On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

whereas Ontario’s 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan stated that the connection of twenty one remote First Nation communities and the Line to Pickle Lake are priorities for Ontario.

and whereas Ontario considers it necessary to expand Ontario’s transmission system immediately in order to connect the sixteen remote First Nation communities in Appendix A to the provincial electricity grid (collectively the “Remote Communities”);

and whereas Ontario considers the establishment of a new electricity transmission line originating at a point between Ignace and Dryden and terminating in Pickle Lake, and the extension of the electricity transmission network required to connect the Remote Communities, to be priorities;

and whereas the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make an order under section 96.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 (the “Act”) declaring that the construction, expansion or reinforcement of an electricity transmission line specified in the order is needed as a priority project;

and whereas an order under section 96.1 of the Act requires the Ontario Energy Board, in considering an application under section 92 of the Act in respect of the electricity transmission line specified in the order, to accept that the construction, expansion or reinforcement is needed when forming its opinion under section 96 of the Act;

now therefore it is hereby declared pursuant to section 96.1 of the Act that the construction, expansion or reinforcement of the following electricity transmission lines are needed as priority projects:

  1. The construction of an electricity transmission line originating at a point between Ignace and Dryden and terminating in Pickle Lake; and
  2. The construction of electricity transmission lines extending north from Pickle Lake and Red Lake required to connect the Remote Communities.

Appendix - Remote First Nation Communities

Ministry of Energy

Approved and Ordered: July 20, 2016