
Statutes Administered By The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

  • AgriCorp Act, 1996
  • Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act
  • Agricultural Employees Protection Act, 2002
  • Agricultural Products Insurance Act, 1996
  • Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario Act
  • Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act
  • Animal Health Act, 2009
  • Animals for Research Act
  • Beef Cattle Marketing Act
  • Bees Act
  • Christmas Tree Day Act, 2015
  • Commodity Board Members Act
  • Commodity Boards and Marketing Agencies Act
  • Drainage Act
  • Farm Implements Act
  • Farm Products Containers Act
  • Farm Products Grades and Sales Act
  • Farm Products Marketing Act
  • Farm Products Payments Act
  • Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act, 1993
  • Farming and Food Production Protection Act, 1998
  • Fish Inspection Act
  • Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001
  • Grains Act
  • Livestock and Livestock Products Act
  • Livestock Community Sales Act
  • Livestock Identification Act
  • Livestock Medicines Act
  • Local Food Act, 2013
  • Milk Act
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act
  • Nutrient Management Act, 2002, in respect of: the development and approval of nutrient management plans and strategies; registries for nutrient management plans and strategies and other documents; licences and certificates; authorizations; and the delegation of powers and duties pursuant to section 56 of this Act.
  • Ontario Agriculture Week Act, 1998
  • Ontario Craft Beer Week Act, 2017
  • Ontario Food Terminal Act
  • Plant Diseases Act
  • Pounds Act
  • Protection of Livestock and Poultry from Dogs Act
  • Tile Drainage Act
  • Veterinarians Act
  • Weed Control Act

Order in Council 1142/2018