Ministry overview


The Ministry of the Solicitor General (the ministry) is committed to ensuring that Ontario’s communities are kept safe. To fulfill its mandate, the ministry’s responsibilities are divided into two distinct parts: community safety and correctional services.

As part of it’s community safety mandate, the ministry is responsible for establishing provincewide police standards, police oversight and supporting crime prevention initiatives at local and provincial levels. It maintains the physical and economic security of Ontario by coordinating public safety initiatives among municipal, police, fire and emergency services. In addition, the ministry leads Ontario’s emergency response, including declarations of emergency such as those enacted during the COVID-19covid 19 pandemic, and the implementation of emergency and public safety orders, including orders for enforcement. It also oversees the governance and licensing of private security guards and investigators and is directly responsible for Ontario’s animal welfare enforcement system.

Within the correctional services’ mandate, the ministry operates a safe, effective and accountable adult corrections system that includes correctional facilities and probation and parole offices across the province. It is responsible for the safety and well-being of correctional services staff and those on remand or serving a custodial or community sentence.

Organizations within the ministry that contribute to community safety include the Ontario Provincial Police, the Office of the Chief Coroner, the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, the Office of the Fire Marshal, Emergency Management Ontario, Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations and the Anti-Racism Directorate. The ministry also delivers training for first responders and frontline staff through the Correctional Services Recruitment and Training Centre and Ontario Police College and develops training courses for local fire services.

COVID-19covid 19 response

During an emergency situation, such as the March 17, 2020 and January 12, 2021 declarations of emergencyfootnote 1 made by the province during the COVID-19covid 19 outbreak, the Ministry of the Solicitor General is involved in the development and execution of all Emergency Orders and works across government to keep the public updated on emergency developments while coordinating an effective response.

Ministry contribution to priority outcomes

The Ministry of the Solicitor General is dedicated to making Ontario a safer place to live, work and raise a family. The ministry is focused on five key priority areas and the initiatives outlined in the Annual Report support these priorities:

  • to build safer communities by ensuring police have the tools, resources and supports they need, including addressing provincial priorities such as combatting human trafficking
  • to build better communities through initiatives such as a modernized animal protection enforcement model and an effective Anti-Racism Directorate to end racism and hate and promote diversity
  • to ensure that our communities are prepared in case of a natural or other emergency and that public safety infrastructure is resilient
  • to modernize Ontario’s justice system, and transform the adult correctional system
  • to improve mental health awareness and wellness supports for police and correctional staff


Legislation administered by Ministry of the Solicitor General:

Ammunition Regulation Act, 1994
Regulates the sale of ammunition. The act generally requires that purchasers be a minimum of 18 years old and requires that businesses keep certain records.

Anatomy Act
Allows the General Inspector (Chief Coroner) to send bodies, which have been donated or are unclaimed, to universities or colleges for educational purposes.

Anti-Racism Act, 2017
Regulates the strategy to eliminate racism in Ontario relating to anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Black racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia reflect histories of systemic exclusion, displacement and marginalization.

Christopher’s Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000
Requires sex offenders who are residents of Ontario to register with police upon conviction and on an annual basis and at any time that they change their address. The ministry is required to maintain the registry and provide access to the police.

Coroners Act
Provides for investigations by Coroners into the circumstances surrounding certain deaths. The act sets out the circumstances under which an inquest will be held and the procedures for holding an inquest.

Correctional Services Staff Recognition Week Act, 2016
Proclaims the week commencing on the first Monday in May in each year as Correctional Services Staff Recognition Week.

Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act
Addresses both emergency preparedness and emergency response at municipal and provincial levels. The act requires municipalities and ministries to develop emergency programs and formulate emergency plans.

Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997
Governs fire safety in Ontario and sets fire protection requirements for municipalities. The act establishes the Office of the Fire Marshal to oversee the operation of fire departments.

Firefighters’ Memorial Day Act, 2000
Establishes the first Sunday in October as Firefighters’ Memorial Day to honour firefighters.

First Responders Day Act, 2013
Establishes May 1 in each year as First Responders Day.

Forensic Laboratories Act, 2018
Imposes an accreditation requirement with respect to the carrying out of a laboratory test in a prescribed category that is requested for the purpose of legal proceedings, for some other legal purpose or pursuant to an order of a court or other lawful authority.

Hawkins Gignac Act (Carbon Monoxide Safety), 2013
Establishes the annual carbon monoxide awareness week.

Imitation Firearms Regulation Act, 2000
Regulates the sale and other transfers of imitation firearms and deactivated firearms and prohibits the purchase and sale of starter pistols capable of being adapted for use as firearms.

Interprovincial Policing Act, 2009
Provides a framework for the exercise of police powers in Ontario by police officers from other provinces. Reciprocal legislation in other provinces permits Ontario police to exercise powers in those provinces.

Mandatory Gunshot Wounds Reporting Act, 2005
Requires hospitals that treat a person for gunshot wound(s) to disclose this fact to the local police.

Ministry of Correctional Services Act
Establishes the legislative framework for correctional services in Ontario and governs matters relating to the detention and release from custody of remanded and sentenced inmates. The act provides for community supervision services and establishes the Ontario Parole Board. The powers and duties of the Minister of Correctional Services are to be exercised by the Solicitor General, by Order in Council.

Ministry of the Solicitor General Act
Establishes the Ministry of the Solicitor General.

Missing Persons Act, 2018
Establishes measures to assist members of a police service in locating a missing person in the absence of a criminal investigation. Also allows officers to apply for an order, or make an urgent demand, for the production of records to assist in locating a missing person or a search warrant to facilitate a search for a missing person.

Pawnbrokers Act
Provides for the licensing of pawnbrokers and for the collection and production of information regarding items pledged. Act is to be repealed on a day named by proclamation.

Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015
Sets out a process and exceptions governing requests for searches of the Canadian Police Information Centre databases, or other police databases, in connection with screening an individual for certain purposes.

Police Services Act
Provides the legislative framework for policing in Ontario. This act requires municipalities to decide on the method of providing adequate and effective policing in their communities. This act also creates the Ontario Provincial Police, the Special Investigations Unit, the Ontario Civilian Police Commission, the Independent Police Review Director and the Ontario Police Arbitration Commission.

Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005
Regulates private investigators and security guards. The act replaced the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act.

Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019
Sets out inspection, enforcement and appeal procedures for the prevention of cruelty to animals and deals with animals in distress. The act also continues the Animal Care Review Board.

Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Approach to COVID-19covid 19) Act, 2020
Continues certain orders made under sections 7.0.2 and 7.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act in relation to COVID-19covid 19 and allows for some of those orders to be amended, subject to limitations.

Security for Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2014
Sets out various powers for peace officers in respect of restricted access to electricity and nuclear generating facilities.

Key performance indicators

The ministry is committed to ensuring Ontarians are safe in their communities by focusing on the following performance indicators:

  • The ministry is committed to addressing the increase in violent crime in Ontario. In 2019-2020, data for Ontario’s police-reported Violent Crime Severity Index was unavailable due to COVID-19covid 19 related publication delays. In 2018, the Violent Crime Severity Index was 73.4. This was an increase of 5.2% from 2017 and 22.4% since 2015 suggesting that violent crime has become more severe in the last four years. Like the Violent Crime Severity Index, 2019 data is not available for police-reported crime rate in Ontario due to COVID-19covid 19 related publication delays. The trend for the police-reported crime rate in Ontario was reported at 4487 per 100,000 population in 2018, which was a 5.3% increase from 2017 and 11.6% since 2015.
  • The ministry is committed to reducing gun and gang violence in Ontario. Data for 2019-20 was unavailable. In 2018, there were 120 gun-related homicides in Ontario. This was an increase of 42.9% from 2017 and 144.9% since 2015. There was a similar trend in gang-related homicides with 51 victims in 2018, an increase of 6.3% from 2017 and 142.9% from 2015 suggesting that there has been an increase in gun and gang related crime over the last four years.
  • Ontario is committed to reducing the rate of re-offendingfootnote 2 among those released from custody and community supervision. Data reported in 2019-20 shows that 35% of offenders who were released from custodyfootnote 3 and 22.3% of offenders who were released from community supervision in 2017-18 re-offended within the following two years. The percent of re-offenders declined by 0.9% for those released from custody and by 0.8% for those released from community supervision the previous year (2018-2019). Since 2015-16, those released from custody who have reoffended has declined by 2.4% but those from community supervision has increased by 0.9%.

Ministry programs

Community safety

Public safety

The Public Safety Division works with its policing, municipal, Indigenous and community partners to promote community safety and well-being. Activities include: scientific analysis in the Centre of Forensic Sciences; oversight of the private security industry; development and amendment of policing guidelines, standards, legislation and regulations; expert training delivery and supports for police and other public safety personnel; administration of community safety and policing grants; implementing and supporting community safety and well-being planning across the province; supporting intelligence-led operations; management of provincial appointments and oversight of the Constable Selection System tools; delivery of the Ontario Major Case Management system; administration and enforcement of the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act (PAWS) , including the promotion of animal welfare; operational policy development and support for First Nations policing, including the administration of agreements and engagement with First Nations communities on policing issues.

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)

Under the leadership of the Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police, the OPP provides direct frontline policing services in hundreds of municipalities and First Nations communities throughout the province utilizing Ontario’s Mobilization and Engagement Model. The OPP investigates province-wide and cross-jurisdictional crimes including complex fraud and organized criminal activity. In addition, the OPP patrols provincial highways and is responsible for many of the waterways and trail systems in the province. The OPP maintains specialized provincial registries, including the Violent Crimes Linkages Analysis System, Human Trafficking and the Ontario Sex Offender Registry. Oversight of provincial strategies such as child exploitation, serious fraud and biker enforcement are also responsibilities of the OPP. Included as part of its provincial mandate, the OPP also investigates anti-terrorism, cybercrime, provides emergency services support, is responsible for security for high profile international events, and delivers specialized security and protection services for the Government of Ontario throughout the province.

Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management (OFMEM)

OFMEM carries out its legislated mandate as set out in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act and the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. OFMEM is led by the Fire Marshal of Ontario and the Chief of Emergency Management. The Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) works to minimize the loss of life and property from fire in Ontario by supporting municipalities, fire services and other public safety agencies to meet the needs of their communities, including public education, fire prevention, firefighting, fire protection, training and fire investigation. The OFM advises the government on public fire safety, policy, standards and legislation relating to fire prevention and protection, and investigates the cause, origin and circumstances of any fire/explosion that might have caused a loss of life, serious injury or damage to property.

Emergency Management Ontario (EMO) is responsible for monitoring, coordinating, and assisting in the development of emergency management programs by ministries and municipalities. EMO is also responsible for the coordination of provincial emergency response efforts. EMO provides leadership by monitoring, coordinating, and/or assisting with provincial emergency management activities related to prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. Additionally, EMO provides support to municipalities who are voluntarily enhancing their emergency management program by developing continuity of operations plans. The Emergency Management program maintains the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre to ensure 24/7 situational awareness and support for actual or potential incidents impacting Ontario. Emergency Management works with non-governmental organizations, industry partners, other jurisdictions in Canada, including the federal government, and in contiguous states to support broader emergency management activities.

Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service

Ontario’s death investigation system is delivered in a partnership between the Office of the Chief Coroner (OCC) and the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service (OFPS). The OCC and OFPS have a shared mission to provide high quality death investigation that supports the administration of justice, the prevention of premature death and is responsive to Ontario’s diverse needs.

The OCC is responsible for conducting death investigations and inquests in accordance with provisions of the Coroners Act. Investigations are typically conducted in sudden and unexpected deaths in order to answer five questions (who, where, when, how and by what means) and to determine if an inquest should be conducted where not mandated by the act. Investigations and inquests may result in recommendations that, if implemented, may reduce the likelihood of further deaths thereby enhancing public safety. The OCC also provides reporting, monitoring and oversight on all provincial medical assistance in dying (MAiD) cases, including data collection in accordance with federal legislation.

The OFPS is legislatively responsible for providing medico-legal autopsy services pursuant to the Coroners Act. The OFPS, in partnership with the University of Toronto, operates an accredited training program for Forensic Pathologists in Canada. The OFPS also provides accredited medical training for many medical students, pathology and imaging residents, pathology assistants, undergraduate students and other learners from the University of Toronto, Western University and other universities in Canada and the United States. OFPS supports the education and capacity development of professionals working in the death investigation system in Canada and internationally.

Inspectorate of Policing

The Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, (the “act”) provides the legislative framework for a provincial Inspector General of Policing and supporting Inspectorate of Policing (Inspectorate). The mandate of the Inspectorate will be to monitor, advise, conduct inspections and investigate complaints with respect to the delivery of policing and compliance with the Act and its regulations, as well as, investigate complaints related to board member misconduct. The Inspector General may issue directions and impose measures to address non-compliance to ensure the delivery of policing is in accordance with provincial standards and will report annually on its activities. The Inspectorate of Policing will promote excellence, equity and public confidence in Policing, working respectfully and professionally to support those responsible for the delivery of policing in Ontario to meet legislative obligations.

Correctional services

The mandate of Correctional Services is to provide care, custody and control of inmates who are remanded and/or serving a custodial sentence (up to two years less a day) and to provide supervision of offenders serving sentences in the community on terms of probation, conditional sentence and Ontario parole. Key services and programs offered by the ministry include staff training and rehabilitative programming, treatment and services designed to help offenders achieve changes in attitude and behaviour to support successful reintegration into the community and enhance public safety.

Correctional Services has four divisions: Institutional Services, Community Services, Operational Support and Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations. Authority for correctional services is provided under both provincial and federal legislation including the Ministry of Correctional Services Act, Provincial Offences Act and the Criminal Code of Canada.

Ministry administration, policy and Justice Technology Services

Ministry administration

The ministry’s core businesses are supported by corporate services that provide leadership, direction, planning and governance. Ministry Administration activities include the Solicitor General’s Office including the Parliamentary Assistant’s Office, Deputy Solicitor General Community Safety’s Office, Deputy Solicitor General Correctional Services’ Office, Associate Deputy Minister’s Office, Provincial Security Advisor’s Office, Modernization Division, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Communications Branch, Legal Services Branch, Business and Financial Planning Branch, Procurement and Business Improvement Branch, Human Resources Strategic Business Unit, Facilities and Capital Planning Branch and the newly created COVID-19covid 19 Vaccine Distribution Secretariat. The program also shares Justice Sector services for freedom of information, French language services, and internal audit.

Justice Technology Services Cluster

The Justice Technology Services Cluster delivers highly integrated and complex Information & Information Technology (I&IT) services and solutions and reliable and responsive operational support. This is in alignment with the corporate Information and Information Technology strategic direction that enables and supports business priorities and modernization of the justice sector ministries (Ministry of the Solicitor General, Ministry of the Attorney General, including their respective Agencies, Boards and Commissions and Youth Justice Services Division, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services). Key support is provided through development, implementation and maintenance of technology solutions and critical services, liaising with other service providers, as well as information management and planning. The Cluster supports government-wide mobile communication services on behalf of 11 ministries and is a key partner in the modernization of the criminal justice system.

Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation

The division is responsible for leading policy development to support ministry and government priorities. Key functions include the development of evidence-based policy, regulations and legislation and the coordination of justice sector intergovernmental activities.

Anti-Racism Directorate

The Anti-Racism Directorate (ARD) provides anti-racism leadership and expertise to address systemic barriers and promote racial equity for Ontarians in collaboration with other ministries and community organizations. ARD champions, builds capacity and coordinates an anti-racism approach to the way government develops policies and programs and provides services delivery.

ARD manages the province’s anti-racism and racial equity strategies mandated under the Anti-Racism Act (2017) and supports the Ontario Public Service (OPS) and broader public sector with building a more inclusive Ontario through initiatives such as the Anti-Racism and Anti-Hate grant program, Roadmap Towards Racial Equity, partnerships to promote economic opportunities for racialized Ontarians, Anti-Racism Impact Assessment (ARIA) framework, and Anti-Racism Competency and Capacity (ARCC) training.

COVID-19 response

A lot of moving parts go into managing an emergency such as COVID-19covid 19 effectively. In addition to being the Ontario government’s frontline ministry for emergency response, the Ministry of the Solicitor General must look after the health and safety of ministry staff, most of whom serve on the frontlines of the province’s response to the COVID-19covid 19 outbreak to keep Ontario’s communities safe. The ministry also has had to prepare for the potential evacuation of First Nations communities during the annual spring flooding season.

Highlights of 2020-21 results

The Ministry of the Solicitor General is building stronger and safer communities by supporting the public safety needs of the people of Ontario.

Highlights of the Ministry of the Solicitor General’s 2020-21 achievements are categorized as follows:

Responding to COVID-19covid 19

  • additional measures to protect first responders
  • extension of use of force and firearms re-qualification training in police services
  • helping to better manage health care resources
  • provincial declaration of emergency terminated
  • Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19covid 19) Act
  • report on COVID-19covid 19 emergency measures released
  • Ministers’ COVID-19covid 19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force
  • Ontario declares second provincial emergency in response to COVID-19covid 19
  • the second provincial emergency expired

Leadership to combat human trafficking

  • comprehensive legislation to combat human trafficking
  • new investigative tools for law enforcement

Combatting racism and promoting diversity

  • helping to protect communities against racism and hate
  • taking action to combat racism and hate crime
  • improving diversity in the workplace

Digitally connecting Ontario’s justice sector

  • building a more connected justice sector
  • digital platform allows police to spend more time preventing and investigating crime

Strengthening community safety

  • appointing Ontario’s first Inspector General of Policing
  • Ontario Inspectorate of Policing vision
  • blocking contraband at adult correctional facilities
  • improving animal welfare
  • tightening up safety and enforcement for towing industry

Investing in new infrastructure

  • investing in Ontario’s frontline corrections workers
  • Eastern Region Strategy will modernize facilities and support economic recovery
  • strengthening Ontario’s correctional system in the North
  • Ontario opens new OPP communications centre in London
  • OPP modernization

Expanding frontline training and testing

  • redesigning correctional officer training
  • building pathways to careers in corrections
  • making online security guard and private investigator testing more reliable and accessible

Supporting the front lines

  • increasing mental health support for OPP personnel
  • enhancing safety for probation and parole officers in the North

Ministry organization chart

This is a text version of an organizational chart for the Ministry of the Solicitor General as of March 23, 2020. The chart shows the following hierarchical structure with the top level assigned to the Solicitor General.

  • Solicitor General – Sylvia Jones
    • Advisory and Adjudicative Agencies, Boards and Commissions
      • Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers Survivors Scholarship Fund – Patricia Kirkwood, Chair
      • Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council – Jonathan Pegg, Chair
      • Ontario Police Arbitration Commission – Sig Walter, Chair
      • Death Investigation Oversight Council – Edward Then, Chair
    • Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety – Mario Di Tommaso
      Executive Advisor - Fuad Abdi
      • Ontario Provincial Police – T. Carrique, Commissioner
        • Field Operations – C. Harkins, Deputy Commissioner
          • Healthy Workplace Bureau – Vacant, Chief Psychologies
        • Investigations and Organized Crime – C. Cox, Deputy Commissioner
        • Traffic Safety and Operational Support – R. DiMarco, Deputy Commissioner
          • Tech and Client Services – M. Harrington, Director
        • Corporate Services – M. Silverthorne, Provincial Commander
          • Human Resources Section – M. Clark, Director
          • Business Management – L. Shipley, Acting Bureau Commander
      • Provincial Security Advisor – C. Letang, Provincial Security Advisor
        • Provincial Security – C. Unfried, Acting Deputy Provincial Security Advisor
      • Office of the Chief Coroner – Dr. D. Huyer, Chief Coroner
      • Ontario Forensic Pathology Service – Dr. M. Pollanen, Chief Pathologist
        • Operational Services – T. Fernandes, Acting Director (this position also reports to the Chief Coroner)
      • Public Safety – R. Stubbings, Assistant Deputy Minister
        • External Relations Branch – M. Longo, Director
        • Centre of Forensic Sciences – A. Tessarolo, Director
        • Chief Inspector, Animal Welfare – P. Milne, Acting Director
          • Animal Welfare Services – G. Fthenos, Acting Deputy Chief Inspector
          • Private Security and Investigative Services – L. Kool, Director
          • First Nation Policing – A. Jones, Acting Director
          • Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario – S. Clegg, Director
          • Ontario Police College – P. Hebert, Director
        • Office of the Fire Marshal – J. Pegg, Fire Marshal
          • Standards, Training and Public Education – John McBeth, Acting Director
          • Field and Advisory Services – D. Browne, Deputy Fire Marshall
          • Administration and Business Services – T. Fernandes, Director
        • Chief, Emergency Management – T. Khawja, Chief, Emergency Management
          • Emergency Management – R. Lazarus, Director
      • Deputy Solicitor General, Correctional Services – Deborah Richardson
        Executive Advisor – Ahila Poologaindran
        • Modernization Division – L. Norris, Assistant Deputy Minister
          • Transformation Services – A. Yong, Acting Director
          • Innovation, Data and Technology Advancement – K. Fitzgerald, Acting Director
          • Criminal Justice Transformation – C. Johns, Acting Director
        • Institutional Services – K. Ellis, Assistant Deputy Minister
          • Institutional Services – D. Pitfield - Executive Director
            • Eastern Region – T. Gunton, Regional Director
            • Central Region – R. Warikoo, Regional Director
            • Western Region – L. O'Brien, Acting Regional Director
            • Northern Region – D. Houghton, Regional Director
            • Toronto Region – D. Wilson, Acting Regional Director
          • Institutional Operations – C. Hayhow - Acting Director
        • Community Services – R. Kulendran, Assistant Deputy Minister
          • Eastern Region – T. Robertson, Regional Director
          • Central Region – D. Kasias, Regional Director
          • Western Region – B. Forbes, Regional Director
          • Northern Region – S. Mitchell, Regional Director
        • Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations – B. Nowak, Acting Chief
      • The following are shared services between Community Safety and Correctional Services:
        • Associate Deputy Minister – A. Veshkini
          • Operational Support – K. Palmer, Assistant Deputy Minister
            • Program Design and Implementation – M. Zaffino, Director
            • Corporate Health Care and Wellness – M. Mayoh, Director
            • External Oversight and Compliance – M. Djurakov, Acting Director
            • Business Planning and Support Services – A. Doobay, Acting Director
            • Correctional Services Recruitment and Training Centre – E. Dorman, Acting Director
            • Correctional Learning and Standards – K. Michalicka, Acting Director
            • Modernization Policies and Procedures – A. Doobay, Acting Director
          • Anti-Racism Directorate – N. Ero-Brown –Assistant Deputy Minister
            • Public Affairs & Stakeholder Relations - L. Eubanks, Acting Director
            • Capacity & Transformation – A. Collymore, Acting Director
            • Policy & Program – N. Haji, Acting Director
          • Corporate Services - M. Duran-Schneider, Assistant Deputy Minister/Chief Administrative Officer
            • HR Strategic Business Unit – K. Sawicki, Director
            • Facilities and Capital Planning – R. Greene, Director
            • Business and Financial Planning – J. Stevenson, Director
            • Procurement and Business Improvement – P. Amodeo, Acting Director
            • Freedom of Information – E. Ragone, Coordinator
            • French Language Services – S. Derbier, Coordinator
        • Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation – D. Conrad, Assistant Deputy Minister
          • Strategic Policy and Research - A. Kamal, Director
          • Community Safety and Corrections Policy – M. Kittmer, Director
          • Community Safety and Intergovernmental Policy – S. Caldwell, Director
        • Justice Technology Services (shared with Ministry of the Attorney General MAG) – C. Emile, Assistant Deputy Minister/Chief Information Officer
          • MAG Solutions – D. Thompson, Acting Head
          • SolGen Solutions – C. Walpole, Head
          • Service Management – Vacant, Head
          • Common Cluster Solutions – S. Fournier, Head
          • Business Services – S. Mahimkar-Patrick, Director
          • Government Mobile Communications – K. Scott, Head
      • The following report directly to the Deputy Minister’s offices:
        • Communications Branch – S. McGetrick, Director
        • Legal Services, B. Loewen, Director
        • Audit Services – B. Obee, Acting Director

Agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs)

Advisory and Adjudicative ABCs make communities safer by providing independent oversight and adjudicative services that protect the interest of the public.

Ontario Police Arbitration Commission - Adjudicative

The Commission provides conciliation and mediation-arbitration services under the Labour Relations Part VIII of the Police Services Act to assist police associations and police services boards in the resolution of disputes arising out of contract negotiations and the administration of their collective agreements.

Death Investigation Oversight Council (DIOC) - Advisory

DIOC is an independent oversight council committed to serving Ontarians by ensuring that death investigation services are provided in an effective and accountable manner. As an advisory agency, DIOC provides oversight of coroners and forensic pathologists in Ontario, supports quality death investigations, and, through its complaints committee, administers a public complaints process. In addition, DIOC provides advice and makes recommendations to the Chief Coroner regarding subsection 26(2) reviews, including whether or not a discretionary inquest should be called.

Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers’ Survivors Scholarship Fund Committee - Advisory

The Committee reviews applications submitted to the Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers' Survivors Scholarship Fund and makes funding recommendations to the Solicitor General. The Committee also advises on the administration of the scholarship fund. The scholarship is available to spouses and children of public safety officers who have died in the line of duty. The scholarship pays for the cost of post-secondary education, up to five years, including tuition, textbooks and eligible living expenses.

Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council - Advisory

Established in 1993, the Council promotes fire prevention and public education through sponsorships and partnerships with various groups and individuals interested in public safety. The Council is a corporation without share capital under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, and is comprised of representatives from fire services, industry and the public. The Council forms partnerships, raises and distributes funds, and endorses programs and products necessary to further the development of Ontario as a fire-safe community.

Community Advisory Boards (CABs) - Advisory

Established under the Ministry of Correctional Services Act, Section 14.1, CABs provide a greater degree of transparency and enhance the accountability of Ontario correctional institutions. CABs provide oversight and independent observations of correctional facilities’ operations with a focus on community issues and stakeholder engagement.

Financial summary of ministry ABCs
Expenditure 2021-22
(interim actuals)
Ontario Police Arbitration Commission 452,100 381,088
Death Investigation Oversight Council 440,500 437,725
Sub-total Vote 7 (Agencies, Boards and Commissions) 892,600 818,814
Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council 1,000 null
Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers' Survivors Scholarship Fund 400,000 210,281
Community Advisory Boards (CABs)* null null
Total 1,293,600 1,029,095

* Expenditures are minimal and managed from within Correctional Services appropriation.

Ministry financial information

Table 1: Ministry planned expenditures 2021-22 ($M)
Operating $2,974.6
Capital $121.8
Total $3,096.4

Note: Ministry Planned Expenditures include Statutory Appropriations and Consolidations.
Numbers may not add due to rounding.

Ministry Budget 2021-22, Operating and Capital

Ontario Provincial Police: $1,299.4M


Correctional Services program: $1,161.9M


Public Safety Division: $407.4M


Justice Technology Services: $221.4M


Accommodations and leasing: $114.3M


Emergency planning and management: $83.3M


Other services: $39.8M


Statutory: $25.1M


Inspectorate: $5.3M


Anti-racism Directorate: $4.9M


Consolidation: ($266.3M)


Note: ministry budget excludes capital assets and operating assets.
Numbers may not add due to rounding.

Detailed financial information

Table 2: Combined Operating and Capital Summary by Vote
Votes/Programs Estimates
2021-22 ($)
Change from Estimates
Per cent % Estimates
2020-21* ($)
Interim Actuals
2020-21* ($)
2019-20* ($)

Operating expense

Ministry Administration 145,802,900 (866,100) (0.06) 146,689,000 180,482,329 163,366,481
Public Safety Division 380,139,100 20,963,700 5.8 359,175,400 370,618,551 340,054,935
Ontario Provincial Police 1,273,231,700 47,732,100 3.9 1,225,499,600 1,222,651,267 1,162,198,705
Correctional Services 1,077,661,800 40,970,500 4.0 1,036,691,300 1,120,383,289 1,017,685,191
Justice Technology Services 221,429,300 96,686,900 77.5 124,742,400 97,451,695 97,003,094
Agencies, Boards and Commissions 892,600 (1,600) (0.2) 894,200 818,814 745,304
Emergency Planning and Management 83,326,100 177,700 0.2 83,148,400 88,950,186 82,604,545
Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation 6,624,400 2,173,400 48.8 4,451,000 5,807,821 7,386,645
Inspectorate 5,345,500 1,701,300 46.7 3,644,200 2,021,170 null
Anti-Racism Directorate 4,914,500 (700) (0.0) 4,915,200 6,535,395 3,576,263
Total Operating Expense to be Voted 3,199,367,900 209,517,200 7.0 2,989,850,700 3,095,720,517 2,874,621,173
Statutory Appropriations 132,187 null null 132,187 16,660,793 20,295,909
Ministry Total Operating Expense 3,199,500,087 209,517,200 7.0 2,989,982,887 3,112,381,310 2,894,917,082
Consolidation Adjustment - Hospitals (21,135,400) 231,600 (1.1) (21,367,000) (21,367,000) (22,201,631)
Consolidation Adjustment - School Boards null null null null null (1,034,580)
Consolidation Adjustment - Colleges null null null null null (15,902)
Consolidation Adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio (179,711,000) (1,108,600) 0.6 (178,602,400) (153,240,500) (525,738)
Consolidation Adjustment - Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (24,046,300) (19,403,000) 417.9 (4,643,300) (4,643,300) (140,961,350)
Total Consolidations (224,892,700) (20,280,000) 9.9 (204,612,700) (179,250,800) (164,739,201)
Total Including Consolidations 2,974,607,387 189,237,200 6.8 2,785,370,187 2,933,130,510 2,730,177,881

Operating Assets

Ministry Administration 1,000 null null 1,000 null null
Public Safety Division 2,000 (2,000) (50.0) 4,000 null null
Ontario Provincial Police 2,000 null null 2,000 null null
Correctional Services 2,000 null null 2,000 null null
Justice Technology Services 9,209,600 3,207,600 53.4 6,002,000 5,713,188 null
Agencies, Boards and Commissions 2,000 null null 2,000 null null
Emergency Planning and Management 2,000 null null 2,000 null null
Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation 2,000 null null 2,000 null null
Inspectorate 2,000 2,000 100.0 2,000 N/A N/A
Anti-Racism Directorate 2,000 2,000 100.0 2,000 N/A N/A
Total Operating Assets to be Voted 9,226,600 3,205,600 53.2 6,021,000 5,713,188 null

Capital Expense

Ministry Administration 702,600 (5,241,500) (88.2) 5,944,100 1,088,362 2,181,135
Public Safety Division 27,215,100 2,941,000 12.1 24,274,100 23,460,999 22,214,161
Ontario Provincial Police 26,170,900 302,800 1.2 25,868,100 17,245,686 26,127,613
Correctional Services 84,202,000 12,444,900 17.3 71,757,100 60,869,258 47,870,578
Justice Technology Services 1,000 (3,050,000) (100.0) 3,051,000 null
Emergency Planning and Management 1,000 null null 1,000 null null
Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation 1,000 null null 1,000 null null
Total Capital Expense to be Voted 138,293,600 7,397,200 5.7 130,896,400 105,715,305 98,393,487
Statutory Appropriations 24,950,500 3,734,200 17.6 21,216,300 17,829,983 16,156,858
Ministry Total Capital Expense 163,244,100 11,131,400 7.3 152,112,700 123,545,288 114,550,345
Consolidation Adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio (41,406,800) 32,530,100 (44.0) (73,936,900) (85,735,000) (81,279,256)
Consolidation Adjustment - Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation null null null null null (561,792)
Total Consolidations (41,406,800) 32,530,100 (44.0) (73,936,900) (85,735,000) (81,841,048)
Total Including Consolidations 121,837,300 43,661,500 55.9 78,175,800 37,810,288 32,709,297

Capital Assets

Ministry Administration 1,000 null null 1,000 null null
Public Safety Division 1,926,000 634,000 49.1 1,292,000 1,391,000 923,739
Ontario Provincial Police 36,308,900 (12,626,900) (25.8) 48,935,800 48,242,772 118,484,328
Correctional Services 150,577,900 138,416,500 1138.2 12,161,400 23,463,777 4,914,233
Justice Technology Services 401,029,700 325,582,900 431.5 75,446,800 45,317,733 null
Emergency Planning and Management 140,000 (5,141,000) (97.3) 5,281,000 5,280,217 5,494,166
Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation 1,000 null null 1,000 null null
Total Capital Assets to be Voted 589,984,500 446,865,500 312.2 143,119,000 124,235,499 129,816,466
Total Operating and Capital Including Consolidation and Other Adjustments (not including Assets) 3,096,444,687 232,898,700 8.1 2,863,545,987 2,970,940,798 2,762,887,178

*Note that some figures for 2019-20 and 2020-21 have been restated to reflect transfers to/from other ministries and internal ministry realignments. Interim Actuals reflect the numbers presented in the 2021 Ontario Budget.

Historic trends

Historic trend table
Historic Actuals
Estimates 2022-22
Ministry Total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) 2,670,116,909 2,762,887,178 2,863,545,987 3,096,444,687
Year-over-year % increase N/A 3% 4% 8%

* Estimates and Actuals for prior fiscal years are re-stated and reflect ant changes in ministry organization and/or program structure.

The Ministry of the Solicitor General is the largest direct-delivery service provider in the Ontario Public Service, providing essential frontline community safety services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to maintain the safety and security of all Ontarians. Actual ministry expenses increased year over year through 2020-21 mainly due to COVID-19covid 19 related expenses in addition to investments to support frontline corrections and policing including Corrections Reform both within correctional institutions and in the community. The ministry takes the province’s fiscal challenges seriously and is actively working with its justice sector partners to modernize service delivery to restrain expenditures while maintaining critical service delivery.

Appendix: 2020-21 Annual report

2020-21 results

The Ministry of the Solicitor General is building stronger and safer communities by supporting the public safety needs of the people of Ontario.

Responding to COVID-19covid 19

As the ministry responsible for community safety, including emergency management, the Ministry of the Solicitor General is the province’s operational centre for coordinating emergency response for situations requiring provincial support such as the COVID-19covid 19 pandemic. The ministry-operated Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) monitors the pandemic through daily contact with other provincial ministries, including the Ministry of Health, which is the lead ministry for health emergencies, the Ministry of Long-Term Care, municipalities, First Nations communities, government and non-government agencies such as the Canadian Red Cross, and federal partners, including Public Safety Canada and the Department of National Defense.

On March 17, 2020, Ontario issued a Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) to try to slow the spread of the deadly virus. The ministry was involved in the coordination of decision-making for the development, execution and extension of emergency orders under the emergency declaration. Orders issued during the COVID-19covid 19 outbreak included the closure of public places and establishments and prohibited events and gatherings of more than five people, prohibited unfair pricing on necessary goods as well as authorized provincial offences officers to enforce orders.

During this time, measures were put in place to protect ministry frontline workers and support their ability to deliver critical programs and services to Ontarians. The ministry also distributed guidance for police officers, firefighters, coroner and forensic personnel, and correctional service staff in response to COVID-19covid 19, including guidance on best practices for physical distancing and use of personal protective equipment. A direct help line was established to support police officers and other enforcement personnel regarding the enforcement of emergency orders under the EMCPA.

Correctional services implemented its pandemic plan related to institutions and probation and parole offices and took necessary measures to isolate COVID-positive inmates and release low risk offenders. All ministry facilities continue to be required to uphold rigid cleaning protocols.

The ministry also began updating its Ontario Alert online emergency site, posting each of the emergency orders and subsequent amendments, personal safety tips and other links to COVID-19covid 19-related sites, including those provided by the Ministry of Health.

COVID-19covid 19 also coincided with spring flooding and summer fire seasons, placing the PEOC in the unprecedented situation of assisting municipalities with pandemic and emergency response protocols and questions, while planning for the support and potential evacuation of First Nation communities in the North.

This initial response happened before the end of the 2019-20 fiscal period. The following is a chronological account of key ministry-related COVID-19covid 19 activities for the April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 reporting period.

April 6, 2020: Additional measures to protect first responders

The government issued an emergency order, led by the ministry along with the Ministry of Health, to allow police, firefighters and paramedics to obtain COVID-19covid 19 positive status information about individuals with whom they were coming into contact. The information disclosed must be limited to an individual’s name, address, date of birth and whether the individual has had a positive COVID-19covid 19 test result. This order was revoked on July 22, 2020 as it was no longer considered necessary.

April 8, 2020: Extension of use of force and firearms re-qualification training in policing services

The government issued an emergency order, led by the ministry, to extend the time period for members of a police service to undergo use of force and firearms requalification training from 12 to 24 months in order to ensure there would be no shortage of police officers due to difficulties conducting training during the COVID-19covid 19 pandemic.

May 1, 2020: Helping to better manage health care resources

The government issued an emergency order, led by the ministry, to allow registered nurses appointed as coroner investigators to complete medical certificates of death instead of a physician or nurse practitioner, giving these medical professionals more time to focus on patient care.

July 24, 2020: Provincial declaration of emergency terminated

The provincial declaration of emergency under the EMCPA was terminated. Emergency orders continued under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19covid 19) Act. See below.

July 24, 2020: Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19covid 19) Act

The Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19covid 19) Act (ROA) came into force, giving the province flexibility to address the ongoing risks and effects of the COVID-19covid 19 outbreak. The ROA was part of the government’s plan for the continued safe and gradual reopening of the province once the declaration of emergency was terminated. Under the ROA:

  • Emergency orders in effect under the declaration of emergency would remain and be extended for up to 30 days at a time.
  • No new orders could be created, but orders could be amended, subject to criteria.
  • The government must report on the rationale for all order extensions to the Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight every 30 days.

The ministry was involved in the coordination of decision-making for the extension of orders under the ROA. The ability to extend and amend orders is limited to one year, unless extended by the Ontario legislature. The premier must table a report on any amendments or extension of any orders within 120 days after the first anniversary of the ROA coming into force.

November 2, 2020: Report on COVID-19covid 19 emergency measures released

The ministry released a report detailing the emergency measures put in place by the province to stop the spread of COVID-19covid 19 and keep Ontarians safe. The report focused on the 47 emergency orders made between March 17 and July 24, 2020 when the Declaration of a Provincial Emergency was in effect under the EMCPA. A report within 120 days after a declared emergency has been terminated is a requirement under the EMCPA.

December 4, 2020: Ministers’ COVID-19covid 19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force

As co-chair of the government’s COVID-19covid 19 response, the Solicitor General participated in the launch of the COVID-19covid 19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force, to be chaired by General (retired) Rick Hillier, former chief of defence staff for the Canadian Forces, who will oversee the delivery, storage and distribution of COVID-19covid 19 vaccines. The task force will work in partnership with several ministries and experts to provide the government with diverse expertise in operations and logistics.

January 12, 2021: Ontario declares second provincial emergency in response to COVID-19covid 19

A second provincial emergency was declared under the EMCPA in response to a doubling in COVID-19covid 19 cases, concern over the province’s health care system being overwhelmed and on the brink of collapse as well as alarming risks to long-term care homes as a result of high COVID-19covid 19 transmission rates. The ministry was involved in the coordination of decision-making for the development, execution and extension of emergency orders under the emergency declaration.

The government also issued a temporary stay-at-home order requiring everyone across the province to remain at home with exceptions for activities such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services, exercise or employment where the work cannot be done remotely.

The government issued an emergency order, led by the ministry, to provide authority to all provincial offences officers, including the Ontario Provincial Police, local police forces, bylaw officers, and provincial workplace inspectors to issue tickets to individuals who do not comply with the stay-at-home-order, or those not wearing a mask or face covering indoors in places open to the public, subject to limited exceptions, as well as retail operators and companies who do not enforce applicable requirements under the ROA, EMCPA or Health Protection and Promotion Act. In addition, this emergency order gave all provincial offences officers the authority to temporarily close a premise and disperse individuals who are in contravention of gathering limits outlined in an order and will be able to disperse people who are gathering, regardless whether a premise has been closed or remains open such as a park.

A phased termination of the stay-at-home order began on February 10, 2021 and was completed on March 8, 2021.

February 9, 2021: The second provincial emergency declared on January 12. expired

Leadership to combat human trafficking

Comprehensive legislation to combat human trafficking

Human trafficking is a vicious and violent crime that preys on the young and vulnerable, including school children. It is important that Ontario be equipped to fight this crime and support victims and survivors with every tool at our disposal.

The ministry is a key partner in the government’s launch of its proposed Combatting Human Trafficking Act. The new legislation and amendments to existing legislation builds upon the province’s $307 million Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy, co-developed by the Ministry of the Solicitor General and Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.

The legislative package includes two new acts, the Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy Act and Accommodation Sector Registration of Guests Act, and amendments to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act and Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking Act.

The proposed Combatting Human Trafficking Act reinforces Ontario’s commitment to fight human trafficking and demonstrates continued leadership in responding to this pervasive crime by:

  • Supporting a long-term provincial response to human trafficking.
  • Strengthening the ability of local children’s aid societies and law enforcement to protect exploited children.
  • Supporting more survivors and the people who assist them in obtaining restraining orders against traffickers, with specific consideration for Indigenous survivors.
  • Increasing the government’s ability to collect non-personal data to better understand the impact of the strategy and respond to human trafficking.

New investigative tools for law enforcement

More victims of human trafficking may be identified and located, and more traffickers may be deterred by specifying how and when police services, including First Nations police services, can access information from guest registries.

As part of the government’s Combatting Trafficking Act, law enforcement will be provided with more tools to locate victims and charge traffickers, including clarifying how and when police services can access hotel registry information.

Under the government’s changes, the act will set a framework for when police may urgently demand to view information without a court order under exigent circumstances such as a threat of bodily harm to a victim or destruction of evidence.

The accommodation sector will also be regulated to enhance information it collects in a guest registry, face tough penalties for deliberately allowing false information and expanding the definition of hotel to include short-term rentals.

Companies that advertise sexual services in print and online will also be required to provide contact information for police, so they can request information in support of a human trafficking investigation.

Combatting racism and promoting diversity

Helping to protect communities against racism and hate

Much-needed solutions against racism and hate cannot come from government alone. Developing an anti-racism and anti-hate grant program collaboratively with community partners will lead to effective solutions in the fight against racism and hate.

The ministry is engaging community partners to create an effective new Anti-Racism and Anti-Hate Grant program. The program will support community-based, anti-racism initiatives focusing on anti-Black racism, anti-Indigenous racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia, as well as anti-Asian racism that has spiked since COVID-19covid 19.

The two-year $1.6 million Anti-Racism and Anti-Hate Grant program will reinforce the government’s commitment to collaborate with communities on anti-racism initiatives, including increasing public awareness of the impact of systematic racism and hate. In fall 2020, the ministry’s Anti-Racism Directorate began working with community groups to learn about individual experiences and local needs to help shape and design the new grant program.

Taking action to combat racism and hate crime

Remaining focused on advancing community-based solutions to ensure Ontarians can overcome hate and racism.

The ministry is investing approximately $1.6 million over two years to help communities combat hate-motivated crime. Funding under the ministry’s Safer and Vital Communities grant is supporting 26 community-based, not-for-profit organizations and First Nations Chiefs and Band Councils, in collaboration with their police partners, to implement local projects that tackle discrimination, foster greater inclusiveness and address the increase of police-reported hate crime.

Improving diversity in the workplace

COVID-19covid 19 has exacerbated challenges faced by Indigenous, Black and racialized employees in the workplace, ranging from career progression obstacles to health and safety risks.

The ministry’s Anti-Racism Directorate (ARD) is working in partnership with CivicAction to bring public, private and non-profit sector organizations together to identify concrete actions employers can take to enhance workplace opportunities for Indigenous, Black and racialized employees. CivicAction is a non-profit organization with nearly two decades experience creating and implementing solutions to pressing challenges.

By 2036, racialized people are projected to account for almost half of Ontario’s population. During an Economic Inclusion virtual roundtable, ARD and CivicAction drew on the expertise and insights of participants to create digital tools and resources for employers, embedding equity in Ontario’s COVID-19covid 19 recovery efforts.

Digitally connecting Ontario’s justice sector

Building a more connected justice sector

When massive volumes of data can be stored, sorted and shared on a handheld device it no longer makes sense to physically ‘hand-off’ evidence contained on disks and USB sticks.

The ministry is investing in new technology that will allow police and justice partners to share digital evidence faster and more securely. The Digital Evidence Management (DEM) program will ensure timely access to evidence, reduce delays and enable police to spend more time investigating crimes.

DEM will provide police services with access to cloud-based technology to allow evidence, once physically handled, to be shared securely amongst justice sector partners. The program will be available to provincial enforcement agencies such as the OPP, Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations unit and, municipal and First Nations police services. This will help create a standardized, digitally connected criminal justice system across Ontario.

The DEM program is part of Ontario Onwards: Ontario’s COVID-19covid 19 Action Plan for a People-Focused Government. It is one of the more than 30 projects that will change the way people and businesses interact with government.

Digital platform allows police to spend more time preventing and investigating crime

Deploying new technology to cut down on the hours police spend filling out paperwork and travelling back and forth to courthouses.

The ministry introduced a new eIntake digital platform in collaboration with the Ontario Court of Justice and policing partners to accelerate and simplify the way criminal charges are filed and managed. Police officers in Ontario file more than 225,000 charging documents, also known as ‘informations’ every year. eIntake allows police officers to digitally file criminal charges to the court as an alternative to the time-consuming requirement of appearing before a Justice of the Peace. The platform also allows Justices of the Peace to enter their decisions and sign documents digitally, as well as request additional information from police online.

The eIntake digital platform was successfully piloted in Barrie and Orillia and has already been rolled out in courthouses across northeast and northwestern Ontario. The platform is expected to be available provincewide by 2022, leading to a criminal justice system that is stronger and digitally connected from end-to-end.

Strengthening community safety

Appointing Ontario’s first Inspector General of Policing

Ontario’s Inspectorate of Policing will improve transparency and accountability to the public and help increase trust between the public and their police services.

The ministry has appointed the province’s first Inspector General of Policing to establish an Inspectorate of Policing that will provide oversight of policing in Ontario. The creation of the position is the next step in delivering on the government’s commitment to reform policing. The newly created Inspectorate will operate at arm’s length from government to provide policing oversight and ensure effective policing services are delivered to every community in Ontario.

When the Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA) is in force the Inspectorate will:

  • Monitor, advise, conduct inspections and investigate complaints with respect to the delivery of policing and compliance with the CSPA and its regulations.
  • Investigate complaints related to police service board member misconduct.
  • Develop, maintain and manage records and conduct analyses regarding compliance with the CSPA.
  • Publish inspection and annual reports.

Ontario Inspectorate of Policing vision

Promoting excellence, equity and public confidence in policing through a robust system of advising, monitoring, inspecting, investigating and reporting on the delivery of policing in Ontario.

The Inspectorate has committed to work respectfully and professionally to support those responsible for the delivery of policing in Ontario and meeting legislative obligations to help transform policing and the relationship between the police and broader community.

The Inspectorate will be driven by specific values and guiding principles:

  • Trust. Leading by example in demonstrating professionalism and accountability.
  • Respect. Building strong relationships across all sectors of society.
  • Humility. Being open to new ideas and inclusive of diverse perspectives.
  • Courage. Standing for truth led by evidence-based research and data analysis.
  • Wisdom. Striving for continuous improvement.
  • Integrity. Striving to be transparent.

Increasing investment in video surveillance systems

Expanded use of CCTV will support the local fight against guns and gangs and deter other crimes such as drug and human trafficking, street racing and stunt driving.

The ministry is allocating approximately $1.7 million in 2020-21 to help 18 police services across the province better detect, investigate and prevent criminal activity by investing in new Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) technology. The funding is part of the Ontario CCTV grant program, which includes a $6 million investment over three years to introduce and expand CCTV systems across Ontario. Funding from the grant program will cover 50 per cent of total project costs up to $200,000, including the purchase of CCTV cameras, associated supplies, software and installation.

Providing police with additional tools to keep communities safe

Gun and gang violence and other serious crimes are not limited to large urban centres. Smaller and rural communities across the province are also impacted.

Sixteen municipal police services are receiving funding for projects that combat gun and gang violence, sexual violence and harassment and human trafficking under the ministry’s Community Safety and Policing Grant (CSP) program. The program provides police services with added tools and resources to address both local and provincial community safety priorities. These investments will be allocated over a two-year period and police services are required to report annually on the outcomes of their initiatives. The projects will build on Ontario’s Guns, Gangs and Violence Reduction Strategy, and its new comprehensive strategy to combat human trafficking.

Blocking contraband at adult correctional facilities

Detecting and preventing the entry of contraband is critical to keep Ontario’s correctional facilities safe.

The ministry installed ion scanners at 10 adult correctional facilities across the province as part of an effort to combat contraband being smuggled into facilities, enhance security and improve staff and inmate safety. Ion scanners are security tools used to detect and identify trace elements of drugs and are an added layer of security available to correctional staff to help prevent illegal substances from entering facilities. The first ion scanner was tested at the Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre in 2018 and has been successful in detecting and preventing contraband from entering the facility, including fentanyl.

Improving animal welfare

Ontario has become the national leader in the protection of animals. The ministry will continue to work with partners to ensure even better protection and support for animals.

The ministry established an advisory table to improve animal welfare across the province. The government’s Provincial Animal Welfare Services (PAWS) Act established Ontario as the first jurisdiction in Canada to create a fully, provincially operated enforcement system and introduced the strongest penalties in the country for people who neglect and abuse animals.

The PAWS Advisory Table includes expert organizations representing multiple animal-related disciplines such as advocacy, industry, agriculture, sheltering, veterinarian care and enforcement. The table will provide input to the ministry to help improve animal welfare including informing the development of new regulations under the PAWS Act.

Tightening up safety and enforcement for towing industry

Tow trucks are an essential piece of a moving economy. New initiatives will ensure that the industry keeps moving in a positive direction.

The ministry is part of a government initiative to make roads and highways safer by addressing violence in the towing industry. The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and municipal police services will form a Joint Forces Operation team to investigate criminal activity in the towing industry with the goal of enhancing consumer protection and public safety. The province announced the launch of the first phase of a pilot that would introduce restricted tow zones on designated sections of provincial highways where one towing company will be contracted to help clear highways faster and safer within each zone. These initiatives were based on recommendations from a 2020 multi-ministry towing task force.

Investing in new infrastructure

Investing in Ontario’s frontline corrections workers

Creating a better and safer environment for hard-working frontline staff will help strengthen Ontario’s corrections system.

The ministry is investing more than $500 million over five years to transform correctional facilities across the province. The funding will be used to modernize outdated infrastructure, address overcrowding, improve services and hire 500 new staff to respond to challenges within the system such as mental health and addiction issues. Hiring additional staff will also help ensure Ontario is complying with its obligations regarding the use of segregation.

The modernization of ageing infrastructure, including building additional day rooms and modifications to recreational yards will allow the province to provide more effective programming space.

Eastern Region Strategy will modernize facilities and support economic recovery

Modernizing outdated infrastructure and building new facilities will create a better and safer environment for our hard-working frontline staff and address overcrowding in many of our institutions.

The ministry launched an Eastern Region Strategy to address outdated correctional infrastructure in Eastern Ontario. The first of its kind strategy will coordinate and modernize Eastern Ontario’s correctional services infrastructure with new construction and building upgrades to improve facilities, address issues of overcrowding and create new spaces for the delivery of mental health services, inmate programs and staff training.

The modernization strategy includes:

  • Building a new Eastern Ontario Correctional Complex.
  • Replacing the Brockville Jail with a new facility that will increase capacity and improve access to services and programming in the area. Brockville Jail was built in 1842 and is currently the oldest in the province.
  • Expanding the St. Lawrence Valley Correctional and Treatment Centre and Quinte Detention Centre to improve mental health services for women who are incarcerated and add capacity.
  • Renovate the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre to better accommodate programming for inmates and other initiatives.

The Eastern Region Strategy will provide benefits throughout the area for years to come including, creating jobs and supporting local businesses during construction, and providing jobs to local residents once the projects are completed.

Strengthening Ontario’s correctional system in the North

Expansion of correctional facilities in Thunder Bay and Kenora will provide Indigenous individuals in custody with greater opportunities for skills development, education and literacy.

The ministry announced plans to expand correctional services infrastructure in Thunder Bay and Kenora as part of a strategy to invest more than $500 million over five years to transform correctional services and improve health and safety through new hiring and infrastructure improvements. Expansion at the Thunder Bay Correctional Centre and Kenora Jail will allow for increased access to literacy, skills development and technology programs to support safe reintegration into the community. These projects will also help address overcrowding in Kenora and Thunder Bay during construction of a new, state-of-the-art Thunder Bay Correctional Complex.

Ontario opens new OPP communications centre in London

Ensuring Ontario’s provincial police officers and staff have the state-of-the-art facilities, equipment and technology they need to fight crime and keep people safe.

The ministry opened a new, leading-edge OPP Provincial Communications Centre (PCC) in London. This new high-tech facility is providing OPP officers and civilian staff with the modern communications technology needed to better serve and protect surrounding communities.

The new 35,000 square-foot PCC houses 135 civilian members and officers who handle emergency and non-emergency calls for service. Equipped with advanced technology, the facility serves an assigned area of more than 170,000 square kilometers with a population that reaches approximately 850,000 during the summer months. The new PCC will also support other OPP jurisdictions as needed and provides OPP officers and civilian members with the space they need to conduct their work in an improved workplace environment. The London PCC is one of five OPP PCCs across the province that operate 24/7 answering calls for service.

OPP modernization

Infrastructure modernization projects are essential to the safety and security of communities while ensuring first responders have what they need to do their jobs as effectively as possible.

The ministry opened new OPP detachments in Clinton, Fort Frances, Hawkesbury, Little Current, Marathon, Mississauga, Moosonee, Orillia and West Parry Sound in 2020-21, completing a $182 million OPP modernization project to replace nine aging detachments across the province. The buildings were at the end of their lifespan and no longer met the requirements of today’s police operations.

The new facilities are providing frontline police officers and OPP civilian staff with the leading-edge equipment and technology they need to better serve and protect their communities.

Expanding frontline training and testing

Redesigning correctional officer training

Correctional officers make a vital contribution to Ontario’s justice system and are essential partners in keeping our communities safe.

The ministry has introduced a modernized training program for correctional officers that places increased emphasis on key areas such as human rights, mental health, health and safety, and teamwork. The new curriculum includes more job-specific case studies and scenario-based learning with course material on anti-Black racism, Indigenous cultural training and inmate management techniques. This new approach builds critical-thinking, decision-making and problem-solving skills so graduates are better prepared to respond to real life situations. The training also focuses on improved communication and de-escalation skills.

Building pathways to careers in corrections

Compensating new recruits and leveraging technology for training will help encourage more people to consider a career that contributes to the safety and well-being of our communities.

The ministry took important steps to remove barriers to employment in corrections in 2020-21. An 18-month pilot project with Hamilton-based Mohawk College to offer the virtual delivery of the corrections foundational training program was launched. The ministry also began providing compensation for new correctional officer recruits while undergoing training. Compensating new recruits and providing more opportunities for training reduces financial and geographic barriers to recruitment. It also helps to increase diversity and access to correctional officer employment across the province, including Northern Ontario.

New correctional officer recruits receive compensation to cover eight weeks of online and in-person training. The agreement with Mohawk College is the first comprehensive training partnership between the province and an Ontario community college. It covers topics such as human rights, communication, de-escalation, mental health and anti-racism. The Correctional Services Recruitment and Training Centre in Hamilton will continue to provide the skills-based practical and experiential training components.

Making online security guard and private investigator testing more reliable and accessible

Online testing will help expand Ontario’s capacity to train and qualify security guards and private investigators who are an essential part of public safety and community well-being.

The ministry launched a new, online testing option for individuals seeking to obtain a licence to become a security guard or private investigator. This modern testing option will eliminate the need for applicants to travel to a testing location. Up to 12 online test sessions will be offered daily, with testing available in English and French. Applicants who select the online testing option choose from a range of dates and times when sessions will be offered. The new online option improves capacity to test more individuals and makes the overall process easier, more reliable and accessible.

Supporting the front lines

Increasing mental health support for OPP personnel

The current COVID-19covid 19 outbreak reinforces how much we rely on frontline workers and why it is so important to look after their mental health and well-being.

The ministry has hired new psychologists and other mental health professionals to support Ontario Provincial Police personnel as part of a larger government initiative to immediately expand online and virtual mental health supports, including frontline workers, during the COVID-19covid 19 outbreak.

The hiring of additional mental health professionals for the OPP is in response to recommendations made by the OPP Independent Review Panel set up in April 2019 to examine the OPP’s workplace culture, including issues of mental health, occupational stress injuries and suicide among its members.

The mental health professionals will:

  • Provide clinical services to all members and civilians, and make referrals to external services if needed.
  • Develop and deliver mental health support programming specific to unique policing needs such as geographic, specialized services and cultural needs.
  • Facilitate educational programs to both uniform and civilian members to reduce stigma to help normalize mental health difficulties, and promote resiliency and access to resources when facing mental health challenges.
  • Provide guidance to peer supporters.

Enhancing safety for probation and parole officers in the north

Each action taken to protect frontline corrections workers is an important step forward in strengthening workplace safety and public safety in our communities.

The ministry is providing new, leading-edge monitoring devices to help protect probation and parole staff in remote locations. Probation and parole officers supervise and report on offenders to ensure they are complying with probation requirements. Those who work in remote areas face unique challenges such as isolation and the inability to dispatch emergency services.

The new devices replace outdated equipment to better protect officers through satellite communications, location technology and automatic incident detection. Each device provides two-way voice and text communication and enhanced live monitoring such as fall and no-motion detection, silent alarm activation and missed check-ins, allowing for quicker notification to emergency personnel in crisis situations.

Table 3: Ministry interim actual expenditures 2020-21
Item Amount
COVID-19covid 19 ($M) $95.7
Other operating ($M) $2,837.4
Capital ($M) $37.8
Staff strength as of March 31, 2021 (Ontario Public Service full-time equivalent positions) 17,868.32

Note: Interim actuals reflect the numbers presented in the 2021 Ontario Budget.