Environmental Assessment Act
Section 9
Notice of approval to proceed with the undertaking

RE: An Environmental Assessment for the East-West Tie Transmission Line

Proponent: NextBridge Infrastructure LP

EA File No.: 03-03-03
EA Reference No.: 13136

Take notice that the period for requesting that the application or matters related to the application be referred to the Environmental Review Tribunal for a hearing and decision expired on November 16, 2018. I received no submissions requesting a hearing by the Environmental Review Tribunal before the expiration date.

I consider a hearing to be unnecessary in this case. Having considered the purpose of the Environmental Assessment Act, the approved terms of reference, the environmental assessment, the ministry review of the environmental assessment and that there were no submissions received, I hereby give approval to proceed with the undertaking, subject to the conditions set out below.


My reasons for giving approval are:

  1. The proponent has complied with the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act.
  2. The environmental assessment has been prepared in accordance with the approved Terms of Reference
  3. On the basis of the proponent’s environmental assessment and the ministry review, proponent’s conclusion that, on balance, the advantages of this undertaking outweigh its disadvantages appears to be valid.
  4. On the basis of the proponent's environmental assessment, the ministry review and the conditions of approval, the construction, operation and maintenance of the undertaking will be consistent with the purpose of the Environmental Assessment Act (section 2).
  5. The ministry's review of: the government, public and Indigenous community submissions on the environmental assessment and the ministry review has indicated no outstanding concerns that have not been addressed or that cannot be addressed through commitments made during the environmental assessment process, through the conditions set out below or through future approvals that will be required. I am not aware of any outstanding issues with respect to this Undertaking which suggest that a hearing should be required.


The approval is subject to the following conditions:

  1. Definitions

    For the purposes of these conditions:

    “environmental assessment”
    means the document titled ‘Amended Environmental Assessment Report for the East-West Tie Transmission Project, February 2018.
    means physical construction activities, including site preparation works, but does not include the tendering of contracts.
    “Date of Approval”
    means the date on which the Order in Council pertaining to the approval of the environmental assessment was signed by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council.
    “Detailed Project Plan”
    means an agreed upon approach to provide information to verify and supplement the environmental assessment by developing over-arching and individual workfront plans.
    means the Director of the Environmental Assessment and Permissions Branch of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
    “Indigenous Communities”
    means, Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek First Nation (Lake Nipigon Ojibway); Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (Sand Point First Nation); Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek First Nation (Rocky Bay); Fort William First Nation; Ginoogaming First Nation; Long Lake No. 58 First Nation; Michipicoten First Nation; Missanabie Cree First Nation; Ojibways of Batchewana; Ojibways of Garden River; Ojibways of Pic River (Heron Bay First Nation); Pays Plat First Nation; Pic Mobert First Nation; Red Rock Indian Band; Greenstone Métis Council; Red Sky Independent Métis Nation; Superior North Shore Métis Council; Thunder Bay Métis Council.
    “Limits of Work”
    means the portion of land approximately 450 km in length and 64 metres (m) in width that connects the Lakehead transformer station in the Municipality of Shuniah near the city of Thunder Bay to the Wawa transformer station located east of the Municipality of Wawa.
    means the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
    means NextBridge Infrastructure LP, its agents, successors, and assigns.
    “Protected Areas”
    means Conservation Reserves and Provincial Parks.
    “Regional Director”
    means the Director of the ministry’s Thunder Bay Regional Office.
    “Species at Risk”
    means the species that are on the Species at Risk in Ontario List provided by Ontario Regulation 230/08 of the Endangered Species Act, S.O. 2007, c. 6 as amended.
    means the design, construction, operation, maintenance and retirement of a double-circuit 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line connecting the Lakehead Transformer Station to the Wawa Transformer Station.  Project components include a new, approximately 450 km long double-circuit 230 kV transmission line (with a connection at the Marathon transformer station), a right-of-way (ROW) corridor with a typical width of 64 metres and Temporary and permanent access roads, storage yards, laydown yards, construction camps and construction easements.
    means geographic groupings along the transmission line corridor representing the approach to execute construction phase in spans or groupings.

Dated the 8 day of March 2019 at Toronto.

[Original Signed by]
Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
77 Wellesley Street West
11th Floor, Ferguson Block
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2T5

Approved by O.C. No. _______________
Date O.C. Approved _______________

Order in Council 403/2019