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Productivity - Labour Attraction: Addressing Labour Supply and Training Challenges

Purpose of Project Category

Projects will assist sectors to build a strong labour force to produce and process agri-food and agri-products. This includes projects to improve the supply and capacity of labour through attracting, training and retaining labour.

Projects will benefit a sector, or a significant or defined portion of a sector, value-chain or region.

Projects that benefit an individual business or a small groups of businesses that do not represent a sector, a defined portion of a sector, value-chain or region do not meet the intent of this project category.

Target Audience

Project partnerships along the agri-food and agri-products value chain that:

  • are heavily impacted by labour supply (e.g., horticulture, greenhouse and processing sectors); and
  • have the capacity to address gaps currently facing Ontario's sectors and regions.

Eligible Projects

  • Implementing new or enhanced attraction, training and retention approaches to support sectors to address identified labour supply and training challenges.
  • Piloting new experiential, subsector specific training approaches focusing on emerging technical competences and specific job skills to attract or retain suitable labour.

Project Category Priorities

  • Projects addressing labour supply challenges and opportunities related to COVID-19 that have been identified for the sector.
  • Projects that are implementing comprehensive plans with identified tactics designed to enhance labour capacity, skillsets and supply

Recommended Cost-share

  • Up to $100,000 per project

Eligible Activities

  • Implementing new or enhanced approaches to attracting or retaining labour
  • Piloting training approaches

Ineligible Activities

  • Needs assessments, audits or analysis
  • Providing direct for business hiring or wage subsidies
  • Purchasing capital items
  • Training related to Food Safety and Traceability

See Terms and Conditions for more information.

Recovery/Contingency Planning and Response

Purpose of Project Category

Projects that build the industry's capacity to recognize and manage risks through recovery and contingency planning and implementation of activities for a sector, or for a significant or defined portion of a sector, value-chain or region in response to challenges/opportunities identified during COVID 19 pandemic.

Target Audience

Partners that are part of agri-product and agri-food value chains.

Eligible Projects

  • Conducting assessments
  • Developing sector-level plans (e.g., plans to minimize supply chain disruptions, managing excess product, etc.)
  • Conducting audits or analysis

Examples of projects

  • Projects that improve the ability and capacity of a specific commodity sector, value-chain or region, to prepare for, prevent, detect and respond effectively to emergencies that can impact the broader sector or society at large (e.g., development of commodity-specific emergency management training modules for procedures/protocols tailored to the unique needs/risks of the sector, new protocols to manage and minimize supply chain disruptions, etc.)
  • Developing and/or delivering emergency management training for a sector, value-chain or region where training gaps have been magnified as a result of COVID 19
  • Developing and/or delivering training to address emergency management needs
  • Providing a learning opportunity to address a skill or training gap on a particular emerging issue or opportunity

Project Category Priorities

  • Projects that improve the ability and capacity of a specific commodity sector, value-chain or region to prepare for, prevent, detect and respond effectively to emergencies that can impact the broader sector or society at large (e.g., development of commodity-specific emergency management training modules for procedures/protocols tailored to the unique needs/risks of the sector)
  • Projects that support information sharing between/among supply chains/sectors
  • Projects that have the ability to impact multiple industry stakeholders and/or projects that will span a complete supply chain
  • Projects that address an identified risk
  • Projects that deliver improved capabilities for responding to an emergency
  • Projects that include an outreach plan for dissemination of information (e.g., clearly outlining how the sector/broader industry will benefit as a result of the intended outcomes of the project)
  • Projects that benefit one or more of the following: food safety, plant health, animal health, economic development or environmental stewardship

Recommended Cost-share

  • Up to $100,000 per project

Eligible Activities

  • Conducting assessments, audits or analysis to inform plan development
  • Developing sector-level, value-chain or regional recovery/contingency plans
  • Implementing solutions that support information management and sharing across groups, supply chains, etc.
  • Outreach strategies including for example, the development of education and training materials
  • Digital delivery of skills development and training and extended outreach
  • Knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing
  • Workshops and or emergency drills/exercises
  • Purchasing capital and equipment related to recovery/contingency plans, to a maximum of $10,000 per project

Ineligible Activities

  • Establishing IT systems necessary to meet ordinary operations/business needs
  • Ongoing activities deemed to be part of normal operations
  • Creating programs/systems where they currently exist in industry
  • Purchasing capital and equipment unless identified in emergency response plan

See Terms and Conditions

Technology Solutions: Productivity Pilots and Demonstrations of New Technology

Purpose of Project Category

Projects will focus on promoting, piloting and demonstrating new and innovative technologies related to labour saving technology or practices.

Projects must demonstrate benefits that increase the competitiveness in the broader agri-food and agri-products sector of Ontario.

Target Audience

Preference will be given to projects focused on piloting or demonstrating technology and equipment, which is new and innovative to the agri-food sector in Ontario. In Northern Ontario or at Indigenous partner businesses, the labour saving technologies do not need to be new or innovative in Ontario.

Eligible Projects

  • Pilot of new and innovative labour saving technology - Pilot projects must demonstrate that the lab or theoretical research is done, and a commercial application is envisioned. (A pilot project is the step between bench research and full-scale commercial application and tests on a scale that might not be commercially viable but would allow for testing under close to real world conditions. It forms part of the 'scaling-up' process and allows verification that the technology still works outside the lab.)
  • Demonstration projects of new and innovative technologies - Demonstration projects that validate at a real-world scale, new technologies, or systems

Examples of projects

  • Pilot project testing the benefit of automating a labour intensive process
  • Demonstration project of newly proven productivity enhancing technology

Project Category Priorities

  • Projects must include an audit, assessment or labour productivity plan that demonstrates the need and impact of the project in addressing current deficiencies, opportunities and risks. Projects must include baseline Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to labour productivity
  • Projects implementing technologies and/or equipment that are new or novel to the agri-food sector in Ontario. (In Northern Ontario or at Indigenous Partner businesses, the labour saving technologies do not need to be new or innovative in Ontario)
  • Projects must include components of outreach strategies and/or knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing
  • Projects that quantify the relevant industry/business impacts, such as: reduced identified risks including workforce health and safety, job creation or retention, increased sales and revenue, increased profitability, etc.
  • Projects that focus on and demonstrate labour productivity benefits and savings
  • Projects that demonstrate the anticipated adoption/use in the broader sector
  • Projects with potential co-benefits with Protection and Assurance and/or Environmental Stewardship priority areas
  • Projects that include third party data gathering and validation that can be used by the broader industry to increase the awareness and adoption of the new technology
  • Projects from Indigenous communities
  • Projects from Northern Ontario communities (Northern Ontario for the purposes of this program is consistent with the definition in the Northern Ontario Agri-Food Strategy)

Recommended Cost-share

  • Up to $100,000 per project

Eligible Activities

  • Purchase of capital related to new processing equipment, or retrofitting existing equipment, technology and software systems to increase automation and labour productivity (includes equipment to package and label products) and activities associated with installation and configuration
  • Modifications to existing equipment or technology for optimization or to enable installation of automation and labour-saving equipment and technology
  • Development of new or translation of existing manufacturing policies, feedback systems, preventative maintenance procedures and standard operational procedures, such as processing standards (time, temperature, speed etc.); proactive, preventative maintenance routines; and employee scheduling systems

Ineligible Activities

  • Activities not related to labour saving technology or practices

See Terms and Conditions

Accessing Markets and Development of Products or Processes - International

Purpose of Project Category

Projects will focus on supporting partners to implement marketing plans, develop new products or processes, develop skills, or conduct pilots or demonstrations that help access new international markets or retain existing international markets.

Target Audience

Partners supporting export growth or export market retention for agri-food and agri-products businesses, with an emphasis on those supporting new and developing sectors

Eligible Projects

  • Applicants must have conducted strategic analysis of the market opportunity in order to demonstrate the project has a high likelihood of success in accessing or retaining the market
  • Implementation of marketing plans
  • Pilot projects
  • Demonstrations

Project Category Priorities

  • Projects that focus on sector growth, with emphasis on new and developing sectors with demonstrated opportunities to achieve sector growth through implementation of the project

Recommended Cost-share

  • Up to $100,000 per project

Eligible Activities

  • Activities related to technology, new products, new processes, equipment, developing new global and domestic markets to expand existing market share, or enter new markets
  • First time implementation of a marketing plan, including (but not limited to):
    • Brand development, focus groups or consumer studies
    • In-store product demonstration
    • First time planning, organizing and/or participating in trade shows (beyond normal business) and other marketing events internationally
    • Sales, marketing and promotional activities
    • Investigative travel for the purpose of assessing new or emerging markets
  • Specially produced product samples (not from normal production) for market research, tradeshow and/or specific events (e.g., lab or pilot plant samples made specifically for marketing purposes)
  • Shipping product samples for tradeshows and not intended for re-sale
  • Adoption of best management practices, processes, technologies, or systems to meet established standards and certifications for the purposes of accessing, or expanding a market
  • New product formulation, reformulation and process development
  • External technical-scientific resources to undertake improved nutritional value, or added health value
  • Labeling and packaging development and production for a trial run, excluding the cost of the actual production run of the packaging
  • One-time testing of products to meet established standards, certifications or market requirements, including analytical and quality testing
  • Training key personnel on project related new equipment, technology and processes
  • Understanding the logistics of delivery to new markets, including, but not limited to, components such as freight costs, feasibility, travel time, transportation modes, etc.
  • Pilots or demonstrations of innovative technologies, processes, practices, and systems

Ineligible Activities

  • Ontario specific promotional campaigns or branding (including the use of Foodland Ontario logo)
  • Producing product samples for in-store or in-market product demonstration from normal production
  • Ongoing production of product packaging
  • Legal costs associated with the creation of a new entity

See Terms and Conditions

Market Development: Accessing Markets and Development of Products or Processes - Domestic

Purpose of Project Category

Projects will focus on supporting partners to implement marketing plans, develop new products or processes, develop skills, or conduct pilots or demonstrations that help access new domestic markets or retain existing domestic markets.

Target Audience

Partners who are implementing an existing marketing plan, or undertaking a pilot or demonstration to benefit domestic market expansion or retention

Eligible Projects

  • Applicants must have conducted strategic analysis of the market opportunity in order to demonstrate the project has a high likelihood of success in accessing or retaining the market
  • Implementation of marketing plans
  • Pilot projects
  • Demonstrations
  • New product and process development

Project Category Priorities

  • Projects that focus on sector growth with demonstrated opportunities to achieve sector growth through implementation of the project

Recommended Cost-share

  • Up to $100,000 per project

Eligible Activities

  • Activities related to technology, new products, new processes, equipment, developing new global and domestic markets to expand existing market share, or enter new markets
  • First time implementation of a marketing plan, including (but not limited to):
    • Brand development, focus groups or consumer studies
    • In-store product demonstration
    • First time planning, organizing and/or participating in trade shows (beyond normal business) and other marketing events in Canada
    • Sales, marketing and promotional activities
    • Investigative domestic travel for the purpose of assessing new or emerging markets
  • Specially produced product samples (not from normal production) for market research, tradeshow and/or specific events (e.g., lab or pilot plant samples made specifically for marketing purposes)
  • Shipping product samples for tradeshows and not intended for re-sale
  • Adoption of best management practices, processes, technologies, or systems to meet established standards and certifications for the purposes of accessing, or expanding a market
  • New product formulation, reformulation and process development
  • External technical-scientific resources to undertake improved nutritional value, or added health value
  • Labeling and packaging development and production for a trial run, excluding the cost of the actual production run of the packaging
  • One-time testing of products to meet established standards, certifications or market requirements, including analytical and quality testing
  • Training key personnel on project related new equipment, technology and processes
  • Understanding the logistics of delivery to new markets, including, but not limited to, components such as freight costs, feasibility, travel time, transportation modes, etc.
  • Pilots or demonstrations of innovative technologies, processes, practices, and systems

Ineligible Activities

  • Ontario specific promotional campaigns or branding (including the use of Foodland Ontario logo)
  • Producing product samples for in-store or in-market product demonstration from normal production
  • Ongoing production of product packaging
  • Legal costs associated with the creation of a new entity

See Terms and Conditions

Market Development: Assessment, Audit and Planning for Market Development

Purpose of Project Category

Projects will focus on supporting partners to develop plans, assessments and audits to retain or access new domestic or export markets. Accessing new and emerging markets or expanding markets, both domestic and export represents growth opportunity, however requires capacity to support analysis and plan development. In a competitive environment, sectors also are required to constantly monitor existing markets to ensure products are meeting customer need. Cost-share funding will allow partners to develop plans to analyze and assess opportunity and develop plans to access/retain domestic or export markets.

Target Audience

Partners for identifying and investigating the market opportunity in order to focus the project on activities that can help identify and address barriers to entry in a market or retaining a market

Eligible Projects

  • Developing plans to access domestic or export markets
  • Assessments
  • Conducting audits or analysis

Project Category Priorities

  • Projects that focus on sector growth by accessing and/or retaining new or existing markets (domestic or export)
  • Projects that address a specific new market opportunity or mitigates risks that require additional data or validation prior to implementation
  • Projects that demonstrate impact and/or benefits that go beyond their specific commodity
  • Projects that are in partnership with the appropriate industry partner(s).
  • Projects that demonstrate prior effort to identify and instigate a market opportunity that support the project activities to be undertaken

Recommended Cost-share

  • Up to $100,000 per project

Eligible Activities

  • Market analysis, research, assessment and trend monitoring for existing, modified or new products or markets
  • Development of business, marketing, strategic or export plans for developing a new market
  • Investigate regulatory requirements or standards for new markets
  • Initial audit or assessment for operations, cost of production or processes
  • Commercialization plan for a new product that has never been sold

Ineligible Activities

  • Ontario specific promotional campaigns or branding (including the use of Foodland Ontario logo)
  • Producing product samples for in-store or in-market product demonstrations from normal production
  • Ongoing production of product packaging

See Terms and Conditions

Supporting Incubators and Commercialization Centers

Purpose of Project Category

Projects will focus on supporting regional incubators and commercialization centres that provide new or updated programming activities to start up and/or scale up agri-food or agri-products companies. These centres will be encouraged to demonstrate how they will assist these new companies to commercialize and launch themselves.

Target Audience

Only not-for-profit entities such as regional incubators and commercialization centres will be considered in this project category for projects focusing on agri-food or agri-products manufacturing.

Eligible Projects

  • Preference will be given for those projects focused on launching clients and products beyond the centres
  • Projects benefiting clients in Northern Ontario and Indigenous partners (Northern Ontario for the purposes of this program is consistent with the definition in the Northern Ontario Agri-Food Strategy)

Project Category Priorities

  • Strong business plan that demonstrates value for money
  • Value for money and long-term sustainability outlook for the centres applying
  • Projects demonstrating significant return on investment including new companies and products launched, and self-sustainability of the companies in terms of operating on their own and moving beyond the centres

Recommended Cost-share

  • Up to $100,000 per project

Eligible Activities

May include the following eligible costs:

  • Per diem costs provided by a third party, where the costs are specific and relative to the execution of the project
  • Training and salary costs
  • Hiring costs - advertising and promotion
  • Travel costs related to specific activity/relevant to the execution of the project
  • Communications costs (computers/laptops, cell phones, etc.) relevant to the execution of the project
  • Capital costs related to programming

Ineligible Activities

  • Activities not related to agri-food or agri-products manufacturing

See Terms and Conditions