On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Whereas the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (“Ministry”) recognizes that, as part of effective watershed management in Ontario, it is important to address concerns about water quality and quantity management and the impacts of flooding;

And whereas the Muskoka watershed region is facing pressures due to increased development, severe weather events resulting from the changing climate, increasing contaminants such as nutrients and chloride, management of species at risk and invasive species, as well as shoreline erosion;

And whereas the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (“Minister”) wishes to establish a short term advisory body to provide advice and recommendations, with a view to protecting and conserving the Muskoka watershed region and supporting the goal of economic growth;

Therefore pursuant to the prerogative of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario to establish short-term bodies to provide for the appointment of advisors to serve Her Majesty’s Government of Ontario in the discharge of its executive obligations and responsibilities:

Advisory Group Established

  1. The Muskoka Watershed Advisory Group (“Advisory Group”) is hereby established as a short-term advisory body, accountable to the Minister, for a period not to exceed three (3) years commencing from the date of this Order.

Terms of Reference

  1. The Minister shall determine the terms of reference for the Advisory Group, and may amend them from time to time.

Appointments to the Advisory Group

  1. The Advisory Group shall consist of up to ten (10) members appointed by the Minister,  
  1. comprising persons to serve at pleasure for a period not exceeding three (3) years,
  2. one of whom shall be designated as Chair and one of whom shall be designated as Vice-Chair, and
  3. with representation from both public and private sectors in Ontario.


  1. The members of the Advisory Group shall not be paid any remuneration for their services as members of the Advisory Group other than reimbursement for reasonable expenses in accordance with relevant directives, guidelines and policies of the Treasury Board and Management Board of Cabinet.

Material Produced

  1. Any material produced by the Advisory Group, including documents, reports, advice, recommendations and research, shall become the property of the Ministry.

Administrative Support

  1. All administrative support required by the Advisory Group shall be provided by the Ministry, subject to the directives, guidelines and policies of the Treasury Board and Management Board of Cabinet.
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Approved and Ordered: March 07, 2019