
Statutes administered by the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services

  • British Home Child Day Act, 2011
  • Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, in respect of children and youth services and adoption information disclosure, except as it relates to section 151 and paragraph 10 of section 344, and section 333 and paragraph 1 of section 349; and core mental health services for children and youth
  • Children and Youth in Care Day Act, 2014
  • Deaf-Blind Awareness Month Act, 2000
  • District Social Services Administration Boards Act
  • Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act, 1996
  • Health Protection and Promotion Act, in respect of the Healthy Babies Healthy Children program as described in the standards published under section 7, and any other provision of the Act as it relates to the administration of section 7 respecting that program 
  • Holocaust Memorial Day Act, 1998
  • Holodomor Memorial Day Act, 2009
  • Indian Welfare Services Act
  • Intercountry Adoption Act, 1998
  • Intergenerational Day Canada Act, 2015
  • Lincoln Alexander Day Act, 2013
  • Ministry of Citizenship and Culture Act, in respect of citizenship matters
  • Ministry of Community and Social Services Act, in respect of children, youth, community, and social services, except as it relates to child care programs and services; core mental health services for children and youth; and sections 11.1 and 12 as they relate to Long-Term Care Programs and Services
  • Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent Act, 2009
  • Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997
  • Ontario Down Syndrome Day Act, 2016
  • Ontario Flag Day Act, 2015
  • Ontario Immigration Act, 2015, in respect of:
    • Sections 2 and 3 of Part I, except as it relates to immigration training programs and the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
    • Part III, except as it relates to immigration training programs
    • Section 21 of Part IV, except as it relates to immigration training programs and the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
  • Ontario Works Act, 1997, except in respect of Part IV
  • Pope John Paul II Day Act, 2014
  • Poverty Reduction Act, 2009
  • Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth Act, 2007
  • Remembrance Week Act, 2016
  • Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008
  • Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998
  • Soldiers’ Aid Commission Act (The)
  • Trans Day of Remembrance Act, 2017
  • Vimy Ridge Day Act, 2010

Order in Council 1144/2018