About the Long-Term Report

Ontario’s Long-Term Report on the Economy is an assessment of the province’s projected economic and fiscal environment into the future.

Based on ongoing trends and current projections, the report looks at the challenges and opportunities Ontario may face over the next 20 years.

It provides important context to help municipalities, economists and the private sector plan for the future.

The Fiscal Sustainability, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2019 requires the government to deliver this report within two years of a general election. Ontario held a general election on June 2, 2022.

Sustained investments needed

The report shows how sustained investments are needed to support the province through population growth. 

Ontario’s investments today in education, health care and infrastructure, as well as continuing to foster an innovative and dynamic business environment, are essential to support the province’s future wellbeing and long-term economic growth.

Read the 2024 report to learn more.

Find older editions of Ontario's Long-Term Report on The Economy

The Ontario Legislative Library has a collection of past editions of Ontario's Long-Term Report on The Economy in PDF format from 2005 to 2017.

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