
The Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (ENDM) sets the legislative and policy framework to ensure all Ontarians have a reliable and affordable energy supply and distribution and transmission system, as well as customer choice in their energy use billing system. ENDM also strives to ensure that Northern Ontario and the provincial minerals sector is strong, healthy and prosperous.

The Ministry develops and advises on all aspects of energy policy for Ontario, including electricity, natural gas and petroleum products. It oversees the Ontario Energy Board and the Independent Electricity System Operator. The Ministry is the sole shareholder of Ontario Power Generation and the largest shareholder of the publicly traded Hydro One.

ENDM works with partners and stakeholders to develop policies supporting cost-effective energy supply, transmission and distribution systems and promote energy conservation and energy efficiency. The Ministry also strives to consider and advance innovative solutions and technologies, and power the economy so that Ontario is Open for Business.

The Ministry delivers economic development programs and serves as a voice for Northern Ontario. ENDM’s programs support northern economic growth, and strong northern communities. The Ministry’s Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation makes strategic investments that help expand economic opportunity in the North.

ENDM promotes investment and exploration in the provincial minerals sector. ENDM’s Ontario Geological Survey provides geoscience information to clients about Ontario’s geology and earth resources. This research supports a range of provincial development, planning, environmental, energy, and climate change policy priorities. The Ministry also ensures safe, environmentally sound mineral development and rehabilitation of mining lands.

ENDM leads policy and program development for the Ring of Fire mineral development. The Ministry works closely with Indigenous communities, mining companies and other partners to encourage responsible and sustainable development.

The Ministry engages with Indigenous communities to fulfill the Crown’s legal duty to consult, in order to inform the development and implementation of energy and economic policies, programs and initiatives. ENDM also works to increase Indigenous partnership and participation in the energy and mining sectors, including resource revenue sharing.

Ministry program summary

Vote Program





  Operating expense        
2201 Ministry Administration Program $25,070,200 $25,467,100 ($396,900) $26,047,129
2202 Northern Development Program $271,338,100 $222,828,700 $48,509,400 $216,590,322
2203 Mines and Minerals Program $50,662,000 $48,829,200 $1,832,800 $41,008,800
2205 Energy Development and Management $59,363,700 $24,702,600 $34,661,100 $52,362,896
2206 Electricity Price Mitigation $6,491,181,600 $5,602,561,800 $888,619,800 $5,448,874,758
  Total operating expense to be voted $6,897,615,600 $5,924,389,400 $973,226,200 $5,784,883,905
  Statutory appropriations $590,392 $590,392 - ($118,979)
  Ministry total operating expense $6,898,205,992 $5,924,979,792 $973,226,200 $5,784,764,926
  Consolidation adjustment - Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation $14,310,000 $18,482,700 ($4,172,700) $67,338,067
  Consolidation adjustment – Independent Electricity System Operator $207,831,100 $213,912,400 ($6,081,300) $313,586,131
  Consolidation adjustment – Ontario Energy Board $48,728,200 $47,566,400 $1,161,800 $42,614,277
  Consolidation adjustment - Fair Hydro Trust $1,000 $1,000 - $3,000
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Clean Water Agency - - - ($1,491,676)
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($2,594,300) ($3,182,000) $587,700 ($7,304,987)
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $7,166,481,992 $6,201,760,292 $964,721,700 $6,199,509,738
  Operating assets        
2201 Ministry Administration Program $2,000 $2,000 - -
2202 Northern Development Program $2,000 $51,000 ($49,000) $30,000,000
2203 Mines and Minerals Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
2205 Energy Development and Management $507,000,000 $495,000,000 $12,000,000 $80,400,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $507,005,000 $495,054,000 $11,951,000 $110,400,000
  Ministry Total Operating Assets $507,005,000 $495,054,000 $11,951,000 $110,400,000
  Capital expense        
2201 Ministry Administration Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
2202 Northern Development Program $83,503,000 $78,203,000 $5,300,000 $69,580,382
2203 Mines and Minerals Program $5,529,500 $5,637,000 ($107,500) $1,595,029
2205 Energy Development and Management $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $89,034,500 $83,842,000 $5,192,500 $71,175,411
  Statutory appropriations $360,806,800 $341,806,200 $19,000,600 $315,599,986
  Ministry total capital expense $449,841,300 $425,648,200 $24,193,100 $386,775,397
  Consolidation adjustment - Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation ($593,600) - ($593,600) ($27,500,000)
  Consolidation adjustment - Independent Electricity System Operator $24,071,500 $22,625,000 $1,446,500 $23,237,793
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Energy Board $1,228,000 $1,153,700 $74,300 $1,305,000
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($1,560,000) - ($1,560,000) -
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $472,987,200 $449,426,900 $23,560,300 $383,818,190
  Capital assets        
2201 Ministry Administration Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
2202 Northern Development Program $496,658,400 $528,579,900 ($31,921,500) $566,688,125
2203 Mines and Minerals Program $626,000 $1,251,000 ($625,000) $896,246
2205 Energy Development and Management $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $497,286,400 $529,832,900 ($32,546,500) $567,584,371
  Ministry total capital assets $497,286,400 $529,832,900 ($32,546,500) $567,584,371
  Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $7,639,469,192 $6,651,187,192 $988,282,000 $6,583,327,928

Reconciliation to previously published data

Operating expense



Total operating expense previously published footnote 1 $5,925,791,592 $5,826,908,168
Government reorganization    

   Transfer of functions to other Ministries

($811,800) ($42,143,242)
Restated total operating expense $5,924,979,792 $5,784,764,926


Capital expense



Total Capital Expense previously published footnote 2 $425,648,200 $439,815,969
Government reorganization    

   Transfer of functions to other Ministries

- ($53,040,572)
Restated Total Capital Expense $425,648,200 $386,775,397

Ministry Administration Program - vote 2201

This program provides executive direction as well as strategic business and resource planning services to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of ministry programs. It supports ministry operations through the provision of advice and services in the areas of human resources, financial planning, accounting and administration, and professional support services such as legal services. This program also provides core strategic support in the areas of corporate policy and communications.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Ministry administration $12,109,200 $12,703,800 ($594,600) $12,695,996
5 Energy Ministry Administration Program $12,961,000 $12,763,300 $197,700 $13,351,133
  Total operating expense to be voted $25,070,200 $25,467,100 ($396,900) $26,047,129
S Minister's salary, the Executive Council Act


$47,841 $47,841 - $66,768
S Minister without Portfolio’s Salary, the Executive Council Act $22,378 $22,378 - -
S Parliamentary assistant's salary, the Executive Council Act


$16,173 $16,173 - $16,390
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $87,392 $87,392 - $83,158
  Total operating expense $25,157,592 $25,554,492 ($396,900) $26,130,287
  Operating assets        
2 Ministry Administration Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
10 Accounts receivable $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total operating assets $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Capital expense        
3 Ministry administration $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Capital assets        
4 Ministry Administration Capital Assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
2201-1 Ministry administration    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal   $18,650,500
  Less: recoveries   $6,541,300
  Total operating expense to be voted   $12,109,200
  Main office    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$68,800 $2,263,100
  Financial and administrative services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment




Less: recoveries

$6,069,500 $2,791,600
  Human resources    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$26,200 $1,365,300
  Communications services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$22,000 $1,911,300
  Analysis and Planning    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$14,400 $1,264,400
  Legal services    

Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$15,000 $2,125,100
  Information Systems    



Less: recoveries

$471,800 $388,400
  Total operating expense to be voted   $12,109,200
2201-5 Energy Ministry Administration Program    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal   $13,786,100
  Less: recoveries   $825,100
  Total operating expense to be voted   $12,961,000
  Main office    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$60,400 $2,452,700
  Financial and administrative services    

Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment




Less: recoveries

$198,500 $90,000
  Human resources    



Less: recoveries

$94,000 $42,600
  Communications services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$81,800 $3,859,000
  Analysis and Planning    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$66,400 $3,507,500
  Legal services    

Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$75,000 $2,788,900
  Information Systems    



Less: recoveries

$532,600 $220,300
  Total operating expense to be voted   $12,961,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Minister's salary, the Executive Council Act


Minister without Portfolio’s Salary, the Executive Council Act


Parliamentary assistant's salary, the Executive Council Act

  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act

  Total operating expense for Ministry Administration Program   $25,157,592
  Operating assets    
2201-2 Ministry Administration Program    

Deposits and prepaid expenses

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
2201-10 Accounts receivable    

Advances and recoverable amounts

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Ministry Administration Program   $2,000
  Capital expense    
2201-3 Ministry administration    

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Ministry Administration Program   $2,000
  Capital assets    
2201-4 Ministry administration capital assets    

Machinery and equipment - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total capital assets for Ministry Administration Program   $1,000

Northern Development Program - vote 2202

This program leads and assists in the development and delivery of policies, programs and services that support Northern Ontario businesses and communities. In addition, the program strives to make Northern Ontario strong, healthy and prosperous by providing business and community economic development support and access to government programs and services, promoting trade and investment, and addressing northern regional and local infrastructure needs. It also leads the implementation of provincial economic development growth strategies in the North.

The program provides support for policy and program development and implementation on a range of issues and opportunities with respect to Northern Ontario. By engaging Northerners in government initiatives, including policy and planning activities, this program also ensures Northerners have a say in the development of government programs and services that affect them. The program is responsible for applying a Northern lens for policy review and development and champions Northern Ontario interests to advance economic development.

This program invests in Northern Ontario infrastructure to support government priorities. Strategic investments in infrastructure such as the Northern Highways Program, Winter Roads Program and telecommunications and information technology are improving the North's linkages to the rest of Ontario, Canada and beyond.

The program area provides economic development support to Northern Ontario businesses and communities. Through this program, the Ministry's network of offices provides northern communities and businesses with access to government economic development programs and services. Ministry programs work to attract trade and investment opportunities to help northern businesses develop and expand domestic and international markets. The Ministry also supports public and private sector economic growth, diversification and job creation through the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation and initiatives such as the Northern Industrial Electricity Rate Program.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Northern Economic Development $271,338,100 $222,828,700 $48,509,400 $216,590,322
  Total operating expense to be voted $271,338,100 $222,828,700 $48,509,400 $216,590,322
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $101,000 $101,000 - ($49,256)
  Total statutory appropriations $101,000 $101,000 - ($49,256)
  Total operating expense $271,439,100 $222,929,700 $48,509,400 $216,541,066
  Operating assets        
3 Northern Development operating assets $2,000 $51,000 ($49,000) $30,000,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $2,000 $51,000 ($49,000) $30,000,000
  Total operating assets $2,000 $51,000 ($49,000) $30,000,000
  Capital expense        
2 Northern Economic Development $83,503,000 $78,203,000 $5,300,000 $69,580,382
  Total capital expense to be voted $83,503,000 $78,203,000 $5,300,000 $69,580,382
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $360,331,300 $341,438,200 $18,893,100 $315,481,200
  Total statutory appropriations $360,331,300 $341,438,200 $18,893,100 $315,481,200
  Total capital expense $443,834,300 $419,641,200 $24,193,100 $385,061,582
  Capital assets        
4 Northern Development capital assets $496,658,400 $528,579,900 ($31,921,500) $566,688,125
  Total capital assets to be voted $496,658,400 $528,579,900 ($31,921,500) $566,688,125
  Total capital assets $496,658,400 $528,579,900 ($31,921,500) $566,688,125

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
2202-1 Northern Economic Development    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Resource Revenue Sharing for Mining


Remote Air Carrier Support Program


Community Services


Economic Development


Northern Ontario Heritage Fund


Small Business Enterprise Centres


Northern Industrial Electricity Rate Program


Indigenous Economic Development

$62,161,400 $259,687,400
  Subtotal   $281,497,300
  Less: recoveries   $10,159,200
  Total operating expense to be voted   $271,338,100
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act

  Total operating expense for Northern Development Program   $271,439,100
  Operating assets    
2202-3 Northern Development operating assets    

Deposits and prepaid expenses


Loans and Investments

  Total operating assets to be voted   $2,000
  Total operating assets for Northern Development Program   $2,000
  Capital expense    
2202-2 Northern Economic Development    



Transfer payments


Matawa Broadband


Winter Roads


Northern Ontario Heritage Fund

$40,000,000 $51,800,000

Other transactions


Resource Access Roads


Northern Development

$1,000 $3,601,000
  Total capital expense to be voted   $83,503,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Northern Development Program   $443,834,300
  Capital assets    
2202-4 Northern Development Capital Assets    

Transportation infrastructure - asset costs


Machinery and equipment - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $496,658,400
  Total capital assets for Northern Development Program   $496,658,400

Mines and Minerals Program - vote 2203

This program encourages, promotes and facilitates the sustained economic benefits of Ontario's mineral resources through its oversight of Ontario's mineral exploration and development sector. It promotes a strong, safe and sustainable Ontario by administering Ontario's Mining Act in a fair and consistent manner, to ensure sustainable and responsible development of our mineral resources. This involves ensuring equitable public access to Crown mineral rights, fair and efficient management of Ontario's mining lands as well as ensuring the safe, environmentally sound mineral development and rehabilitation of mining lands.

It also has responsibility for encouraging and facilitating Indigenous participation in economic opportunities associated with Ontario's mining sector in a way that is respectful of Indigenous rights and culture and meets Ontario's consultation obligations.

The program also generates and disseminates geoscientific data that attracts and guides mineral sector investment and informs a broad range of government policy priorities.

This program also provides support for policy and program development and implementation on a range of issues and opportunities with respect to development in the Ring of Fire. A dedicated secretariat works with all parties involved, consulting with Northerners including Indigenous people and the mining community to encourage the region's responsible, sustainable development.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Mineral Sector Competitiveness $50,662,000 $48,829,200 $1,832,800 $41,008,800
  Total operating expense to be voted $50,662,000 $48,829,200 $1,832,800 $41,008,800
S Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $401,000 $401,000 - ($152,881)
  Total statutory appropriations $401,000 $401,000 - ($152,881)
  Total operating expense $51,063,000 $49,230,200 $1,832,800 $40,855,919
  Operating assets        
3 Mines and Minerals Operating Assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Capital expense        
2 Mineral Sector Competitiveness $5,528,500 $5,636,000 ($107,500) $1,595,029
5 Environmental remediation $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $5,529,500 $5,637,000 ($107,500) $1,595,029
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $473,500 $366,000 $107,500 $118,786
  Total statutory appropriations $473,500 $366,000 $107,500 $118,786
  Total capital expense $6,003,000 $6,003,000 - $1,713,815
  Capital assets        
4 Mines and Minerals Capital Assets $626,000 $1,251,000 ($625,000) $896,246
  Total capital assets to be voted $626,000 $1,251,000 ($625,000) $896,246
  Total capital assets $626,000 $1,251,000 ($625,000) $896,246

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
2203-1 Mineral Sector Competitiveness    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Mineral Development and Investment


Ontario Junior Exploration Program


Mapping Ontario's Geological Opportunities


Reporting Ontario’s Mining Activities


Focused Flow-through Share Tax Credit

$4,000,000 $6,285,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $50,662,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad debt expense, the Financial Administration Act

  Total operating expense for Mines and Minerals Program   $51,063,000
  Operating assets    
2203-3 Mines and Minerals Operating Assets    

Deposits and prepaid expenses

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Mines and Minerals Program   $1,000
  Capital expense    
2203-2 Mineral Sector Competitiveness    

Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $5,528,500
2203-5 Environmental remediation    


  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Mines and Minerals Program   $6,003,000
  Capital assets    
2203-4 Mines and Minerals capital assets    

Machinery and equipment - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $626,000
  Total capital assets for Mines and Minerals Program   $626,000

Energy Development and Management - vote 2205

This program is responsible for the development of Ontario's energy policy framework, which is central to building a strong and prosperous economy. It provides leadership and support to the energy sector to ensure clean, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supply, transmission and distribution systems. The program supports energy conservation, efficiency and innovation. This program also oversees engagement and consultation with First Nations and Métis on provincial energy sector initiatives to encourage the participation of Indigenous communities in the energy sector.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Policy and Programs $59,363,700 $24,702,600 $34,661,100 $52,362,896
  Total operating expense to be voted $59,363,700 $24,702,600 $34,661,100 $52,362,896
S Bad debt expense, The Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating expense $59,364,700 $24,703,600 $34,661,100 $52,362,896
  Operating assets        
3 Energy Development and Management Operating Assets $507,000,000 $495,000,000 $12,000,000 $80,400,000
  Total operating assets to be voted $507,000,000 $495,000,000 $12,000,000 $80,400,000
  Total operating assets $507,000,000 $495,000,000 $12,000,000 $80,400,000
  Capital expense        
2 Energy Development and Management $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Capital assets        
4 Energy Development and Management $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
2205-1 Policy and Programs    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


COVID-19 Response - Energy Rebate Grant


Energy Support, Engagement and Indigenous Partnership Programs

$2,447,400 $37,447,400
  Total operating expense to be voted   $59,363,700
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad debt expense, The Financial Administration Act

  Total operating expense for Energy Development and Management   $59,364,700
  Operating assets    
2205-3 Energy Development and Management Operating Assets    

Loans and Investments

  Total operating assets to be voted   $507,000,000
  Total operating assets for Energy Development and Management   $507,000,000
  Capital expense    
2205-2 Energy Development and Management    

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Energy Development and Management   $2,000
  Capital assets    
2205-4 Energy Development and Management    

Land and marine fleet - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total capital assets for Energy Development and Management   $1,000

Electricity Price Mitigation - vote 2206

The Electricity Price Mitigation program helps Ontarians manage electricity costs.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Electricity Price Mitigation Programs $6,491,181,600 $5,602,561,800 $888,619,800 $5,448,874,758
  Total operating expense to be voted $6,491,181,600 $5,602,561,800 $888,619,800 $5,448,874,758
  Total operating expense $6,491,181,600 $5,602,561,800 $888,619,800 $5,448,874,758

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
2206-1 Electricity Price Mitigation Programs    

Transfer payments


Ontario Electricity Support Program


Distribution Rate Protection


Rural or Remote Rate Protection Program


Northern Ontario Energy Credit


Ontario Electricity Rebate


Renewable Cost Shift


Fair Hydro Trust Financing Costs


On-Reserve First Nations Delivery Credit

$29,952,900 $6,491,181,600
  Total operating expense to be voted   $6,491,181,600
  Total operating expense for Electricity Price Mitigation   $6,491,181,600