On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Whereas in accordance with subsection 9.1 (1) of the Ontario Place Corporation Act, 1990, the Board of Ontario Place Corporation (the “Corporation”) shall prepare a proposed plan for winding up the Corporation and transferring its assets, liabilities, rights and obligations to the Crown in right of Ontario or to an agency of the Crown;

And whereas a proposed plan for winding up the Corporation and transferring its assets, liabilities, rights and obligations to the Crown in right of Ontario has been prepared by the Board of the Corporation, which is attached to this Order in Council as Schedule “A” (the “Wind-up Plan”);

And whereas in accordance with subsection 9.1 (3) of the Ontario Place Corporation Act, 1990, the Wind-Up Plan must be approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council before the Board of the Corporation may wind up the affairs of the Corporation and transfer its assets, liabilities, rights and obligations, including transferring the proceeds from the liquidation of assets, in accordance with the Wind-Up Plan;

Now therefore the Wind-Up Plan attached as Schedule “A” is hereby approved as of the date of this Order in Council.

Schedule A

Ministry of Infrastructure

Approved and Ordered: June 09, 2023