On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Pursuant to subsection 6 (1) of the Public Service Pension Act, the Public Service Pension Plan set out in Schedule 1 to the Public Service Pension Act, 1989, as amended, is further amended effective on the date this Order is made, as follows:

  1. Subsection 6. (1.8) is amended by replacing “subsections (5) and (7)” with “subsections (1.8.1), (1.8.2), (5) and (7)” in the opening flush.

    Section 6 is further amended by adding the following two subsections:

    (1.8.1) Beginning with the full first pay period commencing after January 1, 2020, and subject to subsections (1.8.2), (5) and (7), a member who is employed in the civilian bargaining unit represented by the Ontario Provincial Police Association shall contribute to the Fund during each pay period from the salary paid to the member,

    1. 8.545 per cent of the amount of salary that does not exceed the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings as prescribed by the Canada Pension Plan; and
    2. 11.645 per cent of the amount of salary in excess of the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings as prescribed by the Canada Pension Plan.

    (1.8.2) Beginning with the full first pay period commencing after January 1, 2028, and subject to subsections (5) and (7), a member who is employed in the civilian bargaining unit represented by the Ontario Provincial Police Association shall contribute to the Fund during each pay period from the salary paid to the member,

    1. 8.18 per cent of the amount of salary that does not exceed the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings as prescribed by the Canada Pension Plan; and
    2. 11.28 per cent of the amount of salary in excess of the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings as prescribed by the Canada Pension Plan.
  2. Section 15 is amended by renumbering subsection (4) to be subsection (4)(a) and replacing “when he or she ceases” with “on the date he or she ceases”.
  3. Section 15 is further amended by adding the following subsection:

    (4) (b) Every member who is employed in the civilian bargaining unit represented by the Ontario Provincial Police Association, and who has credit in the Plan for a period of time that, when added to the member’s age on the date the member ceases to be a member of the Plan pursuant to subsection 3(1)(b) on or after January 1, 2020, totals at least eighty-five years, is entitled to a pension computed in accordance with the Plan.

Treasury Board Secretariat

Approved and Ordered: November 28, 2019