On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

WHEREAS the hearings and reviews under Schedule 1 of the Health Insurance Act previously heard by the Physician Payment Review Board are now heard by the Health Services Appeal and Review Board, Schedule 1 of O.C. 2311/2017 (as amended) is amended as follows:

  1. By deleting the following two rows:
    Physician Payment Review Board Health Insurance Act, s. 5.1(10) Member (Professional)
    Physician Payment Review Board Health Insurance Act, s. 5.1(10) Member


  1. By adding the following two rows in respect of members and vice-chairs of the Health Services Appeal and Review Board who are either a legally qualified medical practitioner or a person licensed under the Law Society Act to practise law in Ontario as a barrister and solicitor in respect of work performed on a review panel pursuant to s. 2(1) of Schedule 1 of the Health Insurance Act:
    Health Services Appeal and Review Board
    In relation to hearings under Schedule 1 of the Health Insurance Act
    Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Appeal and Review Boards Act, 1998, s.s.7 Member (Professional)
    Health Services Appeal and Review Board
    In relation to hearings under Schedule 1 of the Health Insurance Act
    Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Appeal and Review Boards Act, 1998, s.7 Vice-Chair (Professional)

For all other matters, such members and vice-chairs of the Health Services Appeal and Review Board shall continue to be paid the applicable rate set out in Table 1 of Schedule 2 to Order in Council 2311/2017, as may be revised from time to time.

Ministry of Health

Approved and Ordered: July 16, 2020