Application Guidelines

Ministry of Health
June 3, 2024


These “Application Guidelines” are meant to assist Applicants in completing the Application Form (hereafter referred to as the “Application”) to operate Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSCs) for the provision of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) services and Computed Tomography (CT) scans.

The Director of ICHSCs has issued this Call for Applications in accordance with section 5 of the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023 (ICHSCA), to consider the issuance of new ICHSC licences in accordance with the criteria set out in section 6 of the ICHSCA to provide insured MRI scans and CT scans in community- based settings in Ontario.

This Call for Applications will accept applications for proposed or from existing Health Facilities that meet the minimum eligibility requirements set out in section 1 of the Application.

Applicants should illustrate their ability to provide MRI and/or CT scans upon issuance of an ICHSC licence, to address waitlists and wait times, and to improve patient access to care, patient experience and health system efficiency in the community.

Instructions for completing the Application

These documents support the Call for Applications and are intended to be used in conjunction with each other:

  1. Application Guidelines for the Call for Applications (Application Guidelines); and
  2. Application.

The Application Guidelines provide overarching information about the application process. The Application consists of a cover sheet and nine sections, all of which must be completed in their entirety:

  1. Minimum eligibility requirements
  2. Service delivery requirements
  3. Quality assurance program
  4. Business, clinical and professional experience
  5. Physical nature
  6. Staffing model
  7. Health system linkages
  8. Health equity
  9. Uninsured services

The Application will also include a section with Declarations and Signatures as well as a final checklist for the required submission. A glossary of common terms used throughout the Application Guidelines and Application is provided as Appendix I of the Application Guidelines.

Submission of Application

How and when to submit Application

Completed Applications must be submitted electronically, via email, to the Ministry at by the Application Submission Deadline.

Unless amended by the Ministry, the Application Submission Deadline is August 12, 2024, 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).

Please note the following to ensure your application is accepted:

  • Applications received by the Ministry after the Application Submission Deadline will not be accepted.
  • Only one submission per modality for a licence (i.e., an individual health facility location) will be accepted, and it must be emailed in a single email; only the first email submission will be considered.
  • A hard copy of the Application, or any part of it, will not be accepted.
  • Failure to adhere to the specified format for submission outlined in the Call for Applications and Guidelines will result in the application not being reviewed or considered as part of this Call for Application process.

Other considerations

  • Documents that have not been requested as part of the Application or are not required may not be considered.
  • The Applicant cannot make any changes to the Application once it is submitted to the Ministry.

Costs of preparing the Application

  • Any costs associated with preparing and/or submitting the Application are solely the responsibility of the Applicant. Neither the Ministry nor any agency of the Government of Ontario is responsible under any circumstances whatsoever for any expenses incurred by the Applicant related to the Application process.

The Ministry will send an acknowledgement by e-mail, confirming receipt of the Application and the date and time of receipt, within one business day of receipt of the Application.

Applicants should:

  1. Review the Application Guidelines and the Application in their entirety.
  2. Obtain copies of and carefully review all relevant legislation and regulations, including the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023 (ICHSCA) and its regulation (O. Reg. 215/23).
  3. Complete the Application, referring to the Application Guidelines where necessary. Applicants should use the Final Checklist provided at the end of the Application to guide the format of the Application and as a final confirmation that all necessary requirements have been met. All pages of the Application submission must be consecutively numbered for ease of reference and include the total number of pages in the submission (i.e., page 1 of 50, page 2 of 50, etc.).
  4. Email the completed Application in a single pdf document to with “[MRI or CT] - Application for an Integrated Community Health Services Centre Licence” in the subject line. Only the first email submission for a modality for a licence (i.e., an individual health facility location) from an Applicant will be accepted.

Assessment of Applications

All Applications received by the Application Submission Deadline that meet the minimum eligibility requirements set out in section 1 of the Application will be considered by the Director in accordance with the criteria set out in section 6 of the ICHSCA, as well as other considerations that the Director, in their sole discretion, determines to be relevant and appropriate, using the Application Guidelines as a non- exclusive guide.

The Director may reject any or all Applications by written letter, request clarification or modification of any Application, or request additional information, site visit and/or interview regarding any Application.

The Director, in their sole discretion, may deem the Application incomplete and, discontinue consideration of the Application if the information provided in the Application is considered incomplete or unclear.

The Call for Applications, the Application Guidelines, and the submission of the Application (and/or other material in connection with the Call for Applications, Application Guidelines and Application) do not create any contractual or other legally enforceable obligation on the Ministry, the Applicant, or anyone.

An Application submitted in response to the Call for Applications shall be considered for evaluation when all the following criteria have been met:

  • it has been received by the Ministry on or before the Application Submission Deadline
  • it has met all minimum eligibility requirements set out in section 1 of the Application
  • it is completed and signed in relevant sections
  • it includes all items listed on the Final Checklist of the Application
  • it has not been disqualified based on the items listed in the “Disqualification of Application” section or other sections below

Only Applications that meet all the above criteria will be scored by the Ministry evaluation panel.

The evaluation panel will make recommendations to the Director based on whether an Applicant has met the minimum requirements, the required contents for a licence application as set out under subsection 5(4) of the ICHSCA, and any other required information requested in the Application to be considered for licensing.

Under the ICHSCA the Director has the discretion to issue a licence for establishment of operations if the requirements have been met but the Director is under no obligation to issue any licences.

The Director is not required to issue a licence to any person and may prefer any application over other applications. Should the Director issue multiple licences, the issuance of licences may occur over a period of time and there is no requirement that all licences be issued on the same date.

Short-listing Applicants

The Director reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to identify a short list of Applicants following the Application Submission Deadline, and to request such further or other information from those Applicants, site visits and/or to interviews, as the Director, in their sole discretion, determines to be necessary or appropriate, in accordance with the ICHSCA.

Disqualification of Application

The Director may, in their sole discretion, discontinue assessment of an Application and/or disqualify an Applicant at any time without penalty or liability if:

  • In the Director’s opinion, the Application contains false or misleading information (including supporting documentation such as the Certificate of Professional Conduct (CPC)) or the Applicant, or officers or directors or any person with an interest affecting control of the corporation, if applicable, misrepresents any information provided in, or in connection with, the Application;
  • The Applicant, fails to submit, complete, or fully execute the Application in the requested format;
  • The Applicant fails to cooperate with the Ministry in its attempt to verify or clarify any information provided in the Application;
  • The Application reveals, in the opinion of the Director, a conflict of interest;
  • The Applicant is known to have prior knowledge or information related to the assessment evaluation and scoring system for the Application;
  • The conduct of the Applicant, or officers or directors or any person with an interest affecting control of the corporation, if applicable, affords the Director reasonable grounds for belief that:
    • the Health Facility will not be operated in accordance with the law and with honesty and integrity
    • the Health Facility will be operated in a manner that is prejudicial to the health, safety or welfare of any person
    • the Health Facility will not be operated competently and in a responsible manner, in accordance with the ICHSCA and its regulation and any other applicable Act or regulation
    • the services specified in the Call for Applications will not be provided or will not comply with the quality and safety standards
  • The Applicant, or officers or directors or any person with an interest affecting control of the corporation, attempts to influence the outcome of the Director’s decision outside the parameters of the Call for Applications, including contacting parties noted in the following section.

Contact during the application process

Any communications or inquiries regarding the Call for Applications or application process may be sent to the Ministry by email to

Applicants may communicate with each other for the purpose of submitting a joint Application.

Applicants are expected to act in good faith and should not collude with each other to lessen competition between Applicants and deprive the Ministry of the benefit of a competitive and open process.

Applicants, or any individuals assisting the Applicants are not permitted to contact the following individuals to discuss this Application process:

  • any staff of the Premier of Ontario’s office or the Ontario Cabinet Office
  • any Member of Provincial Parliament or their staff
  • any member of Cabinet, including the Minister of Health, or their staff or advisors
  • any member of Ontario Health, including their staff, advisors or board members

Application forms

It is essential to complete the appropriate application form corresponding to the service the Applicant intends to provide. Each form is tailored to gather specific information relevant to the respective service, ensuring a streamlined and comprehensive evaluation process for both MRI and CT scan services. Applicants may apply for a licence for both MRI scans and CT scans and will be required to submit and be evaluated on each distinct application separately.

Questions and answers

Questions about the Call for Applications process, the Application Guidelines, and/or the Application must be emailed to and be received by the Questions Submission Deadline.

Unless amended by the Ministry, the Questions Submission Deadline is June 17, 2024, 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).

Responses to questions received by the Questions Submission Deadline will be posted on the Ministry’s ICHSC web page so that all potential Applicants may benefit from the response. Note that the posted material will not identify who submitted the question.

Changes to the Application Guidelines and related documents

At any time, and from time to time, the Ministry may make changes, including substantial changes, to this Application Guidelines and related documents including the Application by way of new information on the Ministry’s ICHSC web page.

Updates about the Call for Applications process

In addition to the responses to any questions that may be received by the Questions Submission Deadline, additional information, clarification, and/or updates about the Call for Applications process, the Application Guidelines, and/or the Application may be posted on the Ministry’s ICHSC web page. Applicants are responsible for checking the site regularly up to and including the Application Submission Deadline.

Summary of process - General steps in the Application process and what happens if an Application is conditionally approved

  1. The Call for Applications is open on June 3, 2024.
  2. The Application Questions Submission Window will be open for 2 weeks, closing on the Application Questions Submission Deadline.
  3. Applicants submit completed Applications, including all required supporting documentation, to the Ministry by the Application Submission Deadline.
  4. All Applications received by the Application Submission Deadline will be reviewed by the Ministry.
  5. Applications that are complete, that have not been disqualified and that meet the Minimum Eligibility Requirements will be evaluated by the evaluation panel, who may consult with health sector partners (e.g., Ontario Health) about a de- identified Application in relation to content and feasibility.
  6. If the Application is successful, the Director will advise the Applicant in writing that the Application is conditionally approved, subject to completion of certain specified requirements including a pre-licensing quality assurance inspection.
  7. The Applicant must complete all requirements set out in the conditional approval for the Director to consider issuing the successful Applicant a licence under the ICHSCA.

For more information on each of these steps, please see the appropriate sections of the Guidelines.

Applicant eligibility

The Call for Applications is open to all Applicants, including Applicants proposing to establish a new centre, new centres seeking to become an ICHSC, existing ICHSCs seeking to be licensed for an additional modality, and public hospitals that meet the minimum eligibility requirements (see below).

Existing ICHSCs, including those licensed for either MRI or CT services, that are seeking to be licensed for a new modality are required to submit an Application through this call for Applications process.

Hospitals seeking to be licensed as an ICHSC may apply, provided that the proposed ICHSC will not be located at or within the same building, premises, or place where a public hospital site is operated under the Public Hospitals Act.

The purpose of this restriction is to ensure that the ICHSC and its facility cost funding is completely separate from the funding the corporation receives for hospital purposes (e.g., global funding, QBP) and will be used solely in support of patient care at an ICHSC. ICHSCs and hospitals are subject to different regulatory, quality assurance and funding model requirements under separate legislative schemes. Maintaining a clear delineation of hospital and ICHSC operations will promote regulatory clarity, financial transparency and accountability.

Additionally, where a hospital is proposing to dispose of an interest in any land, a building or other premises that were acquired or used for the purposes of a hospital, the hospital would need to obtain approval under subsection 4(4) of the Public Hospitals Act.

Applicants will need to agree to all of the following minimum eligibility requirements, as set out in section 1 of the Application, to be considered under this Call for Applications:

  • comply with requirements of the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023
  • provide licensed services that are performed in Ontario
  • comply with requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
  • comply with the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) and its regulations, including O. Reg. 107/96 (Controlled Acts)
  • conform to all requirements and standards established in the Integrated Community Health Services Centre Quality Assurance program under the Inspecting Body, Accreditation Canada, while operating a licensed ICHSC
  • abide by the Ontario Fire Code certified fire safety, emergency and evacuation planning for the Health Facility, including any related policies and procedures
  • comply fully with the mandatory pre-licensing inspection conducted by Accreditation Canada that is required if the Applicant is offered a licence to become a Health Services Centre
  • submit information in the format and frequency as specified in the TPA, which may include data entry into specific information systems
  • establish connection with the Wait Times Information System (WTIS) and support the integration requirements
  • confirm understanding that future licensing requirements can include digital connectivity and reporting requirements, such as participation in the centralized waitlist management program, the regional central intake program, the provincial electronic health record, etc.


The Minister of Health (Minister) will pay Facility Costs to ICHSCs for MRI and CT services in accordance with the ICHSCA and pursuant to terms of the Transfer Payment Agreements (TPAs) that will be established with successful Applicants for an ICHSC licence. The minister will provide the Facility Cost to the licensee for insured MRI scans at $297 per hour and the Facility Costs for insured CT scans will be paid at $250 per hour.

The ICHSCA defines a Facility Cost as a charge, fee or payment for or in respect of a service or operating cost that supports, assists, or is a necessary adjunct to an insured Service, and is not part of the insured service.

Physician professional fees for insured services are separate from facility costs. Funding for facility costs does not include and will not be provided for:

  • the establishment of a new Health Facility
  • Acquisition, installation, replacement of MRI or CT scanners
  • renovation or expansion of an existing Health Facility
  • any other capital costs or leasehold improvements

Scope of services

The following are the ICHSC licensed MRI services, as they are described and listed under the Schedule of Benefits for Physician Services, that would be eligible for facility costs from the Ministry to the licensee.

MRI Services eligible for facility costs
Physician Schedule of Benefits Fee Schedule CodeDescription
X421Head multi-slice sequence 3 series
X431Neck multi-slice sequence
X441Thorax - multi-slice sequence
X446Breast – unilateral or bilateral – multi-slice sequence
X451Abdomen multi-slice sequence
X461Pelvis multi-slice sequence
X471Extremities multi-slice sequence
X475Extremities repeat (another plane, different pulse sequence) maximum of 3 repeats
X4882 or more joints at one sitting multi-slice sequence
X489Joints repeat (another plane, different pulse sequence) maximum of 3 repeats
X490Limited Spine multi-slice sequence
X492Limited Spine repeat (another plane, different pulse sequence) maximum of 3 repeats
X493Intermediate Spine multi-slice sequence
X495Intermediate Spine repeat (another plane, different pulse sequence) maximum of 3 repeats
X496Complex spine multi-slice sequence
X498Complex spine repeat (another plane, different
pulse sequence) maximum of 3 repeats
X486When cardiac gating is performed
X487When gadolinium IV injection is used
X4993 Dimensional MR acquisition sequence
including post processing
CT Services eligible for facility costs
Physician Schedule of Benefits Fee Schedule CodeDescription
X400Head without IV Contrast
X401Head with IV Contrast
X188Head with and without IV Contrast at the same sitting
X402Complex Head without IV Contrast
X405Complex Head with IV Contrast
X408Complex Head with and without IV Contrast at the same sitting
X403Neck without IV Contrast
X404Neck with IV Contrast
X124Neck with and without IV Contrast at same sitting
X406Thorax without IV Contrast
X407Thorax with IV Contrast
X125Thorax with and without VI Contrast at the same sitting
X409Abdomen without IV Contrast
X410Abdomen with IV Contrast
X126Abdomen with and without IV Contrast at the same sitting
X231Pelvis without IV Contrast
X232Pelvis with IV Contrast
X233Pelvis with and without IV Contrast at the same sitting
X412Extremity without IV Contrast
X413Extremity with IV Contrast
X127Extremity with and without IV Contrast at the same sitting
X415Spine without IV Contrast
X416Spine with IV Contrast
X128Spine with and without IV Contrast at the same sitting
X168CT Guidance of Biopsy
X417Three dimensional CT acquisition sequencing, including post-processing (minimum of 60 slices; maximum 1 scan per patient per day)

Access to MRI/CT quality and safety standards

Accreditation Canada will provide the core requirements and modality specific requirements for MRI and CT services in .pdf format on the Accreditation Canada e-store for download.

The Accreditation Canada Program Standards and Core Requirements can be found here: ICHSC CT & MRI Requirements List – Accreditation Canada E-Store.

The webpage linked above also has a hyperlink to the Program Information, where there is a general overview of the ICHSC Quality Assurance Program.

What happens if an Application is successful/unsuccessful?

The issuance of a licence to any person in accordance with section 6 of the ICHSCA is discretionary and despite this Call for Applications or any communication or negotiation in respect of an Application, the Director is not required to issue a licence to any person and may prefer any application over other applications.

Please Note:

  • Being identified as a successful Applicant under this Application process, and any correspondence and/or agreements in connection with this process, shall not constitute a licence under the ICHSCA.
  • A licence may be subject to such limitations and conditions as may be prescribed or as may be specified by the Director and set out in the licence.

Successful Application

The Application may be conditionally approved by the Director if they have determined, in their sole discretion, that a successful Applicant may be eligible to be issued an ICHSC licence based on certain conditions.

The Director will advise the Applicant in writing that the Application was conditionally approved, subject to completion of certain specified requirements, including, for example:

  • If not already submitted in the Application, submission of the required Certificate of Professional Conduct (CPC) within 30 calendar days following the date of the conditional approval, otherwise the Director may, without penalty or liability, withdraw their conditional approval of the Application or extend the period of time (see section 4.2 of the Application document for more information on CPC requirements).
  • Confirmation of the date when the Health Facility will be prepared to commence providing MRI scans and/or CT scans to Insured Persons, if licensed as an ICHSC.
  • Full cooperation with the mandatory pre-licensing inspection of the Health Facility, to be conducted by Accreditation Canada (AC) to ensure that:
    • the standards of the Health Facility, and of the services to be provided therein, will conform to generally accepted standards and the applicable standards established by the inspecting body
    • the Health Facility meets the criteria specified by the Ministry in this Application process
    • the Applicant will operate the Health Facility competently and with honesty and integrity
    • the Applicant has established and will maintain a records management system to ensure monitoring and documentation including, but not limited to, clinical management, appropriateness for surgery, complications, and patient outcomes related to all patient services provided in the Health Facility
  • Execution of a TPA with the Ministry (Note: if terms of funding cannot be agreed upon by the parties within a specified number of calendar days following the date of the conditional approval, the Director may, without penalty or liability, withdraw their conditional approval of the Application).
  • Completion of the ICHSC Registration Package (to be provided to the successful Applicant by the Ministry)

Unsuccessful Applications

The Director will advise the Applicant in writing regarding an unsuccessful Application. There will be a process for unsuccessful Applicants to understand why their proposal was not successful.

Appendix I: Glossary

AODA: means the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11.

Accreditation Canada (AC): means the Inspecting Body prescribed in the regulation under the ICHSCA, (O. Reg. 215/23) effective April 1, 2024 with responsibility to provide the oversight for the ICHSC Quality Assurance Program.

Applicant: means the person who submits an Application, including any officer or director of a corporation.

Application: means an Application Form and attachments that are submitted by an Applicant per the Call for Applications and Application Guidelines.

Application Submission Deadline: means the date and time that an Application must be received by the Ministry as specified in the Call for Applications and Application Guidelines.

Call for Applications: means the notice issued by the Director, and authorized by the Minister, to request Applications for the establishment and operation of Health Facilities as ICHSCs under the ICHSCA.

MRI Scan: means an insured Magnetic Resonance Imaging procedure captured under the following fee services codes, as prescribed in the OHIP Schedule of Benefits – Physician Services (and then we can include a table with the FSCs).

CT Scan: means an insured Computed Tomography procedure captured under the following fee services codes, as prescribed in the OHIP Schedule of Benefits – Physician Services (and then we can include a table with the FSCs).

CPC: means the Certificate of Professional Conduct issued by the CPSO to verify that a physician is registered with the CPSO and to confirm his or her standing with the CPSO.

CPSO: means the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

Director: means the Director of Integrated Community Health Services Centres as appointed by the Minister per the ICHSCA.

eServices: means digital services to support clinical workflows that enable smoother transitions in care and improve the patient experience (e.g. eReferral, eConsult, eOrdering, ePrescription).

Facility Cost: has the meaning ascribed to it in the ICHSCA.

Health Facility: has the meaning ascribed to it in the ICHSCA.

HIA: means the Health Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.6.

ICHSC: means an Integrated Community Health Services Centre and has the meaning ascribed to it in the ICHSCA.

ICHSC Diagnostic Standards: means the facility-level quality assurance requirements established by Accreditation Canada and applied to all ICHSC assessments and inspections for facilities providing diagnostic services licensed under the ICHSCA.

ICHSCA: means the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023, S.O. 2023, C. 4, Sched. 1.

Inspection: means the mandatory quality assurance assessment, as required under the ICHSCA to assess compliance with the applicable quality and safety standards, which may include remote and/or on-site components where an assessor determines if the Centre conforms or does not conform with the established standards.

Insured Persons: has the meaning ascribed to it in the HIA.

Insured Services: has the meaning ascribed to it in the HIA.

Minister: means the Ontario Minister of Health.

Ministry: means the Ontario Ministry of Health, its employees, servants, officers, directors, and agents.

OHIP: means the Ontario Health Insurance Plan and has the meaning ascribed to it in the HIA.

Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004: means the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, S.O. 2004, c. 3, Schedule A.

Quality Assurance Program: means the inspection program administered by the Inspecting Body named in legislation (i.e., AC), to ensure compliance with the mandatory facility-level quality and safety standards that licensees must comply with, pursuant to subsection 20(2) of the ICHSCA. The ICHSC Quality Assurance Program is an established inspection framework that includes quality and safety standards and a continuous quality improvement platform.

Questions Submission Deadline: means the date and time that questions will be accepted by the Ministry as specified in the Call for Applications and is prior to the Application Submission Deadline.

Standards: means the currently established requirements, organized as core standards (pertaining to all Centres) and specific standards (pertaining to modalities within a Centre) and used by an assessor to determine the Centre’s conformity to the requirements.

TPA: means Transfer Payment Agreement, the contract between the Ministry and the licensee to govern the terms of funding for an ICHSC.

Uninsured Services: means services that are not insured under OHIP (e.g., services provided to uninsured patients, services that are not medically necessary, etc.). Patients may pay fees for these services directly.