
The Office of the Premier personnel provide essential support for the Premier of Ontario in her roles as head of the Executive Council and head of the Ontario government.

Ministry program summary

Operating expense

Vote Program Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
2401 Office of the Premier Program $2,597,100 $2,597,100 - $2,466,458
  Total operating expense to be voted $2,597,100 $2,597,100 - $2,466,458
  Statutory appropriations $105,861 $105,861 - $109,091
  Ministry total operating expense $2,702,961 $2,702,961 - $2,575,549
  Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $2,702,961 $2,702,961 - $2,575,549

Office of the Premier Program - vote 2401

The program covers the operation and administration of the Premier’s Office.

Vote summary

Operating expense

Item number Item Estimates 2016‑17 Estimates 2015‑16 Difference between 2016‑17 and 2015‑16 Actual 2014‑15
1 Office of the Premier $2,597,100 $2,597,100 - $2,466,458
  Total operating expense to be voted $2,597,100 $2,597,100 - $2,466,458
S Premier’s salary, the Executive Council Act $89,688 $89,688 - $92,424
S Parliamentary Assistant’s salary, the Executive Council Act $16,173 $16,173 - $16,667
  Total statutory appropriations $105,861 $105,861 - $109,091
  Total operating expense $2,702,961 $2,702,961 - $2,575,549

Standard account by item and sub-items

Operating expense

Vote - item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
2401-1 Office of the Premier  
  Salaries and wages $2,246,300
  Employee benefits $238,200
  Transportation and communication $73,100
  Services $19,400
  Supplies and equipment $20,100
  Total operating expense to be voted $2,597,100
  Statutory appropriations  
Statutory Premier’s Salary, the Executive Council Act $89,688
Statutory Parliamentary Assistant’s salary, the Executive Council Act $16,173
  Total operating expense for Office of the Premier Program $2,702,961