

The 2021 Employee Experience Survey was conducted from March 3rd to March 26th, 2021 and represented the eighth iteration of the survey. The survey results provide a snapshot of employees’ workplace experience. Although the organizational structure of the OPS has changed since the time of the survey, the results in this report represent the ministry results as they were at the time of the survey (March 2021). This report may help in identifying trends, areas of strength, and areas for additional focus. The employee experience has an impact on the ability of the OPS to deliver value and outcomes for Ontarians.

What is the OPS Employee Engagement Model?

Employee engagement is about enabling employees to contribute to their full potential. Engaged employees are committed to their organization, motivated to support the achievement of its goals, and are satisfied with the organizational culture and work environment.

The OPS Employee Engagement Model helps us understand and measure employee engagement. The components of Employee Engagement (Commitment, Motivation, Organization Satisfaction, and Job Satisfaction) are at the centre of the model. These components are measured as the Employee Engagement Index (EEI).

Purpose of this report

Understanding Survey Results

The 2021 OPS Employee Experience Survey used a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being “Strongly Disagree” and 5 being “Strongly Agree.” In the results, the mean score of these responses is provided, as well as the distribution.

The combined percentage of those who selected 4 or 5 is represented as the percent agreement or “percent favourable.” Where available, results for 2019 and 2018 are provided for comparison purposes.

Response counts are also provided for the questions (or the average response count for the questions under that component/theme/index).

A 100-point scale is used to report the overall Employee Engagement Index, Inclusion Index and Leadership Index.

Cells with N/A represent areas where there is either no historical data, or the minimum threshold of 10 or more responses was not met.

Measuring Employee Engagement and Workplace Enablers

Measuring Employee Engagement

The Employee Engagement Index (EEI) is used to measure overall engagement among employees (the nine key indicators described below). The EEI is calculated using nine key indicators that measure key aspects of engagement:

  • Commitment to the organization
  • Satisfaction with the organization
  • Satisfaction with the job
  • Motivation to support the achievement of organizational goals

Nine Key Indicators of the Employee Engagement Index


  • I would recommend the OPS as a great place to work
  • I would prefer to stay with the OPS, even if offered a similar job elsewhere
  • I am proud to tell people I work for the OPS
  • I am inspired to give my very best

Organization Satisfaction

  • Overall, I am satisfied in my work as an OPS employee

Job Satisfaction

  • I am satisfied with my Ministry
  • I am satisfied with my job
  • I am proud to work for my Ministry


  • I strive to improve my Ministry’s results

OPS Employee Experience Survey Results

Employee Engagement Index (EEI)

The Employee Engagement Index is an aggregate score of all employees’ responses to the nine key indicators of the employee engagement index using a 100-point scale.

The table below summarizes the results for the Employee Engagement Index (EEI) for 2021 as well as 2019 and 2018. The EEI is based on employees’ perceptions of their degree of engagement.

Table #1: Employee Engagement Index (EEI)
Year 2021 2019 2018
Employee Engagement Index (EEI) 70.9 66.2 69.8

Distribution of Employee Engagement Scores

The table below summarizes the distribution of engagement by low, moderate and highly engaged employees in 2021, 2019 and 2018.

Table #2: Distribution of Engagement
Proportion of employees with high, moderate and low levels of engagement (EEI) 2021 2019 2018
High Engagement: 75 to 100 48% 40% 47%
Medium Engagement: 50 to less than 75 35% 37% 34%
Low Engagement: 0 to less than 50 14% 21% 16%

Employee Engagement Index (EEI) Indicators

The table below provides the count of responses, mean, and favourable responses for the key indicators used to calculate the Employee Engagement Index (EEI). The mean is based on a five-point Likert scale.

Table #3: Commitment
Theme Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
Commitment 3.8 66.6% 66.6% 61.0% 67.0%
Table #4: Commitment Statement(s)
Statement Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
I am inspired to give my very best. 38,746 3.9 70.9% 70.9% 63.5% 68.9%
I am proud to tell people I work for the OPS. 38,278 3.8 66.7% 66.7% 62.1% 67.4%
I would prefer to stay with the OPS, even if offered a similar job elsewhere. 37,535 3.8 66.5% 66.5% 61.7% 67.0%
I would recommend the OPS as a great place to work. 38,446 3.7 62.2% 62.2% 56.6% 64.7%
Table #5: Job Satisfaction
Theme Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
Job Satisfaction 3.7 64.4% 64.4% 56.4% 62.9%
Table #6: Job Satisfaction Statement(s)
Statement Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
I am proud to work for my Ministry. 38,262 3.9 71.7% 71.7% 63.5% 69.4%
I am satisfied with my Ministry. 37,779 3.4 51.5% 51.5% 42.1% 52.1%
I am satisfied with my job. 38,768 3.8 70.0% 70.0% 63.6% 67.3%
Table #7: Organizational Satisfaction
Theme Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
Organizational Satisfaction 3.8 66.7% 66.7% 60.7% 65.5%
Table #8: Organizational Satisfaction Statement(s)
Statement Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
Overall, I am satisfied in my work as an OPS employee. 38,778 3.8 66.7% 66.7% 60.7% 65.5%
Table #9: Motivation
Theme Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
Motivation 4.2 83.4% 83.4% 72.7% 76.2%
Table #10: Motivation Statement(s)
Statement Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
I strive to improve my Ministry’s results. 37,196 4.2 83.4% 83.4% 72.7% 76.2%

Inclusion Index

The Inclusion Index is an aggregate score of all employees’ responses to the five key indicators of the inclusion index using a 100-point scale.

The table below summarizes the results for the 2021 Inclusion Index.

Table #11: Inclusion Index
Index 2021 2019 2018
Inclusion Index 71.1 68.4 69.7

The table below provides the count of responses, mean and favourable responses for the key indicators used to calculate the Inclusion Index. The mean is based on a five-point Likert scale.

Table #12: Inclusion Index Questions
Statement Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
I am treated respectfully at work. 38,625 4.1 80.2% 80.2% 77.1% 78.8%
I feel free to express opinions that diverge from those of management without fear of reprisal. 37,751 3.6 62.7% 62.7% 62.7% 63.8%
I have a positive working relationship with the person I report to. 38,513 4.3 83.3% 83.3% 80.7% 81.2%
In my Ministry the process for selecting a person for a position is fair. 36,674 3.1 42.7% 42.7% 38.6% 42.4%
The people I work with value my ideas and opinions. 38,250 4.0 77.6% 77.6% 72.9% 73.7%

Leadership Index

The Leadership Index is an aggregate score of all employees’ responses to the nine key questions related to leadership using a 100-point scale. The Leadership Index was revised for the 2021 survey.

Table #13: Leadership Index
Index 2021
Leadership Index 61.9

The tables below provides the count of responses, mean and favourable responses for the key indicators used to calculate the Leadership Index. The mean is based on a five-point Likert scale.

Table #14: Responsible Behaviour
Theme Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
Responsible Behaviour 3.6 59.0% 59.0% 67.5% 67.9%
Table #15: Responsible Behaviour Statement(s)
Statement Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
The person I report to acts in ways consistent with his/her words. 38,186 3.9 72.2% 72.2% 67.5% 67.9%
My leaders address difficult issues. 36,547 3.4 52.5% 52.5% N/A N/A
My leaders take accountability for their behaviour. 35,003 3.4 52.2% 52.2% N/A N/A
Table #16: Innovative Behaviour
Theme Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
Innovative Behaviour 3.5 55.3% 55.3% N/A N/A
Table #17: Innovative Behaviour Statement(s)
Statement Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
My leaders support the use of modern work practices. 37,154 3.7 63.6% 63.6% N/A N/A
My leaders support me with navigating change in the work environment. 37,206 3.4 51.7% 51.7% N/A N/A
My leaders inspire me to help achieve ministry objectives. 37,328 3.4 50.6% 50.6% N/A N/A
Table #18: Collaborative Behaviour
Theme Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
Collaborative Behaviour 3.4 59.0% 59.0% N/A N/A
Table #19: Collaborative Behaviour Statement(s)
Statement Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
My leaders support me to collaborate with others to help deliver the best solutions. 36,368 3.6 58.2% 58.2% N/A N/A
My leaders support my professional growth in the OPS. 35,799 3.4 51.9% 51.9% N/A N/A
My leaders empower everyone to realize their full potential. 36,012 3.2 44.2% 44.2% N/A N/A

Part A: Ministry Scores

The table below depicts the Employee Engagement Index, Inclusion Index and Leadership Index scores for OPS ministries.

Table #20: Ministry Scores
Ministryfootnote 1 Engagement Index Inclusion Index Leadership Index
Ontario Public Service 70.9 71.1 61.9
Cabinet Office 75.4 78.7 72.4
Information and Information Technology 75.4 74.3 68.9
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 73.3 74.8 64.3
Ministry of the Attorney General 68.1 69.0 59.4
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services 72.4 71.9 63.7
Ministry of Colleges and Universities 70.2 73.2 62.2
Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade 74.6 78.2 68.9
Ministry of Education 69.3 70.0 59.1
Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines 73.2 76.8 68.4
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 69.3 72.6 56.9
Ministry of Finance 73.9 73.6 65.1
Ministry of Francophone Affairs 60.8 65.0 49.7
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services 73.9 74.7 66.8
Ministry of Health 71.1 71.1 63.3
Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries 72.9 73.6 65.0
Ministry of Indigenous Affairs 77.3 76.1 71.3
Ministry of Infrastructure 73.8 80.2 70.0
Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development 74.0 73.1 64.1
Ministry of Long-Term Care 68.9 73.9 62.3
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 67.4 73.0 58.9
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 67.7 70.8 59.7
Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility 73.1 75.4 68.2
Ministry of the Solicitor General 67.6 65.4 55.8
Ministry of Transportation 70.4 70.4 60.1
Ontario Clean Water Agency 71.9 73.2 65.4
Treasury Board Secretariat 73.7 75.7 68.5

*Note for Table #20* The results in this table represent the ministry scores as they were constituted at the time of the survey (March 2021).

Part B: Survey Statements

The table below represents all themes and their corresponding statements that were asked in the 2021, 2019 and 2018 surveys. Cells with N/A represent areas where there is either no historical data, or the minimum threshold of 10 or more responses was not met.

Table #21: My Job Statements
My Job Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
My job is a good fit with my skills and interests. 38,789 4.1 78.0% 78.0% 70.6% 72.6%
I have the technology, equipment and other tools I need to do my job well. 38,851 3.7 64.1% 64.1% 54.0% 59.3%
I am paid fairly for the work I do. 38,759 3.4 55.5% 55.5% 52.3% 53.9%
My benefits meet my (and my family’s) needs well. 37,125 3.5 56.7% 56.7% 53.5% 54.9%
The work of my unit positively impacts the OPS’ ability to serve Ontarians. 38,371 4.3 84.9% 84.9% N/A N/A
I clearly understand the mandate and goals of my Ministry. 38,159 3.8 69.3% 69.3% 61.2% 69.3%
I have a clear understanding of my job and what is expected of me. 38,615 4.0 78.0% 78.0% 73.5% 75.2%
I know how my work contributes to the achievement of my Ministry’s goals. 38,165 4.0 74.5% 74.5% 65.7% 71.2%
My Ministry provides the support I need to adapt to changes in my job or work environment. 37,600 3.4 54.0% 54.0% 40.8% 49.8%
My workload is reasonable. 38,769 3.3 50.2% 50.2% 47.8% 50.0%
The amount of stress I experience at work is reasonable. 38,730 3.0 40.3% 40.3% 41.5% 44.4%
Table #22: My Career Statements
My Career Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
I am satisfied with the way my career is progressing in the OPS. 37,905 3.4 52.7% 52.7% 45.7% 51.6%
I have opportunities for career growth within the OPS. 37,568 3.3 49.6% 49.6% 42.3% 50.5%
My work provides me with the right level of challenge. 38,532 3.7 64.5% 64.5% 62.4% 65.5%
I take an active role in planning my career. 37,240 4.0 73.1% 73.1% 73.9% 75.2%
I was treated fairly the last time I went through a hiring process. 36,247 3.9 72.2% 72.2% 66.6% 68.6%
Table #23: Learning and Development Statements
Learning and Development Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
I feel that I am always learning something new in my job. 38,789 3.9 69.1% 69.1% 62.6% 66.4%
My Ministry supports my work-related learning and development. 37,720 3.4 52.4% 52.4% 43.5% 58.5%
The amount of learning and development I have received has met my needs. 38,176 3.2 45.0% 45.0% 41.5% 49.8%
The quality of learning and development I have received is very good. 38,053 3.3 46.8% 46.8% 46.0% 54.2%
Table #24: The Person I Report to Statements
The Person I Report to Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
I am satisfied with the quality of supervision I receive. 38,307 4.0 72.9% 72.9% 68.5% 69.2%
I have a positive working relationship with the person I report to. 38,513 4.3 83.3% 83.3% 80.7% 81.2%
The person I report to consults me on decisions that affect my work. 38,014 3.8 68.2% 68.2% 64.5% 65.1%
The person I report to gives me constructive feedback on my work. 37,912 3.8 66.6% 66.6% 61.8% 62.8%
The person I report to is an effective leader. 38,184 3.9 69.1% 69.1% 65.1% 65.6%
The person I report to keeps me informed of things that I need to know. 38,475 3.9 69.9% 69.9% 66.2% 66.6%
The person I report to makes timely decisions. 38,132 3.9 69.4% 69.4% 63.6% 64.0%
The person I report to takes the time to handle the people aspects of the job. 37,791 3.8 67.3% 67.3% 63.7% 64.6%
The person I report to helps identify my current learning needs. 36,009 3.5 53.2% 53.2% 51.2% 54.4%
The person I report to provides opportunity to apply new knowledge and skills. 36,752 3.8 65.2% 65.2% 58.1% 61.3%
The person I report to supports learning as it relates to my career goals. 36,286 3.8 67.1% 67.1% 61.2% 66.5%
The person I report to understands how their behaviour affects others. 37,194 3.8 66.4% 66.4% 61.7% N/A
The person I report to made decisions to protect my safety during the past twelve months. 34,431 4.2 79.2% 79.2% N/A N/A
Table #25: My Leaders Statements
My Leaders Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
I have confidence in my Director(s) and Senior Manager(s) or equivalents. 29,842 3.7 62.3% 62.3% 57.3% 60.4%
My Director(s) and Senior Manager(s) or equivalents make timely decisions. 29,262 3.6 59.1% 59.1% 53.5% 56.5%
My Director(s) and Senior Manager(s) or equivalents provide clear direction. 29,679 3.5 57.0% 57.0% 51.8% 54.9%
My Director(s) and SMG(s) or equivalents are genuinely interested in the well-being of employees. 29,716 3.7 63.2% 63.2% 55.4% 58.4%
I have confidence in my Deputy Minister(s) and Assistant Deputy Minister(s) or equivalents. 13,727 3.4 51.8% 51.8% 44.3% 52.6%
My Deputy Minister(s) and Assistant Deputy Minister(s) or equivalents make timely decisions. 13,370 3.3 46.4% 46.4% 37.4% 47.7%
My Deputy Minister(s) and Assistant Deputy Minister(s) or equivalents provide clear direction. 13,666 3.2 45.9% 45.9% 37.5% 46.6%
My DM(s) and ADM(s) or equivalents are genuinely interested in the well-being of employees. 13,632 3.4 51.5% 51.5% 41.4% 49.7%
My Ministry is on the right track in its planning for the future. 35,385 3.3 47.1% 47.1% 36.9% 49.3%
Table #26: My Workplace Statements
My Workplace Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
In my Ministry the process for selecting a person for a position is fair. 36,674 3.1 42.7% 42.7% 38.6% 42.4%
The OPS hires and promotes people based on their skills, abilities and experience. 37,469 3.1 41.0% 41.0% 47.5% 51.6%
I am encouraged to take reasonable risks in doing my job. 35,689 3.4 51.8% 51.8% 46.6% 48.8%
I have a safe and healthy work environment. 38,251 3.9 71.4% 71.4% 66.0% 67.4%
My ministry does a good job of supporting persons with permanent or temporary disabilities. 28,140 3.8 68.9% 68.9% 64.8% 67.1%
I have support at work to balance my work and personal life. 38,395 3.7 63.3% 63.3% 61.9% 61.9%
The morale in my work unit is good. 38,577 3.3 52.2% 52.2% 40.0% 47.2%
I feel supported in my workplace when dealing with personal or family issues. 37,407 4.0 74.1% 74.1% 71.4% 72.0%
My workplace supports flexible work arrangements. 37,220 3.8 68.4% 68.4% 63.1% 59.1%
Overall, I feel valued as an OPS employee. 38,657 3.4 54.9% 54.9% 48.9% 56.0%
Table #27: Organizational Communications Statements
Organizational Communications Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
Essential information flows effectively from my Director(s) and SMG(s) or equivalents to staff. 29,643 3.5 54.9% 54.9% 47.9% 51.6%
Essential information flows effectively from my DM(s) and ADM(s) or equivalents to staff. 13,651 3.1 42.2% 42.2% 32.9% 41.6%
Essential information flows effectively from staff to senior leaders. 36,916 3.1 43.2% 43.2% 35.0% 41.9%
There is good communication between my work unit and other units that we are involved with. 37,369 3.3 48.0% 48.0% 41.2% 44.2%
Table #28: Productivityfootnote 2 Statements
Productivityfootnote 2 Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
Productivity of staff reporting to me has increased during the past twelve months. 6,333 4.0 72.0% 72.0% N/A N/A
In the past twelve months, staff reporting to me have consistently completed tasks they are responsible for within the expected timelines. 6,553 4.3 85.8% 85.8% N/A N/A
Staff reporting to me have been working longer hours during the past twelve months. 6,385 3.9 67.1% 67.1% N/A N/A

*This question was presented to respondents with direct reports.

*Note for Table #28* Cells with N/A represent areas where there is either no historical data, or the minimum threshold of 10 or more responses was not met.

Part C: Recognition

Table #29: Recognition
Recognition Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
I receive meaningful recognition for work well done. 37,593 3.6 60.5% 60.5% 54.5% 56.3%
Table #30: What types of recognition are meaningful to you?
What types of recognition are meaningful to you? 2021 Proportion
An e-card thank you 6.8%
A verbal thank you 56.4%
Being nominated for a formal ministry or OPS award 19.6%
Being profiled in corporate communications 6.5%
Being provided with a learning opportunity 41.7%
Being recognized at a team meeting 28.5%
Being recognized by my peers 34.3%
Given a developmental opportunity 45.3%
Manager informing a senior leader of my contribution 44.1%
Receiving a gift (modest item with no significant commercial value) 5.5%
Receiving a mailed certificate, congratulatory letter and/or award 8.1%
Receiving a personal handwritten acknowledgement 12.4%
Receiving a thank you email 40.3%
Receiving an e-mailed certificate or congratulatory letter 5.6%
Recognition through a virtual ceremony or award event 3.7%
Other 7.0%
Recognition is not important to me 5.3%
Number of Responses 37,238

*Note for Table #30* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #31: What factors from the list below do you think prevent you from being meaningfully recognized?
What factors from the list below do you think prevent you from being meaningfully recognized? 2021 Proportion
Favoritism 22.1%
Focus is on types of recognition that are not meaningful to me 12.2%
I do not have the time to enhance my quality of work 7.3%
Low priority work assigned to me (e.g., not deadline driven) 5.3%
Low profile work assigned to me (e.g., not noticed by leadership) 11.8%
My employment status 7.0%
My position of employment 12.9%
Recognition is not a regular practice of my workplace 24.3%
The distribution of work 16.0%
The person I report to is too busy to recognize their staff 13.1%
Other 9.8%
Nothing is preventing me from receiving meaningful recognition 37.3%
Number of Responses 33,535

*Note for Table 31* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Part D: Ethics

Table #32: Ethics
Ethics Responses Mean Favourable
My ministry does a good job promoting ethics in the workplace. 36,662 3.8 65.4%
I feel that I can file a formal complaint or a disclosure of wrongdoing without fear of reprisal. 34,927 3.4 53.6%
Table #33: Ethics Dilemma Help
If faced with an ethical dilemma in the workplace, do you know where to go for help in resolving the situation? 2021 Proportion
No 9.5%
Yes 65.2%
I am not sure 25.3%
Number of Responses 37,108

Part E: Mental Health

Table #34: Mental Health
Mental Health Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
In my workplace, there is a good understanding of the importance of employee mental health. 37,911 3.6 58.7% 58.7% 57.0% 58.6%
I am aware of what OPS mental health support programs are available to me. 37,800 3.9 72.9% 72.9% N/A N/A
The OPS mental health support programs are appropriate to my needs. 29,012 3.5 52.0% 52.0% N/A N/A
I felt supported by the person I report to during the past twelve months when dealing with work-related issues. 35,910 3.9 70.1% 70.1% N/A N/A
I feel free to discuss mental health challenges impacting my work with the person I report to. 35,162 3.5 57.2% 57.2% N/A N/A
Overall, the OPS has done a good job in addressing the mental health challenges of employees. 35,537 3.4 49.9% 49.9% N/A N/A
Table #35: Popular Mental Health Program: Employee and Family Assistance Program
Most Popular Mental Health Program: Employee and Family Assistance Program Responses Mean Favourable
Accessing the OPS mental health support program/resource was easy. 3,289 3.9 71.7%
The mental health support program/resource helped me to better deal with the issue(s) l was encountering. 3,189 3.3 49.6%
The OPS mental health support program/resource met my needs. 3,209 3.1 42.1%
I am satisfied with the quality of OPS mental health program/resource I accessed. 3,202 3.2 45.1%
I would recommend the OPS mental health program/resource to my colleagues. 3,230 3.6 58.4%
Table #36: Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Responses Mean Adverse/Negative*
Work-related pressures during the past twelve months adversely impacted my mental health. 37,366 3.4 52.8%
Personal issues during the past twelve months adversely impacted my mental health. 36,784 3.1 42.7%

*Note for Table #36* In the above statements higher agreement (favourable) % signifies a more adverse/negative impact on mental health.

Table #37: Mental Health Programs
Which OPS mental health support program(s) and resource(s) did you access in the past twelve months? 2021 Proportion
AbilitiCBT 2.8%
Care Navigators (formerly Employee/Family Liaisons) 0.4%
Chaplains 0.1%
Critical incident debrief led by clinician and/or peer supporter 0.3%
Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) 12.6%
Encompas Mental Health Wellness Program (OPPA members) 0.7%
Fitness Liaisons 0.4%
Healthy Workplace, Healthy Mind Speaker Series 8.0%
Manager’s Meeting-in-a-box 0.6%
Manager’s Workplace Mental Health Toolkit 1.8%
Occupational Medicine pilot program (2021) 0.1%
OPS Mindfulness Program 8.5%
Peer Support Program 1.8%
Safeguard 0.1%
Staff Psychologists 0.5%
Other 2.4%
I did not access any OPS mental health support programs or resources in the past twelve months 74.2%
Number of Responses 35,811

Part F: Respectful Workplace

The Ontario Public Service (OPS) is committed to fostering and sustaining a respectful workplace. A respectful workplace is one that values courteous conduct, positive communication, professional working relationships, dignity and inclusion.

Table #38: Respectful Workplace
Respectful Workplace Responses Mean Favourable 2021 OPS All 2019 2018
I am treated respectfully at work. 38,625 4.1 80.2% 80.2% 77.1% 78.8%
I have positive relations with my co-workers. 38,707 4.4 90.1% 90.1% 87.5% 87.5%
I can be myself at work. 38,391 4.0 75.9% 75.9% N/A N/A
I feel like I belong at my workplace. 38,351 4.0 74.3% 74.3% N/A N/A
People I work with are treated respectfully at work. 38,281 4.1 77.6% 77.6% N/A N/A
My ministry values diversity. 36,974 4.0 75.6% 75.6% 74.1% 77.1%
Table #39: In the past twelve months have you experienced disrespectful behaviour at work?
In the past twelve months have you experienced disrespectful behaviour at work? 2021 Proportion
No 8.7%
Yes 91.3%
Number of Responses 2,531

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “In the past twelve months have you experienced disrespectful behaviour at work?”.

Table #40: What was the nature of the disrespectful behaviour?footnote 3
What was the nature of the disrespectful behaviour?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Disruptive workplace culture (e.g., offensive jokes, displaying inappropriate materials) 27.3% N/A N/A
Gossip (e.g., ‘talking behind your back’) 55.1% 54.0% 55.9%
Minimizing your skills, experience and opinions (e.g., belittling, demeaning, patronizing, condescending) 78.6% 78.3% 78.0%
Minimizing the skills, experience and opinions (e.g., belittling, demeaning, patronizing, condescending) of other co-workers, stakeholders or clients 56.2% N/A N/A
Inappropriate conduct towards clients/stakeholders (e.g., biased treatment or customer service) 25.2% N/A N/A
Rude or discourteous behaviour (e.g., swearing, dismissive body language) 65.2% 56.6% 58.9%
Other 27.2% 33.3% 31.4%
Number of Responses 2,226 3,068 3,193

*Note for Table #40* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #41: Has the disrespectful behaviour had a negative impact on you?
Has the disrespectful behaviour had a negative impact on you? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 2.7% 4.0% 4.2%
Yes 97.3% 96.0% 95.8%
Number of Responses 2,241 3,159 3,273
Table #42: In the last twelve months, how many times did you experience disrespectful behaviour in the workplace?
In the last twelve months, how many times did you experience disrespectful behaviour in the workplace? 2021 Proportion
5 times or under 33.2%
6-10 times 28.3%
11 or mores times 38.5%
Number of Responses 2,059
Table #43: From whom did you experience the disrespectful behaviour?footnote 3
From whom did you experience the disrespectful behaviour?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Co-worker(s) 52.3% 53.7% 55.1%
Individual(s) for whom I have a custodial responsibility (e.g., inmates, offenders, patients, detainees) 9.7% 11.5% 12.1%
Individual(s) from other government departments or agencies 5.6% 6.4% 7.4%
Individual(s) from other OPS ministries or agencies 5.0% 5.9% 6.2%
Individual(s) from my ministry 30.6% N/A N/A
Individual(s) with authority over me 70.8% 74.0% 70.5%
Individual(s) working for me 6.9% 7.0% 6.7%
Members of the public (individuals or organizations) 12.4% 14.5% 14.7%
Other 7.3% 8.9% 9.1%
Number of Responses 2,231 3,089 3,217

*Note for Table #43* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #44: Did you discuss the disrespectful behaviour with anyone from the list below?
Did you discuss the disrespectful behaviour with anyone from the list below? 2021 Proportion
Bargaining agent representative 29.7%
Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) 12.0%
Human resources 10.6%
Management or leadership in your workplace 53.6%
OPP Respectful Workplace Program 2.0%
Respectful Workplace Liaison 2.3%
Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office 8.3%
Other 14.6%
I did not discuss with any of the above 25.7%
Number of Responses 2,047

*Note for Table #44* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

The following question was addressed to those who answered “I did not discuss with any of the above” to the question “Did you discuss the disrespectful behaviour with anyone from the list below?”.

Table #45: What were your reasons for not discussing the disrespectful behaviour?
What were your reasons for not discussing the disrespectful behaviour? 2021 Proportion
Concern regarding experiencing further disrespectful behaviour 47.1%
Did not think there will be a positive outcome as a result of the discussion 79.4%
Did not think the disrespectful behaviour was serious enough to warrant any further action 16.1%
Fear of reprisals/retaliation as a result of raising the issue 66.1%
Was not sure what options were available to help me resolve the issue(s) 17.5%
Other 11.0%
Number of Responses 510

*Note for Table #45* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #46: Respectful Workplace
Respectful Workplace Responses Mean Favourable
Overall, I am satisfied with the way in which the issue was dealt with. 1,422 1.5 2.3%

Part G: Workplace Discrimination

The section refers to workplace discrimination. Discrimination must be linked to one of the prohibited grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Table #47: In the past twelve months have you experienced discrimination on the job?
In the past twelve months have you experienced discrimination on the job? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 89.9% 88.5% 89.1%
Yes 10.1% 11.5% 10.9%
Number of Responses 35,621 33,719 38,317

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “In the past twelve months have you experienced discrimination on the job?”.

Table #48: In the past twelve months, how many times did you experience discrimination in the workplace?
In the past twelve months, how many times did you experience discrimination in the workplace? 2021 Proportion
5 times or under 71.0%
6-10 times 14.3%
11 times or over 14.7%
Number of Responses 3,012
Table #49: Thinking about your experience of discrimination, from whom did you experience workplace discrimination?footnote 3
Thinking about your experience of discrimination, from whom did you experience workplace discrimination?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Co-worker(s) 41.7% 46.6% 49.0%
Individual(s) for whom I have a custodial responsibility (e.g., inmates, offenders, patients, detainees) 7.2% 9.7% 10.2%
Individual(s) from my ministry 28.0% N/A N/A
Individual(s) from other government departments or agencies 6.1% 6.6% 6.5%
Individual(s) from other OPS ministries or agencies 7.7% 7.4% 7.8%
Individual(s) with authority over me 59.8% 60.8% 58.5%
Individual(s) working for me 4.7% 5.2% 4.6%
Members of the public (individuals or organizations) 11.1% 11.4% 11.9%
Other 7.8% 8.4% 8.5%
Number of Responses 3,176 3,498 3,813

*Note for Table #49* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #50: Under which circumstances did you experience discrimination in the past twelve months?
Under which circumstances did you experience discrimination in the past twelve months? 2021 Proportion
In my day-to-day work 71.5%
Hiring decisions 29.4%
Career advancement 38.8%
Receiving recognition 17.6%
Learning and development opportunities 25.7%
Other 11.3%
Number of Responses 3,159

*Note for Table #50* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #51: Did you experience discrimination based on one or more grounds detailed below?
Did you experience discrimination based on one or more grounds detailed below? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Age 28.7% 33.0% 33.4%
Ancestry 4.8% 6.7% 6.1%
Citizenship 1.7% 1.7% 2.2%
Colour 20.9% 16.7% 17.4%
Creed (religion) 4.7% 6.0% 6.4%
Disability (mental or physical) 19.7% 20.7% 18.9%
Ethnic origin 17.0% 16.8% 15.8%
Family status 14.4% 12.7% 11.9%
Gender expression 2.4% 2.3% 2.3%
Gender identity 14.0% 6.8% 7.2%
Marital status 7.4% 7.2% 7.4%
Place of origin 7.5% 8.9% 8.3%
Race 33.7% 28.1% 28.9%
Record of offences 0.7% 0.8% 0.8%
Sex (including pregnancy) 19.6% 22.0% 23.6%
Sexual orientation 4.4% 4.8% 5.2%
Other 12.0% 11.2% 12.0%
Number of Responses 2,952 3,383 3,629

*Note for Table #51* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #52: Did you discuss the discrimination issue(s) with anyone from the list below?
Did you discuss the discrimination issue(s) with anyone from the list below? 2021 Proportion
Management or leadership in your workplace 41.1%
Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) 8.6%
Human resources 7.8%
Bargaining agent representative 19.0%
OPP Respectful Workplace Program 0.9%
Respectful Workplace Liaison 2.4%
I did not discuss with anyone listed above 48.8%
Number of Responses 2,856

*Note for Table #52* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

The following question was addressed to those who answered “I did not discuss with any of the above” to the question “Did you discuss the discrimination issue(s) with anyone from the list below?”.

Table #53: What were your reasons for not discussing the discrimination issue(s)?
What were your reasons for not discussing the discrimination issue(s)? 2021 Proportion
Fear of reprisals/retaliation as a result of raising the issue 48.0%
Concern regarding further discrimination 30.7%
Did not think there will be a positive outcome 65.5%
Did not think the complaint was serious enough to warrant my effort 30.7%
Was not sure what options were available to help me resolve the issue(s) 14.1%
Other 15.7%
Number of Responses 1,329

*Note for Table #53* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #54: Was the discrimination issue(s) resolved without taking the complaint to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?
Was the discrimination issue(s) resolved without taking the complaint to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office? 2021 Proportion
No 81.3%
Yes 18.7%
Number of Responses 2,276

The following question was addressed to those who answered “No” to the question “Was the discrimination issue(s) resolved without taking the complaint to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?”.

Table #55: Did you report the issue(s) to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?
Did you report the issue(s) to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office? 2021 Proportion
No 93.5%
Yes 6.5%
Number of Responses 2,317

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Did you report the issue(s) to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?”.

Table #56: Was the issue you reported to Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) office considered to be in-scope of the Respectful Workplace Policy?
Was the issue you reported to Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) office considered to be in-scope of the Respectful Workplace Policy? 2021 Proportion
No 30.3%
Yes 46.5%
I am not sure 23.2%
Number of Responses 142
Table #57: Workplace Discrimination
Workplace Discrimination Responses Mean Favourable
Overall, I am satisfied with the way in which the WDHP Office dealt with the complaint. 131 1.8 14.5%

The following question was addressed to those who answered “No” to the question “Did you report the issue(s) to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?”.

Table #58: What are the reasons for not reporting the discrimination issue(s) to Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?
What are the reasons for not reporting the discrimination issue(s) to Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office? 2021 Proportion
Fear of reprisals/retaliation as a result of raising a formal discrimination complaint 52.5%
Fear of further discrimination 40.7%
I was not aware of the services offered by the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office 12.5%
I lack confidence in the WDHP complaint resolution process 34.0%
I went through the WDHP process previously and did not want to go through it again 6.9%
I did not think that my complaint would be covered under the Respectful Workplace Policy 18.6%
The incident(s) was not serious enough to warrant the effort of launching a complaint 26.5%
Other 18.0%
Number of Responses 2,382

*Note for Table #58* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Part H: Workplace Harassment

The next section asks about workplace harassment. Harassment does not have to be linked to a prohibited ground of discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Table #59: In the past twelve months have you been the victim of harassment on the job?
In the past twelve months have you been the victim of harassment on the job? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 90.9% 87.0% 86.8%
Yes 9.1% 13.0% 13.2%
Number of Responses 36,278 34,068 38,719

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “In the past twelve months have you been the victim of harassment on the job?”.

Table #60: In the past twelve months, how many times did you experience harassment in the workplace?
In the past twelve months, how many times did you experience harassment in the workplace? 2021 Proportion
5 times or under 59.9%
6-10 times 19.9%
11 times or over 20.3%
Number of Responses 2,911
Table #61: The harassment involved….footnote 3
The harassment involved…footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Unwanted sexual solicitation or sexual advances 5.5% 6.8% 7.4%
Unwelcome words or actions that are offensive, embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning 89.6% 87.2% 88.6%
Other 17.2% 16.8% 15.8%
Number of Responses 2,960 4,103 4,705

*Note for Table #61* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

The following question was addressed to those who selected “Unwanted sexual solicitation or sexual advances” to the question “The harassment involved…”.

Table #62: From whom did you experience unwanted sexual solicitation or sexual advances?footnote 3
From whom did you experience unwanted sexual solicitation or sexual advances?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Co-worker(s) 67.1% 66.2% 63.1%
Individual(s) from other government departments or agencies 7.5% 3.9% 7.4%
Individual(s) from other OPS ministries or agencies 3.1% 1.9% 6.0%
Individual(s) from whom I have a custodial responsibility. (e.g., inmates, offenders, patients, detainees, etc.) 28.0% 33.5% 29.8%
Individual(s) from my ministry 20.5% N/A N/A
Individual(s) with authority over me 36.7% 29.6% 33.0%
Individual(s) working for me 3.7% 1.9% 1.8%
Members of the public (individuals or organizations) 15.5% 15.4% 16.4%
Other 3.7% 2.7% 2.7%
Number of Responses 161 260 336

*Note for Table #62* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

The following questions were addressed to those who selected “Unwelcome words or actions that are offensive, embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning.” to the question “The harassment involved….”.

Table #63: How did you experience unwelcome words or actions that are offensive, embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning?footnote 3
How did you experience unwelcome words or actions that are offensive, embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Insults, negative or derogatory remarks gestures or actions, rumours or gossip 65.0% 68.4% 67.3%
Isolation and / or exclusion from work-related activities 30.2% 30.5% 30.3%
Persistent, unwarranted criticism or belittling 46.6% 47.4% 45.8%
Verbal or written aggression, abuse or bullying 49.5% 52.6% 52.5%
Microaggression 45.7% N/A N/A
Other 5.5% 7.3% 8.6%
Number of Responses 2,588 3,487 4,069

*Note for Table #63* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #64: From whom did you experience unwelcome words or actions that are offensive, embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning?footnote 3
From whom did you experience unwelcome words or actions that are offensive, embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Co-worker(s) 50.5% 55.3% 56.6%
Individual(s) from other government departments or agencies 3.0% 4.2% 4.0%
Individual(s) from my ministry 21.3% N/A N/A
Individual(s) from other OPS ministries or agencies 3.8% 3.3% 4.1%
Individual(s) from whom I have a custodial responsibility. (e.g., inmates, offenders, patients, detainees, etc.) 6.2% 8.3% 8.2%
Individual(s) with authority over me 53.1% 50.7% 50.5%
Individual(s) working for me 6.1% 6.3% 4.7%
Members of the public (individuals or organizations) 8.0% 9.6% 8.6%
Other 6.0% 3.1% 3.0%
Number of Responses 2,589 3,453 4,048

*Note for Table #64* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #65: What were the unwelcome words or actions about?footnote 3
What were the unwelcome words or actions about?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Nature of employment 23.8% 26.5% 24.7%
No specific focus 3.7% 8.0% 8.2%
Voicing concerns or complaints 38.4% 41.0% 38.8%
Your accent 3.3% 2.5% 2.7%
Your age 12.2% 12.4% 12.4%
Your ancestry 4.2% 4.1% 3.4%
Your beliefs 7.1% 7.7% 7.3%
Your colour 4.2% 4.4% 4.0%
Your disability (mental or physical) 10.7% 10.3% 9.2%
Your education 7.0% 6.3% 6.8%
Your ethnic origin 4.8% 5.3% 4.5%
Your experience 26.5% 26.7% 25.3%
Your family status 7.5% 6.0% 6.5%
Your gender expression 1.2% 1.0% 0.9%
Your gender identity 2.3% 1.5% 1.5%
Your marital status 5.0% 4.3% 4.1%
Your occupation 16.4% 18.3% 17.0%
Your opinion(s) 38.6% 37.5% 38.8%
Your communication style 26.4% N/A N/A
Your place of origin 3.2% 2.4% 2.2%
Your race 5.1% 5.2% 5.0%
Your religion (creed) 2.4% 2.7% 2.6%
Your sex 8.8% 9.0% 9.0%
Your sexual orientation 2.1% 2.0% 2.2%
Your skills 40.3% 38.9% 39.2%
Your style of work 44.5% 46.9% 45.2%
Your tenure 12.0% 12.2% 10.3%
Other 12.1% N/A N/A
Number of Responses 2,435 3,228 3,792

*Note for Table #65* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #66: Did you discuss the harassment issue(s) with anyone from the list below?
Did you discuss the harassment issue(s) with anyone from the list below? 2021 Proportion
Management or leadership in your workplace 58.1%
Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) 8.5%
Human resources 10.1%
Bargaining agent representative 20.5%
OPP Respectful Workplace Program 1.3%
Respectful Workplace Liaison 3.7%
I did not discuss with anyone listed above 33.0%
Number of Responses 2,796

*Note for Table #66* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

The following question was addressed to those who answered “I did not discuss with anyone listed above” to the question “Did you discuss the harassment issue(s) with anyone from the list below?”.

Table #67: What were your reasons for not discussing the harassment issue(s)?
What were your reasons for not discussing the harassment issue(s)? 2021 Proportion
Fear of reprisals/retaliation as a result of raising the issue 56.0%
Concern regarding further harassment 38.9%
Did not think there will be a positive outcome 66.5%
Did not think the complaint was serious enough to warrant my effort 31.9%
Was not sure what options were available to help me resolve the issue(s) 12.4%
Other 16.4%
Number of Responses 874

*Note for Table #67* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “In the past twelve months have you been the victim of harassment on the job?”.

Table #68: Was the harassment issue(s) resolved without taking the complaint to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?
Was the harassment issue(s) resolved without taking the complaint to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office? 2021 Proportion
No 77.3%
Yes 22.7%
Number of Responses 2,265

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “No” to the question “Was the harassment issue(s) resolved without taking the complaint to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?”.

Table #69: Did you report the issue(s) to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?
Did you report the issue(s) to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office? 2021 Proportion
No 93.3%
Yes 6.7%
Number of Responses 2,156

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Did you report the issue(s) to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?”.

Table #70: Was the issue you reported to Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) office considered to be in-scope of the Respectful Workplace Policy?
Was the issue you reported to Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) office considered to be in-scope of the Respectful Workplace Policy? 2021 Proportion
No 29.1%
Yes 44.0%
I am not sure 27.0%
Number of Responses 141
Table #71: Workplace Harassment
Workplace Harassment Responses Mean Favourable
Overall, I am satisfied with the way in which the WDHP Office dealt with the complaint. 128 2.0 18.8%

The following question was addressed to those who answered “No” to the question “Did you report the issue(s) to the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?”.

Table #72: What are the reasons for not reporting the harassment issue(s) to Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office?
What are the reasons for not reporting the harassment issue(s) to Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office? 2021 Proportion
Fear of reprisals/retaliation as a result of raising a formal discrimination complaint 52.6%
Fear of further discrimination 40.5%
I was not aware of the services offered by the Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Office 12.6%
I lack confidence in the WDHP complaint resolution process 31.6%
I went through the WDHP process previously and did not want to go through it again 5.6%
I did not think that my complaint would be covered under the Respectful Workplace Policy 16.7%
The incident(s) was not serious enough to warrant the effort of launching a complaint 26.1%
Other 19.1%
Number of Responses 2,336

*Note for Table #72* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Part I: Workplace Violence

Workplace violence refers to using, trying to use, or threatening to use physical force that causes or could cause physical injury to a worker in a workplace.

Table #73: In the past twelve months have you been the victim of workplace violence?
In the past twelve months have you been the victim of workplace violence? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 98.2% 96.8% 96.8%
Yes 1.8% 3.2% 3.2%
Number of Responses 38,025 35,586 40,411

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “In the past twelve months have you been the victim of workplace violence?”.

Table #74: Thinking about your experience of workplace violence, from whom did you experience it?footnote 3
Thinking about your experience of workplace violence, from whom did you experience it?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Co-worker(s) 11.8% 13.3% 11.5%
Individual(s) for whom I have a custodial responsibility (e.g., inmates, offenders, patients, detainees) 55.5% 59.5% 65.9%
Individual(s) from other government departments or agencies 0.8% 0.7% 0.9%
Individual(s) from other OPS ministries or agencies 0.8% 0.5% 0.8%
Individual(s) from my ministry 2.8% N/A N/A
Individual(s) with authority over me 6.3% 6.9% 7.2%
Individual(s) working for me 2.8% 1.6% 2.1%
Members of the public (individuals or organizations) 30.6% 24.5% 18.4%
Other 6.3% 6.0% 5.8%
Number of Responses 618 1,092 1,233

*Note for Table #74* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #75: What was the nature of the violence?footnote 3
What was the nature of the violence?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Attempt to use physical force 43.5% 46.3% 48.0%
Threat to use physical force 77.8% 79.1% 79.8%
Use of physical force 45.4% 51.8% 51.2%
Other 14.9% 14.0% 13.6%
Number of Responses 603 1,050 1,197

*Note for Table #75* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #76: Was the issue(s) reported to management or a supervisor?
Was the issue(s) reported to management or a supervisor? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 15.6% 14.3% 12.8%
Yes 84.4% 85.7% 87.2%
Number of Responses 589 1,050 1,185

The following question was addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Was the issue(s) reported to management or a supervisor?”.

Table #77: Overall, I am satisfied with the way in which my ministry or the OPS responded to the issue(s)
Overall, I am satisfied with the way in which my ministry or the OPS responded to the issue(s) Responses Mean Favourable
2021 491 2.8 31.8%
2019 889 2.4 25.9%
2018 1,015 2.3 21.5%

The following question was addressed to those who answered “No” to the question “Was the issue(s) reported to management or a supervisor?”.

Table #78: What are the reasons for not reporting the violence to management or supervisor?
What are the reasons for not reporting the violence to management or supervisor? 2021 Proportion
Fear of reprisals/retaliation as a result of raising a formal complaint 16.9%
Fear of further violence 8.4%
Did not think there will be a positive outcome 27.7%
Did not think the complaint was serious enough to warrant my effort 44.6%
Lack of confidence in management/supervisor 18.1%
Other 39.8%
Number of Responses 83

*Note for Table #78* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Part J: Workplace Profile

Table #79: My first position in the OPS was as a…
My first position in the OPS was as a… 2021 Proportion
Student Position 15.2%
Intern (Ontario Internship Program or another Internship) 4.5%
Regular Employee (Classified) 32.8%
Fixed-Term Employee (Unclassified) 41.3%
Other (not classified or unclassified) 6.2%
Number of Responses 37,720
Table #80: Classification
Are you a…(Classification) 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Fixed-Term Employee (Unclassified) 12.3% 12.7% 14.0%
Other (not classified or unclassified) 0.8% 0.9% 1.2%
Regular Employee (Classified) 86.9% 86.4% 84.8%
Number of Responses 37,952 35,026 39,658
Table #81: Employment Group
The Employment Group that you belong to is… 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
A Bargaining Unit (OPSEU, AMAPCEO, OPPA, PEGO, ALOC, OCAA, AOPDPS, PSAT) 75.9% 74.0% 76.2%
Individual contributor / non-manager specialist excluded from a bargaining unit 6.5% 6.7% 5.9%
Manager or OPP Inspector or equivalent 11.3% 11.9% 11.0%
Senior Management / Executive Class 2.7% 2.7% 2.8%
Other 3.5% 4.7% 4.2%
Number of Responses 37,152 34,308 39,012

*Note for Table #81* Due to the Management Job Evaluation Plan some levels of management have changed.

Table #82: Do you have staff reporting to you? (direct reports)
Do you have staff reporting to you? (direct reports) 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 82.2% 82.0% 82.7%
Yes 17.8% 18.0% 17.3%
Number of Responses 37,403 34,803 39,498

The following question was addressed to those who answered they belong to “A Bargaining Unit” in the question “The employment group that you belong to is…”.

Table #83: Bargaining Unit
The Bargaining Unit you belong to is… 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
ALOC (Association of Law Officers of the Crown) 1.9% 1.7% 1.9%
AMAPCEO (Association of Management, Administrative and Professional Crown Employees of Ontario) 32.9% 31.4% 30.3%
AOPDPS (Ontario Physicians and Dentists in Public Service) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
OCAA (Ontario Crown Attorneys’ Association) 0.9% 0.9% 1.2%
OPPA (Ontario Provincial Police Association) 8.6% 7.3% 5.5%
OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union) 54.1% 57.4% 59.6%
PEGO (Professional Engineers of Ontario) 1.4% 1.2% 1.1%
PSAT (Provincial Schools Authority Teachers) 0.1% 0.1% 0.2%
Other 0.1% 0.1% 0.2%
Number of Responses 27,684 24,662 28,875
Table #84: Type of Work
What type of work do you do? (Formerly Job Category) 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Accounting & Finance 5.9% 5.5% 5.8%
Administrative Support / Clerical 13.3% 12.5% 13.5%
Communications & Marketing 3.1% 3.0% 3.3%
Consulting & Planning 2.5% 2.4% 2.5%
Corrections 6.1% 8.6% 8.9%
Customer & Client Services 7.6% 8.2% 8.8%
Education & Training 2.6% 2.4% 2.7%
Enforcement 8.2% 9.7% 7.1%
Health and Social Services 4.2% 4.0% 4.5%
Human Resources 2.9% 2.9% 2.7%
Information Technology 10.0% 9.4% 8.9%
Inspections & Investigations 4.0% 3.2% 2.8%
Land & Resources 3.7% 4.0% 3.5%
Legal Services 4.6% 4.5% 4.9%
Policy 8.1% N/A N/A
Program Analysis & Planning 6.4% N/A N/A
Purchasing and Supply 0.6% 0.6% 0.6%
Science & Engineering 4.0% 3.6% 3.6%
Technical, Maintenance & Trades 2.4% 2.5% 2.7%
Number of Responses 34,975 32,688 37,055

The following question was addressed to those who answered “Manager or OPP Inspector or equivalent” in the question “The employment group that you belong to is…”.

Table #85: Current manager or equivalent classification
What is your current manager or equivalent classification? 2021 Proportion
M6 or equivalent 4.1%
M7 or equivalent 6.1%
M8 or equivalent 6.1%
M9 or equivalent 16.9%
M10 or equivalent 14.8%
M11 or equivalent 43.1%
M12 or equivalent 2.4%
OPP Staff Sergeant or Sergeant Major 3.2%
OPP Commissioned Officer 1 2.5%
OPP Commissioned Officer 2 0.6%
OPP Commissioned Officer 3 0.3%
Number of Responses 3,646

The following questions were addressed to those who answered they belong to “Senior Management or Executive Class” in the question “The employment Group that you belong to is…”.

Table #86: Senior Management Level
Senior Management Levelfootnote 4 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Assistant Deputy Minister, Associate Deputy Minister, OPP Provincial Commander or equivalent position 20.7% 18.5% 20.4%
Deputy Minister, OPP Commissioner or equivalent 2.8% 2.6% 3.3%
Director, OPP Superintendent, OPP Chief Superintendent or equivalent position 76.5% 78.9% 76.3%
Number of Responses 969 870 997

*Note for Table #86* Due to the Management Job Evaluation Plan some levels of management have changed.

Table #87: How long have you been in the Senior Management Group?
How long have you been in the Senior Management Group? 2021 2019 2018
<1 year 12.0% 11.8% 13.9%
1-4 years 37.7% 37.3% 33.8%
5-9 years 26.6% 24.4% 21.0%
10-15 years 14.7% 16.4% 16.0%
16-20 years 5.6% 6.0% 7.1%
>20 years 3.5% 4.2% 8.2%
Number of Responses 1,001 907 1,052
Table #88: Is your position officially designated as bilingual (French/English)?
Is your position officially designated as bilingual (French/English)? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 94.8% 95.0% 94.7%
Yes 5.2% 5.0% 5.3%
Number of Responses 37,551 35,021 39,752
Table #89: Workplace Location
Where are you located? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Central Region (Toronto, York, Durham, Halton, etc.) 60.1% 59.1% 60.2%
East Region (Ottawa, Frontenac, Peterborough, Hastings, etc.) 12.3% 12.8% 12.3%
North Region (Thunder Bay, Algoma, Nipissing, Cochrane, etc.) 11.8% 12.4% 12.2%
West Region (Dufferin, Hamilton, Waterloo, Middlesex, etc.) 15.8% 15.8% 15.3%
Number of Responses 37,334 35,076 39,682
Table #90: Tenure
Tenure 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
<1 year 3.5% 2.8% 7.7%
1-4 years 17.5% 22.3% 21.0%
5-9 years 19.7% 17.4% 16.9%
10-15 years 22.4% 22.8% 21.8%
16-20 years 15.7% 15.8% 14.4%
>20 years 21.4% 19.0% 18.3%
Number of Responses 37,475 34,817 39,356
Table #91: Did you apply for other jobs in the OPS in the past twelve months?
Did you apply for other jobs in the OPS in the past twelve months? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 62.6% 63.7% 58.5%
Yes 37.4% 36.3% 41.5%
Number of Responses 37,583 35,096 39,807

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Did you apply for other jobs in the OPS in the past twelve months?”.

Table #92: What was the reason for applying for other jobs?footnote 3
What was the reason for applying for other jobs?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Advance my career 68.0% 68.8% 69.2%
Have a better supervisor 10.1% 10.5% 10.0%
Have more compatible colleagues 1.8% 2.0% 2.0%
Have more interesting work 16.6% 17.2% 17.5%
It was just time for a change 14.0% 11.7% 11.4%
Professional development 31.9% 30.9% 25.1%
Reduce stress 11.4% 11.4% 10.7%
Other reasons 11.9% 13.4% 14.8%
Number of Responses 13,896 12,584 16,269

*Note for Table #92* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #93: Were you offered a job?
Were you offered a job? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 58.7% 66.5% 65.0%
Yes 41.3% 33.5% 35.0%
Number of Responses 12,998 11,626 15,177
Table #94: How many times have you changed jobs within the OPS in the past twelve months?
How many times have you changed jobs within the OPS in the past twelve months? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No job changes 56.2% 79.3% 76.9%
Once 34.8% 16.2% 17.6%
Twice 6.9% 3.1% 4.0%
Three times or more 2.2% 1.4% 1.6%
Number of Responses 13,816 35,150 39,781

The following questions were addressed to those who indicated they changed jobs within the OPS in the past twelve months.

Table #95: Did you initiate your most recent job change?
Did you initiate your most recent job change? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 21.9% 32.6% 27.3%
Yes 78.1% 67.4% 72.7%
Number of Responses 5,896 6,976 8,858
Table #96: Do you consider any of the job changes in the last twelve months a promotion?
Do you consider any of the job changes in the last twelve months a promotion? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 38.0% 43.4% 38.0%
Yes 62.0% 56.6% 62.0%
Number of Responses 5,880 6,994 8,903
Table #97: Thinking of the future (24 months), which career option are you interested in pursuing?
Thinking of the future (24 months), which career option are you interested in pursuing? 2021 Proportion
Seeking a career advancement 49.0%
Staying where I am 38.6%
Seeking a lateral movement 12.5%
Number of Responses 33,903
Table #98: Have you taken part in any corporate/ministry leadership programs?
Have you taken part in any corporate/ministry leadership programs? 2021 Proportion
No 82.4%
Yes 17.6%
Number of Responses 35,492

The following question was addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Have you taken part in any corporate/ministry leadership programs?”.

Table #99: Which of the following corporate/ministry leadership pathway programs have you taken part in?
Which of the following corporate/ministry leadership pathway programs have you taken part in? 2021 Proportion
Advancing Into Management (AIM) 18.3%
Leadership Development Program (LDP) 40.0%
OPS Diversity Career Champions Program 28.6%
Other 34.2%
Number of Responses 5,566

Part K: Work Setting and Preferences

Table #100: My workplace supports flexible work arrangements
My workplace supports flexible work arrangements Responses Mean Favourable
2021 37,220 3.8 68.4%
2019 34,892 3.7 63.1%
2018 39,629 3.6 59.1%
Table #101: Does your regular job involve providing services directly to the public?
Does your regular job involve providing services directly to the public? 2021 Proportion
No 48.8%
Yes, but not face-to-face 24.2%
Yes, face-to-face 26.9%
Number of Responses 37,812
Table #102: What type of work did you do during the past twelve months?
What type of work did you do during the past twelve months? 2021 Proportion
Regular work that I would normally do including any job changes 47.2%
Regular work and some new/different work as a result of the COVID‑19 pandemic 48.0%
Temporarily re-deployed to work in another area during the COVID‑19 pandemic 1.1%
A combination of my regular work and work associated with my redeployment 2.4%
Other 1.4%
Number of Responses 37,492
Table #103: What was your work setting during the past twelve months?
What was your work setting during the past twelve months? 2021 Proportion
Primarily worked from regular OPS work site 25.9%
Primarily worked from alternate OPS work site 2.1%
Primarily teleworked 69.4%
Other 2.5%
Number of Responses 38,000
Table #104: What percentage of your regular duties and tasks do you believe could be completed remotely?
What percentage of your regular duties and tasks do you believe could be completed remotely? 2021 Proportion
0% – I cannot work remotely as my type of work requires my presence at worksite/office 9.4%
1-25% – I can complete some tasks, but most of my work cannot be done remotely 5.5%
26-49% – I can complete some tasks, but at least half of my work cannot be done remotely 5.3%
50-74% – I can complete most tasks but there are some tasks that cannot be completed remotely 12.7%
75-100% – Most, if not all, of my work can be completed remotely 67.1%
Number of Responses 38,182
Table #105: Looking towards the future (post COVID‑19), if given the option to work remotely, what is your preferred option for telework?
Looking towards the future (post COVID‑19), if given the option to work remotely, what is your preferred option for telework? 2021 Proportion
No Telework 3.7%
1 day Telework & 4 days in office per week 3.9%
2 days Telework & 3 days in office per week 10.1%
3 days Telework & 2 days in office per week 18.6%
4 days Telework & 1 day in office per week 17.3%
1 day in office every other week 9.4%
Only report to office as necessary 37.1%
Number of Responses 34,087
Table #106: Would you be willing to consider an office space closer to home that is shared with other program areas/ministries, as an alternative to your regular office location?
Would you be willing to consider an office space closer to home that is shared with other program areas/ministries, as an alternative to your regular office location? 2021 Proportion
No 38.5%
Yes 61.5%
Number of Responses 34,457
Table #107: Would you be willing to use a common office space (hoteling) on days that you work from an OPS office?
Would you be willing to use a common office space (hoteling) on days that you work from an OPS office? 2021 Proportion
No 40.3%
Yes 59.7%
Number of Responses 35,403
Table #108: OPS Networks
Are you a member of any of the following OPS Networks? 2021 Proportion
Black Ontario Public Service Employee Network (BOPSers) 2.4%
Disability Advisory Council (DAC) 0.2%
East Asian Network Group (EANG) 4.0%
Francophone Employee Network (FrancoGO) 1.7%
Nation to Nation 0.9%
OPS Pride 2.4%
Organization for Hispanic and Latin American Ontario Public Servants (Hola OPS) 0.8%
South Asian Network (SAN) 1.3%
Tomorrow’s Ontario Public Service (TOPS) 4.9%
I am not a member of any of the above mentioned networks 84.9%
Number of Responses 32,945

*Note for Table #108* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Part L: Demographic Profile

Table #109: What is your age…
What is your age… 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
<20 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
20-24 1.6% 2.0% 2.8%
25-29 8.4% 9.3% 10.0%
30-34 10.9% 11.0% 11.8%
35-39 13.2% 13.4% 13.0%
40-44 15.0% 14.7% 14.1%
45-49 15.2% 14.8% 14.0%
50-54 15.0% 15.4% 15.7%
55-59 13.5% 13.0% 12.8%
60-64 5.7% 5.0% 4.7%
65+ 1.4% 1.2% 1.1%
Number of Responses 35,380 32,593 36,934
Table #110: What is the highest level of formal education you have completed?
What is the highest level of formal education you have completed? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Grade/elementary school 0.1% 0.0% 0.1%
High school graduate 3.3% 3.5% 3.9%
Post-graduate or higher 27.8% 26.6% 27.0%
Some high school 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
Some university 6.3% 6.1% 6.2%
Some vocational, technical college, or CEGEP 4.9% 5.4% 5.8%
University graduate 38.1% 37.7% 36.8%
Vocational, technical college, or CEGEP graduate 19.4% 20.5% 20.0%
Number of Responses 36,492 33,918 38,433
Table #111: What is your gender identity?footnote 3
What is your gender identity?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Man 38.9% 40.9% 39.5%
Two-Spirited 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
Woman 60.6% 58.8% 60.1%
Non-binary 0.3% 0.2% N/A
I don’t identify with the above 0.2% 0.2% 0.3%
Number of Responses 35,567 33,133 37,565

*Note for Table #111* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #112: Do you identify as transgender
Do you identify as transgender 2021 Proportion
No 99.6%
Yes 0.3%
Questioning 0.2%
Number of Responses 36,133
Table #113: What is your sexual orientation?
What is your sexual orientation? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Asexual 5.8% 6.4% 4.9%
Bisexual 2.7% 2.0% 1.9%
Gay 1.8% 1.7% 1.9%
I don’t identify with the above 1.2% 1.0% 1.8%
Lesbian 1.0% 0.9% 1.1%
Pansexual 0.5% 0.3% N/A
Queer 0.7% 0.4% N/A
Questioning 0.4% 0.3% 0.3%
Straight or Heterosexual 87.1% 87.0% 88.2%
Two-Spirited 0.1% 0.1% N/A
Number of Responses 32,275 30,060 34,502

*Note for Table #113* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #114: What is your ethnic/cultural origin?
What is your ethnic/cultural origin? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion
Anishinaabe 0.7% 0.7%
Another ethnic origin not listed 10.4% 11.7%
Brazilian 0.2% N/A
British 8.6% 13.1%
Canadian 48.9% 43.0%
Chinese 5.8% 5.2%
Colombian 0.3% 0.3%
Cree 0.3% 0.3%
Dutch 2.7% 3.5%
East Indian/India 4.7% 4.1%
Ecuadorian 0.1% N/A
English 14.3% 14.1%
Filipino 1.5% 1.4%
French 7.4% 9.5%
German 5.1% 7.2%
Greek 1.1% 1.0%
Guyanese 1.5% 1.3%
Haudenosaunee 0.2% 0.1%
Hispanic/Latinx 1.0% N/A
Inuk 0.0% 0.0%
Iranian 0.5% 0.5%
Irish 11.5% 14.5%
Italian 5.9% 6.4%
Jamaican 2.3% 2.0%
Jewish 1.8% 1.7%
Korean 0.4% 0.4%
Lebanese 0.4% 0.4%
Lenape 0.0% N/A
Mexican 0.2% N/A
Mi’kmaq 0.3% 0.3%
Métis 1.5% 1.3%
Nigerian 0.5% 0.4%
Ojibway 0.7% 0.6%
Omushkego 0.0% N/A
Pakistani 1.4% 1.3%
Polish 2.6% 3.1%
Portuguese 1.4% 1.5%
Scottish 10.5% 13.2%
Somali 0.1% 0.1%
Sri Lankan 1.1% 0.9%
Trinidadian 1.2% 1.1%
Ukrainian 2.5% 3.0%
Number of Responses 32,360 30,022

*Note for Table #114* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #115: What is your religion and/or spiritual affiliation?
What is your religion and/or spiritual affiliation? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion
Another religion 3.8% 4.2%
Buddhist 2.2% 2.0%
Christian 50.5% 51.3%
Hindu 3.2% 2.8%
Indigenous Spirituality 0.9% 0.9%
Jewish 1.6% 1.5%
Muslim 3.6% 3.2%
No religious affiliation 35.0% 34.9%
Sikh 0.8% 0.8%
Number of Responses 30,992 28,991

*Note for Table #115* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #116: For whom do you provide dependent care – excluding volunteer work?footnote 3
For whom do you provide dependent care – excluding volunteer work?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
An immediate family member (other than child or elder indicated) 9.3% 11.7% 11.3%
Children (regardless of age) 51.9% 53.0% 50.9%
Dependents with special needs 3.2% 3.3% 3.3%
Elders 20.6% 17.4% 16.8%
Friend (other than child or elder indicated above) 1.0% 1.2% 1.3%
No dependent care responsibilities 23.3% 23.1% 24.9%
Pets 28.8% 33.0% 31.8%
Number of Responses 34,531 32,541 36,974

*Note for Table #116* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #117: Are you a Francophone?
Are you a Francophone? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 93.1% 93.1% 92.9%
Yes 7.0% 6.9% 7.1%
Number of Responses 37,081 34,880 39,563
Table #118: Are you an Indigenous person?footnote 5
Are you an Indigenous person?footnote 5 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 97.4% 97.2% 97.4%
Yes 2.6% 2.8% 2.6%
Number of Responses 36,815 34,493 38,846

The following question was addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Are you an Indigenous person?”.

Table #119: Are you First Nation, Métis or Inuk?footnote 3
Are you First Nation, Métis or Inuk?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
First Nations 51.2% 47.6% 53.7%
Inuk 0.2% 0.3% 0.5%
Métis 51.3% 55.1% 47.2%
Number of Responses 926 910 938

*Note for Table #119* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #120: Which race category best describes you?footnote 3footnote 6
Which race category best describes you?footnote 3footnote 6 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Black (African, Afro-Caribbean descent/African-Canadian) 5.9% 5.2% 5.4%
East/Southeast Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Indonesian and other southeast Asian descent) 8.6% 8.1% 7.9%
Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and/or Inuk descent) 2.2% 2.5% 2.6%
Latino/Latina/Latinx (Latin American, Hispanic, Central American, or Brazilian descent) 1.6% 1.5% 1.4%
Middle Eastern (Arab, Persian, and/or West Asian descent, e.g., Afghan, Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese, Turkish, Kurdish, etc.) 2.0% 1.8% 1.8%
South Asian (Indian Subcontinent descent, e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Indo-Caribbean, etc.) 8.4% 7.8% 7.5%
White (European descent) 72.6% 74.4% 74.2%
Another race category (please specify) 1.9% 2.3% 2.8%
Number of Responses 33,457 31,624 35,601

*Note 1 for Table #120* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

*Note 2 for Table #120* Race categories have been modified according OPS race data standards.

Table #121: Are you a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran?
Are you a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran? 2021 Proportion
No 98.2%
Yes 1.8%
Number of Responses 37,564


In our society, people are often described by their race or racial background. For example, some people are considered “White”, “Black” or “East/Southeast Asian” etc. “Racialized” is a calculated measure based on responses to the race category question.

Table #122: Racialized
Racialized 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 73.1% 75.1% 75.1%
Yes 25.4% 23.2% 22.8%
Unknown 1.5% 1.7% 2.1%
Number of Responses 33,457 31,624 35,601

Part M: Accommodations – Persons with Disabilities

Disability includes physical, mental, and learning disabilities, mental disorders, hearing or vision disabilities, drug and alcohol dependencies, environmental sensitivities, as well as other conditions.

Table #123: Do you have a disability?
Do you have a disability? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 86.8% 86.8% 87.9%
Yes 13.2% 13.2% 12.1%
Number of Responses 35,883 33,816 38,526

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Do you have a disability?”.

Table #124: Which of the following disabilities do you have?footnote 3
Which of the following disabilities do you have?footnote 3 2021 Proportion
Dexterity: A person whose daily living activities are impacted in relation to using their fingers or hands to grasp objects, with or without the use of assistive devices. 6.5%
Environmental-Related: A person whose daily living activities are impacted by environmentally-linked conditions such as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (ES/MCS) and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. 9.7%
Flexibility: A person whose daily living activities are impacted in relation to bending down or reaching with or without the use of assistive devices. 8.7%
Hearing – Deafness: A person with little or no functional hearing, with or without the use of assistive devices, and who generally uses Sign language, lipreading, speech-reading or reading and writing to communicate. 2.4%
Hearing – Hard of Hearing: A person whose daily living activities are impacted due to a hearing loss and who generally relies on their remaining hearing with or without use of a hearing aid, cochlear implant or other devices. 14.0%
Learning Disability or ADHD: A person whose daily living activities are affected due to an impact on a process related to learning that affects how the person takes in, remembers, understands, organizes or expresses information and the person has average or above abilities (This category also includes people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) which can impact on activity, impulsivity or attention). 17.7%
Mental Health Related or Substance Use Related: A person whose daily living activities may be impacted by an emotional, psychological or mental health condition, with or without the use of medication or therapy, such as an anxiety disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, substance use disorders, anorexia, etc. 43.3%
Mobility: A person whose daily living activities are impacted in their ability to move around, including walking or using stairs, with or without the use of a wheelchair, scooter, walker, cane, braces or other aids or devices. 12.4%
Neurological-Related: A person whose daily living activities are impacted by a disability affecting the nerves or nervous system with or without assistive devices or treatment (e.g., Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson’s Disease, Acquired Brain Injury, etc.) 8.4%
Pain-Related: A person whose daily living activities are impacted because of pain that is always present or periods of pain that reoccur from time to time with or without the use of medication or therapy. 27.6%
Speech Disabilities: A person whose daily living activities are impacted in their ability to speak or communicate with or without assistive devices. 1.2%
Vision – Blindness: A person whose daily living activities are impacted due to having no or very limited useable vision and who may generally rely on audio, braille or tactile information. 0.4%
Vision – Low Vision: A person whose daily living activities are impacted due to a vision loss that cannot be sufficiently improved by eyeglasses, contact lenses or medical or surgical therapy, and who may generally rely on the use of their remaining vision with or without the use of other assistive devices. 5.5%
Other 13.0%
Number of Responses 4,329

*Note for Table #124* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #125: How would you rate the severity of your disability or combined disabilities?
How would you rate the severity of your disability or combined disabilities? 2021 Proportion
Mild 35.8%
Moderate 47.0%
Severe 11.8%
Very Severe 1.9%
I don't know 3.6%
Number of Responses 4,294
Table #126: At what point in your Ontario Public Service career did you feel your condition became or was considered a disability?
At what point in your Ontario Public Service career did you feel your condition became or was considered a disability? 2021 Proportion
Before being hired into the Ontario Public Service 31.8%
When working at the staff level 48.8%
When working at a manager level 6.6%
When working at an executive level 0.7%
I don't know 12.1%
Number of Responses 4,171
Table #127: Persons with a disability
Persons with a disability Responses Mean Favourable
I did not experience barriers due to my disability when securing my first job in the OPS. 1,262 4.3 82.0%
I did not experience barriers due to my disability when securing a new position (promotion or lateral movement) in the OPS. 2,877 3.7 64.6%
Table #128: Do you require accommodation(s) for your disability in order to perform your job?footnote 7
Do you require accommodation(s) for your disability in order to perform your job?footnote 7 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 91.2% 57.8% 57.9%
Yes 8.9% 42.2% 42.1%
Number of Responses 36,277 3,891 4,098

*Note for Table #128* In 2019 and 2018 the above question was only asked to employees who had answered yes to the question “Do you have a disability.” In 2021 this question was asked to all employees.

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Do you require accommodation(s) for your disability in order to perform your job?”.

Table #129: What type of accommodation do you require in order to perform your job?
What type of accommodation do you require in order to perform your job? 2021 Proportion
Alternate formats or communication supports, excluding support persons 7.2%
Assistive technology 13.5%
Modified work schedule, job duties or work location 54.1%
Modified workstation, other than assistive technology 47.1%
Physical workplace environment adjustments 5.2%
Other 14.4%
Number of Responses 2,950

*Note for Table #129* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #130: Have you requested accommodation in order to perform your job?
Have you requested accommodation in order to perform your job? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 12.8% 12.1% 14.1%
Yes 87.2% 87.9% 85.9%
Number of Responses 3,036 1,606 1,699

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Did you request the accommodation(s) you need to perform your job?”.

Table #131: When you requested the accommodation(s), did you identify it was for a disability?
When you requested the accommodation(s), did you identify it was for a disability? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 23.1% 8.9% 8.9%
Yes 76.9% 91.1% 91.1%
Number of Responses 2,449 1,377 1,428
Table #132: Have you been provided with accommodation as a result of your request?
Have you been provided with accommodation as a result of your request? 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
No 15.4% 18.1% 19.6%
Yes 84.6% 81.9% 80.4%
Number of Responses 2,474 1,307 1,370

The following question was addressed to those who answered “No” to the question “Did you request the accommodation(s) you need to perform your job?”.

Table #133: Why didn’t you request the accommodation(s) you would need to perform your job?footnote 3
Why didn’t you request the accommodation(s) you would need to perform your job?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Concern about cost 16.7% 13.4% 9.9%
Concern about privacy or confidentiality 23.0% 44.4% 43.8%
Concern about stigma 39.7% 62.6% 59.2%
Concern about the impact on my career progression 36.4% 55.6% 55.8%
Concern that my request would not be granted 36.1% 39.0% 33.5%
Concern the process is too cumbersome 26.9% 29.4% 25.8%
Did not know I could ask 8.4% 13.4% 14.2%
Uncertainty about outcomes 32.5% 41.2% 38.6%
Other 30.2% 27.3% 20.6
Number of Responses 335 187 233

*Note for Table #133* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

The following question was addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Have you been provided with the accommodation(s) you require to perform your job?”.

Table #134: The accommodation(s) I received allows me to perform my job.
The accommodation(s) I received allows me to perform my job. Responses Mean Favourable
2021 2,079 4.3 83.3%
2019 1,064 4.1 77.6%
2018 1,097 4.2 78.3%

The following question was addressed to those who answered “No” to the question “Have you been provided with the accommodation(s) you require to perform your job?”.

Table #135: What reason were you provided for not being granted the accommodation(s)?footnote 3
What reason were you provided for not being granted the accommodation(s)?footnote 3 2021 Proportion 2019 Proportion 2018 Proportion
Alternative accommodation was offered, but rejected 4.5% 4.2% 4.5%
Insufficient documentation (medical documentation inadequate) 10.6% 9.2% 7.4%
No reason provided 35.6% 38.7% 38.3%
Providing accommodation would cause undue hardship 5.0% 8.8% 4.1%
Threat to health and safety 1,4% 1.8% 1.7%
Other 50.7% 57.6% 56.8
Number of Responses 357 217 243

*Note for Table #135* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Have you been provided with the accommodation(s) you require to perform your job?”.

Table #136: If you were provided accommodation in the past twelve months, select the statement that best describes your experience.
If you were provided accommodation in the past twelve months, select the statement that best describes your experience. 2021 Proportion
I was provided with the same level of accommodation as before 56.6%
I was provided with a higher level of accommodation than before 19.7%
I was provided with a lower level of accommodation than before 9.6%
I was not provided with any accommodation in the past twelve months 14.1%
Number of Responses 1,891
Table #137: Have you been provided with accommodation in the form of accessible technologies as a result of your request (e.g., software, devices, etc.)?
Have you been provided with accommodation in the form of accessible technologies as a result of your request (e.g., software, devices, etc.)? 2021 Proportion
No 74.0%
Yes 26.0%
Number of Responses 1,916

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Have you been provided with accommodation in the form of accessible technologies as a result of your request?”.

Table #138: If you were provided accommodation in the form of accessible technologies (e.g., software, devices, etc.) in the past twelve months, select the statement that best describes your experience.
If you were provided accommodation in the form of accessible technologies (e.g., software, devices, etc.) in the past twelve months, select the statement that best describes your experience. 2021 Proportion
I was provided with the same level of accessible technologies as before 63.3%
I was provided with a higher level of accessible technologies than before 24.8%
I was provided with a lower level of accessible technologies than before 5.3%
I was not provided with any accessible technologies in the past twelve months 6.6%
Number of Responses 468
Table #139: Did you make the request for accommodation you need to perform your job in the past twelve months?
Did you make the request for accommodation you need to perform your job in the past twelve months? 2021 Proportion
No 47.0%
Yes 53.0%
Number of Responses 2,492

The following questions were addressed to those who answered “Yes” to the question “Did you make the request for accommodation you need to perform your job in the past twelve months?”.

Table #140: If you have requested accommodation in the past twelve months, which of the following positive statements accurately reflect your experience?
If you have requested accommodation in the past twelve months, which of the following positive statements accurately reflect your experience? 2021 Proportion
My manager treated me with respect 70.6%
My manager was knowledgeable about the duty to accommodate and the employment accommodation process 59.3%
My privacy and confidentiality were protected 52.4%
The process was fair 43.3%
Not applicable 13.4%
Number of Responses 1,106

*Note for Table #140* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Table #141: If you have requested accommodation in the past twelve months, which of the following negative statements accurately reflect your experience?
If you have requested accommodation in the past twelve months, which of the following negative statements accurately reflect your experience? 2021 Proportion
My manager did not communicate well with me throughout the process 22.0%
My manager did not have enough access to information about my type of disability to effectively manage my accommodations request 11.6%
The process was hard to navigate 22.3%
The process was not completed within a reasonable length of time 24.9%
Not applicable 55.0%
Number of Responses 1,164

*Note for Table #141* This question was a multi-select question (meaning a respondent could choose more than one answer). As a result, the percentages could add up to more than 100%.

Part N: Communicating Results

Table #142: I am confident that the results of the survey will be addressed.
I am confident that the results of the survey will be addressed. Responses Mean Favourable
2021 37,796 3.1 38.3%
2019 35,167 2.8 30.4%
2018 40,645 3.1 37.9%

Part O: Response Rates

Table #143: Response Rates
Response Rates OPS
2021 62.6%
2019 56.9%
2018 61.3%

Contact Information

Office of the Public Service Commission (OPSC), Treasury Board Secretariat

315 Front Street West
2nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 0B8