Appendix A
Statutes Administered by the Minister of Infrastructure

Building Broadband Faster Act, 2021

Centennial Centre of Science and Technology Act

Electricity Act, 1998, in respect of Part IX.1

Forfeited Corporate Property Act, 2015

GO Transit Station Funding Act, 2023

Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015

Legislative Assembly Act, in respect of sections 107.1.1, 108.1, 108.2, 108.3, 108.4 and 108.5

Ministry of Infrastructure Act, 2011

Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011

Ontario Place Corporation Act

Ontario Place Corporation Repeal Act, 2018

Queen’s Park Restoration Secretariat Act, 2023

Rebuilding Ontario Place Act, 2023

SkyDome Act (Bus Parking), 2002

Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation Act, 2002

Transit-Oriented Communities Act, 2020

Appendix B
Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Infrastructure


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Infrastructure under Order in Council O.C. 1198/2022 dated August 29, 2022, as amended, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Legislative Affairs under Order in Council O.C. 978/2023 dated June 29, 2023, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Infrastructure under Order in Council O.C. 1198/2022 dated August 29, 2022, as amended, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly.
  2. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously carried out by the Queen’s Park Restoration Secretariat under Order in Council O.C. 978/2023 dated June 29, 2023, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred accordingly.

Order in Council 1171/2024