
The Auditor General, who is an Officer of the Assembly, conducts independent audits of government programs, the financial statements of the Province and numerous agencies of the Crown, broader public-sector organizations, and reviews under the authority of the Auditor General Act and various other statutes and authorities. The results of these audits and reviews provide assurance, objective information and advice to the Legislative Assembly. In doing so, the Office of the Auditor General assists the Assembly in holding the government, its administrators, and grant recipients accountable for their stewardship of public funds and for the achievement of value-for-money in the delivery of services to the public.

Additionally, under the Government Advertising Act, 2004, the Auditor General is required to review specified types of advertising and certain printed matter proposed by government offices to determine whether they meet the standards required by that Act.

Under both Acts, the Auditor General reports the results of the work conducted each year directly to the Legislative Assembly.

As required by the Fiscal Transparency and Accountability Act, 2004, in an election year the Auditor General is also required to review and report on the reasonableness of a Pre-Election Report prepared by the Ministry of Finance.

VOTE PROGRAM Estimates 2015-16 Estimates 2014-15 Difference Between 2015-16 and
Actual 2013-14
2501 Office of the Auditor General Program 17,649,900 16,117,700 1,532,200 15,327,852
  Less: Special Warrants - 5,485,000 (5,485,000) -
  TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE TO BE VOTED 17,649,900 10,632,700 7,017,200 15,327,852
  Special Warrants - 5,485,000 (5,485,000) -
  Statutory Appropriations 432,700 402,700 30,000 452,091
  Total Operating Expense 18,082,600 16,520,400 1,562,200 15,779,943
  Total Operating and Capital Including Consolidation and Other Adjustments (not including Assets) 18,082,600 16,520,400 1,562,200 15,779,943

Office of the Auditor General Program - VOTE 2501

The Auditor General conducts independent value-for-money and financial statement audits under the authority of the Auditor General Act and various other statutes and authorities. As well, under the authority of the Government Advertising Act, 2004, the Auditor General is required to review government advertising and certain printed matter proposed by government offices to determine if the advertising or printed matter meet the standards required by that Act. As required by the Fiscal Transparency and Accountability Act, 2004, in an election year the Auditor General is also required to review and report on the reasonableness of a Pre-Election Report prepared by the Ministry of Finance.

Vote Summary
ITEM # ITEM Estimates 2015-16 Estimates 2014-15 Difference Between 2015-16 and 2014-15 Actual 2013-14
1 Office of the Auditor General 17,649,900 16,117,700 1,532,200 15,327,852
  Total Including Special Warrants 17,649,900 16,117,700 1,532,200 15,327,852
  Less: Special Warrants - 5,485,000 (5,485,000) -
  TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE TO BE VOTED 17,649,900 10,632,700 7,017,200 15,327,852
  Special Warrants - 5,485,000 (5,485,000) -
S The Auditor General Act 432,700 402,700 30,000 452,091
  Total Statutory Appropriations 432,700 402,700 30,000 452,091
  Total Operating Expense 18,082,600 16,520,400 1,562,200 15,779,943
2501-1 Office of the Auditor General  
  Salaries and wages 10,706,300
  Employee benefits 2,855,100
  Transportation and communication 463,600
  Services 3,194,400
  Supplies and equipment 357,500
  Transfer payments  
  CCAF-FCVI Inc 73,000
  Total Operating Expense to be Voted 17,649,900
  The Auditor General Act  
Statutory The Auditor General Act 432,700
  Total Operating Expense for Office of the Auditor General Program 18,082,600