Minister’s Order

WHEREAS subsection 2 (4) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012 (“One Call Act”) provides that the Minister may, by order, provide that no more than a fixed percentage of members of the board of directors of Ontario One Call shall be drawn from among the persons or classes of persons specified in the order;

AND WHEREAS Ontario One Call is the administrative authority responsible for carrying out powers and duties under the One Call Act and the regulations made under that Act;

AND WHEREAS Ontario One Call is required to exercise its powers and duties to fulfill its objects, including to operate a system to receive and route locate requests, raise public awareness of the need for safe digging, and support timely responses to locate requests;

AND WHEREAS an order limiting the percentage of directors of Ontario One Call that may be drawn from certain persons or classes of persons facilitates a board that supports public safety by being composed of directors with various perspectives and skills;

NOW THEREFORE pursuant to subsection 2 (4) of the One Call Act, I hereby make the following Order:

  1. In this order,

“excavator” has the same meaning as in the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012 but does not include an excavator that is also a member; and

“member” means the members of Ontario One Call as stipulated in subsection 5 (1) of the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012.

  1. No more than thirty-four per cent of directors of Ontario One Call shall be drawn from among the following classes of persons:
    • a) individuals who are directors or officers of members.
    • b) individuals who are employees or agents of members, where the individual’s role includes responsibilities relating to locate requests or to the planning, development or maintenance of underground infrastructure.
    • c) individuals who, within the one-year period before becoming a director, met the description of clauses a or b.
  1. No more than thirty-four per cent of directors of Ontario One Call shall be drawn from among the following classes of persons:
    • a) individuals who are directors or officers of excavators.
    • b) Individuals who are employees or agents of excavators, where the individual’s role includes responsibilities relating to excavation or digging in Ontario.
    • c) individuals who, within the one-year period before becoming a director, met the description of clauses a or b.
  1. For greater certainty, clauses 2(b) and 3(b) of this Order do not apply to individuals whose responsibilities are exclusively related to human resources, information technology, communications, legal services, or finance.
  2. Ontario One Call shall take the necessary steps to implement this Order by October 1, 2024.
  3. All previous orders made pursuant to subsection 2 (4) of the One Call Act, including the order made on September 14, 2023, are hereby revoked.
  4. This Order comes into effect on the day it is made.

Original signed by

The Honourable Todd McCarthy

Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery

Date issued

May 9, 2024