Table A16: 10 year Trend for NOX

Annual Mean (ppb)

INS indicates there was insufficient data to calculate a valid annual mean.
n/a indicates data not available.
Station 15026 replaced station 15025 as the London site in 2013.
Station 45026 replaced station 45025 as the Oshawa site in 2005.

Table A17: 10 year Trend for CO

1h Maximum (ppm)
CO 1h AAQC: 30 ppm

Table A18: 10 year Trend for SO2

Annual Mean (ppb)
SO2 1y AAQC: 20 ppb

n/a indicates pollutant not monitored.
INS indicates there was insufficient data to calculate a valid annual mean.
Station 46108 replaced station 46109 as the Mississauga site in 2008.
Station 77233 replaced station 77219 as the Sudbury site in 2013.

Table A19: Ozone and PM2.5 CAAQS Metric Values for Designated Sites Across Ontario (2015)

Designated sites include communities with populations greater than 100,000.
Toronto reporting is based on Toronto Downtown, Toronto North, Toronto East and Toronto West stations.
The CAAQS for ozone is based on the consecutive three year average of the annual 4th highest daily maximum eight-hour running average.
The CAAQS for 24h PM2.5 is based on the 98th percentile measurement annually, averaged over three consecutive years.
The CAAQS for annual PM2.5 is based on the annual mean averaged over three consecutive years.
Asterisk indicates an exceedance of the CAAQS; the calculated metrics presented in this table do not include weight of evidence (WOE) analysis.

Table A20: Ozone CAAQS Metric Values Using the Weight of Evidence Approach (2015)

Ozone concentrations reported in ppb.
Asterisk indicates an exceedance of the CAAQS.
Square brackets [] indicate a weight of evidence (WOE) analysis was not required.