
Many of the cold, fresh waters of Ontario's lakes and rivers have conserved important evidence of Ontario's history of exploration, settlement and commerce. Some of Ontario's waterways have been surveyed for marine archaeological resources, but there is still much to be discovered in Ontario's abundance of lakebeds, riverbeds and shorelines.

Under the Ontario Heritage Act, a “marine archaeological site” is an archaeological site that is fully or partially submerged or that lies below or partially below the high-water mark of any body of water. (O. Reg. 170/04, s. 1.)

Marine archaeological sites in Ontario’s waters may:

  • possess a record of the earliest First Nations peoples who travelled, traded and lived along our province's waterways for many millennia
  • hold the remains of former fishing traps or weirs, campsites, settlements and docks
  • contain many well-preserved ships that sank because of battles, accidents or natural disasters. These shipwreck sites are underwater "time capsules," which may contain artifacts that tell the story, and cultural context of the moment the ship sank

Marine resource protection

The protection of our marine archaeological resources is a shared responsibility.

The Ontario Heritage Act forbids anyone altering or removing artifacts or any physical evidence of past human usefrom a known marine archaeological site, unless that person holds a marine archaeological licence issued by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.

Licensed archaeologists must notify us and submit a site record form every time they discover a new marine archaeological site.

We encourage:

  • assessment of marine archaeological sites by a licensed archaeologist prior to development, such as the construction of wharves or piers
  • special conservation treatment for marine artifacts based on advice from a licensed archaeologist
  • reporting any disturbance or damage to a marine archaeological site to the ministry and local authorities

We also support Save Ontario Shipwrecks in the effort to conserve and protect marine archaeological sites through public awareness.

Marine archaeology licences

The marine licensing program is different from the land-based system.

For more information and to request the forms to apply for a marine archaeological licence, email with the subject “Marine archaeology.”