Appendix -

Statutes Administered by the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

  • Adams Mine Lake Act, 2004
  • Capital Plan Investment Act, 1993, in respect of the Ontario Clean Water Agency
  • Clean Water Act, 2006
  • Conservation Authorities Act, except in respect of clause 13.1 (6) (b) as it applies to flood control, clause 21 (1) (o), section 23, section 28 as it applies to matters that relate to the management and control of natural hazards, and subsection 32 (1), as well as in respect of sections 28 to 28.4 and clauses 40 (3) (e), (f), (g) and (h) on and after the date those provisions come into force
  • Consolidated Hearings Act
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act, 2016
  • Endangered Species Act, 2007, except in respect subsection 54 (2), which is shared with the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry
  • English and Wabigoon Rivers Remediation Funding Act, 2017
  • Environmental Assessment Act
  • Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993
  • Environmental Protection Act
  • Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015
  • Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park Act, 2003
  • Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008
  • Ministry of the Environment Act
  • Ministry of Natural Resources Act, in respect of sections 7, 9, and 12 to support the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of the Minister related to conservation authorities, provincial parks, conservation reserves and species at risk
  • Municipal Water and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997
  • Nutrient Management Act, 2002, except in respect of: the development and approval of nutrient management plans and strategies; registries for nutrient management plans and strategies and other documents; licences and certificates; authorizations; and the delegation of powers and duties pursuant to section 56 of this Act.
  • Ontario Water Resources Act
  • Pesticides Act
  • Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006
  • Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016
  • Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002
  • Toxics Reduction Act, 2009
  • Waste Diversion Transition Act, 2016
  • Water Opportunities Act, 2010, except in respect of Part II

Order in Council 1149/2018