
Statutes Administered by the Attorney General

  • Absconding Debtors Act
  • Absentees Act
  • Accumulations Act
  • Administration of Justice Act
  • Age of Majority and Accountability Act
  • Alcohol and Gaming Regulation and Public Protection Act, 1996, in respect of Part I
  • Aliens' Real Property Act
  • Apology Act, 2009
  • Arbitration Act, 1991
  • Architects Act
  • Assessment Review Board Act
  • Bail Act
  • Barristers Act
  • Blind Persons' Rights Act
  • Business Records Protection Act
  • Cannabis Act, 2017
  • Charities Accounting Act
  • Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario Act, 2017
  • Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, in respect of: section 151 and paragraph 10 of section 344; and section 333 and paragraph 1 of section 349
  • Children's Law Reform Act
  • Civil Remedies Act, 2001
  • Class Proceedings Act, 1992
  • Commercial Mediation Act, 2010
  • Commissioners for taking Affidavits Act
  • Compensation for Victims of Crime Act
  • Construction Act
  • Conveyancing and Law of Property Act
  • Costs of Distress Act
  • Courts of Justice Act
  • Creditors' Relief Act, 2010
  • Crown Administration of Estates Act
  • Crown Agency Act
  • Crown Attorneys Act
  • Crown Witnesses Act
  • Declarations of Death Act, 2002
  • Disorderly Houses Act
  • Dog Owners' Liability Act
  • Donation of Food Act, 1994
  • Education Act, in respect of section 57
  • Election Act
  • Election Finances Act
  • Electoral System Referendum Act, 2007
  • Electronic Commerce Act, 2000
  • Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act, 1999
  • Environmental Review Tribunal Act, 2000
  • Escheats Act, 2015
  • Estates Act
  • Estates Administration Act
  • Evidence Act
  • Execution Act
  • Executive Council Act
  • Expropriations Act
  • Family Law Act
  • Fines and Forfeitures Act
  • Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, in respect of: subsections 26(3)-(5) and (7), section 27, subsections 33 (2)-(3) and 36 (4)-(5) and Part X; and subsection 26(8) for adjudicative powers relating to the Fire Safety Commission
  • Fraudulent Conveyances Act
  • Frustrated Contracts Act
  • Gaming Control Act, 1992
  • Good Samaritan Act, 2001
  • Habeas Corpus Act
  • Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015
  • Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Inquiries Act
  • Human Rights Code
  • Human Trafficking Awareness Day Act, 2017
  • Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, 2002
  • International Choice of Court Agreements Convention Act, 2017
  • International Commercial Arbitration Act, 2017
  • International Electronic Communications Convention Act, 2017
  • International Interests in Mobile Equipment Act (Aircraft Equipment), 2002
  • International Recognition of Trusts Act, 2017
  • International Sales Conventions Act
  • Interprovincial Summonses Act
  • Judicial Review Procedure Act
  • Juries Act
  • Justices of the Peace Act
  • Law Society Act
  • Legal Aid Services Act, 1998
  • Legislation Act, 2006
  • Legislative Assembly Act
  • Libel and Slander Act
  • Licence Appeal Tribunal Act, 1999
  • Lieutenant Governor Act
  • Limitations Act, 2002
  • Liquor Licence Act
  • Local Planning Appeal Support Centre Act, 2017
  • Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act, 2017
  • Members’ Integrity Act, 1994
  • Mercantile Law Amendment Act
  • Ministry of Correctional Services Act, 1990, in respect of: sections 31 to 34, subsection 34.1(3), clause 58(e), and paragraphs (j) and (k) of subsection 60(1)
  • Ministry of Natural Resources Act, in respect of section 6
  • Ministry of the Attorney General Act
  • Mortgages Act
  • Negligence Act
  • Notaries Act
  • Occupiers' Liability Act
  • Ombudsman Act
  • Ontario Association of Former Parliamentarians Act, 2000
  • Ontario Heritage Act, in respect of Part III
  • Ontario Policing Discipline Tribunal Act, 2018
  • Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, in respect of: section 16; subsections 17(3)-(5) and (7) and section 18
  • Ontario Special Investigations Unit Act, 2018
  • Ontario Works Act, 1997, in respect of Part IV
  • Parental Responsibility Act, 2000
  • Partition Act
  • Pawnbrokers Act
  • Perpetuities Act
  • Police Services Act, in respect of: subsections 22 (3) and 82 (3) for adjudicative powers and procedures related to the Ontario Civilian Police Commission;  sections 79 (1) and (3), 93 and paragraphs 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4 of subsection 135 (1) for matters relating to public complaints;  section 21, clause 22 (1) (f), subsections 23 (7)-(8) and (11)-(12); Part II.1; sections 47 (7)-(8), 56-60, 61 (1)-(2), (5)-(8) and (10), 62-63, 66-68.2, 69 (1)-(7) and (9)-(15), 71-75, 79 (2) and (4), 83 (3)-(4), 86, 87 (5) and (7), 88, 90 (2), 90.1, 91-92; Part VII; subsection 116 (2), paragraphs 4.1, 23, 24, 24.1, 25 of subsection 135 (1) and subsections 135 (1.1) and (1.2)
  • Policing Oversight Act, 2018
  • Powers of Attorney Act
  • Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking Act, 2017
  • Proceedings Against the Crown Act
  • Professional Engineers Act
  • Prohibiting Profiting from Recounting Crimes Act, 2002
  • Property and Civil Rights Act
  • Provincial Offences Act
  • Public Accounting Act, 2004
  • Public Authorities Protection Act
  • Public Guardian and Trustee Act
  • Public Inquiries Act, 2009
  • Public Officers Act
  • Real Property Limitations Act
  • Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments (U.K.) Act
  • Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act
  • Religious Freedom Act
  • Religious Organizations' Lands Act
  • Representation Act, 2015
  • Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, in respect of: Part XI; Part XII except for subsection 194 (3), sections 203 and 203.1; and paragraphs 61-67 and 69-71 of subsection 241 (1)
  • Revised Statutes Confirmation and Corrections Act, 1993
  • Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017
  • Safe Streets Act, 1999
  • Sale of Goods Act
  • Settled Estates Act
  • Settlement of International Investment Disputes Act, 1999
  • Short Forms of Leases Act
  • Solicitors Act
  • Statute of Frauds
  • Statutory Powers Procedure Act
  • Substitute Decisions Act, 1992
  • Succession Law Reform Act
  • Ticket Sales Act, 2017, in respect of: section 4 and Part IV; sections 2 and 3 and Part III, except for enforcement purposes; and shared with the Minister of Government and Consumer Services, the administration of Parts I and VIII, and section 36
  • Time Act
  • Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, 2009
  • Transboundary Pollution Reciprocal Access Act
  • Trespass to Property Act
  • Trustee Act
  • Unconscionable Transactions Relief Act
  • Variation of Trusts Act
  • Vendors and Purchasers Act
  • Victims’ Bill of Rights, 1995
  • Wages Act
  • Warehouse Receipts Act

Order in Council 1143/2018