On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

whereas the Council of the City of Toronto neglected to make a decision on applications to amend Zoning By-law Nos. 438-86 and 569-2013 ("Zoning By-law Amendments") and these applications were appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board ("OMB") pursuant to subsection 34(11) of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c. P.13 (the "Act");

and whereas pursuant to subsection 34 (27) of the Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing ("Minister") advised the OMB by way of a letter dated December 11, 2015, that matters of provincial interest are, or are likely to be, adversely affected by all of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments;

and whereas subsection 34(29) of the Act provides that where the OMB has received notice from the Minister under subsection 34(27) of the Act, and has made a decision, the OMB shall not make an order in respect of any part of the by-law identified in the notice;

and whereas following a hearing of the appeal of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments, the OMB made a decision dated May 3, 2016 which modified and approved the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments;

and whereas subsection 34(29.1) of the Act provides that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may confirm, vary or rescind the OMB decision relating to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments;

now therefore the OMB decision dated May 3, 2016 relating to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments is hereby confirmed, effective as of the date of this order.

Ministry of Municipal Affairs

Approved and Ordered: July 20, 2016