Minister’s Order

Whereas clause 8.2 (1) (b) of the Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996 (the “SCSAA”) provides that the Minister may, by order, establish rules about the nomination of board members, the appointment or election process, the length of their terms and whether they may be reappointed or re-elected;

And whereas the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (“OMVIC”) is designated as the administrative authority for the purpose of administering provisions of the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002 and the regulations made under that Act;

And whereas OMVIC is required to exercise its powers and duties to protect, enhance and improve consumer protection and comply with the principles of maintaining a fair, safe and informed marketplace and promoting the protection of the public interest;

And whereas establishing rules under clause 8.2 (1) (b) facilitates an effective board by bringing different perspectives to OMVIC as well as aligning with best practices of administrative authority governance;

Now therefore pursuant to clause 8.2 (1) (b) of the SCSAA I hereby make the following Order:

  1. In this order,
    1. “board” means the board of directors of OMVIC;
    2. “elected director” means a member of the board of directors elected by the members of OMVIC.
  2. The following rules are hereby established:

      Nomination of board members

    1. The board shall establish a nominations committee that consists of the chair of the board and three other directors, including at least one director appointed by the Minister under subsection 8 (1) of the SCSAA.
    2. Eligibility criteria for nomination to the board shall not include a requirement that a nominee must be a member of an industry association representing the interests of motor vehicle dealers or salespersons. For greater certainty, this does not preclude nominees from being a member of these relevant industries.
    3. Length of terms

    4. The term of office for elected directors shall be three years.
    5. Reappointment or re-election

    6. Elected directors shall not be reappointed or re-elected if the director has served an aggregate of nine or more years in office.
  3. This Order comes into effect on the day it is made.

Original signed by

The Honourable Kaleed Rasheed

Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery

Date issued

April 18, 2023