
Statutes Administered by the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care

  • Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation Act
  • Ambulance Act
  • Brain Tumour Awareness Month Act, 2001
  • Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 in respect of sections 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18 and 20
  • Cancer Act
  • Chase McEachern Act (Heart Defibrillator Civil Liability), 2007
  • Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 in respect of core mental health services for children and youth; and except in respect of sections 151, 222-227, 333, paragraph 10 of section 344, paragraphs 14-20 of subsection 346(1), paragraph 1 of section 349
  • Commitment to the Future of Medicare Act, 2004
  • Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act
  • Drug Interchangeability and Dispensing Fee Act
  • Electronic Cigarettes Act, 2015
  • Excellent Care for All Act, 2010
  • First Responders Day Act, 2013, responsibility for which is shared with the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
  • Fluoridation Act
  • Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act
  • Health Care Consent Act, 1996
  • Health Facilities Special Orders Act
  • Health Insurance Act
  • Health Protection and Promotion Act except the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities under section 7 as it relates to the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children program as described in the standards published under section 7; and any other provision of the Act  as it relates to the administration of section 7 respecting that program
  • Health Sector Payment Transparency Act, 2017
  • Healthy Menu Choices Act, 2015
  • Home Care and Community Services Act, 1994
  • Homemakers and Nurses Services Act
  • Homes for Special Care Act
  • Immunization of School Pupils Act
  • Independent Health Facilities Act
  • Katelyn Bedard Bone Marrow Awareness Month Act, 2010
  • Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act
  • Local Health System Integration Act, 2006
  • Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007
  • Lung Health Act, 2017
  • Mental Health Act
  • Ministry of Community and Social Services Act in respect of core mental health services for children and youth and sections 11.1 and 12 respecting Long-Term Care Programs and Services
  • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Act
  • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Appeal & Review Boards Act, 1998
  • Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010
  • Nurse Practitioner Week Act, 2016
  • Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Act, 2007
  • Ontario Drug Benefit Act
  • Ontario Medical Association Dues Act, 1991
  • Oversight of Health Facilities and Devices Act, 2017
  • PANDAS/PANS Awareness Day Act, 2016
  • Patient Restraints Minimization Act, 2001
  • Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004
  • Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness, Research and Care Act, 2015
  • Private Hospitals Act
  • Provincial Framework and Action Plan concerning Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases Act, 2015
  • Public Hospitals Act
  • Quality of Care Information Protection Act, 2016
  • Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991
    • Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Act, 1991
    • Chiropody Act, 1991
    • Chiropractic Act, 1991
    • Dental Hygiene Act, 1991
    • Dental Technology Act, 1991
    • Dentistry Act, 1991
    • Denturism Act, 1991
    • Dietetics Act, 1991
    • Homeopathy Act, 2007
    • Kinesiology Act, 2007
    • Massage Therapy Act, 1991
    • Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991
    • Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017
    • Medical Radiation Technology Act, 1991
    • Medicine Act, 1991
    • Midwifery Act, 1991
    • Naturopathy Act, 2007
    • Nursing Act, 1991
    • Occupational Therapy Act, 1991
    • Opticianry Act, 1991
    • Optometry Act, 1991
    • Pharmacy Act, 1991
    • Physiotherapy Act, 1991
    • Psychology Act, 1991
    • Psychotherapy Act, 2007
    • Respiratory Therapy Act, 1991
    • Traditional Chinese Medicine Act, 2006
  • Safeguarding our Communities Act (Patch for Patch Return Policy), 2015
  • Skin Cancer Prevention Act (Tanning Beds), 2013
  • Smoke-Free Ontario Act
  • Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017
  • Terry Fox Day Act, 2015
  • Trillium Gift of Life Network Act
  • University Health Network Act, 1997
  • University of Ottawa Heart Institute Act, 1999
  • Voluntary Blood Donations Act, 2014

Order in Council 1153/2018