Order Made Under The
Environmental Assessment Act

Declaration – Afghanistan War Memorial, Queen’s Park

Having received a request from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport that an undertaking, namely,

The construction and maintenance of a memorial to honour the heroes of the war in Afghanistan on the south lawn of the legislative grounds at Queen’s Park;

be declared not subject to the Environmental Assessment Act (Act) or its regulations, pursuant to subsection 3.2(1) of the Act; and

Having been advised by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport that if the undertaking is subject to the application of the Act, the following injury, damage or interference with the persons and property indicated will occur:

  1. The Government of Ontario may not be able to meet its commitment to honour Ontario’s war veterans in a timely manner.
  2. The public interest will be harmed if there is not a timely recognition of the significance of the war in Afghanistan. The project will memorialize those who lost their lives and it symbolizes the sacrifices that these heroes made to protect our values and freedoms.

Having weighed such injury, damage, or interference against the betterment of the people of the whole or any part of Ontario by the protection, conservation and wise management in Ontario of the environment which would result from the undertaking being subject to the application of the Act;

The undersigned is of the opinion that it is in the public interest to declare and declares pursuant to subsection 3.2(1) of the Act that the undertaking is not subject to the application of the Act or its regulations for the following reasons:

  1. The undertaking serves as a memorial to those Ontarians who lost their lives while serving their Country.
  2. The construction and implementation of the undertaking are consistent with the purpose of the Act with respect to the conservation, protection and wise management of the environment.
  3. There are no significant environmental effects and any temporary minor construction related effects such as noise or dust will be managed through construction best management practices and safety protocols.
  4. The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has consulted with stakeholders through a consultation panel to discuss the design of the undertaking. The public, interested stakeholders and Indigenous communities will be notified of the decision.

The Declaration Order is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. This Declaration Order expires on December 31, 2021, unless the construction of the Afghanistan War Memorial commences prior to that date, or unless the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks extends the expiry date by written notice to the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport.

Dated the 16 day of May, 2019 at Toronto.

[Original Signed by]
Rod Phillips
Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Approved by O.C. No. __________
Date O.C. Approved __________

Environmental Assessment and Permissions Branch Contact: Cindy Batista
Telephone No.: 416-314-7225
EA File No.: 19011

Order in Council 806/2019