Minister’s Order

Whereas subsection 8 (5.1) of the Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996 (the “SCSAA”) provides that the Minister may, by order, increase or decrease the number of members of the board of directors (the “Board”) of an administrative authority;

And whereas the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (“TICO”) is designated as the administrative authority for the purpose of administering the provisions of the Travel Industry Act, 2002 and the regulations made under that Act;

And whereas TICO is required to exercise its powers and duties in such a manner as to protect the public interest and to comply with the principle of maintaining a fair, safe and informed marketplace.

And whereas, pursuant to its by-laws, TICO’s Board currently consists of eleven directors;

And whereas decreasing the number of members of the Board will better align the Board size with leading practices adopted by other comparable boards of directors and with other administrative authorities as well as allow the Board to operate in a more cost-effective manner;

Now therefore pursuant to subsection 8 (5.1) of the SCSAA, I hereby make the following Order:

  1. The number of members on TICO’s Board shall be decreased from eleven to nine.
  2. This Order comes into effect on the day it is made.

Original signed by

The Honourable Kaleed Rasheed
Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery

Date issued

August 11, 2023