period described in clause 9 (1) (a). However, a share that is less than $25.00 does not need to be returned.

2. Any amount that remains after all payments have been made under paragraph 1 shall be paid to the Chief Election Officer.

(2) The referendum campaign organizer shall make all the payments required by subsection (1) before the referendum advertising report is filed under section 14.

Referendum advertising report

14. (1) The chief financial officer of every referendum campaign organizer that is required to be registered in accordance with section 4 shall file a referendum advertising report in the prescribed form with the Chief Election Officer on or before April 10, 2008.

(2) A referendum advertising report shall contain a list of all referendum advertising expenses and the time and place of broadcast or publication of the advertisements to which the expenses relate.

(3) If a referendum campaign organizer has not incurred referendum advertising expenses, that fact shall be indicated in its referendum advertising report.

(4) The referendum advertising report shall include,

(a) the amount, by class of contributor, of contributions for referendum advertising purposes that were received in the period beginning on July 10, 2007 and ending on January 10, 2008;

(b) for each contributor who made contributions of a total amount of more than $100 for referendum advertising purposes during the period referred to in clause (a), their name, address and class, and the amount and date of each contribution;

(c) the amount, other than an amount of a contribution referred to in clause (a), that was paid out of the referendum campaign organizer’s own funds for referendum advertising expenses; and

(d) confirmation that any surplus amount was paid out in accordance with section 13.

(5) If the chief financial officer is unable to identify which contributions were received for referendum advertising purposes during the period referred to in clause (4) (a), the referendum advertising report shall list the names and addresses of every contributor who donated a total of more than $100 to the referendum campaign organizer during that period.

(6) For the purposes of clauses (4) (a) and (b), the following are the classes of contributors:

1. Individuals.

2. Corporations.

3. Trade unions.

(7) A referendum campaign organizer shall, at the request of the Chief Election Officer, provide the original of any bill, voucher or receipt in relation to a referendum advertising expense that is in an amount of more than $50.

Auditor’s report

15. (1) The referendum advertising report of a referendum campaign organizer that incurs $5,000 or more in referendum advertising expenses shall include a report made under subsection (2).

(2) The referendum campaign organizer’s auditor shall report on the referendum advertising report and shall make any examination that will enable the auditor to give an opinion in the auditor’s report as to whether the referendum advertising report presents fairly the information contained in the accounting records on which it is based.

(3) An auditor shall include in the auditor’s report any statement that the auditor considers necessary, when,

(a) the referendum advertising report that is the subject of the auditor’s report does not present fairly the information contained in the accounting records on which it is based;

(b) the auditor has not received all the required information and explanations from the referendum campaign organizer; or

(c) based on the auditor’s examination, it appears that the referendum campaign organizer has not kept proper accounting records.

(4) The auditor shall have access at any reasonable time to all the documents of the referendum campaign organizer, and may require the referendum campaign organizer to provide any information or explanation that, in the auditor’s opinion, is necessary to enable the auditor to prepare the report.

Information to be included in referendum and pre-referendum advertisements

16. (1) This section applies to referendum advertisements and pre-referendum advertisements.

(2) No person or entity shall cause an advertisement to which this section applies to appear without providing the following information to the broadcaster or publisher, in writing:

1. The name of the person or entity who is causing the advertisement to appear.

2. The name, business address and telephone number of the individual who deals with the broadcaster or publisher on behalf of the person or entity mentioned in paragraph 1.

3. The name of any other person or entity who is sponsoring or paying for the advertisement.

(3) No broadcaster or publisher shall allow an advertisement to which this section applies to appear without ensuring compliance with subsection (2).

(4) The broadcaster or publisher of an advertisement to which this section applies shall maintain records for a period of two years after the date the advertisement appeared and shall permit the public to inspect the records during normal office hours.

(5) A record maintained under subsection (4) shall contain the following:

1. The information provided under subsection (2).

2. A copy of the advertisement, or the means of reproducing it for inspection.

3. A statement of the charge made for its appearance.

(6) An advertisement to which this section applies, in any medium, shall name,

(a) the person or entity who is causing it to appear; and

(b) any other person or entity who is sponsoring or paying for it.

Blackout period

17. (1) In this section,

“blackout period” means October 9 and 10, 2007.

(2) No person or entity shall arrange for or consent to referendum advertising that appears during the blackout period.

(3) No broadcaster or publisher shall allow a referendum advertisement to appear during the blackout period.

(4) Subsections (2) and (3) do not prohibit the following:

1. Genuine news reporting.

2. The publication of referendum advertising during the blackout period in a newspaper that is published once a week or less often and whose regular day of publication falls during the blackout period.

3. A referendum advertisement on the Internet or in a similar electronic medium, if posted before and not altered during the blackout period.

4. A referendum advertisement in the form of a poster or billboard, if posted before and not altered during the blackout period.

(5) Subsections (2) and (3) do not probihit the following if done in compliance with the Chief Election Officer’s guidelines:

1. Advertising public meetings relating to the referendum.

2. Announcing the location of referendum campaign organizers’ headquarters.

3. Advertising for volunteer referendum campaign workers.

4. Announcing services for electors that are offered by referendum campaign organizers on polling day.

5. Anything respecting administrative functions of referendum campaign organizers.

Rates to be charged for referendum advertising

18. No person or corporation shall charge a referendum campaign organizer, or any person, corporation or trade union acting with the referendum campaign organizer’s consent, a rate for making referendum advertising available in any broadcast, print, electronic or other medium that exceeds the lowest rate the person or corporation charges anyone else for the same amount of equivalent advertising space or time during the referendum period.

Amendments to this Regulation

19. (1) The English version of the following provisions of this Regulation is amended by striking out “Chief Election Officer” and substituting “Chief Electoral Officer”:

1. Subsection 3 (1).

2. Subsections 4 (2), (4), (7), (8) and (9).

3. Clause 5 (2) (d).

4. Subsections 6 (4) and (5).

5. Section 7.

6. Section 8.

7. Subsection 12 (2).

8. Paragraph 2 of subsection 13 (1).

9. Subsections 14 (1) and (7).

10. Subsection 17 (5).

(2) Subsection 4 (10) of this Regulation is amended by striking out “or” at the end of clause (a), by adding “or” at the end of clause (b) and by adding the following clause:

(c) of a third party that is registered under the Election Finances Act.

(3) Paragraph 2 of subsection 5 (3) of this Regulation is amended by striking out “or leadership contestant” and substituting “leadership contestant or third party”.

(4) Section 5 of this Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:

(4) Despite paragraph 2 of subsection (3), a person may be the chief financial officer of a referendum campaign organizer and of a registered third party as defined in the Election Finances Act if the referendum campaign organizer and the third party are the same person or entity.

(5) Paragraph 5 of subsection 6 (3) of this Regulation is amended by striking out “or leadership contestant” and substituting “leadership contestant or third party”.

(6) Section 6 of this Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:

(3.1) Despite paragraph 5 of subsection (3), a person may be the auditor of a referendum campaign organizer and of a registered third party as defined in the Election Finances Act if the referendum campaign organizer and the third party are the same person or entity.


20. (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

(2) Section 19 comes into force on the later of the following days:

1. The day this Regulation is filed.

2. The day the Election Statute Law Amendment Act, 2007 receives Royal Assent.