Minister’s directive

to: the ontario energy board

I, Glenn Thibeault, hereby direct the Ontario Energy Board (“the Board”) pursuant to section 28.6.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 as follows:

  1. The Board shall amend the conditions of 2472883 Ontario Limited on behalf of Wataynikaneyap Power LP’s (“Wataynikaneyap Power LP”) electricity transmission licence to include a requirement that Wataynikaneyap Power LP proceed to do the following related to expansion of the transmission system to connect the sixteen remote First Nation communities listed in Appendix A (collectively the “Remote Communities”) to the provincial electricity grid:
    1. Develop and seek approvals for a transmission line, which shall be composed of a new 230 kV line originating at a point between Ignace and Dryden and terminating in Pickle Lake (the “Line to Pickle Lake”). The development of the Line to Pickle Lake shall accord with the scope recommended by the Independent Electricity System Operator.
    2. Develop and seek approvals for the transmission lines extending north from Red Lake and Pickle Lake required to connect the Remote Communities to the provincial electricity grid. The development of these transmission lines shall accord with the scope supported by the Independent Electricity System Operator.
  2. The Board shall require that Wataynikaneyap Power LP provide such reporting to the Board as the Board may consider appropriate, with respect to budget, timing, and risks in relation to the development of the projects referred to in paragraph 1.
  3. The Board shall make the amendments to the electricity transmission licence of Wataynikaneyap Power LP without holding a hearing.

Appendix A

  1. Sandy Lake
  2. Poplar Hill
  3. Deer Lake
  4. North Spirit Lake
  5. Kee-Way-Win
  6. Kingfisher 
  7. Wawakapewin
  8. Kasabonika Lake
  9. Wunnumin 
  10. Wapekeka
  11. Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
  12. Bearskin Lake
  13. Muskrat Dam Lake
  14. Sachigo Lake
  15. North Caribou Lake

Order in Council 1158/2016