On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Order in Council numbered O.C. 155/2015 dated February 4, 2015 established two Special Advisor positions to conduct a review of Ontario’s changing workplaces.

The Special Advisor positions were established for a maximum period of 21 months, starting February 4, 2015 and ending no later than November 3, 2016.

Order in Council numbered O.C. 1196/2016 dated August 4, 2016 extended the establishment of the two Special Advisor positions until February 28, 2017.

It has become necessary to increase again the number of days for which the services of the two Special Advisors will be required.

Therefore, pursuant to the prerogative of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, to provide for the appointment of advisors to serve Her Majesty’s Government of Ontario in the discharge of its executive obligations and responsibilities,

  1. Order in Council numbered O.C. 155/2015, as amended by Order in Council numbered O.C. 1196/2016, is further amended to extend the establishment of the two Special Advisors positions until March 28, 2017.
  2. The Terms of Reference attached to Order in Council numbered O.C. 155/2015, which were replaced by those attached to Order in Council numbered O.C. 1196/2016, are amended by striking out “February 28, 2017” wherever it occurs and substituting “March 28, 2017”.

This Order is effective on the “Approved and Ordered” date below.

Ministry of Labour

Approved and Ordered: February 22, 2017