
The Initiative will support innovative pilot projects that are tailor-made to address specific needs of employees at a community-based level so food processing businesses can attract and retain workers.


"AAC" means the Agricultural Adaptation Council, which is incorporated pursuant to the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act.

"Applicant" means a legal entity carrying out a food processing business that is engaged in the Transformation of agricultural commodities, foods, beverages or agri-based bio-products in Ontario, employs 50 or more employees and has submitted an application for cost-share funding under the Initiative.

"Arm's Length" means an entity or person not related, affiliated, or otherwise controlled by the Applicant. Refer to section 251 of the Income Tax Act (Canada) for the detailed statutory provision for determining Arm's Length relationships.

"Claim" means a report submitted by the successful Applicant to AAC to provide the AAC with information on which to base a reimbursement payment. Claims must meet all of the requirements stated in the Funding Agreement between the ACC and the successful Applicant for the project.

"Funding Agreement" means a legal agreement that the successful Applicant must enter with the AAC if the project is approved. The legal agreement contains the terms and conditions that the successful Applicant must follow to receive cost-share funding.

"Incurred (Cost)" means a cost for which a successful Applicant has become liable to pay.

"Initiative" means the Agri-Careers Support Initiative.

"Merit Assessment Criteria" means the criteria used to establish the level of merit for funding of each eligible application.

"Minister's Order" means the Canadian Agricultural Partnership Strategic Initiative Theme Program Minister's Order, Minister's Order number 0005/2018, as amended.

"Ministry" means the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

"Requirements Of Law" means all applicable Requirements of Law, as may be set out in statutes, regulations, by-laws, codes, rules, ordinances, official plans, approvals, permits, licenses, authorizations, decrees, injunctions, orders and declarations, or any other similar Requirement of Law.

"Transformation" means to physically or chemically change an agricultural commodity, food, beverage or bio-product.

Purpose of the Initiative

The Initiative is aimed at growing the labour market for food processing businesses by either enticing people to become employed by food processors or remain employed by food processors. The Initiative has been designed to support innovative pilot projects that are tailor-made to address specific needs of employees at a community-based level so food processing businesses can attract and retain workers.

Successful Applicants will be required to share their project outcomes and lessons learned in a final report that can be used broadly as a best practices tool for the industry to help build a strong labour force to carry the agri-food sector's growth for the short-term and long-term.

The Initiative is funded in part through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Partnership), a five-year federal-provincial-territorial initiative. AAC is delivering the Initiative on behalf of the Ministry.

Target Audience

Ontario-based food processing businesses directly involved in the Transformation of agricultural commodities, foods, beverages or agri-based bio-products that:

  • are heavily impacted by labour shortages; and
  • have the capacity to pilot innovative solutions to attract and retain employees.

Eligible Applicants are Ontario-based food processors that have 50 or more employees at the time of application. Food processors include operational businesses that are manufacturers and currently directly involved in the Transformation of agricultural commodities, foods, beverages or agri-based bio-products in Ontario.

If any officer, director or employee of the Applicant is a current or former federal public office holder or federal public servant, they are in compliance with the Conflict of Interest Act (Canada), and the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons (Canada), the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector (Canada) and the Policy on Conflict of Interest and Post-employment (Canada), as applicable. If any officer, director or employee of the Applicant is a member of the House of Commons or Senate, they are permitted under the Parliament of Canada Act (Canada) to receive funding from Canada under the Initiative.

Businesses can apply on their own or as a business collaboration provided that each entity:

  • is engaged in the project and will be contributing cash towards the project;
  • has 50 or more employees at the time of application;
  • is an Ontario-based business (located and actively operating and engaged in Transformation of products in Ontario);
  • is involved in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-products sector; and
  • is in compliance with all Requirements of Law and agrees to remain in compliance with all Requirements of Law for the duration of the project.

A business collaboration must include two or more legally recognized entities that operate at Arm's Length from one another and are working collaboratively on a project.

Applicants must be represented by an Applicant capable of entering a Funding Agreement with the AAC. Applicants must provide a Canada Revenue Agency Business Number as part of the application process.

Businesses are encouraged to work together with other businesses in their community, and where appropriate work to involve not-for-profit organizations, local municipalities and academic/research institutions. Not-for-profit organizations, municipalities and academic/research institutions may collaborate but are not eligible to apply as the Applicant.

Eligible Projects

Eligible projects include those that help address the ongoing staffing shortages for Ontario-based food processors including:

  • addressing labour challenges based on employee needs for those specific business(es) at a community level;
  • providing critical data that may be specific to the food processing industry; and
  • encouraging innovative solutions to the labour shortage


  • Projects that address community-level challenges in the Ontario agriculture, agri-food and agri-products sector.
  • Projects that have a plan for capturing relevant data and lessons learned that will help build a stronger labour force and support the agri-food sector's growth for the short run and long-term.
  • Projects with business collaborations that include the involvement of not-for-profit organizations, municipalities and/or academic/research institutions, who can assist with data capture, data validation and/or knowledge transfer activities.
  • Projects that address challenges for food processors in rural locations.

Eligible Activities

  • Piloting innovative solutions to help address the ongoing staffing shortages within the sector.
  • Encouraging solutions to address community-level challenges that impact recruitment and retention of workers in the sector, in areas such as:
  • Local transportation
  • Childcare
  • Language proficiency
  • Identification of on-site employee amenities
  • Human resources policies or programs

See Appendix A for Project Examples.

Ineligible Activities

  • Any activities taking place outside of Ontario
  • Providing direct support for hiring or wage subsidies
  • Providing direct support to existing employees for non-transportation labour expenses, such as accommodations, meals, etc.

Cost-Share Funding

The maximum cost-share funding assistance available through the Initiative is:

  • up to 70 per cent of total eligible project costs to a maximum of $80,000 for Applicants that only have one business associated with the application, or
  • up to 70 per cent of total eligible project costs to a maximum of $200,000 for Applicants that have more than one business associated with the application

Eligible Costs

Eligible costs are those costs that are directly necessary to carry out the project, reasonable in nature, and incremental as well as incurred by the successful Applicant.

Note: costs incurred must reflect when goods and services are expected to be received, regardless of when payments are made. When purchasing goods or services, successful Applicants must follow a process that is transparent, fair and promotes the best value for the money expended and at competitive prices that are no greater than fair market value after deducting trade discounts and/or any other discounts available to the Applicant; and must comply with all Requirements of Law applicable to how the Applicant acquires goods, services or both.

All suppliers from which goods or services are purchased must be at Arm's Length from the Applicant. If you have any questions about whether a supplier meets this requirement, please contact the AAC at info@adaptcouncil.org.

Eligible costs must be directly necessary to carry out the project, and may include the following within any limits set out elsewhere in this guide:

  • cost of purchasing goods (including supplies), and all related shipping or transportation costs
  • costs of labour that is specifically dedicated to carrying out the project (such as contract salaries, benefits, and specific per diem fees)
  • costs for employee training and skill development, mentoring, or coaching, excluding:
    • any costs for training on technology and processes that have already been adopted in the business
    • costs of training and skills development that fulfill any academic requirements towards completion of a professional certificate, diploma or degree program
  • costs for licensed childcare and day camps (the Applicant must attest that their employees have not received funding for childcare through any other government/rebate programs)
  • costs of third-party service providers to conduct research, training, communications, translation, promotion, or other services that are part of the project
    • for research services costs, overhead of a service supplier that is a research institution, to a maximum of 25 per cent of applicable eligible costs
  • software and software development (implementation and customization), but excluding licensing and service fees
  • costs for rental of facilities or equipment
  • share of local travel costs to assist employees reaching work or home (as set out in the Travel Guidelines below)

Travel Guidelines

To be eligible, local travel costs must be identified and approved as such in the application for an approved project.

Eligible cost-share funding for local travel costs for an approved project may be claimed only when the most economical transportation is chosen, and the costs assist employees with trips originating or terminating at the place of work. This could include funding for a share of:

  • Local or regional public transportation, including public bus or other transit systems.
  • Taxi or rideshare fare, including a tip of up to 10%

The eligible share of funding for local transportation costs that directly subsidize employee travel (e.g. transit, rideshare, or taxi fees) will be capped at 50% of the total cost of the service. Local transportation costs will only be approved in cases where it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the AAC that:

  • The most economical method of transportation has been chosen (e.g. group travel by taxi/rideshare is more economical than the total cost of individuals travelling separately by public transit, or shuttle)
  • Trips originate or terminate close to the employee's place of work or home; or
  • Services provided meet a significant, quantifiable gap in existing transportation service provided in the area/region as demonstrated in the application (e.g. a misalignment between scheduled transit service and shift changes).

Ineligible Costs

Ineligible costs include the following:

  • Costs Incurred before the approval of the project or after the project completion date identified in the Funding Agreement between the Applicant and the AAC
  • Costs Incurred in preparing an application for the Initiative
  • Any cost not specifically required for implementation of the project
  • Normal costs of establishing, expanding or operating a business or organization, including facilities
  • Capital costs, including cost of machinery, equipment, software development/purchase and installation; renovations; site improvements; leasehold improvements; building improvements and construction.
  • Goods or services provided by federal or provincial government departments or agencies
  • Deposits (prepayments) for which goods or services are not yet fully received
  • Sponsorship of conferences and learning events or initiatives
  • Honorariums
  • Membership costs
  • Any travel costs beyond those provided for in this Guide, including mileage claimed for trips in personal vehicles
  • Any hospitality costs (e.g., provision of food or beverages or incidentals
  • Purchase or lease of land, building or facilities
  • Costs of vehicles, transportation equipment, mobile material handling equipment (powered or unpowered), and construction and agriculture machinery (e.g., farm equipment)
  • Financing charges, loan and lease interest payments, bank fees and charges as well as debt restructuring or fundraising
  • Gifts and incentives
  • Permits and approvals
  • Legal fees
  • Costs related to activities that promote Ontario products explicitly over those of another province or territory
  • Costs related to activities that directly influence or lobby any level of government
  • Costs of basic research
  • Taxes, including Harmonized Sales Tax
  • Any refund or rebate the Applicant receives or is eligible to receive
  • Any cost that is funded by government sources at 75 per cent or more

Applying for Cost-share Funding

What are the responsibilities of the Applicant?

Responsibilities of the Applicant include:

  • be a business located in Ontario and is involved in Transformation in Ontario
  • be the primary point of contact with the AAC
  • enter into a Funding Agreement with the AAC
  • manage the project
  • collect cash contributions from the business collaboration partners and cash flow all eligible project costs
  • provide the required documentation to the AAC for reimbursement funding
  • prepare and submit progress and final reports
  • receive a T4A for the total funds issued

What types of projects are ineligible?

Projects that are not eligible under this Initiative include:

  • activities that do not address labour challenges based on employee needs for those specific business(es) at a community level
  • promotion of Ontario products explicitly over those of another province or territory and/or include Ontario specific promotional campaigns or branding (including the use of the Foodland Ontario logo)
  • those that involve directly influencing or lobbying any level of government
  • normal operating costs associated with carrying out business or facility expansions, unless otherwise noted in the Eligible Costs section
  • having the purpose of coming into or maintaining compliance with Requirements Of Law that pertain to current operations
  • activities related to aquaponic food production, aquaculture, seaweed, fish and seafood production and processing
  • those that are not in compliance with all applicable Requirements of Law
  • activities that are already receiving 100 per cent in total funding assistance from all sources, including other government and non-government sources
  • those that are located outside of Ontario

When may projects start and finish?

A project cannot start prior to the date that AAC approves the project. This date will be communicated to the applicant when they are notified of the funding decision. Eligible costs must be incurred no later than November 30, 2022 and according to the terms and conditions of the applicant Funding Agreement between AAC and the successful Applicant.

How is an application assessed?

All complete applications received are evaluated based only on the information submitted and will not be considered if they do not meet eligibility criteria or if they are incomplete. Complete applications that meet eligibility criteria are assessed using Merit Assessment Criteria. A merit-based application review process is used to allocate cost-share funds to projects that best meet Merit Assessment Criteria. Only applications that are strongly aligned to the Merit Assessment Criteria will be approved.

Applications will be assigned to an AAC staff member who will be in contact with the Applicant prior to a review by a committee of industry experts. Applications will be reviewed by the AAC and may be reviewed by external third-party reviewers, and partners or advisors that are governed by confidentiality processes, as part of the due diligence review process. A committee meeting is expected to occur within 15 business days from the application intake deadline. Applicants will be notified, usually within five business days from the meeting date of the funding decision.

Merit Assessment Criteria

All eligible project applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Relevance to the intended Initiative outcomes:

  • demonstrated direct alignment with the objective and priorities of the Initiative
  • Pilot projects that are tailor-made to address specific needs of employees at a community-based level so food processing businesses can attract and retain workers
  • Projects that address labour challenges based on employee needs for those specific business(es) at a community level
  • Projects that provide critical data that may be specific to the food processing industry and rural versus urban locations
  • Project that encourage innovative solutions to the labour shortage
  • Projects that address community-level challenges in the Ontario agriculture, agri-food and agri-products sector
  • Projects that have a strong plan for capturing relevant data and lessons learned that will help build a stronger labour force and support the agri-food sector's growth for the short run and long-term
  • demonstrated need/rationale for the project
  • impact on economic growth of the food processing sector
  • demonstrated level of innovation for the project (refer to Appendix B: Innovation Rating Criteria)

Benefits to the sector/industry:

  • documented industry support and collaboration with others; increased merit for projects with business collaborations that include the involvement of not-for-profit organizations, municipalities and/or academic/research institutions, who can assist with data capture, data validation and/or knowledge transfer activities
  • extent to which there will be broad impact/benefit across the sector/industry
  • appropriate plan in place for information sharing/knowledge transfer for the project to the sector/industry

Likelihood of success:

  • demonstrated adequate resources, experience and skills to successfully complete the project
  • well-defined budget setting out reasonable project costs that are necessary for the implementation of the project, that align with defined eligible project costs and do not include ineligible costs
  • detailed work plan that outlines activities and measurable outcomes, that can be achieved within the project timelines

Supporting documentation submitted with the application shows:

  • demonstrated financial capacity to cash flow project costs
  • project costs are substantiated (e.g., quotes, cost breakdown, details on specific budget items, etc.)

How Do I Apply?

The second deadline to apply for the Initiative is September 8, 2022 through the AAC. Detailed instructions for completing and submitting application forms are provided on the first page of the application form. It is critical that Applicants follow these instructions to ensure their application is received and can be reviewed.

The Initiative application and work plan/budget templates can be found on the AAC website. An additional intake may be announced if funding is available after the initial intake.

Complete applications, with a work plan, budget and all supporting documentation, must be submitted by email info@adaptcouncil.org . Any quotes, invoices, additional information, must be attached to the email. If you apply and do not receive an acknowledgement email within two business days, please contact AAC at info@adaptcouncil.org or call 1-800-769-3272.

How often can I apply?

  • There is a limit of one application that an Applicant can submit, either independently or as part of a collaboration.

How will I be notified of cost-share funding decisions?

The Applicant will be notified by email once an application has been reviewed and a decision has been made. There are two possible outcomes:

  • Application is approved - the successful Applicant will be contacted by the AAC to inform them of the approval and will be required to enter into a Funding Agreement with the AAC and comply with its terms and conditions. The Applicant will also receive confirmation of Claim procedures and submission deadlines, and a final report that must be submitted following the completion of the project.
  • Application is declined - the Applicant will be contacted by AAC and receive a brief explanation for the decision.

Claiming Cost-share Funding for Approved Projects

When is cost-share funding paid?

Approved cost-share funding is paid after the successful Applicant has incurred and paid for costs and has submitted a Claim that meets all requirements and has been approved by the AAC.

Each eligible cost is reimbursed at the approved cost share funding percentage.

If the successful Applicant is submitting multiple claims for the project, there will be a 10 per cent holdback of reimbursement on any interim claims until a Final Report for the project is received and approved by the AAC. The Final Report submitted for the project must include a certification by the authorized signing officer for the successful Applicant that the project has been completed within the project timelines stated in the funding agreement and the project must fulfil all other requirements stated in the Funding Agreement.

Claim forms and reporting templates will be available on the AAC website.

How is a claim submitted?

All projects must be completed no later than November 30, 2022. Final Claims and reporting must be submitted by the successful Applicant to the AAC no later than December 30, 2022. The AAC may request any additional information from Applicants that is considered necessary (e.g. copies of any permits obtained by the Applicant in conducting the project, photos, additional reporting, etc.).

What a successful Applicant's Claim package must contain:

  • Completed Claim form
  • Proof of payment
  • Copies of all paid invoices
  • Completed final report (interim reports may be requested for Applicants submitting multiple claims)
  • Photos required for any equipment purchased

Proof of payment must verify:

  • The Applicant paid for all costs
  • Who received payment
  • The amount of payment
  • The date of payment

Proof of payment may be any one of the following:

  • Copy of front and back of cancelled cheque/proof of electronic funds transfer (EFT)
  • Electronic image of processed cheque/EFT transaction
  • Statement from banking institution indicating to whom the processed cheque was written, or electronic payment made, and for what amount
  • Credit card or debit card receipt or statement clearly identifying amount and to whom the payment was made. Credit card or debit card numbers and other information, including costs that are unrelated to the project, should be blacked out

Can Applicants stack cost-share funding for the same project?

Applicants can only access one funding source under the Partnership for a single project. However, Applicants may access other government funding as long as those other programs also allow stacking. The maximum level of total assistance provided from all sources is 100 per cent of the total eligible costs. All funding for a project, including from additional sources, must be listed in the budget.

Applicant Insurance Requirements

Successful Applicants signing Funding Agreements with the AAC for their project are required to have comprehensive general liability insurance with coverage for at least $2 million per occurrence. This insurance must show the AAC, and other indemnified parties as required in the Applicant Funding Agreement, as additional insureds on the policy and contain the endorsements specified in the Applicant Funding Agreement and is required to be maintained throughout the term of the Funding Agreement.

Appendix A: Project examples

Local transportation

Project Examples

Projects must encourage solutions to address community challenges impacting recruitment and retention of workers in the sector, such as:

  • Bus routes may not meet business location
  • Hours may not coincide with shift work

Eligible Costs

  • Costs may include those noted below or those that are consistent with the Eligible Costs
  • Transportation demand management program (e.g. carpool programs, site assessments/action plans, needs assessment)
  • Transit pass subsidy (up to 50% of total cost of pass) for the duration of the initiative
  • Transit training (e.g. on-demand apps)
  • Labour costs of drivers for last mile services from a central point)
  • Rideshare/taxi subsidy (origin/destination is workplace, up to 50% of total cost of trip)
  • Promotion of services available through the initiative

Ineligible Costs

  • Costs cannot include those noted below or those that are outlined in the Ineligible Costs
  • Vehicle (e.g. van, bus) purchase/lease
  • Non-local travel (inter-provincial, international)
  • Mileage for trips undertaken in personal vehicles


Project Examples

Projects must encourage solutions to address community challenges impacting recruitment and retention of employees in the sector, such as:

  • Proximity and availability of childcare, particularly for night or weekend shifts

Eligible Costs

  • Costs may include those noted below or those that are consistent with Eligible Costs
  • Licensed daycare
  • Registered camps

Ineligible Costs

  • Costs cannot include those noted below or those that are outlined in the Ineligible Costs
  • Fees that are subsidized through other government programs, or subject to other rebates, despite stacking being allowed in other instances.

Language proficiency

Project Examples

Projects must encourage solutions to address community challenges impacting recruitment and retention of workers in the sector, such as:

  • Difficulty for those with English as a second language to engage in the sector

Eligible Costs

  • Costs may include those noted below or those that are consistent with Eligible Costs
  • English as a second language training (on-site/off-site/virtual)
  • Training software
  • Needs assessments
  • Translation/translators
  • Promotion of services available

Ineligible Costs

  • Costs cannot include those that are outlined in the Ineligible Costs

On-site employee amenities

Project Examples

Projects must encourage solutions to address community challenges impacting recruitment and retention of workers in the sector, such as:

  • Difficulty in attracting and retaining employees based on the employee-oriented amenities that may be provided on-site or in close proximity.

Eligible Costs

  • Costs may include those noted below or those that are consistent with Eligible Costs
  • Facility needs assessment/employee satisfaction surveys to identify potential amenities/services needed (e.g. fitness rooms, religious accommodations, daycare, computer lab)

Ineligible Costs

  • Costs cannot include those noted below or those that are outlined in Ineligible Costs
  • Home entertainment (e.g. TVs, videogame consoles, etc.)
  • Furniture/fixtures/appliances/ergonomic

Human Resources

Project Examples

Projects must encourage solutions to address community challenges impacting recruitment and retention of workers in the sector, such as:

  • Growing interest among employees in all sectors for modern human resources policies and benefits connected to employment.

Eligible Costs

  • Costs may include those noted below or those that are consistent with Eligible Costs
  • Human Resources policy audit
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) pilot
  • Continuing adult education
  • Certification programs, excluding those for professional certificate, diploma or degree programs
  • Train the trainer programs
  • In house tech training

Ineligible Costs

  • Costs cannot include those noted below or those that are outlined in Ineligible Costs
  • Direct compensation/hiring/signing bonuses

Appendix B: Innovation Criteria

Under the Partnership, innovation is defined as the application of new ideas (new processes, products, services and methods of delivery) to solve problems and address challenges.

The Initiative has been designed to support innovative pilot projects that are tailor-made to address specific needs of employees at a community-based level so food processing businesses can attract and retain workers. Applicants are encouraged to review the following chart to assess the level of innovation for the proposed project.

Criteria High Medium Low/Not Eligible
(Originality, Uniqueness, Newness)
New to the province; or North America, not generally available or widely adopted

Could be innovation developed in Ontario or could be sourced from another jurisdiction

New for the sector but may be in use in another sector
Not tested under regional conditions (climate, soil type, market acceptance)
New to my location but currently in use in other parts of the province

New to my business but used by many others

Benefits to Broader Sector Significant sector benefits compared to current practice

Higher ranking based on potential for number of people or businesses to benefit

Material sector benefits compared to current practice Benefits exclusively for a single business. Other Ontario businesses could not adopt this innovation

Limited benefits compared to alternatives that are currently in common use

Benefits to Society Significant societal benefits (environmental or social benefits)

Higher ranking based on potential for number of people or businesses to benefit

Material societal benefits (environmental or social benefits) Limited benefits compared to alternatives that are currently in common use
Criteria High Medium Low/Not Eligible (for Innovation Cost Share)
Level of Risk Some level of uncertainty. The innovation has been tested in other jurisdictions or under lab or small-scale conditions
Could be either technological risk or market risk or both
Lower level of uncertainty. The innovation has had limited testing and results have been positive. Additional demonstrations will increase industry confidence for adoption No uncertainty. This is a best practice that has been extensively tested in Ontario and shown to provide benefits
Knowledge Transfer The project includes a sound knowledge transfer plan that engages potential users throughout the project and will share knowledge and results broadly with the Ontario industry
Multiple communication products will ensure widespread availability of information for potential users of the innovation
The project includes a knowledge transfer plan that will share some knowledge with the Ontario industry, however, some intellectual property may be retained by the applicant
The project may provide an initial advantage to one business but the innovation could be duplicated by other companies and would raise the bar for innovation in the sector


All knowledge gained from the project will be for the benefit of the applicant. Others in the Ontario industry would not be able to adopt this innovation
Intellectual property protection will hamper knowledge transfer and uptake of the innovation
Drives Competitiveness The innovation will allow an Ontario company or companies to move ahead of global competitors
Ontario could move into a global leadership position in this sector.
The innovation will allow an Ontario company or companies to introduce innovation being utilized by their global competitors. Other Ontario businesses could be motivated and have the ability to adopt this innovation, raising the overall competitiveness of the Ontario sector The innovation would provide benefits to only one Ontario company. The innovation could not be copied by existing Ontario businesses in the sector and would provide an unfair market advantage over those Ontario competitors

Appendix C: Application Declaration

In order to apply, the lead entity for the Applicant must agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Initiative.

The lead entity must be a legal entity that is eligible under the Initiative. The individual who signs the application form on behalf of the lead entity must be a person who is authorized by the lead entity to sign the form on behalf of the lead entity and to bind the lead entity to the contents therein. The lead entity is referred to as the applicant below. This person is referred to as "you" below.

You must certify on the application that:

  • You have read, understand, and agree to abide by all requirements of the Initiative, as set out in this Guidelines.
  • All information submitted on the application is true and complete, to the best of your knowledge, belief and understanding.
  • All sources of funding for the proposed project, other than the applicants', have been disclosed in this application, including sources and amounts from federal, provincial and municipal governments, and such funds do not, and will, not exceed 100 per cent of total eligible costs.
  • The applicant does not currently owe any money to Ontario, or you have attached a description of the applicant's debt to Ontario to this application.
  • You are not, nor is any officer, director or employee of the applicant (if any) a current or former federal public office holder or federal public servant, or, if you, or any officer, director or employee of the applicant (if any) are a current or former federal public officer holder or federal public servant, you or that officer, director or employee of the applicant (if any) are in compliance with the Conflict of Interest Act, the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons, the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector, and the Policy on Conflict of Interest and Post-employment, as applicable.
  • You are not, nor is any officer, director or employee of the applicant (if any), a member of the House of Commons or of the Senate, or if you, or any officer, director or employee of the applicant (if any) are, you or the officer, director or employee of the applicant (if any) are permitted under the Parliament of Canada Act to receive funding from Canada under the this Initiative.

You must further certify on the Application, that the applicant:

  • Shall retain all records relating to any payments made to you under this Initiative including, all invoices and proof of payment for at least seven (7) years from the date on which payment was received by the applicant.
  • Shall consent to Canada, Ontario or AAC publishing information about the project/activities funded including the amount of funding the applicant has been approved to receive and/or has received under this Initiative, the nature and results of any project/activities funded, along with the applicant's name.

You must further acknowledge and accept that:

  • Funding under this Initiative is a discretionary, non-entitlement program and the applicant is not entitled to funding merely as a consequence of submitting an application. Payment is subject to Ontario receiving all the necessary appropriations from the Ontario Legislature, Ontario receiving all the necessary monies from Canada, Ontario's program administrator receiving all the necessary appropriations from Ontario, the applicant and the applicant's project (including all activities) satisfying eligibility criteria, eligible expenses criteria, as well as the applicant's compliance with all terms and conditions of the Partnership.
  • If it is determined the applicant has received a payment the applicant was not eligible to receive, through administrative error or otherwise, the applicant will repay any and all payments that the applicant was not eligible to receive as well as any surplus funding.
  • Any payments made to the applicant may be subject to recovery or offset against the applicant's pre-existing debts to the Crown in Right of Ontario or Canada.
  • Canada, Ontario or, AAC, including, their respective Ministers, directors, officers, agents, employees or representatives (as applicable) shall not be liable for any damage or loss whatsoever, or howsoever arising, including, damage or loss arising from any advice, opinions, representations, warranties or the provision of information under the Partnership.
  • The information provided under this Initiative may be disclosed by Ontario or Ontario's program administrator on behalf of Ontario to verify compliance with other provincial and federal funding initiatives administered by Ontario or another program administrator on behalf of Ontario or by Ontario in order to confirm the information provided, to verify eligibility and to ensure there is no duplication of funding.
  • The information provided under this Initiative may, with the exception of the Social Insurance Number, be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Ontario), the Access to Information Act (Canada) or Privacy Act (Canada).

You must consent to the following on behalf of the applicant:

  • To provide accurate, timely and full information, including supporting documentation, to the AAC and will notify the AAC immediately in the event there are any changes to information provided.
  • To provide Canada, Ontario and AAC, as well as their authorized representatives, with any information or access to a person, place or thing within ten (10) business days of any request, field verification or audit.
  • To comply with onsite field inspections and/or audits by Canada, Ontario or the AAC upon notice, and during normal business hours, to verify eligibility, and to evaluate compliance with the requirements of the Partnership.
  • To comply with reviews by Ontario of information related to other programs and initiatives delivered by, or for, Ontario in which the applicant is enrolled or has applied.
  • The use of the applicant's name and contact information by Canada, Ontario and/or AAC to contact the applicant for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of this Initiative or other Partnership programming, or for any other similar purpose.
  • In the event of a conflict between anything set out in these Guidelines and the Minister's Order, the Minister's Order will prevail.

Errors and Omissions Excepted.