On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Whereas the Government of Ontario wishes to receive advice for improvement of the child welfare and youth justice systems and provide such other assistance as may be required by the Minister;

Therefore, pursuant to the prerogative of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario to establish advisory bodies and to provide for the appointment of advisors to serve Her Majesty’s Government of Ontario in the discharge of its executive obligations and responsibilities.

Advisory Body established

  1. The Ontario Youth Voice Roundtable (“Roundtable”) is hereby established as an advisory body for a period of up to three years effective the date this Order in Council is made. The Roundtable is accountable to the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services (“the Minister”). The Roundtable will consist of three sub-committees on:
    • Sharing ideas to improve the child welfare system;
    • Sharing ideas to improve the youth justice service system; and
    • Sharing ideas to improve the youth justice and child welfare systems for Indigenous youth.


  1. Members will:
    1. Share ideas for improvement of the child welfare and youth justice systems; and
    2. Provide advice on other systems, programs, services and initiatives impacting youth as requested by the Minister.

Terms of Reference

  1. The Minister shall determine the terms of reference for the Roundtable and may amend them from time to time in consultation with the members.

Appointments to the Roundtable

  1. The Roundtable shall consist of up to 18 members, inclusive of the Chairs of each of the sub-committees.
  2. The Minister shall appoint members to the Roundtable and shall designate up to three people to serve as Chairs of each sub-committee.
  3. The members of the Roundtable, including the Chairs, shall serve at the Minister’s pleasure for a period not exceeding three years.


  1. Members of the Roundtable, including the Chairs, may be paid such remuneration as the Lieutenant Governor in Council may determine.
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Approved and Ordered: May 16, 2019

Revoked by: Order in Council 678/2020