
The Office of the Chief Electoral Officer (Elections Ontario) administers the Election Act and the Election Finances Act. The Office operates under the direction of the Chief Electoral Officer who reports directly to the Legislative Assembly on the conduct of elections.

VOTE PROGRAM Estimates 2015-16 Estimates 2014-15 Difference Between 2015-16 and 2014-15 Actual 2013-14
501 Office of the Chief Electoral Officer Program 15,277,700 17,318,100 (2,040,400) 10,071,545
  Less: Special Warrants - 3,948,300 (3,948,300) -
  TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE TO BE VOTED 15,277,700 13,369,800 1,907,900 10,071,545
  Special Warrants - 3,948,300 (3,948,300) -
  Statutory Appropriations - - - 23,216,500
  Total Operating Expense 15,277,700 17,318,100 (2,040,400) 33,288,045
  Total Operating and Capital Including Consolidation and Other Adjustments (not including Assets) 15,277,700 17,318,100 (2,040,400) 33,288,045

Office of the Chief Electoral Officer Program - VOTE 501

The Office conducts general elections and by-elections of Members to the Legislative Assembly and provides research, public information and policy advice relating to the electoral process. The Office also trains, directs and supervises the returning officer in each of the 107 electoral districts.

The Chief Electoral Officer also administers the Election Finances Act. Over 430 Constituency Associations and 19 registered political parties must file annual returns and inform Elections Ontario of any changes to registration information. Any form filed with Elections Ontario is reviewed for compliance with the Election Finances Act.

The Office has responsibility to administer referenda under the Taxpayer Protection Act, 1999.

The Office serves Ministries, agencies and the public on a continuing basis by conducting historical and comparative research and providing policy advice and general information regarding the electoral process.

Vote Summary($)
ITEM # ITEM Estimates 2015-16 Estimates 2014-15 Difference Between 2015-16 and 2014-15 Actual 2013-14
1 Election Administration 7,922,900 7,869,100 53,800 6,708,973
2 Election Finances Administration 7,354,800 9,449,000 (2,094,200) 3,362,572
  Total Including Special Warrants 15,277,700 17,318,100 (2,040,400) 10,071,545
  Less: Special Warrants - 3,948,300 (3,948,300) -
  TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE TO BE VOTED 15,277,700 13,369,800 1,907,900 10,071,545
  Special Warrants - 3,948,300 (3,948,300) -
S The Election Act - - - 23,216,500
  Total Statutory Appropriations - - - 23,216,500
  Total Operating Expense 15,277,700 17,318,100 (2,040,400) 33,288,045
501-1 Election Administration  
  Salaries and wages 6,441,300
  Employee benefits 1,481,600
  Total Operating Expense to be Voted 7,922,900
501-2 Election Finances Administration  
  Salaries and wages 834,000
  Employee benefits 191,900
  Transportation and communication 20,400
  Services 1,143,400
  Supplies and equipment 6,000
  Other transactions  
  Election Expense Subsidies under the Election Finances Act 5,160,100
  Subtotal 7,355,800
  Less: Recoveries 1,000
  Total Operating Expense to be Voted 7,354,800
  Total Operating Expense for Office of the Chief Electoral Officer Program 15,277,700