In part 1 of this article, we outlined a project in which OMAFRA staff tested some nematode sampling and handling scenarios to look at some of the ways nematode soil samples can go wrong and find out what impact to expect.

Part 1 covered the impacts of sampling: proper depth, proper mixing, size of sample area. Here in part 2, we will find out if there's any point in sending the lab a nematode soil sample that for one reason or another didn't end up being stored properly or delivered right away.

Four sites that were in a processing tomato rotation and were known to be infested with plant parasitic nematodes were selected. The recommended sampling and handling treatment was based on OMAFRA fact sheet, Sampling Soil and Roots for Plant Parasitic Nematodes and discussions with experienced laboratory personnel. Treatments followed the recommended protocols, except for the differences listed.

Recommended nematode soil sampling protocol - key points:

  • Sample approximately 8" deep, and discard the top 1–2" of the soil core.
  • For row crops, sample in the row, so that samples contain feeder roots.
  • Take 10–20 soil cores per acre. Ideally each sample should represent no more than about 6 acres.
  • Mix the soil cores thoroughly, but gently.
  • Place soil samples in a cooler with ice. Keep cool (not frozen) until delivery. Samples should not be subjected to sudden temperature changes.
  • Deliver samples to the lab as soon as possible — no longer than 3–4 days.


Part 1 of this article focused on the impacts of sampling. This article, part 2, will focus on what we found when we handled the samples improperly.

Handling Treatments:

  • Recommended protocol. Stored in cooler or refrigerator. Delivered to lab within 1 day.
  • Recommended protocol except samples left in vehicle. Delivered to lab within 1 day.
  • Recommended protocol except samples left in office. Delivered to lab within 1 day.
  • Recommended protocol except samples stored in refrigerator and delivered after 1 week.
  • Recommended protocol except samples stored in freezer for 2 days before delivery to lab.


Results are shown as percentages, where the average count (4 sites) from the recommended protocol is shown as 100% and the average count (4 sites) of each treatment is shown as a percent of that "ideal" count.

 Root lesionCystSpiralRoot knot
Left in vehicle overnight61%13%100%130%
Left in office overnight43%46%38%53%
Left in fridge 1 week62%6%22%75%
Left in freezer 2 days0%27%13%91%

Nematode numbers are extremely variable within a field, and even thorough mixing of a sample before taking subsamples for each treatment would not give identical samples. However, the results indicate that indeed, handling does have an influence on nematode counts.

Although it appears that leaving a sample in the vehicle (in full June sunlight) for part of two days is not as detrimental as a week in the refrigerator or two days in the freezer, sample variability must be taken into account. I don't think anyone wants to take the chance that their nematodes will like the environment in their vehicle as much as my root knot nematodes appeared to.

The other species of nematodes reported here showed dramatic impacts from improper storage or late delivery.

The point? Nematodes may be very hard to kill in your field, but they are very easy to kill in a sample. Labs can only count the nematodes that they extract from the sample and to be extracted the nematodes need to be alive and moving. Do you want to base management decisions on a count that represents the population in the field or the number of nematodes that managed to survive your sampling and storage?

By the way, after you have made the effort of proper sampling, sample handling, and lightning-fast delivery, you will want to ensure that the lab refrigerates your samples and starts to process them as soon as possible. When delivering the samples, make sure to let the reception staff know that they are nematode samples and need to be refrigerated and processed right away. Don't be afraid to quiz the lab on their sample handling protocols and on when they will start to process them. Not only is your time and money invested in the samples, but the management decisions you make based on the lab report (eg. to plant a susceptible crop in that field, to fumigate or not, to purchase or rent a new piece of ground) likely have significant financial implications to you!

Get involved!

OMAFRA is working with the University of Guelph on a field tomato nematode research project starting in 2015. One component of the project is to look at which nematodes are present in Ontario tomato fields that may be causing economic damage and how do populations change over time? We are looking for grower cooperators in the Essex, Kent, and Norfolk county areas. Contact Janice LeBoeuf (OMAFRA vegetable specialist), 519-674-1699, or Cheryl Trueman (University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus), 519-674-1500 x63646, for more information.