
A sentenced offender can be released from custody at several points while they are serving their sentence. The offender can be released on the:

  • parole eligibility date
  • discharge possible date
  • final warrant expiry date

Parole eligibility

Parole is early, conditional release from custody granted by the Ontario Parole Board. It allows a carefully screened offender to:

  • be released from custody before the end of their sentence
  • serve the latter portion of their sentence under supervision in the community

In Ontario, an offender serving a sentence of two years or less can apply for parole consideration to the Ontario Parole Board.

An offender serving a sentence of more than two years in a federal penitentiary has their application for parole considered by the Parole Board of Canada.

Parole eligibility date

The parole eligibility date is the earliest date an offender may be released from custody by the Ontario Parole Board.

Being released on parole is not a right, it is earned. An offender becomes eligible for parole if they have:

  • served one-third of their aggregate or combined sentence
  • met the criteria set by the parole board

Parole can also be ordered at any time where there are compelling or exceptional circumstances, even if the offender has reached not served one-third of their sentence.

If released on parole, an offender serves their remaining sentence in the community until the full sentence is complete. The parole is served under the terms and conditions set down by the Ontario Parole Board.

Discharge possible date

The discharge possible date is the earliest possible date an offender may be released from custody. The date:

  • includes any earned remission credits the offender has accumulated
  • is equal to about two-thirds of the offender's aggregate or combined sentence

Final warrant expiry date

The final warrant expiry date is the latest date on which an offender’s sentence or sentences end.

This date may be extended if an offender:

  • has been on bail pending an appeal of their sentence
  • is unlawfully at large after parole has been suspended or after escaping from custody