ISSN 2369-2294

Part 1: 2015-16 Published Plan

Ministry overview


The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) is responsible for protecting and sustainably managing the province’s diverse natural resources, and supporting Ontario’s economic prosperity, environmental sustainability and quality of life.

MNRF Vision

Healthy and naturally diverse environment that enables and contributes to sustainable development in Ontario

MNRF Mission

Manage our natural resources in an ecologically sustainable way to ensure that they are available for the enjoyment and use of future generations

The ministry fulfils its mandate through a broad range of legislation, policies and programs that reflect its diverse responsibilities; MNRF is responsible for (or has responsibilities under) 48 statutes.

MNRF works with a wide variety of partners and other ministries to meet current resource-based needs while at the same time ensuring that natural resources will be available for future generations.

To achieve its mandate commitments and deliver its diverse programs, MNRF:

  • monitors, researches and plans the management and use of Ontario’s natural resources;
  • develops legislation, policies and programs to regulate the conservation or sustainable use of Ontario’s natural resources;
  • delivers direct services to the public and industry; and
  • protects the public from natural disasters or occurrences, such as floods and forest fire

In recent years, the ministry has been transforming and modernizing to ensure relevancy, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability now and in the future to best serve the interests of Ontarians.

The ministry’s key activities include: Biodiversity Management

  • Provide provincial leadership and oversight in the conservation of Ontario’s biodiversity. This includes the management of fish and wildlife resources; species at risk; fish culture, stocking and aquaculture; resource monitoring, assessment and allocation; research, fish health and control of pathogens; conservation officer delivery of natural resource and public safety law enforcement; and promoting fishing and hunting opportunities.

Natural Heritage and Protected Area Management

  • Provide leadership and delivery in the management and protection of natural heritage in Ontario. This includes identifying significant natural heritage features and landscapes and determining effective ways to protect them, including the establishment of provincial parks and conservation reserves; policy to influence the development of municipal official plans and bylaws; identification and confirmation of areas of natural and scientific interest; planning and management of natural heritage systems; providing sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities and education on natural heritage; delivery of the Ontario Parks program, including provincial parks operations and providing tourism opportunities; and research.

Crown Land, Water, and Non-Renewable Resource Management

  • Provide leadership and delivery in the management of Crown lands, water resources, and non-renewable resource This includes being accountable for the sale, disposition and stewardship of the Crown lands in Ontario and ensuring their use is sustainable; for the management of water resources through flood, low water, and drought management, including the protection of the Great Lakes; for the management and regulation of surveys and the surveying profession within the province; and for the protection and extraction of aggregate, oil, gas and salt resources in Ontario.

Renewable Energy

  • Support the provincial commitment to renewable energy and facilitate the availability of Crown land for renewable energy projects, including water, wind, solar and bio- energy.


  • Provide leadership and oversight to support the sustainable use of forests for a healthy forest products sector and thriving forest-dependent communitie Management of Ontario’s forests includes policy and program development; intergovernmental co-operation on national forestry initiatives; ensuring a healthy, viable forest industry in Ontario, and fostering a competitive business environment by promoting jobs and investment in the forestry sector; Crown forest management planning, renewal and protection from pests; and monitoring, auditing, information management and public reporting.

Emergency and Forest Fire Management

  • Provide leadership and program delivery for the protection of people, property and communities threatened by forest fires, floods and other natural resource emergencies. This includes planning and delivery of MNRF's emergency management program, and aviation services for the Ontario governmen

Land and Resources Information and Information Technology Cluster

  • Provide leadership and program delivery in the development and application of information and information technology for five client ministries: Natural Resources and Forestry; Aboriginal Affairs; Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; Environment and Climate Change; and Northern Development and Mines. Ensure the delivery of an integrated Information Technology infrastructure to facilitate and streamline government operations through electronic service delivery and enhance government service through e-business and e-government.

Corporate Management

  • Provide leadership for corporate strategic business planning and managemen This includes fiscal controllership; sustainable infrastructure and facility management; strategic human resources planning and management; supply chain management; legal counsel; communications; geospatial data creation, maintenance and distribution; organization performance, records and information management; as well as other administrative services in support of the ministry’s activities. These functions support the ministry so that it can effectively deliver on results, priorities and core programs while remaining within its financial and human resources allocations.

Ministry contribution to priorities and results

Meeting the Government’s Multi-Year Priority Outcomes:

With a mandate of protecting and sustainably managing the province’s diverse natural resources to support Ontario’s environmental sustainability, economic prosperity and quality of life, ministry programs and activities strongly and directly contribute to achieving the priority outcome of Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Mitigation.

The ministry is putting Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy into action. The ministry is continuing to implement the Endangered Species Act, to advance protection and recovery of more than 150 threatened and endangered species, and has contributed to the restoration of over 26,000 hectares of habitat through the Species at Risk Stewardship Fund since 2007.

It will advance the plan outlined in the Government Response to the Standing Committee on General Government’s Report on the Review of the Aggregate Resources Act.

The ministry is coordinating and enhancing efforts to protect natural heritage lands in southern Ontario.

The ministry is contributing to the government’s climate change strategy by planting 50 million new trees, including one million in urban areas, and ensuring sustainable forest practices.

The ministry continues to develop a water management framework to clarify its role relative to other ministries dealing with water. The ministry’s water mandate includes:

  • administering the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act and the Conservation Authorities Act;
  • providing technical and policy advice on water budgeting, dam safety, surface water monitoring, natural hazard management, the management of water levels on the Great Lakes, and the regulation of Ontario’s inland waters through dam management and operations; and
  • supporting the development of a proposed Great Lakes Protection Act for Ontario.

The ministry will look to engage stakeholders and the public in opportunities to update and modernize the Conservation Authorities Act technical standards and regulatory processes for dam-related infrastructure.

The government is committed to continuing to develop a strong, positive relationship with First Nations and will continue to work with First Nations to develop community based land use plans in the Far North that clarify both where land is set aside for protection and where development can occur. The ministry will continue to work closely with the ministries of Northern Development and Mines and Aboriginal Affairs, First Nations and northern communities, resource industries and environmental groups to enable the region’s resources to contribute to a more prosperous, healthy and sustainable future for its people, the communities and the entire province.

The outcomes and results of the ministry’s forestry program directly contribute to the priority outcome of creating a Supportive and Dynamic Business Environment for the province’s forest sector. The ministry is supporting jobs and investment in the forestry sector through continued work to implement enhanced Sustainable Forest Licences across the province and investing in forest access roads. This investment will create safer roads and allow industry greater access to forestry resources, which will in turn create jobs and economic growth. Work is also continuing to finalize wood supply agreements with Ontario mills and to help promote wood use and potential investment by ensuring unencumbered wood is publicized in the Available Wood Reports.

The ministry also facilitates economic development through sustainable resource management activities.

The ministry is working with the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to implement the government’s Long-Term Energy Plan, Green Energy Act, and the procurement of clean renewable energy (e.g., Large Renewables Procurement), and to facilitate the availability of Crown land for renewable energy projects, including wind, water, solar and bio-energy.

The ministry is providing outdoor recreation opportunities and seasonal jobs, which promotes tourism and stimulates demand for related businesses.

The ministry is working with the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines to ensure the province capitalizes on the economic opportunity represented by the Ring of Fire, an area in Ontario’s Far North that contains many globally significant deposits of chromite, a key ingredient in stainless steel, as well as numerous deposits of nickel, copper and platinum.

It will also continue to support the creation of faster, smarter and streamlined government-to-business services that make Ontario more attractive for business development while protecting the public interest.

The ministry’s Emergency and Forest Fire Management program plays a lead role for the province, together with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, in achieving the priority outcome of Strengthening Public Safety and Security by responding to natural resource emergencies such as forest fires and flooding.

The ministry’s enforcement program contributes to public safety through the enforcement of safety provisions included in natural resources legislation such as the safe hunting provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. The ministry also works to control invasive species, and proposes to introduce invasive species legislation. In addition, it seeks to control rabies and monitor fish- and wildlife-borne diseases, to clean up contaminated sites, and to plug abandoned oil and gas wells.

The ministry’s mandate commitments are focused on contributing to the achievement of the Government’s Multi-Year Priority Outcomes:

Supporting Forestry: continuing to work with forestry companies, environmental organizations, First Nations and community representatives to ensure that Crown forest resources are being put to their best use — and in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable fashion; working with municipalities and other partners to promote urban forestry and to plant one million trees in urban areas as part of our commitment to plant 50 million trees province wide.

Minimizing the Impact of Invasive Species: reintroducing the Invasive Species Act and collaborating with other jurisdictions to address concerns surrounding the prevention, early detection and eradication of, and rapid response to invasive species in Ontario’s natural environment.

Guiding Land Use Planning: developing a Far North Land Use Strategy, as required under the Far North Act providing policy guidance for the joint development of community-based land-use plans; working with the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to support environmental assessments and planning related to projects in the Ring of Fire region.

Managing Aggregates: engaging with stakeholders, Aboriginal communities and other ministries on the recommendations of the Report on the Review of the Aggregate Resources Act; and bringing forward recommended regulatory and legislative changes to improve the Act.

Strengthening Biodiversity: supporting the Biodiversity Strategy; continuing to work with other ministries and partners to advance measures aimed at further strengthening and protecting Ontario’s biodiversity.

Protecting Wetlands: working with other ministries, municipalities and partners to conduct a review of Ontario’s broader wetland strategy to strengthen wetland policies and stop the net loss of wetlands.

Implementing the Endangered Species Act: continuing to implement the Endangered Species Act in a way that protects and promotes the recovery of species at risk in Ontario.

The government is committed to transforming and modernizing public services by finding new and smarter ways to both improve outcomes for Ontarians and meet the province’s fiscal challenges. This commitment is supported by Program Review, Renewal and Transformation (PRRT) – a new multi-year, “one-government” approach to planning, focused on delivering better outcomes for Ontarians.

MNRF has completed implementation of its significant three-year Transformation Plan, initiated in response to internal financial and operational sustainability issues, and the Government’s previous transformation direction received in the 2012-13 Results-based Planning process. Implementation of the ministry’s Transformation Plan has enabled MNRF to both support priorities and modernize the ministry’s approaches to natural resource management. MNRF remains committed to ongoing improvement and will continue to look for ways to modernize its programs to ensure that we are able to effectively and efficiently deliver on our mandate into the future.

As part of implementing the government’s PRRT approach in MNRF, the ministry will be developing strategies and performance measures to support the transformed ministry and enable improved results and outcome reporting. Ministry programs will build on work undertaken during transformation (e.g. business process improvement with linking measurement frameworks) and continue to develop performance measurement frameworks to inform decision-making and to improve program-level assessment to ensure continued support for desired outcomes.

The ministry’s key corporate goals for 2015-16 are:

  • Promote knowledge of Ontario’s natural resources, their management, and opportunities for enjoymen.
  • Strengthen management of natural resources to ensure ecological integrity and resilience.
  • Increase natural resource related economic benefits through innovation and sustainable resource managemen.
  • Build a culture of organizational excellence through inspirational leadership and a shared sense of purpose.
  • Increase efficiency and effectiveness of ministry programs and services through continuous improvemen.

In pursuing these goals, the ministry will continue to contribute to the achievement of the government’s multi-year priority outcomes and ministry results.

Diagram 1: Ministry Contribution to Priorities and Results

Government Priorities Supportive and Dynamic Business Environment
Government Strategies
  • Growth Plan for Northern Ontario
  • Promote economic growth for Ontario Communities
  • Effective implementation of the Long-Term Energy Plan, Green Energy Act, and renewable energy procurement working with ministries of Energy and Environment and Climate Change
  • Outdoor recreation opportunities and seasonal jobs; increased demand for related businesses
  • Modernize services for individuals and businesses and streamline and automate approvals
Major Activities
  • Develop policy changes in support of the Standing Committee on General Government’s Review of Aggregate Resources Act
  • Implement Far North land use planning to enable the realization of the economic potential of the Far North
  • Promote jobs and investment in the forestry sector through the Nawiinginokiima Forest Management Corporation and continuing work to implement enhanced Sustainable Forest Licences across the province
  • Support increased renewable energy generation from wind, water, solar and bio-energy
  • Plan, manage and promote Ontario Provincial Parks, as well as angling and hunting activities, to provide outdoor recreation opportunities
  • Implement youth employment programs
  • Work with Ministry of Northern Development and Mines and the Ring of Fire Secretariat to ensure that Ontario capitalizes on the economic opportunity represented by the Ring of Fire
    • Support northern and rural community economic development through the wise use and disposition of Crown land
    • Support faster, smarter and streamlined government- to-business/public services and reduce regulatory burden
    • Administer Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act and Conservation Authorities Act; provide technical and policy advice on water budgeting, surface water monitoring, dam safety, natural hazard management, management of water levels on Great Lakes and regulation of inland lake levels through dam management and operations; updated technical standards and supporting development of proposed Great Lakes Protection Act
    • Initiate a review of the Conservation Authorities Act addressing roles, responsibilities, funding and governance of conservation authorities in resource management and environmental protection
    • Deliver professional enforcement operations including outreach, inspection and investigative services to protect provincial resources
    • Promote stewardship across Ontario
    • Control of invasive species, rabies, and fish- and wildlife-borne diseases; work with the federal government through invasive species centre in Sault Ste Marie to help coordinate provincial, national, and international efforts on invasive species; support legislative process for the proposed Invasive Species Act
Government Priorities Leader on Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Mitigation
Government Strategies
  • Ring of Fire
  • Enhanced healthy natural environment for Ontarians
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Stewardship, partnerships and community involvement
  • Protection of areas of cultural and ecological value in the Far North
Major Activities
  • Advance plan outlined in Government Response to Standing Committee on General Government’s Report on the Review of Aggregate Resources Act
  • Contribute to government climate change strategy, including tree planting
  • Through sustainable forest practices, ensure forests continue to sequester carbon
  • Implement Endangered Species Act; protect caribou habitat
  • Deliver on legislative requirements and Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark Round Table recommendations for a comprehensive long-term approach for Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark protection and stewardship
  • Promote and enhance the protection of natural heritage lands in southern Ontario and promote natural resource valuation
  • Implement Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy, 2011
Government Priorities Strengthened Public Safety and Security
  • Protected public health and environmental safety to protect our citizens
Major Activities
  • Emergency management of fire, flood, drought, erosion, and landslides
  • Remediate contaminated sites such as Mid-Canada radar line, Hawkesbury Lagoon and Steep Rock

Ministry programs and activities

The following are the ministry’s 2015-16 key priorities and strategies to achieve its intended results and outcomes.

To augment and embed transformation and further the cultural changes and modernization required to ensure the ministry’s continued operational and financial sustainability, the ministry is committed to continuing to identify opportunities to drive further internal efficiencies by modernizing additional processes and functions. The ministry has undertaken detailed business process reviews in several foundational areas and will be moving forward with process improvements in areas including ministry-wide business services and administrative functions; operational policy delivery; modernizing revenue systems; and operational service delivery, such as taking a broader landscape approach to natural resource management.

Biodiversity management

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will continue to work with the Ontario Biodiversity Council to assist with the implementation of Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy, 2011.

The ministry, together with 15 other ministries, will implement Biodiversity: It’s in Our Nature, which confirms the government’s commitment to biodiversity conservation and outlines the actions that Ontario government ministries will take to achieve the vision and goals of Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy.

The ministry will support the Ontario Biodiversity Council in preparing the State of Ontario’s Biodiversity Report 2015, updating information first published in 2010. The Ontario government recognizes the importance of biodiversity and, through the Ontario Public Service Biodiversity Network, continues to take steps to conserve it, contributing to a strong, healthy and prosperous future for our province and generations to come.

The ministry will review the Forest Management Guide for Conserving Biodiversity at the Stand and Site Scales to ensure that it incorporates the latest science and information from ongoing implementation and monitoring.

The ministry will take a risk-based approach to help focus efforts on core business and continue to modernize and streamline policy and approvals processes to help ensure timely customer service. This will help ensure the province’s fish and wildlife resources are protected and available for the use of all Ontarians – today, tomorrow and in the future.

Modernization efforts will continue to focus on streamlining approval processes and enhancing landscape-based fisheries and wildlife management. This includes opportunities to improve customer service through automating approval processes, and consulting on principles of a broader landscape-based approach to managing Ontario’s wildlife program, including the management of moose populations.

The Ontario government will continue to promote the Ontario Children’s Outdoor Charter, and will seek opportunities to grow the number of organizations that sign on and embrace the challenge of getting kids outdoors.

Ontario will continue to collaborate with other jurisdictions nationally and internationally to address wildlife health, including threats from diseases like White- nose Syndrome in bats and Chronic Wasting Disease in deer including updating Ontario’s Chronic Wasting Disease response plan.

Ontario will also continue implementation and monitoring of a two-year pilot black-bear spring hunting season intended to address public safety risks associated with human- bear conflict.

Implementation of the Endangered Species Act also continues to be a key priority of the ministry. MNRF will:

  • continue its streamlined approach to simplifying rules for businesses, landowners and municipalities under the Act, while maintaining its place as a North American leader in species protection;
  • continue to publish recovery strategies, develop government response statements, management plans, propose habitat regulations, and report on progress (5-year reports) to meet legislative requirements and support the recovery of species at risk; and
  • deliver on legislative requirements and Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark Round Table recommendations for a comprehensive long-term approach for Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark protection and stewardship.

In addition, the ministry continues to take a risk-based approach in the development of policies that protect, conserve and aim to recover species at risk in Ontario. The ministry will develop an integrated and efficient framework for forest management planning that meets the requirements of both the Endangered Species Act and Crown Forest Sustainability Act.

Invasive Species

  • The ministry will continue to support the legislative process associated with the proposed Invasive Species A The goal of the proposed legislation is to support the prevention, early detection, rapid response and eradication of invasive species in the province by developing regulations and supporting policy, and list species under the Act.
  • Invasive species are a priority for federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) Conservation, Wildlife and Biodiversity Minister The Ministry, with FPT partners will establish a FPT Task Force to better position Canadian efforts to address invasive species, namely to strengthen policy, improve leadership and coordination and develop strategic partnerships.
  • In addition, the ministry will continue to:
    • implement priority actions in the Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan together with OMAFRA, MOECC and MTO;
    • monitor forest health and work with the federal government and other partners to manage pests and invasive plants that threaten our forests;
    • act to eradicate aquatic invasive species that infect Ontario’s water bodies, including water soldier in the Trent River and water chestnut in Voyageur Provincial Park;
    • enhance our surveillance and monitoring for Asian carp in Lake Erie;
    • work together with partners and other governments to monitor for invasive species which pose a threat in neighbouring jurisdictions, including the presence of Asian carp in the United States;
    • partner with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, which delivers extensive programs to raise awareness of invasive species and how to prevent their spread; and
    • fulfill commitments made by the Council of Great Lakes Governors and Premiers of Ontario and Quebec to address threats posed by invasive species to the Great Lakes, such as taking action on the Governors and Premiers Least Wanted List of Aquatic Invasive Species and implementation of the Mutual Aid Agreement when required.
  • The ministry will also continue to support the Invasive Species Centre at the Great Lakes Forestry Centre in Sault Ste. Marie. The centre promotes co-operation, collaboration and efficiencies in invasive species management and helps coordinate provincial, national and international efforts to address the spread of invasive species, and the negative effects they can have on the health of Ontario’s ecosystems and economy.

Climate Change

  • The ministry will work with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) and other ministries to respond and adapt to climate change, while building a cleaner, greener and healthier Ontario. This includes continuing to implement specific actions from Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan 2007, and Climate Ready: Ontario’s Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2014.
  • As part of the plan, the ministry is working with partners to plant 50 million new trees in order to sequester 6.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The ministry is on track to plant the 20 millionth tree in 2015-16. The 50 Million Tree Program is one of the ministry’s flagship programs in the fight against climate change. It was designed to provide financial incentives for landowners to engage in tree planting and it has been successfully delivered across the province’s southern region by Forests Ontario for the past seven years.
    The program has expanded to engage partners and landowners across northern Ontario to plant trees under the 50 Million Tree Program’s existing guidelines.
  • The ministry will undertake a review of its tree seed zones on Crown land to support the regeneration program in adapting to a changing climate.
  • The ministry will investigate forest carbon management protocols in support of MOECC cap and trade program.

The Community Hatchery Program (CHP) is a ministry partnership with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters designed to build local capacity and community engagement to culture and stock healthy fish. The CHP provides funding and a community of practice to develop excellence in Community Hatchery activities. While the program is delivered by the partner, MNRF will continue to maintain its regulatory responsibilities including licensing.

The Land Stewardship and Habitat Restoration Program focuses on funding on-the- ground projects that are of direct benefit to fish and wildlife and biodiversity conservation at a landscape level. The ministry will identify the best opportunities to develop and implement a broader landscape approach to address biodiversity conservation through the timely review and approval of 2015 applications.

Many of Ontario’s wetlands have been recognized globally as a resource of great ecological, economic, cultural and recreational value. Several conventions and collaborative agreements are in place to ensure wetlands are conserved. Ontario will continue to work with other provinces to ensure continental objectives for habitat protection, such as those established through the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, are implemented. Ontario will continue to work with conservation organizations, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces to implement the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture which sets out a framework for wetland restoration, protection and enhancement in Eastern Canada, as well other partnerships and agreements.

The ministry will undertake a review of Ontario’s wetland policy framework. The review seeks to identify challenges and opportunities related to wetland conservation in Ontario and to recommend steps that could be taken in the future to improve the conservation of wetlands in the province, while also considering the tools and instruments needed to address broader economic and social needs. The review will culminate in a public discussion paper that will help guide MNRF's wetland conservation objectives into the future.

The ministry will support the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in the development of a Pollinator Health Strategy for Ontario, with MNRF's contribution focusing on native pollinators.

MNRF has completed the final draft of Ontario’s Provincial Fish Strategy and is preparing to post a Decision Notice to the Environmental Registry to release the Strategy. This policy will provide strategic direction for fisheries management in the province and establish provincial level goals and objectives for the program.

Under the Ecological Framework for Recreational Fisheries Management in Ontario,

Fisheries Management Zone advisory councils have been set up in 13 out of 20 zones. Three Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) plans have been completed, and up to four more plans will be completed this year. It is anticipated that draft plans will be brought forward for consultation in three or four more Fisheries Management Zones. Advisory Councils in the Great Lakes Fisheries Management Zones will continue to support ongoing management programs on the Great Lakes. These activities may not result in the development of FMZ plans for these waters.

The second five-year cycle of the broad-scale fisheries monitoring program began in 2013-14. Key components of the program include: cycle-two field sampling, information management, data analysis, and the production of reports, based on monitoring results from the first five-year cycle.

The ministry will continue to conduct scientific research and monitoring to inform fisheries management planning for Algonquin Park and surrounding areas.

The ministry has successfully launched Fish-ON Line, a web-based application anglers can use to find information on Ontario’s vast fisheries resource. This site has information on more than 13,000 lakes in the province, including fish species information, angling regulations, fish stocking records, fishing access points, lake characteristics, regulated fish sanctuaries, and a searchable lake-by-lake database of fisheries regulations. The Ministry released a mobile version of this application in 2012, and continues to enhance and add information to the application.

In response to ecological concerns associated with live bait in Ontario, the ministry will continue consulting on its review and renewal of Ontario’s approach to the harvest and use of live bait.

The ministry continues to work with the federal government on changes to the federal Fisheries Act, and to coordinate activities associated with the management of fisheries and aquaculture through a number of committees designed to ensure clear roles and responsibilities associated with the delivery of these programs and, where possible, develop partnership initiatives.

The government is committed to enhancing food safety for Ontarians. For the past 10 years, MNRF has been responsible for the delivery of the food fish safety audit program. As part of its commitment to improving the safety of food in Ontario, and in support of MNRF's transformation to focus on its core mandate, MNRF transferred the food fish safety program to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in 2014. This means that all food safety programs will now reside in one ministry that has the expertise and legislative framework to more effectively and efficiently deliver this as part of a modern food safety program.

The ministry also works with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to prevent the spread of diseases such as Viral Hemorrhagic Septicaemia in certain species of fish, and Chronic Wasting disease in cervids, such as deer.

The ministry will continue to manage Ontario’s commercial and recreational fisheries to ensure they provide sustainable ecological and economic benefits. The ministry will continue its efforts to market and generate revenue for the fish and wildlife special purpose account to support fish and wildlife programs. Fish culture stations will provide approximately eight million fish for stocking purposes.

The ministry continues to deliver professional law enforcement to protect Ontario’s natural resources for present and future generations.

The delivery of science and information business enhances the ministry’s understanding of Ontario’s natural resources, and ensures its information base is reliable and accessible. Although the way that science and information functions are delivered within the ministry changed during ministry transformation, the ministry continues to deliver the core science and information functions of science and applied research, resource monitoring and reporting, mapping and surveying, and information management.

The ministry will continue to be vigilant in controlling rabies and other fish- and wildlife- borne diseases. Although the raccoon rabies strain has been eliminated from Ontario, monitoring and baiting along the New York border to help prevent any new cases will continue. To control Ontario fox strain rabies, the ministry will continue its vaccine bait distribution program using Ontario’s rabies vaccine, ONRAB®, to deal with any new cases that may occur.

Natural heritage and protected area management

The Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act and related regulations are being implemented, and serve to protect biodiversity and natural and cultural heritage and to ensure that ecological integrity of Ontario’s provincial parks and conservation reserves is maintained.

The ministry will continue to produce and amend management direction for provincial parks and conservation reserves consistent with Ontario’s Protected Areas Planning Manual (2014) and Guidelines. The ministry will continue to examine management directions that have been in place for 20 years or more to determine whether they continue to be effective in protecting values and informing and guiding management planning priorities, and to publicly report on the results of those examinations.

The ministry is proposing to amend the boundaries of two provincial parks and one conservation reserve, and will continue to propose further amendments.

The ministry will continue to develop policy and comply with all regulatory requirements related to potential tenure beyond 2017 for private, non-commercial cottage lots in Rondeau and Algonquin provincial parks, including meeting the Crown’s duty to consult with Aboriginal communities and developing recommendations on rents and fees.

The ministry will continue to make progress on confirming potential Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest.

The ministry is anticipating approximately 8.5 million visits to Ontario Parks in 2015-16. The ministry will continue to work with municipal partners and other stakeholders to operate certain northern parks as pilots, including expanding seasonal lease and marketing opportunitie The ministry will take any lessons learned from the pilot parks and apply them to other potential partnerships in order to secure long-term solutions.

The ministry will invest in priority infrastructure upgrades in several provincial parks to improve safety and customer service. The ministry will also pursue other Ontario Parks financial sustainability initiatives, such as roofed accommodation, expansion of the Learn to Camp and Learn to Fish programs, and enhanced partnerships.

The ministry, through implementation of the Niagara Escarpment Plan by the Niagara Escarpment Commission, helps provide for the maintenance of the Niagara Escarpment, and land in its vicinity, as a continuous natural environment, and ensures only such development occurs as is compatible with that natural environment.

In 2015-16, the ministry will continue to collaborate with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, other ministries, and the Niagara Escarpment Commission, to review the Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Niagara Escarpment Plan. The coordinated review of the plans will support broad government priorities.

The ministry will continue to support the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in implementing the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014. The Provincial Policy Statement provides direction on provincial interests related to municipal land use planning, including natural heritage. The ministry will deliver guidance material for several Provincial Policy Statement policy areas associated with MNRF's mandate.

The ministry will explore how its policies might be designed to take into account, and how they support provincial natural heritage systems as a continuation of the broader landscape approach initiative.

The ministry will continue to work jointly with First Nations on Far North land use planning under the Far North Act. This will help achieve a key objective of the Far North Act: to protect at least 225,000 square kilometres of the Far North boreal region. Plans will identify areas that will be dedicated to protection, and areas that are suitable for sustainable economic development opportunities such as forestry, mining and renewable energy. Aboriginal traditional knowledge and science-based information and knowledge will be gathered to inform and support the development of a plan. The ministry will also work closely with First Nations, the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, environmental groups, northern communities and resource industries to implement the Far North Act, including developing policies, regulations, and a Far North Land Use Strategy to support planning in the Far North.

Crown land, water and non-renewable resource management

Crown lands managed under the Public Lands Act make up about 87 per cent of the province’s land mass. The ministry will respond to requests to use Crown lands for a wide variety of economic, recreational and other activities, and ensure that any authorized activities are conducted in a manner consistent with the ministry’s policies and land use plans. The ministry will continue to manage approximately 11,000 existing tenants on Crown land and ensure a fair return to the Crown through application of rents set at market value and administrative fees based on cost recovery. The ministry will continue to monitor Crown lands to protect them against unauthorized occupation.

The ministry will support the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport’s refreshed Ontario Trails Strategy, recognizing the important role that Crown land can play in supporting the province’s recreational and tourism interests.

Consistent with the important role that the wise use, stewardship and disposition of Crown land can play in supporting the economic health of northern and rural communities, the ministry will support the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines' implementation of the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario, including development of sector specific strategies.

There are over 100,000 kilometers of roads on Crown land and approximately 150 operating waste sites in the unorganized areas of the province. The ministry will continue to manage these assets with partners, consistent with ministry policies and provincial standards. The ministry will continue to explore opportunities to modernize Crown land business practices, such as the introduction of an online system for non- resident Crown land camping permits.

The ministry will maintain a robust, publicly transparent and up to date land use planning system for Crown land.

  • The Guide for Crown Land Use Planning (2011) provides provincial-level direction and guidance for Crown land use planning. The ministry will assess the Guide to determine the need for a comprehensive review in 2016.
  • The ministry will maintain the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas to ensure that land use direction is readily available to the public, industry and stakeholder
  • The ministry will process amendments to Crown land use direction in an open and transparent manner, and consistent with the wise use and sustainable management of Crown land.

Important components of the ministry’s water mandate include administering the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act and the Conservation Authorities Act, providing technical and policy advice about water budgeting, surface water monitoring, dam safety, natural hazard management, management of water levels on the Great Lakes and regulation of inland waters through dam management and operations. The ministry also has the lead for ensuring healthy aquatic ecosystems.

The ministry will provide resource management policy and program leadership and advice on a number of government and partner initiatives, such as:

  • providing policy and technical leadership for the design, construction, operation, maintenance and safety of dams in Ontario;
  • modernizing provincial approval requirements under the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act, including addressing overlap and duplication between regulatory processes with other provincial ministries;
  • providing policy and program oversight for the Conservation Authorities Act and engaging with ministries, municipalities and stakeholders to initiate a review of the Conservation Authorities Act, including addressing roles and responsibilities, funding and governance of conservation authorities in resource management and environmental protection;
  • supporting bi-national Great Lakes initiatives, such as implementing the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement, and by representing Ontario’s interests on the Agreement’s Regional Body;
  • supporting renegotiation and implementation of the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem, while continuing to conserve and protect the Great Lakes through funding for projects across the basin;
  • working with the federal government in collaboration with the International Joint Commission to ensure that Ontario’s interests are addressed as it considers new approaches to managing water levels in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River and the Upper Great Lakes, and develop adaptive management strategies to help address climate uncertainty; and
  • supporting the development of a proposed Great Lakes Protection Act for Ontario, and continued implementation of Ontario’s Great Lakes Strategy 2012 and the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund.

The ministry will continue to modernize Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act approval requirements, working with partner ministries, dam owners and other stakeholders.

  • The ministry will update Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act technical guidance and requirements for: the location of new dams, repairs to existing infrastructure, and the operation of dam
  • The ministry will implement a five year pilot partnership with Ducks Unlimited Canada to streamline Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act approvals for small low- hazard dams associated with wetland conservation projects.

The ministry will work closely with the Minister of Finance and the waterpower industry to ensure the effective administration of the Gross Revenue Charge under the Electricity Act.

The ministry will continue its work on the remediation of the Mid-Canada Line radar sites by implementing year seven of the project. The focus will be to complete work on eight sites within Polar Bear Provincial Park with Attawapiskat First Nation and Weenusk First Nation in Peawanuck.

The ministry will advance the plan outlined in the Government Response to the Standing Committee on General Government Report on the Review of the Aggregate Resources Act, finalizing policy proposals and seeking input from the public, key stakeholders and Aboriginal communities on new pit and quarry applications and changes to existing approvals; impacts to agriculture and water resources, including rehabilitation information and requirements, particularly with respect to agricultural lands; recycled aggregate materials; and aggregate fees. The changes will likely involve regulatory and legislative amendments and revised provincial standards, anticipated later this fiscal year.

The ministry will continue to support the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines and the Ring of Fire Secretariat through community based land use planning with First Nations in the Ring of Fire area in order to capitalize on the economic opportunity represented by the Ring of Fire. The ministry will continue to provide input to environmental assessments, participate in the development of a long-term environmental monitoring framework, and undertake Aboriginal consultation

The ministry will continue its work on the full-scale remediation of the Hawkesbury Lagoon by implementing year two of this project. The focus will be on the movement of 300,000 cubic metres of sludge and saturated cellulose material from the eastern portion of the lagoon and landfilling of the material in the western portion above grade. The landfill site will be restored to permit passive recreation, and a portion of the area will be restored and returned to the Ottawa River.

The ministry will also continue its work on the rehabilitation and management of the Steep Rock Iron Mine Site. In 2015-16, the ministry will complete the development of a rehabilitation plan. The plan will assess physical and environmental conditions of the site and provide options and recommendations with costs for each option. The conceptual rehabilitation plan is expected to be finalized by March of 2016.

The ministry will continue to provide leadership and program delivery in the development and application of geographic information for natural resource management and decision-making, such as supporting Ontario’s changes to the Mining Act, land use planning in the Far North and preservation of natural heritage in southern Ontario.

The ministry, in collaboration with municipalities, First Nations, the federal government, the private sector and environmental non-government organizations, plans to acquire approximately 42,000 square kilometres of new orthophotography (aerial photographs geometrically corrected to a uniform scale) in southeastern Ontario.

The ministry will also contribute to the government’s Information and Information Technology initiative by making land information available through a suitable infrastructure.

Renewable energy

The ministry will continue to work with the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to implement the government’s Long-Term Energy Plan, Green Energy Act, and renewable energy procurement initiatives (e.g., Large Renewables Procurement, Feed In Tariff, etc.).

It will continue to implement the Renewable Energy on Crown Land policy by strategically aligning Crown land site access with provincial energy procurement programs in order to support provincial renewable energy targets. The ministry will also continue to work with industry, stakeholders, communities, and the public, to foster environmentally sound renewable energy development, while advancing science and research, and facilitating community economic benefits.


The ministry will continue to provide leadership and oversight in the sustainable management of Ontario’s Crown forests, ensure a healthy, viable forest industry in Ontario, and foster a competitive business environment. Efforts will be made to continue improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the forestry program to account for changing social, economic and environmental conditions.

The ministry will work toward enhancing the competitiveness of the forest industry. It will promote jobs and investment in the forestry sector through the Nawiinginokiima Forest Management Corporation and through continued work to implement enhanced Sustainable Forest Licences across the province. The ministry will also advocate for industry on policies that impact the competitiveness of the forest industry. We will work with industry to facilitate investment opportunities. The ministry is exploring Crown forest resource revenue sharing arrangements with local First Nations through two pilot projects. The two pilot locations include: the Magpie and Martel Forests in the Chapleau and Dubreuilville area; and the Temiskaming Forest in the Kirkland Lake and Earlton area.

Work will also continue toward finalizing approvals for 17 supply agreements and ensuring unused wood is publicized in the Available Wood Reports to help promote wood use and potential investment.

The ministry will work with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to obtain Environmental Assessment Act coverage for forest management for the Cat- Slate Forest in the Far North. In addition, the ministry will continue working with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to modernize existing forestry Environmental Assessment Act (EA Act) approvals to streamline forest management planning and approval requirements.

Following anticipated approval of the Ministry’s proposed amendments to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change EA Act approval for forest management, the ministry will begin the process of updating the Forest Management Planning Manual, Forest Information Manual and the Forest Operations and Silviculture Manual.

The ministry will continue to work with practitioners and stakeholders to enhance its focus on forest renewal efforts through the Silviculture Enhancement Initiative, established to coordinate efforts to improve policies guiding delivery and funding of the Silviculture program.

Six audits will be undertaken by independent third-party auditors, and the ministry will continue efforts to modernize the Independent Forest Audit process.

The Ontario Wood brand continues to develop and has 158 manufacturers and associated stakeholders licensed to use the brand. Ontario Wood will build on the seven trade and consumer shows attended in 2014-15 with an expanded presence with partners in 2015-16. The seasonal campaign with Christmas tree farmers will be expanded. A social media strategy has been developed as part of a larger brand awareness plan. Social media tools will be used to promote the environmental and economic benefits of using woods and showcasing the aesthetics and diversity of wood products that come from Ontario.

The ministry will continue to deliver the Provincial Forest Access Roads Funding Program to reimburse industry for costs of public roads. The Provincial Forest Access Road Funding Program benefits many users including the forest industry, mining, fishing, hunting, tourist outfitters, cottagers, trappers, First Nations access and emergency management.

Ontario continues to support the national and international forest initiatives of the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers, including participation in national and international events to share information on the sustainable management of Ontario’s forests to support trade in forest products. The ministry will chair the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers and host a Federal/Provincial/Territorial meeting in July.

Emergency and forest fire management

The ministry will manage the protection of people, property and communities from forest fires, floods and other natural-resource emergencies. It will continue the planning and delivery of the ministry’s emergency management program and the provision of aviation services for the Ontario government.

The ministry will continue to implement an emergency management program, meeting the requirements of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act while advancing the program to a comprehensive level. The ministry will continue to work closely with Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management, other ministries, other provinces, First Nations, municipalities and communities, agencies and the federal government to ensure a coordinated and effective response to emergencies within Ontario.

In 2014-15, the ministry started renovations and new construction at the Northeast Forest Fire Management Centre in Sudbury and construction of a new Haliburton Fire Management Headquarters at the Stanhope Airport.

Planning for facility upgrades in Thunder Bay, Red Lake and Dryden will progress with detailed designs.

The decision notice for the new Wildland Fire Management Strategy will be posted on the Environmental Registry in spring 2015 and the ministry will begin implementation of the new Strategy for the 2015 fire season. In addition, a proposal notice for revising fire prevention regulations to the Forest Fires Prevention Act will be posted for public engagement on the Environmental and Regulatory Registries with the intention of completing revisions for implementation in the 2016 fire season.

Ministry Wildfire Containment and Suppression has been above 94 per cent since 2003-04. Wildfire Containment and Suppression shows the percentage of fires that were under control by noon local time the day after they were reported to the ministry or held to four hectares or less in size.

Graph showing percentage of wildfires in containment or suppression by noon local time the day after being reported to MNRF from 2007/08 to 2015/16.

Fire fighting prevents the loss of life, resources and property due to forest fires. The graph shows the precentage of fires that were either in a condition of "being held" by noon local time the day after they were reported to MNRF or were 4.0 hectares or less in size.

Land and resources information and information technology (I&IT) cluster

The mandate of the Land and Resources I&IT Cluster is to provide and manage strategic services in the lifecycle of its five client ministries' information and information technology (IM&IT) assets, and to offer and manage the delivery of a comprehensive set of IM&IT products and services to the ministries. The cluster serves the following ministries, which work collaboratively with LRC to achieve this mandate: Natural Resources and Forestry; Aboriginal Affairs; Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; Environment and Climate Change; and Northern Development and Mines.

The cluster:

  • supports the ministries' mandates and their transformation initiatives;
  • seeks opportunities across the ministries to streamline and leverage solutions and services to maximize business value;
  • provides business solutions that deliver results;
  • executes responsibilities with a focus on maintaining and/or increasing overall service levels at the overall lowest possible per unit costs for I&IT products or services;
  • seeks continuous improvement opportunities as part of its modernization agenda and journey to service best practices and excellence;
  • leverages and optimizes the use of both human and capital resources;
  • ensures that its activities support the cluster and take into consideration the overall IM&IT direction set out by the Office of the Corporate Chief Information Officer (OCCIO) and other recognized corporate I&IT governance bodies; and
  • provides stewardship of the I&IT assets.

Corporate management

The ministry’s administration program provides the corporate focus to advance the OPS modern controllership agenda. The program:

  • supports the ministry so that it can effectively deliver on results, priorities and core programs while remaining within its financial and human resources allocations;
  • leads enhanced accountability in the ministry through strengthened internal controls such as effective application of Directives, Delegation of Authority and cost containment strategies;
  • leads controllership initiatives to support compliance with government Directives related to Transfer Payments, Special Purpose Accounts, Procurements and Agencies, Boards and Commissions;
  • leads organizational excellence through leadership renewal, engaged staff and an inclusive, diverse, healthy and safe workplace;
  • leads asset management planning, 10-year capital investment planning and accommodation/facilities project management;
  • develops strategies and guidelines that support innovation and actions to green ministry operations, aligned with government direction and the ministry’s role as a conservation organization;
  • supports the enterprise-wide consolidated contaminated sites clean-up initiative; and
  • leads corporate strategic business planning and reporting to support government decision-making.

Table 1: Key performance measures and achievements

Performance Measures 2012-13 Achievement 2013-14 Achievement 2014-15 Target* 2015-16 Target
Rate of compliance with resource laws and regulations 94.4% 94% 94.4% (actual) 94%
Wildfire containment and suppression 95.2% 94.2% 97.7% (actual) 96%
Number of acres and total percentage of Ontario’s land area protected by regulation as Provincial Park or Conservation Reserve 24,111,583 acres or 9.3% 24,138,330 acres or 9.3% 24,191,168 acres or 9.3% (actual) 24,192,965 acres or 9.3%
Percentage of Independent Forest Audits that Identify Forest Management Practices as Being in Compliance (without critical exceptions) 79% 100% 85% 85%
Crown Timber Harvest Rate of Recovery 12.0 million m3 14 million m3 14.0 million m3 (actual) 16.0 million m3
Forest Sector Prosperity Fund Leverage Ratio** 10:1 24:1 n/a n/a
Number of Crown Land Renewable Energy Projects Requiring MNR Authorizations (review, permits, tenure) 56 49 27 (actual) 27***
Number of Private Land Renewable Energy Projects Requiring Review, Confirmation Letter, and Comments for Renewable Energy Approval or Class Environmental Assessment 290 46 86 TBD***

* All 2014-15 achievement data was not available at time of printing. Those that were available are marked as “actual.”
** Measure to be discontinued after 2013-14.
*** Estimates represent projects currently contracted under the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) program, as well as other procurement types and known OPG projects. Estimates do not reflect projects in-operation (subject to MNRF role in reviewing Post-Construction Mortality monitoring), cancelled/withdrawn/rejected energy procurement contracts. Estimates include projects that may potentially receive FIT 3 and Hydroelectric Standard Offer Program contracts.

Highlights of 2014-15 achievements

Fiscal year 2014-15 was the final year for implementing the ministry’s comprehensive, multi-year Transformation Plan to modernize and reshape its role in natural resource management and to achieve financial and operational sustainability, as outlined in the 2012 Budget. As a result of its transformation efforts, MNRF is:

  • clearly focused on core business, providing consumers and businesses with easy, transparent access to modern, streamlined, automated on-line services and permitting processes that enable staff to work more efficiently and spend time and energy where it will have the greatest impact;
  • a more focused and nimble organization, reorganized to deliver on its mandate more effectively;
  • able to engage its stakeholders more strategically and efficiently – in areas that are better aligned with government and ministry priorities;
  • a regionally-based service delivery organization that continues to have a strong field presence in northern and rural communities;
  • ensuring stronger linkages between science and the vital work that happens on the ground and supports policy development;
  • continuing to provide natural resources learning and employment opportunities for young people, including northern, Aboriginal and at-risk youth; and
  • operationally and financially sustainable.

In 2014-15, the ministry continued to deliver on its mandate commitments and program priority outcomes, by:

  • protecting Ontarians from natural hazards, including response to spring flooding which affected many parts of the province and required collaborative efforts with local communities, conservation authorities and other agencies;
  • sustainably managing Crown forests, which supports over 152,700 direct and indirect jobs (2014) in over 260 communities across the province and generates nearly $4.5 billion (2013) in annual GDP;
  • continuing the automation of approvals by adding Non-Resident Crown Land Camping Permits and Ice Hut Registrations to the online MNRF Registry - as of March 31, 2015, over 5,700 registrations have been processed via the new automated system;
  • managing the recreational fisheries that are enjoyed by over one million anglers that contribute almost $2.5 billion to the Ontario economy;
  • providing hunting opportunities to more than 450,000 hunting Outdoor Card holders and generating $25.5 million in hunting licence sales in 2014-15;
  • completing a new Silviculture guide to support forest industry in regenerating approximately 170,000 hectares/year to ensure forest sustainability;
  • developing Aggregate Resources policy in response to feedback from stakeholders, Aboriginal communities and the recommendations of the Standing Committee on General Government’s Report on the Review of the Aggregate Resources Act while continuing to oversee aggregate resources, which create over 18,500 direct and indirect jobs and contribute over $1.3 billion in annual GDP;
  • supporting renewable energy generation on Crown land through the Renewable Energy on Crown Land Policy, working with the Ministry of Energy to implement the government’s Long-term Energy Plan, and generating royalties of almost $120 million annually from waterpower generation sites;
  • engaging First Nations communities to develop community based land use plans under the Far North Act and issuing the first ever Sustainable Forest Licence in the region;
  • continued implementation of the Endangered Species Act, to advance protecting and recovery of more than 150 threatened and endangered species, having contributed to the restoration of over 26,000 hectares of habitat through the Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, since 2007;
  • re-introduction of the Invasive Species Act to address concerns surrounding the prevention, detection, eradication and rapid response to combat invasive species involving collaboration between governments and with partners;
  • continuing to enhance Ontario’s system of parks and protected areas, working toward its target to protect at least 17 per cent of Ontario’s terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems by the year 2020;
  • welcoming Ontarians and tourists to our 339 provincial parks, with over 8.5 million visits in 2014, forecasted to generate more than $70 million in revenue;
  • introducing young people to natural resource management by offering more students summer jobs than any other ministry – almost 2,000 in 2014-15;
  • protecting public safety and ensuring continued delivery of an effective and efficient wildland fire management program by updating the Wildland Fire Management Strategy;
  • improving service delivery and enhancing public safety through new capital investment in Sioux Lookout Fire Management Headquarters, the Armstrong Forward Attack Base, completing the Watabeag Dam Construction project in Northeast Region and emergency gas well capping projects in Southwestern Ontario; and
  • facility renovations in support of ministry transformational change in three Regional Centres: Thunder Bay, Timmins, and Peterborough. This investment is accommodating staff increases at these key locations, while saving over 22,000 Rentable Square Feet (RSF) and collapsing two 3rd party leases totaling over 26,000 RSF.

The ministry worked horizontally and collaboratively with various ministries to achieve other government priority outcomes, including:

  • realizing the economic potential and the need for sustainable development in the Ring of Fire area by engaging First Nations in community-based land-use planning and assisting in the development of a long-term environmental monitoring program;
  • continuing to work with other Ministries and partners to advance Ontario Biodiversity Strategy measures aimed at further strengthening and protecting Ontario’s biodiversity;
  • working with other ministries, municipalities and partners to review Ontario’s wetlands strategy; identifying challenges and opportunities related to wetland conservation in Ontario and to recommend steps that could be taken in the future to improve the conservation of wetlands in the province;
  • advancing implementation of the province’s local/sectoral Resource Benefits Sharing framework through planned pilots in the forest sector;
  • contributing to sustainability of the Great Lakes through implementation of the renegotiated Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health and related efforts;
  • supporting the development of sustainable communities through wildland fire risk mitigation planning and community partnerships;
  • supporting land claim negotiations/settlements and implementation of Crown’s duty to consult obligations for natural resource development;
  • participating in regional land-use planning, including the newly initiated review of land-use plans for the Oak Ridges Moraine, the Niagara Escarpment Plan, the Greenbelt Plan and the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and implementation of the Northern Growth Plan;
  • working with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to modernize MNRF environmental assessment requirements and institute a risk-based approach to related approvals;
  • participating in efforts to replace transportation, health and outdoors cards with a one-card system;
  • collaborating in enterprise-wide efforts to consolidate clean-up of contaminated sites;
  • participating in efforts to leverage federal funding in support of the new Building Canada Agreement; and
  • launching the Ontario Children’s Outdoor Charter, together with ENGO's focused on the challenge of reducing children’s screen time and getting kids outside.

For more information on these and other achievements, refer to the 2014-15 Annual Report.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry organizational chart

  • Minister - Natural Resources and Forestry
    • Parliamentary Assistant
    • Deputy Minister
      • Executive Assistant
      • Communications Services Branch
      • Legal Services Branch
      • Mining and Lands Commissioner
      • Niagara Escarpment Commission
    • ADM Corporate Management and Information Division
      • Corporate Finance and Controllership Branch
      • Services and Infrastructure Management Branch
      • Strategic Human Resources Business Branch
      • Mapping and Information Resources Branch
    • ADM Forest Industry Division
      • Business Development Branch
      • Forest Tenure and Economics Branch
      • Operations Branch
    • ADM Policy Division
      • Strategic and Aboriginal Policy Branch
      • Crown Forests and Lands Policy Branch
      • Species Conservation Policy Branch
      • Natural Resources Conservation Policy Branch
    • ADM Provincial Services Division
      • Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services Branch
      • Enforcement Branch
      • Fish and Wildlife Services Branch
      • Ontario Parks
      • Science and Research Branch
    • ADM Regional Operations Division
      • Far North Branch
      • Integration Branch
      • Northeast Region
      • Northwest Region
      • Southern Region
    • Chief Information Officer, Land and Resources I&IT Cluster (This position has a matrix reporting relationship to OCCIO, MAA, MOE, OMAFRA and MNDM)
      • Service Management
      • Strategy, Information and Program Management
      • Business Consulting Services
      • Business Solutions Services

Download printer-friendly organizational chart (PNG).

Agencies, boards and commissions

Algonquin Forestry Authority (Classified agency)

  • responsible for forest management, including timber harvesting, in Algonquin Par The Authority sorts, sells and delivers harvested logs to regional mills. It also may advise on, undertake and carry out forestry, land-management and other programs and projects as the Minister may authorize.

Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (Classified agency)

  • responsible for assessing and classifying species that may be at risk in Ontario.

Council of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors

  • regulates the practice of professional land surveying and governs the profession in accordance with the Surveyors Act, its regulations and bylaw

Council of the Ontario Professional Foresters Association

  • regulates the practice of forestry, and governs its members in accordance with the Professional Foresters Act, its regulations and by-law The governing council manages, administers and oversees the functioning of the association.

Fish and Wildlife Heritage Commission (Classified agency)

  • established under the Heritage Hunting and Fishing Act, the commission makes recommendations to the minister on ways to encourage people to value our fish and wildlife resources, promote more participation in conservation and other programs, and to search out new fish and wildlife related opportunitie

Lake of the Woods Control Board

  • regulates the water levels in the Lake of the Woods, Lac Seul and in the Winnipeg and English Rivers between the lake outlets and their confluence.

Nawiinginokiima Forest Management Corporation (Classified agency)

  • responsible for sustainable forest management, and the marketing and selling of wood supplies to both existing forest industry customers and new entran

Niagara Escarpment Commission (Classified agency)

  • administers the Niagara Escarpment Plan through promoting the objectives of the plan; processing and making decisions on development permit applications and making recommendations on plan amendmen

Ontario Geographic Names Board (Classified agency)

  • manages and defines the treatment of official geographic names of places and geographical features in Ontario.

Ontario Moose-Bear Allocation Advisory Committee (Classified agency)

  • advises the minister on the allocation of moose among tourist outfitters and on the issues arising from the allocation of black bear management areas of tourist operator

Ontario Parks Board of Directors (Classified agency)

  • provides advice on planning, management and development of the provincial park system.

Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board

  • a partnership among Canada, Quebec and Ontario to formulate and review policies that will lead to integrated management of the reservoirs in the Ottawa River basin.

Rabies Advisory Committee (Classified agency)

  • advises on the scientific steps necessary for developing a successful rabies research and response program, which includes developing suitable vaccines and systems for vaccinating wild animal population

Species at Risk Program Advisory Committee (Classified agency)

  • provides advice on matters related to implementation of the species at risk program, other than matters addressed by the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario.

A classified agency, though established by the government, is not considered part of the ministry. However, the government appoints the majority of its members, assigns responsibility to perform a public function and holds the agency to account.

Table 2: Expenditure and revenue data for agencies, boards, commissions

Name 2015-16 Estimates 2014-15 Interim Actuals 2013-14 Actuals
Expenditure Revenue Expenditure Revenue Expenditure Revenue
Algonquin Forestry Authority $24,948,000 $27,452,000 $19,185,000 $20,324,000 $21,664,000 $24,395,000
Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario $17,000 $0 $17,078 $0 $34,055 $0
Council of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors $22,000 $0 $6,171 $0 $18,310 $0
Council of the Ontario Professional Foresters Association $20,000 $0 $15,302 $0 $13,787 $0
Fish and Wildlife Heritage Commission $45,000 $0 $18,460 $0 $27,127 $0
Lake of the Woods Control Board $4,000 N/A* $3,000 N/A* $2,000 N/A*
Nawiinginokiima Forest Management Corporation $3,523,078 $4,678,162 $2,936,746 $3,916,463 $2,619,879 $4,281,341
Niagara Escarpment Commission $2,410,100 $0 $2,485,757 $0 $2,393,027 $316
Ontario Geographic Names Board $7,500 $0 $4,604 $0 $6,009 $0
Ontario Moose-Bear Allocation Advisory Committee $15,000 $0 $10,221 $0 $19,419 $0
Ontario Parks Board of Directors $11,500 $0 $11,500 $0 $6,277 $0
Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board $50,000 N/A* $49,481 $12,117,623 $41,481 $12,097,403
Rabies Advisory Committee $2,500 $0 $1,000 $0 $1,500 $0
Species at Risk Program Advisory Committee $2,500 $0 $5,942 $0 $1,676 $0

Note: Expenditure and revenue reported in this table are also reported as part of the ministry’s overall expenditure and revenue.
* Data not available before this document went to print.

Ministry financial information

The following graph depicts the Ministry’s planned 2015-16 expenditures by Vote/Item, sub-item.

Graph depicting MNRF’s planned 2015/16 expenditures by Vote/Item, sub-item.

Note: numbers may not add due to rounding

Ministry planned operating expenditures by vote/item, sub-item 2015-16

Activity Name Ministry Planned Expenditures
Regional Operations $150.2 million
Forest Industry $164.0 million
Public Safety and Emergency Response $100.2 million
Fish and Wildlife Special Purpose Account $71.3 million
Ontario Parks $84.7 million
Provincial Services, Science and Research $43.8 million
Policy and Planning $40.6 million
Mapping and Geographic Information $8.3 million
Ministry Administration $39.7 million
Land and Resources Information Technology Cluster
(spends $84.9 million and recovers $52.9 million for a net balance of $32.0)
$32.0 million
Total Planned Expenditures by Activity $734.7 million

Ministry planned expenditures 2015-16

  Ministry Planned Expenditures
Operating $734.7 million
Capital $55.3 million
TOTAL $790.0 million

Table 5: Operating and capital summary by vote

The Ministry envisions a healthy environment that is naturally diverse and supports a high quality of life for the people of Ontario through sustainable development.

The Ministry’s mission is to manage our natural resources in an ecologically sustainable way to ensure that they are available for the enjoyment and use of future generations.

Ecological sustainability focuses on safeguarding the province’s natural capital and nature’s capacity to renew itself. It is directed towards resource management practices that protect and maintain nature’s capacity to renew itself and generate sufficient natural "interest" to meet Ontarians' present and future needs.

Votes/Programs Estimates 2015-16 Change from 2014-15 Estimates Change Estimates 2014-15 * Interim Actuals 2014-15 * Actuals 2013-14 *
Ministry Adm inistration $39,675,500 ($148,200) (0.4%) $39,823,700 $41,236,800 $35,659,715
Natural Resource Managem ent $327,559,400 $8,193,800 2.6% $319,365,600 $324,749,600 $347,558,959
Public Protection $100,160,200 $371,100 0.4% $99,789,100 $110,554,300 $126,159,178
Land and Resources Information & Information Technology Cluster $32,041,900 ($276,700) (0.9%) $32,318,600 $32,693,100 $32,553,310
Less: Special Warrants -- ($239,349,200)   $239,349,200 -- --
Total Operating and Capital Expense to be Voted $499,437,000 $247,489,200 98.2% $251,947,800 $509,233,800 $541,931,162
Special Warrants -- ($239,349,200)   $239,349,200 -- --
Statutory Appropriations $5,167,014 -- -- $5,167,014 $5,157,014 $1,557,000
Ministry Total Operating Expense $504,604,014 $8,140,000 1.6% $496,464,014 $514,390,814 $543,488,162
Operating Expense Adjustment - Fish & Wildlife Special Purpose Account $71,260,000 ($2,440,000) (3.3%) $73,700,000 $70,438,600 $65,767,000
Operating Expense Adjustment - Ontario Parks Special Purpose Account $75,063,000 $6,000,000 8.7% $69,063,000 $72,848,200 $69,730,401
Consolidation Adjustm ent - Algonquin Forest Authority $23,456,500 $2,595,000 12.4% $20,861,500 $21,632,900 $18,955,326
Consolidation Adjustm ent - Forest Renewal Trust $60,351,500 $10,854,000 21.9% $49,497,500 $52,160,600 $50,384,970
Operating Expense Adjustment - Section 15 Recoveries           $7,719,339
Total Including Consolidation & Other Adjustments $734,735,014 $25,149,000 3.5% $709,586,014 $731,471,114 $756,045,198


Natural Resource Managem ent $202,300 ($3,400) (1.7%) $205,700 $201,300 $217,485
Public Protection $53,600 -- -- $53,600 $40,500 $40,354
Land and Resources Information & Information Technology Cluster $100,000 -- -- $100,000 -- --
Less: Special Warrants -- ($101,500)   $101,500 -- --
Total Operating Assets to be Voted $355,900 $98,100 38.1% $257,800 $241,800 $257,839
Special Warrants -- ($101,500)   $101,500 -- --
Statutory Appropriations            
Ministry Total Operating Assets $355,900 ($3,400) (0.9%) $359,300 $241,800 $257,839


Natural Resource Managem ent $37,123,700 ($18,957,400) (33.8%) $56,081,100 $55,788,700 $43,390,897
Public Protection $5,145,500 ($1,573,000) (23.4%) $6,718,500 $6,718,500 $3,581,786
Less: Special Warrants -- ($18,858,900)   $18,858,900 -- --
Total Capital Expense to be Voted $42,269,200 ($1,671,500) (3.8%) $43,940,700 $62,507,200 $46,972,683
Special Warrants -- ($18,858,900)   $18,858,900 -- --
Statutory Appropriations $12,852,000 $1,997,700 18.4% $10,854,300 $9,640,400 $8,519,144
Ministry Total Capital Expense $55,121,200 ($18,532,700) (25.2%) $73,653,900 $72,147,600 $55,491,827
Consolidation & Other Adjus tm ents $158,100 $58,100 58.1% $100,000 $198,400 $154,184
Total Including Consolidation & Other Adjustments $55,279,300 ($18,474,600) (25.0%) $73,753,900 $72,346,000 $55,646,011


Natural Resources Managem ent $30,632,900 $4,904,000 19.1% $25,728,900 $22,541,300 $23,908,874
Public Protection $31,626,500 ($2,023,300) (6.0%) $33,649,800 $32,373,700 $20,489,197
Less: Special Warrants -- ($18,407,500)   $18,407,500 -- --
Total Capital Assets to be Voted $62,259,400 $21,288,200 52.0% $40,971,200 $54,915,000 $44,398,071
Special Warrants -- ($18,407,500)   $18,407,500 -- --
Statutory Appropriations            
Ministry Total Capital Assets $62,259,400 $2,880,700 4.9% $59,378,700 $54,915,000 $44,398,071
Ministry Total Operating and Capital including Consolidation and Other Adjustments (not including assets) $790,014,314 $6,674,400 0.9% $783,339,914 $803,817,114 $811,691,209

* Estimates, Interim Actuals and Actuals for prior fiscal years are re-stated to reflect any changes in ministry organization and/or program structure. Interim actuals reflect the numbers presented in the 2015 Ontario Budget.

Appendix: 2014-15 annual report 2014-15 achievements

Ministry transformation

Fiscal year 2014-15 was the final year for implementing the ministry’s comprehensive multi-year Transformation Plan to modernize and reshape its role in natural resource management and to achieve financial and operational sustainability, first approved through the ministry’s 2012-13 Results-based Plan.

The ministry undertook a comprehensive review of its legislative requirements and business lines that culminated in a Transformation Plan that:

  • grounded the ministry on a solid, sustainable financial and operational foundation;
  • ensured the ministry is able to deliver on its mandate priorities and legislative responsibilities;
  • streamlined and automated permitting processes and requirements through a modernized policy and regulatory framework;
  • modernized and rationalized operational service delivery and science and research;
  • realigned strategic partnerships and transfer payments to focus more on core priorities and business needs; and
  • modified the size and design of the organization while supporting efforts to balance the budget.

MNRF transformation key achievements:

  • reviewed the ministry’s legislative and regulatory approvals framework, business processes, programs and service delivery to find efficiencies and support fiscal and operational sustainability;
  • amended seven pieces of MNRF legislation to enable the streamlining of ministry permitting and approvals requirements;
  • consulted the public on approvals modernization and a broader landscape approach to natural resource management;
  • completed regulatory changes that modernized and streamlined 54 different approvals and launched an automated approvals registry;
  • modernized the Ontario Stewardship Program to focus more closely on our core mandate;
  • changed some low performing parks to non-operating and streamlined Ontario Parks administration;
  • modernized MNRF's Youth Employment Program – offering more opportunities to local youth;
  • standardized enforcement training to realize efficiencies;
  • announced a new regional and district model for Regional Operations Division (ROD);
  • consolidated three fire response facilities (Kirkland Lake, Pembroke and Sault Ste. Marie) to focus operations at more strategic locations;
  • facilitated the ongoing operation of the Experimental Lakes Area research station;
  • reviewed and implementing the ministry’s risk management framework;
  • strategic refocussing of partnerships and stakeholder engagement on mandate priorities resulting in reduced transfer payments; and
  • redesigned ministry functions and realigned organizational structures to support a transformed MNRF, including streamlined policy and integrated science and research function

Biodiversity management

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry continued to work with the Ontario Biodiversity Council to assist with the implementation of Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy, 2011.

The ministry, together with 15 other ministries, implemented Biodiversity: It’s in Our Nature, which confirms the government’s commitment to biodiversity conservation and outlines the actions that Ontario government ministries will take to achieve the vision and goals of Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy.

The Ontario government recognizes the importance of biodiversity and, through the Ontario Public Service Biodiversity Network, continued to take steps to conserve it, contributing to a strong, healthy and prosperous future for our province and generations to come.

In recognition of the increasing concern that children are detached from nature and the outdoors, the ministry, together with partners, continued to promote the Ontario Children’s Outdoor Charter. The charter outlines 12 outdoor activities that children should do before their teen years.

In 2014-15, the ministry continued to work with Forests Ontario to plant 50 million trees in southern Ontario; a total of 16.8 million trees had been planted by Trees Ontario as of March 31, 2015.

The ministry continued to implement the Endangered Species Act. It published provincial recovery strategies for seven more species, for a total of 93 species with strategies completed since the Act came into force in June 2008. In response to the published recovery strategies, the ministry also completed government response statements for 13 species, bringing the total number of species with a completed response statement to 86.

The ministry completed habitat regulations for five additional species at risk, bringing the total number of species that receive habitat protection through regulation to 33. The ministry also published ten management plans and eight Government Response Statements for Species of Special Concern.

The ministry developed and consulted on a suite of regulatory proposals to streamline the implementation of the Endangered Species Act.

In 2014-15, the ministry met its legislative requirement to report on five years of research, monitoring and assessment to promote the recovery of woodland caribou. The State of the Woodland Caribou Resource Report shows how caribou are using the landscape, the status of their habitat and what factors are most likely to influence sustainable populations in our province.

The ministry also released assessments of the condition of caribou ranges along with the Caribou Range Management Policy. The policy will help forest companies address both provincial and federal requirements, and will assist industry in meeting forest certification that is increasingly needed in the North American and European marketplace.

The ministry provided over $4.5 million to projects that helped to protect and recover species at risk and their habitats. Through the Species at Risk Stewardship Fund Program, $3.7 million in funding was distributed to 105 projects through individual grants with numerous organizations. Through the Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program, $420,000 was distributed to 102 stewardship projects on privately owned agriculture lands that support the protection and recovery of species at risk and their habitats. Additionally, $406,000 was distributed to 21 projects through the Species at Risk Research Fund for Ontario.

Invasive species pose a significant threat to Ontario’s biodiversity and affect our natural environment, society and economy. The government pursued a number of projects and partnerships to control invasive species on the land and in our waters.

The ministry continued to implement the Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan. The plan provides a cross-ministry provincial management framework to better address threats posed by invasive species. The objectives of the plan focus on the prevention, early detection, and rapid response to new invaders, and the effective management of existing invaders when eradication is not possible.

Following the review of our regulatory tools to combat invasive species, the ministry prepared proposed invasive species legislation. The ministry re-introduced the Invasive Species Act to address concerns surrounding the prevention, detection, rapid response and eradication of invasive species and to promote collaboration between governments and with partners.

In addition, the ministry:

  • implemented priority actions in the Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan together with ministries of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and Ministry of Transportation;
  • monitored forest health and worked with the federal government and other partners to manage pests and invasive plants that threaten our forests;
  • acted to eradicate aquatic invasive species that infect Ontario’s water bodies, including water soldier in the Trent River and water chestnut in Voyageur Provincial Park;
  • continued to enhance surveillance and monitoring for Asian carp in Lake Erie;
  • worked together with partners and other governments to monitor for invasive species which pose a threat in neighbouring jurisdictions, including the presence of Asian carp in the United States;
  • continued the partnership with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters to deliver extensive programs to raise awareness of invasive species and how to prevent their spread; and
  • fulfilled commitments made by the Council of Great Lakes Governors and Premiers of Ontario and Quebec to address threats posed by invasive species to the Great Lakes such as developing a Governors and Premiers Least Wanted List of Aquatic Invasive Species and the Mutual Aid Agreemen

The ministry continued to support the Invasive Species Centre (ISC) at the Great Lakes Forestry Centre in Sault Ste. Marie. The centre promotes co-operation, collaboration and efficiencies in invasive species management and helps coordinate provincial, national and international efforts to address the spread of invasive species and the negative effects they can have on the health of Ontario’s ecosystems and economy.

MNRF provided $1.16 million to the ISC to complement the province’s and Canada’s efforts in the areas of prevention and invasive species management through cooperation, collaboration and coordination. The ISC focussed on the following themes: prevention; early detection; rapid response; management; impacts of social, environmental and ecological change at different scales on invasive species; and information technology. The funding supported 31 projects with numerous organizations.

The ministry took initial steps toward modernizing Ontario’s fish and wildlife management programs. Application of the ministry’s risk-based approach to the modernization of approvals initiative resulted in implementation of 21 changes to authorizations under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to streamline services.

The modernization agenda was further advanced through the initiation of a project to modernize elements of Ontario’s wildlife program consistent with the principles of taking a broader landscape-based approach to wildlife resource management.

The ministry provided hunting opportunities to more than 450,000 hunting Outdoor Card holders and generated $25.5 million in hunting licence sales in 2014-15.

Wildlife disease detection and monitoring continue to be enhanced for White-nose Syndrome in bats. In partnership with the Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre, the ministry continues to undertake surveillance to detect White-nose Syndrome, and supports national efforts to implement Canada’s White-nose Syndrome Management Plan, and the development of an Ontario White-Nose Syndrome Response Plan.

Related to addressing wildlife disease and detection, the ministry helped coordinate a national response on a proposed Canadian Food Inspection Agency control program for chronic-wasting disease in Canada.

To address concerns about public safety risks associated with human-bear conflicts, the ministry implemented year one of the black bear management pilot program which includes monitoring and assessment of potential effectiveness of a spring hunting season toward addressing human-bear conflicts.

The ministry continues to manage the recreational fisheries that are enjoyed by over one million anglers and contribute almost $2.5 billion to the Ontario economy.

The ministry continued to implement the Ecological Framework for Recreational Fisheries Management in Ontario, which includes new zones, managing on a broader landscape scale, enhanced public involvement in the decision-making process and regular monitoring and reporting. Fisheries Management Zone advisory councils are operational in 13 zones.

The ministry delivered the second year of the second five-year cycle of the province- wide broad-scale fisheries monitoring program. The program is designed to report on the status at the Fisheries Management Zone or landscape scale. Surveys on fish communities, invasive species, aquatic habitat and water quality have been carried out on 746 lakes across Ontario.

In 2014-15, the ministry completed public consultation and prepared a final draft of Ontario’s Provincial Fish Strategy. The strategy will provide a framework for future fisheries management and establishes goals and objectives for our fisheries program at a provincial scale.

MNRF has also initiated a review of policies associated with the management of bait. The goals of the review are to ensure that:

  • bait is managed to protect the health of aquatic ecosystems;
  • the sustainable use of bait resources enhances the quality of life for Ontarians by providing recreational, social and economic benefits;
  • bait is managed to conserve the resource and maintain a viable bait industry; and
  • bait management is adaptable, effective, consistent across the province and simple to implemen

Ontario negotiated an agreement with the International Institute for Sustainable Development that will allow vital freshwater research to continue at the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) in northwestern Ontario. The Experimental Lakes Area is a world- renowned freshwater research facility that supports research to help us understand the many threats to clean water.

The ministry continued its review and consultations on new ways to market and generate revenue for the Fish and Wildlife Special Purpose Account to support fish and wildlife programs, including the introduction of a Learn to Fish program in partnership with the Ontario Parks Learn to Camp program.

Fish culture stations provided approximately eight million fish for stocking purposes. Fish ON-Line, a web-based application that anglers can use to find information on

Ontario’s vast fisheries resource, continues to be a tremendous success. During the 2014-15 Fiscal year, Fish ON-Line received over 154,300 page views, a 17 per cent increase over the previous fiscal year. In addition, a number of enhancements were made to the application, including the development of a version for mobile devices released in April 2012, and improved functionality of the application.

Support continued for the Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program, an effort to bring back wild populations of Atlantic salmon to Lake Ontario.

A new perch regulation for Lake Nipissing came into effect on January 1, 2014, that increased the daily catch limit from 25 to 50 fish for sport fish licences. The ministry is actively engaged with local First Nations in an effort to seek adjustment of current aboriginal walleye commercial fishing practices.

In 2014-15 the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters continued to develop and promote a strengthened Community Hatchery Program (CHP). Forty-one community hatcheries received CHP funding to support general operating costs and small capital improvements for hatchery operations. The CHP has benefited from increased program communications and profile through a variety of media including:

  • radio show interviews with community hatchery operators;
  • Angler and Hunter Hotline articles in the Ontario Out of Doors magazine;
  • a new Facebook page;
  • a Program brochure; and
  • several presentations delivered on the Program.

The community hatchery Community of Practice continues to evolve with a new online forum for use by community hatchery operators. Several workshops were facilitated and supported that provided valuable information to hatchery operators to increase their fish rearing knowledge and improve overall rearing success. Other accomplishments include the completion of a fish health testing feasibility analysis and the provision of support by the CHP Coordinator to community hatcheries in identifying additional funding opportunities.

In 2014-15 the Land Stewardship and Habitat Restoration Program supported 22 projects that focused on advancing biodiversity conservation at the landscape level. Final report rollup is ongoing; however, it is expected that over 500 ha of land will have been restored, created or enhanced through these 22 projects, with the support of over 81 partners.

The ministry continued its successful rabies management programs in 2014-15. Research focused on the continued implementation and development of the oral rabies vaccine known as ONRAB®, which was used in its ninth year of field trials. As a result of success in controlling rabies in the province, approximately 115,000 ultra- lite baits containing ONRAB® were required this year, down from over one million when the program began.

The baits were dropped by aircraft and distributed by hand. Ontario has now been free of the raccoon rabies strain since 2005, and there have been no new cases of fox rabies in southern Ontario since May, 2012. This is the first time southern Ontario has been fox rabies free since the mid-1950s. In 2014-15 we also worked with our U.S. partners (New York State and US Department of Agriculture) to establish an ONRAB® barrier along the entire New York-Ontario border in New York State to reduce the chance of raccoon rabies re-infecting Ontario from New York.

The ministry continued to deliver professional enforcement operations including outreach, inspection and investigation services to protect provincial resources.

Natural heritage and protected area management

The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), 2014, issued under the Planning Act, took effect April 30, 2014. After participating in policy development for the PPS during its review in preceding years, the ministry supported PPS roll out during the remainder of 2014-15. The ministry provided subject matter expertise at education and training sessions for municipalities and municipal planning stakeholders including the Ontario Professional Planners Institute. Staff also delivered presentations on MNRF interests in the PPS to several municipal conferences and forums. The ministry also began developing new or updated guidance material for the PPS on natural heritage and wildland fire policies

In 2014-15, Ontario’s system of parks and protected areas was expanded by 21,383 hectares.

The ministry continued to make progress on management planning for the Whitefeather Forest Dedicated Protected Areas, and additional planning processes for provincial parks and conservation reserves. Management direction examinations were completed for several provincial parks and conservation reserves.

Ontario’s Protected Areas Planning Manual (2014) and associated Guidelines were approved and released to the public. They provide policy direction for management planning for provincial parks and conservation reserves.

The ministry participated in regional land-use planning, including the newly initiated review of land-use plans for the Oak Ridges Moraine, the Niagara Escarpment Plan, the Greenbelt Plan and the Greater Golden Horseshoe; and helped implement the Northern Growth Plan.

The ministry welcomed Ontarians and tourists to our 339 provincial parks, with over

8.5 million visits in 2014, forecasted to generate more than $70 million in revenue. New forms of accommodation continue to be offered at Ontario Parks. Visitation was down 87,231 visitors from the year before, due to the cool, wet summer weather which impacted day use visits.

Graph showing number of annual visits to Ontario Provincial Parks from 2007/08 to 2015/16.

Construction of rustic cabins in some Ontario Parks complemented car camping options for visitors during the 2014 camping season.

In April 2014 a partnership agreement was signed with the Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls to operate Caliper Lake Provincial Park for three years beginning with the 2014 camping season. A partnership agreement was signed with the City of Elliot Lake to operate Mississagi Provincial Park for five years beginning with the 2014 camping season.

Ontario Parks has received approval to operate three provincial parks, Fushimi Lake, Ivanhoe Lake and Rene Brunelle, on a pilot basis for five (5) years beginning in the 2015 operating season, employing the successful components of the previous pilot with partner municipalities.

The ministry is currently in discussions with local First Nations to develop partnership agreements to operate Springwater Provincial Parks and Tidewater Provincial Park.

Under the Far North Act, community based land use plans developed and approved with First Nations clarify where development can occur and where land is set aside for protection in the Far North of Ontario. Five First Nation communities now have approved community based land use plans in place, and four other communities (Deer Lake, Eabametoong and Mishkeegogamang, and Marten Falls) signed Terms of Reference to begin planning with Ontario. Twenty-two other communities have started to work with MNRF in the various stages of preparing community based land use plans, from capacity building, mapping traditional knowledge, collecting background information, to preparing draft Terms of Reference. Topographic, land cover and disturbance mapping of sufficient scale and quality for land use planning has been produced, and mapping products have been provided to First Nation communities.

Public consultation on a Far North Land Use Strategy was initiated with the release of an introductory document to the public. The public was also invited to comment on a proposed approach to a “provisional protection” regulation that could allow planning teams to put early protection on areas in the Far North that are most sensitive and vulnerable to development. The ministry has been working with a self-identified group of First Nation community members to build better awareness and understanding of the Far North Land Use Strategy at the community level. As recommended by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, MNRF worked with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to complete preliminary classification of instruments for the Far North Act under the Environmental Bill of Rights.

The ministry completed the processing of an amendment to Ontario Regulation 826/90 under the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act, to remove development control from several areas located outside of the Niagara Escarpment Plan Area and to remove development control from several minor urban centres in the Town of Halton Hills, to allow for more streamlined municipal planning and reduced red tape.

Crown land, water and non-renewable resource management

Crown lands make up about 87 per cent, or 937,000 square kilometres, of the province’s land mass. The ministry responded to numerous requests for use and access to Crown lands for a wide variety of economic, recreational and social activities, and ensured that any authorized activities were conducted in a manner consistent with the ministry’s policies and planning direction.

The ministry managed approximately 11,000 tenants to provide sustainable revenue to the Crown. It also monitored Crown lands to protect them against unauthorized occupation.

The ministry commenced 12 Crown land use amendments to ensure the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas is maintained as an effective and reliable source of Crown land use planning direction.

The ministry redeveloped the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas with enhanced land use policy search features and the capability to incorporate community based land use plans approved under the Far North Act (2010).

The ministry implemented the first year of a five-year pilot program partnership with Ducks Unlimited Canada to streamline Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act approvals for small low hazard dams associated with a wetland conservation project.

The ministry worked closely with partner ministries, dam owners, First Nations, the waterpower industry and other stakeholders to modernize Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act approval requirements.

The ministry launched an online permitting system for non-resident Crown land camping to support enhanced customer service and the tourism industry.

The ministry is developing aggregate resources policy in response to feedback from stakeholders, Aboriginal communities and the recommendations of the Standing Committee on General Government’s Report on the Review of the Aggregate Resources Act, while continuing to oversee aggregate resources, which create over 18,500 direct and indirect jobs and contribute over $1.3 billion in annual GDP.

In October 2013, the Standing Committee on General Government tabled a report with 38 recommendations on the Aggregate Resources Act. The ministry, in collaboration with other ministries, developed the government’s response to the committee’s report. This response outlined a collaborative approach to work with municipal and stakeholder organizations and interested Aboriginal communities to find solutions that support the Committee’s recommendations. In fall 2014, the ministry engaged with municipal associations, stakeholders, experts, and Aboriginal communities and groups on topics related to the management of pit and quarry operations, including applications, amendments, rehabilitation, recycling and fees. The input received during those sessions is being used to inform proposed changes to the Aggregate Resources Act and its regulatory framework. There will be an opportunity for the public to comment on policy proposals this year.

The Provincial Policy Statement 2014 now recognizes aggregate recycling and stronger requirements for planning authorities to identify deposits of mineral aggregate resources in their planning documents, two approaches that deliver on several recommendations of the Standing Committee.

Under the Abandoned Works Program, the ministry safely and successfully decommissioned 74 abandoned petroleum wells located on private land in southern Ontario.

In 2014-15, the ministry received 9 applications from operators of unlicensed private gas wells under the Private Gas Well Licensing Policy and Incentive Program. Of the nine applications, six wells have been licensed for use, one licensed for the purpose of 100 per cent plugging under the Incentive Program, and two applications are in the process of licensing.

The ministry is collaborating in enterprise-wide efforts to consolidate clean-up of contaminated sites. It is leading an $85-million project with local First Nation communities to clean up 16 abandoned radar sites that are part of the Mid-Canada Line dating back to the Cold War. In 2014-15, the ministry, with the help of several contractors continued clean-up of the last remaining large site known as Site 415 as well as the surrounding three Doppler sites in Polar Bear Provincial Park. Work will continue throughout 2015-16.

The ministry has completed the first year of full scale remediation efforts at the Hawkesbury Lagoon site. The goal of this three year project is to restore the landfill site to permit passive recreation and return a portion of the restored area to the Ottawa River. In 2014-15 MNRF also initiated work on a long-term rehabilitation plan for the Steep Rock Iron Mine Site.

In 2014-15, the ministry supported mineral development in the Ring of Fire by working with the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines and the Ring of Fire Secretariat. The ministry initiated land use planning, provided input to environmental assessment processes, participated in multi-ministry committees and initiated Aboriginal consultation on early permits related to the Ring of Fire. Inter-ministry discussions with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines were initiated on the requirement and need for a Long-Term Environmental Plan for the Ring of Fire Area. Further work will continue in 2015-16.

The ministry supported land claim negotiations, settlements and implementation of the Crown’s duty to consult obligations for natural resource development. The ministry supported flood claim negotiations/settlements and implementation of what is called the Mishkee Settlement with Mishkeegogamang Ojibway First Nation (MOFN). It contributed to the negotiation of the settlement discussions and is implementing the agreement. The Ontario government led the negotiations and was able to bring Canada into the discussions. The agreement is very significant in nature and in scope: Canada has paid MOFN about $58 million, Ontario has paid the First Nation $3.5 million and will also transfer 5,039 hectares of Crown land to MOFN; MNRF district and legal staff continue to work with Canada, Ontario Power Generation, Hydro One and the federal government to complete the land transfer portion of the agreement which is expected to occur over the next two years.

MNRF contributed to the negotiation, and follow up to the release and public consultation on a Preliminary Draft Agreement-in-Principle for the Algonquin Comprehensive Land Claim, released in 2012. The Government of Canada, the Ontario government, led by the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, and the Algonquins of Ontario have been negotiating the claim for over 20 years.

The Preliminary Draft Agreement-in-Principle proposes a settlement package that includes: $300 million; the transfer of 117,500 acres of Crown land; measures to ensure conservation of fish and wildlife resources; and a role for the Algonquins in park management planning. As part of a subsequent tripartite consultation process, 2,200 people attended public information sessions in eight locations, and ministry staff held more than 100 meetings with stakeholders affected directly and indirectly by the proposed agreement. Negotiations are expected to conclude in late 2015 with an Agreement-in-Principle that reflects the input received through the public consultation process.

As Ontario’s representative on the Regional Body of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainability Water Resources Agreement, the ministry contributed to the first report on the assessment of cumulative impacts of basin water uses. The ministry supported the Premier’s release of the first draft of the report at the Council of Great Lakes Governors 2013 leadership summit.

The ministry contributed to the sustainability of the Great Lakes through implementation of the renegotiated Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health and related efforts.

With $4.9 million in provincial funding, the ministry supported more than 100 projects involving numerous partners under the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. Projects focused on preventing the entry and spread of invasive species, restoring habitats and species, completing priority resource management actions in Great Lakes Areas of Concern, and addressing climate change and water and lake levels management.

Renewable energy

The ministry worked with the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to implement the Long-Term Energy Plan and associated energy procurement programs, and to support renewable energy development opportunities on Crown and private lands while ensuring protection of natural heritage.

This included supporting provincial project tracking in collaboration with the Renewable Energy Facilitation Office, ongoing litigation, Environmental Review Tribunal hearings, and enhancements to the ministry’s Renewable Energy Atlas.

The ministry also worked with the Independent Electricity System Operator (formerly the Ontario Power Authority) to align the renewable energy site access process on Crown land with Ontario’s Feed-in Tariff, Hydro Electric Standard Offer, and Large Renewable Procurement programs, including development of a memorandum of understanding to ensure alignment of administrative priorities.

The ministry supported renewable energy generation on Crown land through implementation of the Renewable Energy on Crown Land Policy. Royalties of almost $120 million were generated annually from waterpower generation sites.

The ministry continued to support a collaborative bird and bat monitoring database with Bird Studies Canada.

The ministry commissioned a study on the economics of small-scale hydro at existing dams. The ministry collaborated with industry on a feasibility study examining the viability of a waterpower reference centre that would serve as a data repository for information related to water management planning and environmental assessments.


The ministry continues to sustainably manage Crown forests, which supports approximately 170,000 direct and indirect jobs in over 260 communities across the province and generates nearly $4.5 billion (2013) in annual GDP.

Five Independent Forest Audits were completed in 2014 and action plans are being developed in response.

The ministry continues to work with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) on proposals to streamline forest management planning and approval requirements. It is working with the MOECC to modernize its environmental assessment requirements and institute a risk-based approach to related approvals.

The ministry submitted a Five-Year report on the implementation of the EA Act approval for forestry to MOECC as required by conditions of the approval.

The ministry completed a new Silviculture Guide which provides updated information and direction to forest managers to develop and implement ecosystem-based silviculture prescriptions.

The Ministry completed its work with the Silviculture Enhancement Initiative working groups and is poised to bring forward recommendations to the government in 2015

The largest wood supply competition ever held in North America was completed in 2011, and the ministry continues to implement the results. A total of 46 Supply Agreement offers were made. Draft supply agreements have been reached with 17 proponents, and these are moving through the approval process. Thirteen proponents have elected not to proceed to supply agreements and MNRF has withdrawn these offers of supply. An additional 16 proponents are in various stages of completion. Wood supplies that have been freed up from withdrawn wood supply offers have been added to the volumes reported in the ministry’s Available Wood Report, published monthly on its public website. The reports inform parties interested in new economic development opportunities in Ontario’s forest industry of the location and volumes of available supply. The ministry provided support toward licensing and restarting (or potentially restarting) eight previously idled forest product manufacturing facilities in Ontario during 2014/15.

Since 2011, responsibility for managing a number of forests, previously managed by Sustainable Forest Licence holders, has been returned to the Crown. Through a number of initiatives, including issuing Forest Resource Licences to Aboriginal companies in the North, the ministry has ensured that tree harvesting and associated economic benefits can continue. MNRF continues to work together with Cat Lake and Slate Falls First Nation in seeking EA coverage for forest management to allow development of a new forestry opportunity. A submission document for the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change was completed in 2014-15.

The ministry continues to advance implementation of the province’s Forest Sector Resource Revenue Sharing framework to improve relationships and economic benefits for First Nation communities. In the spring of 2015, the ministry received Treasury Board approval to enter into Pilot 1's Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) with local First Nations in the Martel and Magpie Forest Management Units.

The ministry continues to work toward enhancing the competitiveness of the forest industry. The first Local Forest Management Corporation (Nawiinginokiima Forest Management Corporation) was created by regulation. The Board and a General Manager have been appointed to guide ongoing implementation. There has also been progress in the transition to enhanced Sustainable Forest Licences. Discussions leading to the creation of enhanced Sustainable Forest Licences have been initiated on up to 15 forest management units.

In 2014-15, the ministry delivered the Provincial Forest Access Roads Funding Program’s full allocation of $38 million. This funding supported $61.12 million in expenditures incurred by the forest industry for road maintenance and construction.

The Ontario Wood Brand continues to develop and has 158 producers and associated stakeholders licensed to use the brand. Ontario Wood has expanded its presence at consumer shows by attending seven this past year and engaged 65 partners to attend along with program staff. A social media strategy has been developed as part of a larger communications plan.

The Ontario Wood Promotion Program (OWPP) supported efforts to foster a culture of wood use in Ontario. This included support to the Canadian Wood Council’s WoodWORKS initiative for the provision of technical advice for architects and engineers to take advantage of recent changes to the Ontario Building Code that allow wood buildings up to six-storeys. Thirty seven hundred people participated in various learning events, and the initiative resulted in $23 million in induced sales.

Ontario has cooperated with a number of other provinces and the federal government through the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers to meet with key consumers of Canadian forest products to assure them that our forests are managed in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable manner.

MNRF continued efforts to support the export of Ontario wood products through participation in nine consumer and trade events in North America, India and the United Kingdom. Ministry staff were joined by 38 Ontario-based wood products firms that generated $420,000 in sales, and 324 leads estimated to be worth a further $6.22 million in anticipated sales over the next 12 months.

Emergency and forest fire management

The ministry continues to protect Ontarians from natural hazards, including response to spring flooding which affected many parts of the province and required collaborative efforts with local communities, conservation authorities and other agencies. The ministry supported the development of sustainable communities through wildland fire risk mitigation planning and community partnerships.

Once again, the ministry responded to a number of spring flooding incidents affecting many parts of the province. Spring freshet in 2014 resulted in four declarations of emergencies in and around the Belleville area. In May, emergencies were declared and MNRF facilitated the evacuation of residents in both Kashechewan and Attawapiskat due to ice jams in Northern Ontario. The ministry also provided assistance to the Far North community on the Moose River during this time. Flood forecasting and updates to communities continued over eight weeks from southern Ontario to the James Bay coast.

A number of flooding events not related to snow melt also occurred throughout the summer and fall of 2014. Emergencies were declared in Fort Frances, Rainy River and several First Nation communities in the Lake of the Woods and Dryden areas throughout the summer. Localized flooding during severe thunderstorms in southern Ontario resulted in flooding in Burlington where the equivalent of two months of rain fell in a 24 hour period in August and the London area experienced significant flooding in September.

The ministry provided sandbagging assistance in response to localized flooding in several districts across the province and supported response activities during the Southern Ontario Ice Storm.

In 2014, the ministry recorded 299 forest fires affecting a total area burned of approximately 5,386 hectares. The 2014 fire season was very quiet compared to the 10-year average number of fires and hectares burned. Prolonged periods of high humidity with short, intermittent drying periods kept forest fuels damp and new human or lightning caused fires to a minimum.

There were no fire-caused evacuations or Restricted Fire Zone Orders activated in 2014.

Although the Ontario fire season was quiet, the province did provide assistance and resources to British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta and the Northwest Mutual Aid Agreements. Throughout July and August, 861 Ontario Fire Rangers and overhead staff, as well as large amounts of fire hose and equipment, were sent to help support fire suppression efforts.

During the fiscal year the ministry began construction of a replacement Staff Quarters in Sioux Lookout, started the relocation of the Haliburton Fire Management headquarters to the Stanhope Airport and began renovations at the Sudbury Forest Fire management Centre.

The ministry improved service delivery and enhanced public safety through new capital investment in Armstrong Forward Attack Base.

The ministry, working in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Environment Canada and CN, responded to two serious train derailments involving spills of crude oil that occurred in Regan Township and Jack Township in Northeastern Ontario in February and March 2015. Remediation efforts at both sites are well underway and MNRF will continue to provide support as the response effort is completed.

Corporate management

The ministry introduced young people to natural resource management by offering more students summer jobs than any other ministry – almost 2,000 in 2014-15 through five youth employment programs. MNRF employment programs give Ontario’s young people the opportunity to obtain meaningful work experience, develop practical, personal and professional skills, and gain a deeper appreciation of their role in the stewardship of Ontario’s natural resources.

The ministry is completing facility renovations in support of ministry transformational change, in three Regional Centres: Thunder Bay, Timmins, and Peterborough. This is accommodating staff increases at these key locations, while saving over 22,000 Rentable Square Feet (RSF) and collapsing two 3rd party leases totaling over 26,000 RSF.

Table 6: Ministry interim actual expenditures 2014-15

  Ministry Interim Actual
Expenditures 2014-15 *
Operating $731.5 million
Capital $72.3 million
Staff Strength **
(as of March 31, 2015)

* Interim actuals reflect the numbers presented in the 2015 Ontario Budget.
** Ontario Public Service Full-Time Equivalent positions.

Who to call

For questions or comments, please contact:

Office of the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry
Whitney Block, Room 6630
99 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1W3

Phone: 416-314-2301


Communications Services Branch
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Whitney Block, Room 5440
99 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1W3

Phone: 416-314-2114

Further information about the ministry and its programs can be found on the ministry’s website.