Minister’s Directive

To:   The Ontario Energy Board

I, Todd Smith, Minister of Energy, hereby direct the Ontario Energy Board (“Board”) pursuant to section 28.6.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 as follows:

  1. The Board shall amend the conditions of the electricity transmission licence of Hydro One Networks Inc. (“Hydro One”) to include a requirement that Hydro One proceed to do the following related to the construction, expansion or reinforcement of its transmission system:
    1. Develop and seek approvals for the following transmission line projects:
      1. A new 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line from Lambton Transformer Station to Chatham Switching Station, including associated station facility expansions or upgrades required at the terminal stations;
      2. A new 500 kV transmission line from Longwood Transformer Station to Lakeshore Transformer Station, including associated station facility expansions or upgrades required at the terminal stations;
      3. A second new 500 kV transmission line from Longwood Transformer Station to Lakeshore Transformer Station, including associated station facility expansions or upgrades required at the terminal stations; and
      4. A new 230 kV transmission line that connect the Windsor area to the Lakeshore Transformer Station, including associated station facility expansions or upgrades required at the terminal stations.
    2. The scope and timing for the transmission line projects listed in sub-paragraph i above shall accord with the recommendations of the IESO.
  2. The Board shall require that Hydro One provide such reporting to the Board as the Board may consider appropriate, with respect to budget, timing, and risks in relation to the development of the transmission line projects listed in sub-paragraph 1 i.
  3. The Board shall make the amendments to Hydro One’s electricity transmission licence without holding a hearing.

Order in Council 875/2022