On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Whereas, the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board is continued as a corporation without share capital to administer the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan and manage the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan fund in accordance with the Teachers’ Pension Act, 1989;

And Whereas, pursuant to Order in Council O.C. 3081/89 dated December 21, 1989 (“Order”), the persons employed at the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board other than for a fixed term have been mandatory members of the Public Service Pension Plan set out in Schedule 1, as amended, under the Public Service Pension Act (PSPP);

And Whereas, since the date Order was made, the fixed term employees of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board have not been treated as mandatory members of the PSPP;

And Whereas, the Order currently describes the class of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board employees who are required to be members of the PSPP as “the full-time and regularly employed part-time employees of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board;”

And Whereas, the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board wishes to clarify and continue the existing practice regarding PSPP membership with respect to its employees in accordance with updated statutory terminology;

And Whereas, the clarification in this Order is meant to apply to the circumstances of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board only and not to be relied upon to interpret the membership terms for other employers who participate in the PSPP;

Now therefore, pursuant to paragraph 2 of subsection 2 (1) of the Public Service Pension Plan (Plan) set out in Schedule 1, as amended, under the Public Service Pension Act, effective December 21, 1989, persons who were and/or are employed other than for a fixed term at the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board established under the Teachers’ Pension Act, 1989 were and/or are a class of employees who are required to be members of Plan.

Treasury Board Secretariat

Approved and Ordered: October 25, 2017