Appendix B
Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Infrastructure


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Infrastructure under Order in Council O.C. 1155/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Government and Consumer Services under Order in Council O.C. 1152/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, in respect of certain Government property matters including but not limited to:
    1. The powers, duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the SkyDome Act (Bus Parking), 2002; and
    2. The ministerial powers, duties, functions and responsibilities under the following provisions:
      1. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, subsection 81(3)
      2. Ontario Water Resources Act, subsection 26(2)
      3. Public Lands Act, subsection 46(2)


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Infrastructure under Order in Council O.C. 1155/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly.
  2. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services under Order in Council O.C. 1152/2018, dated October 22, 2018, as amended, in respect of certain Government property matters, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly. These include but are not limited to the functions, responsibilities and programs, in respect of Government property, of the Ministry under the Ministry of Infrastructure Act, 2011 and the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporations Act, 2011.

Order in Council 1198/2022