Table A21: Number of Transboundary Flow Days Removed for Ozone, 2013-2015

Note: The removal of transboundary flow days is not required when the corresponding annual 4th highest daily maximum eight-hour running average(s) meet the ozone CAAQS.

Table A22: 2015 Air Quality Health Index Summary

Table A23: Summary of Air Quality Alerts (2015)

Table A24: 2014 Benzene Annual Statistics

Unit: micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3)
Benzene 24h AAQC: 2.3 µg/m3
Benzene Annual AAQC: 0.45 µg/m3

Table A25: 2014 Toluene Annual Statistics

Unit: micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3)
Toluene 24h AAQC (based on odour): 2,000 µg/m3