On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Whereas the Advisory Committee on Special Education was established pursuant to clause 9(a) of the Education Act, 1974, now clause 10(a) of the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2;

And whereas the name of the Advisory Committee on Special Education was changed to the Advisory Council on Special Education by O.C. 1208/86;

And whereas O.C. 2228/91 continued the Advisory Council on Special Education until December 31, 1993, upon certain terms and conditions;

And whereas O.C. 3008/93 extended the mandate of the Advisory Council on Special Education until December 31, 1994, upon the terms and conditions contained in O.C. 2228/91 and O.C. 3008/93;

And whereas O.C. 3566/94 continued the Advisory Council on Special Education until December 31, 1995, or until a new council is established;

And whereas a Sunset Review of the Advisory Council on Special Education resulted in the recommendation, adopted on December 5, 1994, that the council’s structure and nomination process be revised;

And whereas O.C. 248/96 established a new Advisory Council on Special Education with a revised structure and mandate for a one year term ending on March 31, 1997;

And whereas O.C. 841/97 extended the term of the Advisory Council on Special Education for three years ending on March 31, 2000;

And whereas O.C. 1512/2000 extended the term of the Advisory Council on Special Education for five years ending on March 31, 2005;

And whereas a program review was conducted on the Advisory Council on Special Education, pursuant to O.C. 1512/2000, and a recommendation was made to continue the council;

And whereas the Advisory Council on Special Education was continued by O.C. 920/2005;

And whereas it is desirable to update the mandate and composition of the Advisory Council on Special Education and continue this advisory council;

Now therefore O.C. 920/2005 is hereby revoked and the Advisory Council on Special Education is hereby continued as the Minister’s Advisory Council on Special Education (hereinafter the “Council”) in accordance with this Order:


  1. The Council will advise the Minister of Education on any matter related to the establishment and provision of special education programs and special education services for exceptional pupils, including the identification and provision of early intervention programs for students with special education needs.
  2. In particular, the Council will:
    1. Provide advice related to proposals or positions of the Ministry of Education (hereinafter the “Ministry”) or other ministries, as submitted to the Council by the Ministry from time to time;
    2. Identify concerns in the delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils, in part by members regularly seeking input from the constituency they represent within all types of school boards in the publicly funded education system, and provide information, advice and recommendations for Ministry consideration;
    3. Submit an annual report to the Minister of Education that includes the following:
      1. An overview of the work of the Council during the year; and
      2. Any recommendations made to the Minister during the year.
    4. Meet up to three (3) times a year for a maximum of four and a half (4 ½) days per year. 


  1. The Council shall consist of the following voting members, appointed by the Minister of Education to serve at pleasure:
    1. A minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of twelve (12) members, each representing an exceptionality defined by the Ministry;
    2. One (1) member representing students/youth;
    3. One (1) member representing Indigenous persons;
    4. Five (5) members representing the following educator groups:
      1. Supervisory Officers
      2. Principals
      3. Teachers
      4. Educational Assistants
      5. Trustees
    5. Four (4) members representing the following support professionals:
      1. Medical Practitioners
      2. Psychologists
      3. Social Workers
      4. Speech and Language Pathologists
    6. At the discretion of the Minister, one (1) member who was previously appointed to the Council and designated as Chair.
  2. The Council shall also consist of one non-voting member from each of the following ministries, or their successor ministry or ministries as the case may be, selected by the Deputy Minister of the respective ministry:
    1. Ministry of Health;
    2. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services; and 
    3. Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

Chair and Vice-Chair

  1. The Minister of Education shall designate a voting member as Chair of the Council.
  2. The Minister of Education may designate a voting member as Vice-Chair of the Council.

Terms of Reference

  1. The Minister of Education may, subject to this Order, determine the Terms of Reference for the Council and may amend them from time to time.


  1. The members of the Council, including the Chair and Vice-Chair, shall not be paid any remuneration but shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred while engaging in the work of the Council in accordance with the Management Board of Cabinet Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive.

And further this Order in Council shall be effective the day that subsection 1(4) of Schedule 2 of the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023, S.O. 2023, c. 11 is proclaimed into force.

Ministry of Education

Approved and Ordered: May 30, 2024